Infopath Form Web Part shifts/moves page off center - sharepoint

As you can see in the image below, when the InfoPath web part is placed on the SharePoint page (SharePoint 2013), it moves the page content area of the center.
This has happened on multiple pages. I can't seem to find any information about why this is happening.
Any help would be appreciated.

This is somehow a bug in SharePoint 2013 (check here). A quick resolution would be to add the following CSS to the page (in a hidden Content Editor WebPart or a Script Editor WebPart):
#sideNavBox {
display: none;

Paste this code in a script editor web part. Where it says WPQ2 change the 2 to the number of that webpart. You can find that by using Google Chrome inspect element. Modify the margins css to your liking.
<style type="text/css">
#MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ2 {
margin-top:-150px; }


How do I get search result from content with display:none - SharePoint

On a page I have added a content editor with text that has display none. How can I make the text with display:none searchable with SharePoint search?
To make hidden text from Content Editor Web Parts show up in search results, you need to use internal or external styling, not inline styles on the text itself.
The text below will be shown in search results:
.hidden { display: none; }
<p class="hidden">This text will be indexed by the search engine.</p>
This text, however, will not be shown in search results:
<p style="display: none">This text will not be indexed by the search engine.</p>
In addition, you need to update the Search and Offline Availability settings for your site to make sure the web part is actually indexed. To do this, go to Site Settings and look under the Search category, then click Search and Offline Availability. On the following page, you need to set Indexing ASPX Page Content to Always index all Web Parts on this site. Please read the description for that setting to be aware of the potential side effects, though.
I found this solution here. I have tested it on SharePoint 2013 and can confirm that it works.

putting an image and putting a wiki page on top of the image

I am very new to SharePoint. I want to create a web part that has an image in the background. For this, I went to insert at the top of the SharePoint page. Below is the image:
I want to insert the image first from the list of parts available in the web part and then I want to select application list so that application list can come on the top of the image. How can I achieve that? or is it possible to put the image first and then put a list on top of it.
any help will be highly appreciated.
You could add custom background image to the list view webpart zone.
Sample demo:
Insert a Content/Script Editor Web Part into the page and insert this code snippet into Web Part.
<style type="text/css">
background-image:url(‘Your image url’);
Find the zone id #MSOZoneCell_WebPartWPQ2 by developer tool.

how and where to add CSS style in sharepoint

SharePoint 2010 is upgraded to SharePoint 2013 and the problem I see the font-szie is very big. I checked and compared ms-vb class should have font-size 8 and font-type : verdana, arial etc.
Where can I add these 2 properties in my site? I don't have access to the " _layout/15/1033/ " folder.
I don't want to create for everypage a contenteditor and adding a style.
Where can I add these the styles then? I do have access to the site via SharePoint Designer 2013.
The change should only affect the site collection and the sites within... not the parent sites.
.ms-vb or
font-size: 8pt;
font-style: "verdana, arial";
NOTE: I may not update Masterpage (no rights). There are many site collections and different people are responsible for it. I'm just responsible for my site collection with 160 subsites. So is there a way to add a CSS class in somewhere for ONCE and get ONLY my site collection be affected?
in otherwords, is there a place to CSS class or file that only affects the current site colleciton? or in another words is there a CSS at SITE collection level. (current site collection)?
You should create a new style sheet or add an override within the existing style.css located in _catalogs/masterpage/style.css. Then reference this from the masterPage. Or if you want to be bad, add the script element directly in the MP
.ms-vb or
font-size: 8pt !important;
font-style: "verdana, arial" !important;
If you have the security rights to create or edit the site masterpage, you can add a style element that will be applied to all pages in that site, or even better, link to a new CSS file you create in the Style Library.
EDIT: if you don't have the ability to edit a masterpage, you can "Specify a CSS file to be used by this site and all sites that inherit from it" in the Site Master Page Settings under Alternate CSS URL.

How can I specify a background image for a content query Webpart in SharePoint 2010?

How can I style the background of a content query webpart in SharePoint 2010?
I have been having a look around, and can't seem to figure it out. I am able to edit the individual item styles using the ItemStyle.xsl file in SharePoint designer, but I need a background image on the container.
I have referenced the class that is generated by SharePoint - 'WebPartWPQ4' - in CSS, and made it work that way, but that changes the styles for all web parts in the system. (This also feels like a bit of a hack)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It is totally okay that you try to override custom styles in your css (although 'WebPartWPQ4' is not the best choice). However, to get what you need, just ensure that the web part you want to style has some wrapper around it and change selector in your css to .wrapper > .WebPartWPQ4 so that only this instance of the web part gets styled.
The way I have solved this is to wrap the webpart zone in a div in the .aspx page file.
You can then reference this div in a css file.

change the position of Ribbon Tabs to the right in SharePoint foundation 2010 Master Page

I want to change the position of Ribbon Tabs to the right in SharePoint foundation 2010 Master Page.
But i am not able to find any Controls related to Tabs(like:Ribbon.Tab) in "v4.master" using SharePoint Designer 2010.
similar like below image.
This page details the operation needed.
Here is a breakdown of the essential controls laid out to better
understand how it all works:
1. <SPRibbon PlaceholderElementId=”RibbonContainer”>
2. <SharePoint:SPRibbonPeripheralContent Location=”TabRowLeft”>
3. <SharePoint:SiteActions>
4. <asp:ContentPlaceHolder id=”PlaceHolderGlobalNavigation”> <SharePoint:PopoutMenu ID=”GlobalBreadCrumbNavPopout”> <SharePoint:PageStateActionButton>
5. <SharePoint:SPRibbonPeripheralContent Location=”TabRowRight”>
Applying information from here, the following seems to do the trick (add it to the master page)
/* [ReplaceColor(themeColor:"Dark2-Lighter")] */
border-bottom:1px solid #cad2db;
