Running a website/web application that analyzes big data - web

Hello i have this website where the server has in its database 2-3 GB of data and i want the user to run a query to get the data and analyze it (for example the user can put age>15) and then press the button that says cluster to do clustering in that data , then the user sees that with libraries like d3.js.
how to do it ? Can i link Hadoop or something like that with php /nodejs ?
Any suggestion

I think that your size of data is not relevant to use as BigData Stack.
Maybe configure your RDMS to perform well with your requests could solve your problem.
In size of GB it will not give you a nice response in Hadoop... In your case, if you need small latency I suggest Cassndra or maybe Redis for the request.
Don't use Hadoop for GB.

You should use RDBMS, which will provide better results, if configured right. RDBMSs are easy to be intergrated into web applications.
Hadoop is a distirbuted file system, and should be used for way more than GBs of data, otherwise it will just slow you down.

We need more information.
Depends on the data store, type of data we can go with different options
Option 1:
Relational data base can store Terabytes of data in clustered platform with replication set either though log shipping / streaming can handle the GB of storage . Then comes the analysis . It depends on how the data is stored. MS SQL server can easily handle Tera bytes of data and apply analytics engine on top. This is the option if we are storing the data in denormalised way and ACID is a key factor. Transaction aware.
option 2
If the data is received and stored in document model (JSON) and consistency and replication is factor rather than availability . MongoDB is the best in market which we can set in primary , secondary setup . The javascript interpreter in mongo shell will help data handling very efficiently.
Option 3
If consistency and ACID is not a constraint and availability and data is stored as key value . The best bet is Cassandra. Built a better has and Terabytes of data will be an ease as it replicates across nodes with in DC or cross DC. Better hash key definition is a major factor for sharding here


Is it hacky to do RF=ALL + CL=TWO for a small frequently used Cassandra table?

I plan to enhance the search for our retail service, which is managed by DataStax. We have data of about 500KB in raw from our wheels and tires and could be compressed and encrypted to about 20KB. This table is frequently used and changes about every day. We send the data to the frontend, which will be processed with Next.js later. Now we want to store this data in a single row table in a separate keyspace with a consistency level of TWO and RF equal to all nodes, replicating the table to all of the nodes.
Now the question: Is this solution hacky or abnormal? Is any solution rather this that fits best in this situation?
The quick answer to your question is yes, it is a hacky solution to do RF=ALL.
The table is very small so there is no benefit to replicating it to all nodes in the cluster. In practice, the tables are so small that the data will be cached anyway.
Since you are running with DataStax Enterprise (DSE), you might as well take advantage of the DSE In-Memory feature which allows you to keep data in RAM to save from disk seeks. Since your table can easily fit in RAM, it is a perfect use case for DSE In-Memory.
To configure the table to run In-Memory, set the table's compaction strategy to MemoryOnlyStrategy:
CREATE TABLE inmemorytable (
) WITH compaction= {'class': 'MemoryOnlyStrategy'}
AND caching = {'keys':'NONE', 'rows_per_partition':'NONE'};
To alter the configuration of an existing table:
ALTER TABLE inmemorytable
WITH compaction= {'class': 'MemoryOnlyStrategy'}
AND caching = {'keys':'NONE', 'rows_per_partition':'NONE'};
Note that tables configured with DSE In-Memory are still persisted to disk so you won't lose any data in the event of a power outage or service disruption. In-Memory tables operate the same as regular tables so the same backup and restore processes still apply with the only difference being that a copy of the data is kept in memory for faster read performance.
For details, see DataStax Enterprise In-Memory. Cheers!

Best way to fill up a Cassandra Database

I am looking at the best way to pre fill a cassandra database using a custom table.
Is there any method to insert lets say 100GB of data, other than using for example cassandra-stress ?
This is just for a POC, no real dat.
What I want to achieve is to have 2 data sets, one with 50GB of Data and the other with 100GB.
It can be dummy data.
Thanks !
Besides cassandra-stress there are better tools:
NoSQLBench - initially developed inside DataStax for load testing, it's now open source. It's very flexible & performant. It includes several built-in workloads that you can use
tlp-stress - provides several built-in workloads, and is also quite performant.
In both cases, the size of the data on disk will depend on the data itself - because data is compressed, it depends on the data structure on how good they are compressed.

Use Cases for Spark

We have an application which the clients use to track their procurement cycle. We need to build a solution which will help the users to pull any column from any table in a particular subject area and they should be able to see all the rows of the result of this join of the tables from which the columns have been pulled. It needs to be similar to a Salesforce kind of reporting solution. We are looking at HDFS and Spark in Azure HDInsight to support these kind of querying capabilities. We would like to know if this is a valid use case for Spark. The volume of the joins of all tables can easily touch 500 million rows which will be pulled into the Spark driver memory before being displayed to the user.
Please let me know if this is something that can be done using Spark.
As per my understanding, Spark is mostly used for batch processing. If your use case is directly user-facing, then I am doubtful about using Spark because there may be better solutions(or alternate architectures). Becuase joining 500 million rows in realtime sounds crazy!
The volume of the joins of all tables can easily touch 500 million rows which will be pulled into the Spark driver memory before being displayed to the user.
This is another thing that puzzled me. Pulling all the 500 million rows into RAM of a single java process doesn't sound right because of the obvious reasons.
Just using spark for processing huge data will not be effective for realtime solutions(like your use case). But, Spark will be very effective if you are going to pre-process your data, cache the results using some other system, prepare views using the results can be served to your users. More or less similar to Lambda Architecture.
Spark on Yarn cluster to periodically process the data and generate/update the different views, a distributed storage system (preferably columnar storage systems) to cache the views, a REST API to serve the views to users.
Late reply to the question, but in case someone else is reading this in future. AWS Redshift does exactly this.

