npm cli with co/yield not ending - node.js

I'm attempting to write a node cli application. It works, however, it doesn't return back to the command line (at least not in Windows, haven't tried yet in bash). I have to Ctrl+Break out of the application.
#!/usr/bin/env node --harmony
var chalk = require('chalk');
var co = require('co');
var prompt = require('co-prompt');
var program = require('commander');
.option('-w, --workshop <workshop number>', 'workshop number to build')
co(function* () {
if (!program.workshop) {
program.workshop = yield prompt('Workshop: ');
return yield Promise.resolve(true);
}).then(function() {
console.log(chalk.bold.cyan('You entered: ') + program.workshop);
I've also tried it without the line return yield Promise.resolve(true); but that has no affect.
Any suggestions?

I had the same problem and found another solution in this co-prompt Github issue.
var co = require('co');
var prompt = require('co-prompt');
co(function* () {
var value = yield prompt('Value: ')
return value
}).then(function (value) {
// do whatever you need with the value
}).then(function () {
// when you are done you must pause stdin
// now the process will exit normally

For those interested... I'm not sure if this is the right way, but:
I ended up removing
return yield Promise.resolve(true);
Then adding as the last line of my .then function
Again, not sure if this is the best approach, but it does work.


module.exports return value undefined

Little info, i have an arp.js file which takes a subnet address "192.168.2" and gets all strings returned from arp -a and stores in an array.
I can't figure out why my arpList function is returning an undefined value in my index.js file.
All the console.logs are returning the correct values in the arp.js page when called from the index.js, but the ipObj is coming up undefined. Even the console.log before i return of ipObj works.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
var { spawn } = require('child_process');
const arpLs = spawn('arp', ['-a']);
var bufferData;
module.exports = {
arpList: function (subnet) {
arpLs.stdout.on('data', data => {
bufferData += data
arpLs.stderr.on('data', data => {
console.log('error: ' + data);
arpLs.on('exit', function (code) {
if (code != 0) {
console.log("Error exiting"); //if error occurs
console.log("exit start 1"); // checking internal processes at stages
var dataArray = bufferData.split(' ');
var ipArray = [];
for (i = 0; i < dataArray.length; i++) {
if (dataArray[i].includes(subnet)) {
console.log("loop working");
var ipObj = { "lanIps": ipArray };
console.log("Object is there: "+ipObj)
return ipObj; // this obj should be returned to the index.js call using
sayMyName: function () {
return "Hello";
//the index page looks like this
//var arp = require('./arp.js);
//var ipSubnet = "192.168.2";
//var lanIps = arp.arpList(ipSubnet);
I ended up adding a callback function to arpList - function (subnet, callback)
Then instead of returning the value pass it into the callback
Then on the index.js side instead of
var lanIps = arp.arpList(value)
i used
arp.arpList(value, function(res){lanIps = res}
return ipObj; // this obj should be returned to the index.js call using
It won't be returned. The reference say nothing about return value. Node-style callbacks rarely work like that because they are potentially asynchronous and returned value cannot be taken into account.
This a special case of this well-known problem. The process is asynchronous and is finished after arp.arpList(ipSubnet) call, there's nothing to assign to lanIps. This is a use case for promises. There are already third-party promisified counterparts like child-process-promise.
The problem can be also solved by moving to synchronous API. child_process functions have synchronous counterparts, including spawnSync.

How to get console.log line numbers shown in Nodejs?