Running two instances of MongoDB

I am working on a highly I/O Intensive application (A selection based on the availability of seats) using MERN Stack.
The app is expected to get 2000 concurrent users.
I want to know whether it's wise to use two instances of MongoDB, one on the RAM (in memory) and another on the Hard drive.
The RAM one to be used to store the available seats.
And the Hard drive one to backup the data after regular intervals.
But at the same time I know that if the server crashes my MongoDB data on the RAM is lost.
Could anyone guide me please?
I am using Socket IO instead of AJAX...
I don't think you need this. You can get a good server, with a good amount of RAM, and if you create your indexes correctly, everything should work fine.
Also Mongo 3 won't lock the entire database on each update, like Mongo 2 used to do.
I believe the best approach would be using something like Memcached in order to improve reads. Also, in order to improve database performance and have automated failover use sharding and replica sets.
Consider also that you would have headaches when your server restarted and you lose your data...
This seems unnecessary, because MongoDB already behaves exactly like that out-of-the-box.
The old engine (MMAPv1) was using memory-mapped files, which means that if you have as much RAM as you have data, it practically behaves like an in-memory database with automatic hard-drive backing.
The new engine (Wired Tiger) works a bit different in detail, but the same in general. It allows you to set a cache size (config key storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.cacheSizeGB). When the cache size is as large enough, you again have an in-memory database with automatic hard-drive mirroring.
More about that in the storage FAQ.
What you are talking about is a scaling problem. You have two options when it comes to scaling: Add resources causing the bottleneck to your existing setup (more RAM and faster disks, usually) or expand your setup. You should first add resources, almost up to the point where adding resources does not give you an according bang for the buck.
At some point, this "scaling up" will not be feasible any more and you have to distribute the load amongst more nodes.
MongoDB comes with a feature for distributing load amongst (logical) nodes: sharding.
Basically, it works like this: multiple replica sets each form a logical node called a shard. Each shard in turn only holds a subset of your data. Instead of connecting to the shards directly, you acres your data via a mongos query router which is aware of which shard holds the data to answer the query and where to write new data.
By carefully selecting your shard key, your reads and writes should be evenly distributed between the shards.
Side note: putting production data on a standalone instance instead of a replica set crosses the border of negligence in my book. Given the prices of today's (rented) hardware, it has never been easier to eliminate a single point of failure than with a MongoDB replica set.

Choosing a NoSQL database

I need a NoSQL database that will run on Windows Azure that works well for the following parameters. Right now Azure Table Storage, HBase and Cassandra seems to be the most promising options.
1 billion entities
up to 100 reads per second, though caching will mostly make it much less
around 10 - 50 writes per second
Strong consistency would be a plus, so perhaps HBase would be better than Cassandra in that regard.
Querying will often be done on a secondary in-memory database with various indexes in addition to ElasticSearch or Windows Azure Search for fulltext search and perhaps some filtering.
Azure Table Storage looks like it could be nice, but from what I can tell, the big difference between Azure Table Storage and HBase is that HBase supports updating and reading values for a single property instead of the whole entity at once. I guess there must be some disadvantages to HBase however, but I'm not sure what they would be in this case.
I also think looks like it could be interesting, but I wonder if there might be unforseen problems.
Anyone have any other ideas of the advantages and disadvantages of the different databases in this case, and if any of them are really unsuited for some reason?
I currently work with Cassandra and I might help with a few pros and cons.
Cassandra can easily handle those 3 requirements. It was designed to have fast reads and writes. In fact, Cassandra is blazing fast with writes, mostly because you can write without doing a read.
Also, Cassandra keeps some of its data in memory, so you could even avoid the secondary database.
In Cassandra you choose the consistency in each query you make, therefore you can have consistent data if you want to. Normally you use:
ONE - Only one node has to get or accept the change. This means fast reads/writes, but low consistency (You can have other machine delivering the older information while consistency was not achieved).
QUORUM - 51% of your nodes must get or accept the change. This means not as fast reads and writes, but you get FULL consistency IF you use it in BOTH reads and writes. That's because if more than half of your nodes have your data after you inserted/updated/deleted, then, when reading from more than half your nodes, at least one node will have the most recent information, which would be the one to be delivered.
Both this options are the ones recommended because they avoid single points of failure. If all machines had to accept, if one node was down or busy, you wouldn't be able to query.
Cassandra is the solution for performance, linear scalability and avoid single points of failure (You can have machines down, the others will take the work). And it does most of its management work automatically. You don't need to manage the data distribution, replication, etc.
The downsides of Cassandra are in the modeling and queries.
With a relational database you model around the entities and the relationships between them. Normally you don't really care about what queries will be made and you work to normalize it.
With Cassandra the strategy is different. You model the tables to serve the queries. And that happens because you can't join and you can't filter the data any way you want (only by its primary key).
So if you have a database for a company with grocery stores and you want to make a query that returns all products of a certain store (Ex.: New York City), and another query to return all products of a certain department (Ex.: Computers), you would have two tables "ProductsByStore" and "ProductsByDepartment" with the same data, but organized differently to serve the query.
Materialized Views can help with this, avoiding the need to change in multiple tables, but it is to show how things work differently with Cassandra.
Denormalization is also common in Cassandra for the same reason: Performance.