Got an old application, that prints out quite a lot of messages using console.log, but I just can not find in which files and lines console.log is called.
Is there a way to hook into the app and show file name and line numbers?
Having full stack trace for each call is a bit noisy. I've just improved the #noppa's solution to print only the initiator:
['log', 'warn', 'error'].forEach((methodName) => {
const originalMethod = console[methodName];
console[methodName] = (...args) => {
let initiator = 'unknown place';
try {
throw new Error();
} catch (e) {
if (typeof e.stack === 'string') {
let isFirst = true;
for (const line of e.stack.split('\n')) {
const matches = line.match(/^\s+at\s+(.*)/);
if (matches) {
if (!isFirst) { // first line - current function
// second line - caller (what we are looking for)
initiator = matches[1];
isFirst = false;
originalMethod.apply(console, [...args, '\n', ` at ${initiator}`]);
It also patches other methods (useful for Nodejs, since warn and error don't come with a stack trace as in Chrome).
So your console would look something like:
Loading settings.json
at fs.readdirSync.filter.forEach (.../settings.js:21:13)
Server is running on http://localhost:3000 or
at (.../index.js:67:11)
For a temporary hack to find the log statements that you want to get rid of, it's not too difficult to override console.log yourself.
var log = console.log;
console.log = function() {
log.apply(console, arguments);
// Print the stack trace
// Somewhere else...
function foo(){
That will print something like
at Console.console.log (index.js:4:13)
at foo (index.js:10:13)
at Object.<anonymous> (index.js:12:1)
A lot of noise in there but the second line in the call stack, at foo (index.js:10:13), should point you to the right place.
All solutions to this question so far rely on splitting and matching the stack trace as a string, which will break in (the unlikely) case the format of that string is changed in the future. Inspired by this gist on GitHub and the other answers here, I want to provide my own solution:
'use strict';
const path = require('path');
['debug', 'log', 'warn', 'error'].forEach((methodName) => {
const originalLoggingMethod = console[methodName];
console[methodName] = (firstArgument, ...otherArguments) => {
const originalPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace;
Error.prepareStackTrace = (_, stack) => stack;
const callee = new Error().stack[1];
Error.prepareStackTrace = originalPrepareStackTrace;
const relativeFileName = path.relative(process.cwd(), callee.getFileName());
const prefix = `${relativeFileName}:${callee.getLineNumber()}:`;
if (typeof firstArgument === 'string') {
originalLoggingMethod(prefix + ' ' + firstArgument, ...otherArguments);
} else {
originalLoggingMethod(prefix, firstArgument, ...otherArguments);
// Tests:
console.log('%s %d', 'hi', 42);
console.log({ a: 'foo', b: 'bar'});
Unlike the other solutions, this script
outputs no additional lines and
handles string substitutions correctly.
You can color the prefix with chalk or color.js, but I didn't want to introduce dependencies for this here.
The above script uses the V8 API to customize stack traces. The callee is a CallSite object with the following methods in case you want to customize the prefix:
getThis: returns the value of this
getTypeName: returns the type of this as a string. This is the name of the function stored in the constructor field of this, if available, otherwise the object’s [[Class]] internal property.
getFunction: returns the current function
getFunctionName: returns the name of the current function, typically its name property. If a name property is not available an attempt is made to infer a name from the function’s context.
getMethodName: returns the name of the property of this or one of its prototypes that holds the current function
getFileName: if this function was defined in a script returns the name of the script
getLineNumber: if this function was defined in a script returns the current line number
getColumnNumber: if this function was defined in a script returns the current column number
getEvalOrigin: if this function was created using a call to eval returns a string representing the location where eval was called
isToplevel: is this a top-level invocation, that is, is this the global object?
isEval: does this call take place in code defined by a call to eval?
isNative: is this call in native V8 code?
isConstructor: is this a constructor call?
isAsync: is this an async call (i.e. await or Promise.all())?
isPromiseAll: is this an async call to Promise.all()?
getPromiseIndex: returns the index of the promise element that was followed in Promise.all() for async stack traces, or null if the CallSite is not a Promise.all() call.
This answer is a cross-post of an answer I just gave to a similar question as more people might find this page.
I found Dmitry Druganov's answer really nice, but I tried it on Windows 10 (with Node 8.9.4) and it didn't work well. It was printing the full path, something like:
Loading settings.json
at fs.readdirSync.filter.forEach (D:\Users\Piyin\Projects\test\settings.js:21:13)
Server is running on http://localhost:3000 or
at (D:\Users\Piyin\Projects\test\index.js:67:11)
So I took said answer and made these improvements (from my point of view):
Assume the important line of the stack trace is the third one (the first one is the word Error and the second one is where you place this script)
Remove the current script folder path (given by __dirname, which in my case is D:\Users\Piyin\Projects\test). Note: For this to work well, the script should be on the project's main Javascript
Remove the starting at
Place the file information before the actual log
Format the information as Class.method at path/to/file:line:column
Here it is:
['log','warn','error'].forEach((methodName) => {
const originalMethod = console[methodName];
console[methodName] = (...args) => {
try {
throw new Error();
} catch (error) {
.stack // Grabs the stack trace
.split('\n')[2] // Grabs third line
.trim() // Removes spaces
.substring(3) // Removes three first characters ("at ")
.replace(__dirname, '') // Removes script folder path
.replace(/\s\(./, ' at ') // Removes first parentheses and replaces it with " at "
.replace(/\)/, '') // Removes last parentheses
And here's the new output:
fs.readdirSync.filter.forEach at settings.js:21:13
Loading settings.json at index.js:67:11
Server is running on http://localhost:3000 or
Here's the minified-by-hand code (240 bytes):
['log','warn','error'].forEach(a=>{let b=console[a];console[a]=(...c)=>{try{throw new Error}catch(d){b.apply(console,[d.stack.split('\n')[2].trim().substring(3).replace(__dirname,'').replace(/\s\(./,' at ').replace(/\)/,''),'\n',...c])}}});
Slightly modified version of noppa's answer, this version will output something like:
The stuff you want to log.
This is clean and convenient (especially for use in VSCode - which will turn the file path into a link).
const { log } = console;
function proxiedLog(...args) {
const line = (((new Error('log'))
.stack.split('\n')[2] || '…')
.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/) || [, 'not found'])[1];, `${line}\n`, ...args);
} = proxiedLog;
console.log = proxiedLog;
// test
The snippet will only work well in a NodeJS environment…
Appends the line number to the end of the log
const stackTrace = function () {
let obj = {}
Error.captureStackTrace(obj, stackTrace)
return obj.stack
const getLine = function (stack) {
let matchResult = stack.match(/\(.*?\)|\s.+/g) || []
let arr = => {
return it.split(' ').pop().replace(/\(|\)/g, '')
return arr[1] ?? ''
const log = function (...args) {
let stack = stackTrace() || ''
let matchResult = getLine(stack)
let line = matchResult
for (var i in arguments) {
if (typeof arguments[i] == 'object') {
// util.inspect(arguments[i], false, 2, false)
arguments[i] = JSON.stringify(arguments[i])
arguments[i] += ' ' + line
console.log.apply(console, arguments)
Simple & exhaustive solution if you want to temporarily find the origin of logs:
const logOriginal = process.stdout.write
// #ts-ignore
const log = (msg) =>, msg + '\n')
;['stdout', 'stderr'].forEach((stdName) => {
// #ts-ignore
var methodOriginal = process[stdName].write
// #ts-ignore
process[stdName].write = function (...args) {
// #ts-ignore
methodOriginal.apply(process[stdName], args)
// #ts-ignore
log(new Error().stack.replace(/^Error/, 'LOGGED FROM:'))
Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity
const showName = (name) => {

Retrieve stdout to variable

I’m trying to run child process in next code:
run = function (cmd, callback) {
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var command = spawn(cmd);
var result = '';
command.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
result += data.toString();
command.on('exit', function () {
execQuery = function (cmd) {
var result = {
errnum: 0,
error: 'No errors.',
body: ''
run(cmd, function (message) {
result.body = message;
return result;
After execution execQuery('ls') result.body is always empty, but console.log is contain value.
I ran a quick test and the command's exit event is firing before all of stdouts data is drained. I at least got the output captured and printed if I changed your exit handler to look for command.stdout's end event.
command.stdout.on('end', function () {
That should help a bit. Note there are existing libraries you might want to use for this and a truly correct implementation would be significantly more involved than what you have, but my change should address your current roadblock problem.
Random tip: it is the node convention to always reserve the first argument of callback functions for an error and your snippet is inconsistent with that convention. You probably should adjust to match the convention.
Oh sorry, let me address your question about result.body. The run function is ASYNCHRONOUS! That means that your return result; line of code executes BEFORE the run callback body where result.body = message; is. You can't use return values like that anywhere in node when you have I/O involved. You have to use a callback.

Node.js synchronous prompt

I'm using the prompt library for Node.js and I have this code:
var fs = require('fs'),
prompt = require('prompt'),
toCreate = toCreate.toLowerCase(),
stats = fs.lstatSync('./' + toCreate);
var property = {
name: 'yesno',
message: 'Directory esistente vuoi continuare lo stesso? (y/n)',
validator: /y[es]*|n[o]?/,
warning: 'Must respond yes or no',
default: 'no'
prompt.get(property, function(err, result) {
if(result === 'no'){
console.log("creating ", toCreate);
console.log('\nAll done, exiting'.green.inverse);
If the prompt is show it seems that it doesn't block code execution but the execution continues and the last two messages by the console are shown while I still have to answer the question.
Is there a way to make it blocking?
With flatiron's prompt library, unfortunately, there is no way to have the code blocking. However, I might suggest my own sync-prompt library. Like the name implies, it allows you to synchronously prompt users for input.
With it, you'd simply issue a function call, and get back the user's command line input:
var prompt = require('sync-prompt').prompt;
var name = prompt('What is your name? ');
// User enters "Mike".
console.log('Hello, ' + name + '!');
// -> Hello, Mike!
var hidden = true;
var password = prompt('Password: ', hidden);
// User enters a password, but nothing will be written to the screen.
So give it a try, if you'd like.
Bear in mind: DO NOT use this on web applications. It should only be used on command line applications.
Since Node.js 8, you can do the following using async/await:
const readline = require('readline');
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
function readLineAsync(message) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
rl.question(message, (answer) => {
// Leverages Node.js' awesome async/await functionality
async function demoSynchronousPrompt() {
var promptInput = await readLineAsync("Give me some input >");
console.log("Won't be executed until promptInput is received", promptInput);
Since IO in Node doesn't block, you're not going to find an easy way to make something like this synchronous. Instead, you should move the code into the callback:
prompt.get(property, function (err, result) {
if(result === 'no'){
console.log("creating ", toCreate);
console.log('\nAll done, exiting'.green.inverse);
or else extract it and call the extracted function:
prompt.get(property, function (err, result) {
if(result === 'no'){
} else {
function doCreate() {
console.log("creating ", toCreate);
console.log('\nAll done, exiting'.green.inverse);
Old question, I know, but I just found the perfect tool for this. readline-sync gives you a synchronous way to collect user input in a node script.
It's dead simple to use and it doesn't require any dependencies (I couldn't use sync-prompt because of gyp issues).
From the github readme:
var readlineSync = require('readline-sync');
// Wait for user's response.
var userName = readlineSync.question('May I have your name? ');
console.log('Hi ' + userName + '!');
I'm not affiliated with the project in any way, but it just made my day, so I had to share.
I've come across this thread and all the solutions either:
Don't actually provide a syncronous prompt solution
Are outdated and don't work with new versions of node.
And for that reason I have created syncprompt
. Install it with npm i --save syncprompt and then just add:
var prompt = require('syncprompt');
For example, this will allow you to do:
var name = prompt("Please enter your name? ");
It also supports prompting for passwords:
var topSecretPassword = prompt("Please enter password: ", true);
Vorpal.js is a library I made that has just recently been released. It provides synchronous command execution with an interactive prompt, like you are asking. The below code will do what you are asking:
var vorpal = require('vorpal')();
vorpal.command('do sync')
.action(function (args) {
return 'i have done sync';
With the above, the prompt will come back after a second is up (only after callback is called).
This is dependency free, synchronous and works on Windows, Linux and OSX:
// Synchronously prompt for input
function prompt(message)
// Write message
// Work out shell command to prompt for a string and echo it to stdout
let cmd;
let args;
if (os.platform() == "win32")
cmd = 'cmd';
args = [ '/V:ON', '/C', 'set /p response= && echo !response!' ];
cmd = 'bash';
args = [ '-c', 'read response; echo "$response"' ];
// Pipe stdout back to self so we can read the echoed value
let opts = {
stdio: [ 'inherit', 'pipe', 'inherit' ],
shell: false,
// Run it
return child_process.spawnSync(cmd, args, opts).stdout.toString().trim();
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(1024);
require("fs").readSync(process.stdin.fd, buffer);
You can use prompt-sync
const prompt = require('prompt-sync')()
const ans = prompt('How many more times? ') // get input from the user.
P.S. prompt-sync acts weird, if prompt message contains new line character, so if you need multiline prompt just use console.log():
const prompt = require('prompt-sync')()
console.log('How many more times?\n')
const ans = prompt('') // get input from the user.

Does node.js support yield?

Is there any way to get generators into node.js?
I'm currently faking them with callbacks, but I have to remember to check the response of the callback inside of my generator function which creates a lot of if (callback(arg) === false) return;
I want something like in python:
for p in primes():
if p > 100: break
which I'm doing in node like this:
primes(function(p) {
if (p > 100) return false;
Maybe something like coffeescript could help?
Yes, since version 0.11. Enjoy!
The answer is "not currently" but Marcel seems to be my hero. Lets hope this goes somewhere:!msg/nodejs/BNs3OsDYsYw/oCsWBw9AWC0J
You can use generators in Node.js, but only in 0.11+. Node.js 0.12 (stable) is now available. Add --harmony_generators or --harmony to the command line parameters of node to enable it.
With Traceur, you can compile advanced JavaScript to vanilla JavaScript. You could make a loader for node.js that does this on-the-fly. Since it runs on, and compiles to vanilla JavaScript, it runs in node.js < 0.11 as well as in the browser.
Facebook has developed a lighter version that only supports generators, called Regenerator. It works similarly to Traceur.
Apparently not in the current stable version. You can however achieve the same using node-fibers + promises.
Here is my implementation:
var fiber = require('fibers');
module.exports.yield = function (promise) {
var currentFiber = fiber.current;
.then(function (value) {;
.otherwise(function (reason) {
return fiber.yield();
module.exports.spawn = function (makeGenerator) {
fiber(function () {
makeGenerator.apply(this,, 1));
And a sample code on how it works: (query.find returns a promise)
var generators = require('./utils/generators');
var query = require('./utils/query');
generators.spawn(function () {
try {
var field1 = generators.yield(query.find('user', { _id : '1' }));
var field2 = generators.yield(query.find('user', { _id : '2' }));
console.log('success', field1[0]._id, field2[0]._id);
catch (e) {
console.error('error', e);
You might check out wu.js at It has lots of interesting iterator functions.
Yes and no.
var myGen = (function () {
var i = 0;
return function () {
i++; return i; }
var i;
while ((i = myGen()) < 100 ) {
do something; }
As you see, you can implement something like one using closures, but it does not have native generators.
The issue proposing generatiors in v8 has recently been accepted by v8 project member.
Please vote there to make yield come true.
Update 2014: Node does support callbacks now. The following is a post from 2010.
You should use callbacks. If the function does something asynchronously, you may also want a continuation callback (continuation is a bad word, since it also means something else, but you get my point.)
primes(function(p) {
if (p > 100) return false // i assume this stops the yielding
return true // it's also better to be consistent
}, function(err) { // fire when the yield callback returns false
if (err) throw err // error from whatever asynch thing you did
// continue...
Updated with example code
I flipped it, so that it returns true on complete (since null, false and undefined all evaluate to false anyways).
function primes(callback) {
var n = 1, a = true;
search: while (a) {
n += 1;
for (var i = 2; i <= Math.sqrt(n); i += 1)
if (n % i == 0)
continue search;
if (callback(n)) return
primes(function(p) {
if (p > 100) return true
We are using gnode for generators in node < 0.11.3 -
Yes Node.js and JavaScript now have both synchronous iterators (as of atleast Node v6) and asynchronous iterators (as of Node v10):
An example generator/iterator with synchronous output:
// semi-pythonic like range
function* range(begin=0, end, step=1) {
if(typeof end === "undefined") {
end = begin;
begin = 0;
for(let i = begin; i < end; i += step) {
yield i;
for(const number of range(1,30)) {
A similar async generator/iterator.
const timeout = (ms=1000) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async function* countSeconds(begin=0, end, step=1) {
if(typeof end === "undefined") {
end = begin;
begin = 0;
for(let i = begin; i < end; i += step) {
yield i;
await timeout(1000);
(async () => {
for await (const second of countSeconds(10)) {
There is a lot to explore here are some good links. I will probably update this answer with more information later:
Generator functions
Iterable Protocol
Iterator Protocol
Async Generators
Jake Archibald's Article on Async Generators
Async Iterators
for await ... of
