How to write incrementally to a text file and flush output - node.js

My Node.js program - which is an ordinary command line program that by and large doesn't do anything operationally unusual, nothing system-specific or asynchronous or anything like that - needs to write messages to a file from time to time, and then it will be interrupted with ^C and it needs the contents of the file to still be there.
I've tried using fs.createWriteStream but that just ends up with a 0-byte file. (The file does contain text if the program ends by running off the end of the main file, but that's not the scenario I have.)
I've tried using winston but that ends up not creating the file at all. (The file does contain text if the program ends by running off the end of the main file, but that's not the scenario I have.)
And fs.writeFile works perfectly when you have all the text you want to write up front, but doesn't seem to support appending a line at a time.
What is the recommended way to do this?
Edit: specific code I've tried:
var fs = require('fs')
var log = fs.createWriteStream('test.log')
for (var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
log.write(i + '\n')
Run for a few seconds, hit ^C, leaves a 0-byte file.

Turns out Node provides a lower level file I/O API that seems to work fine!
var fs = require('fs')
var log = fs.openSync('test.log', 'w')
for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
fs.writeSync(log, i + '\n')

NodeJS doesn't work in the traditional way. It uses a single thread, so by running a large loop and doing I/O inside, you aren't giving it a chance (i.e. releasing the CPU) to do other async operations for eg: flushing memory buffer to actual file.
The logic must be - do one write, then pass your function (which invokes the write) as a callback to process.nextTick or as callback to the write stream's drain event (if buffer was full during last write).
Here's a quick and dirty version which does what you need. Notice that there are no long-running loops or other CPU blockage, instead I schedule my subsequent writes for future and return quickly, momentarily freeing up the CPU for other things.
var fs = require('fs')
var log = fs.createWriteStream('test.log');
var i = 0;
function my_write() {
if (i++ < 1000000)
var res = log.write("" + i + "\r\n");
if (!res) {
} else {
console.log("Done" + i + " " + res + "\r\n");

This function might also be helpful.
* Write `data` to a `stream`. if the buffer is full will block
* until it's flushed and ready to be written again.
* [see](
export function write(data, stream) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (stream.write(data)) {
} else {
stream.once("drain", () => {"error", reject);
stream.once("error", reject);

You are writing into file using for loop which is bad but that's other case. First of all createWriteStream doesn't close the file automatically you should call close.
If you call close immediately after for loop it will close without writing because it's async.
For more info read here:
Problem is async function inside for loop.


Collect changes in a file every fixed time in node js

I have an external program that is streaming data to a csv file every now and then (but quit a lot).
I want to collect every 10 seconds all the changed data and do some processing on it.
means I want to process only lines I didn't processed before.
this is the basic code:
function myFunction() {
var loop = setInterval(
() =>
var instream = fs.createReadStream("rawData.csv"); //should somehow include only new data since last cycle
var outstream = fs.createWriteStream("afterProcessing.csv");
someProcessing(instream, outstream);
outstream.on('finish', () => {
//will exit the loop when 'run' flag will change to false
if(!run) ? clearInterval(loop) : console.log(`\nStill Running...\n`) ;
} , 10000 );
Now, I tried to work with chokidar and but I couldn't figure out how to use them in this case.
fs.createReadStream can take a start parameter
options can include start and end values to read a range of bytes from
the file instead of the entire file. Both start and end are inclusive
and start counting at 0
So you need to save the last position read, and use it on start.
You can get that using: instream.bytesRead.
let bytesRead = 0;
instream.on('end', () => {
bytesRead = instream.bytesRead;

NODEJS: Uncork() method on writable stream doesn't really flush the data

I am writing quite simple application to transform data - read one file and write to another. Files are relatively large - 2 gb. However, what I found is that flush to the file system is not happening, on cork-uncork cycle, it only happens on end(), so the end() basically hangs the system until it's fully flashed.
I simplified the example so it just writes a line to the stream a lot of times.
var PREFIX = 'E:\\TEST\\';
var line = 'AA 11 999999999 20160101 123456 20160101 AAA 00 00 00 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 20160101 0 00';
var fileSystem = require('fs');
function writeStrings() {
var stringsCount = 0;
var stream = fileSystem.createWriteStream(PREFIX +'output.txt');
stream.once('drain', function () {
stream.once('open', function (fileDescriptor) {
var started = false;
console.log('writing file ');
for (i = 0; i < 2000000; i++) {
stream.write(line + i);
if (i % 10000 == 0) {
// console.log('passed ',i);
if (i % 100000 == 0) {
console.log('uncorcked ',i,stream._writableState.writing);
stream.once('finish', function () {
going inside the node _stream_writable.js, I found that it flushes the buffer only on this condition:
if (!state.writing &&
!state.corked &&
!state.finished &&
!state.bufferProcessing &&
clearBuffer(this, state);
and, as you can see from example, the writing flag doesn't set back after first uncork(), which prevents the uncork to flush.
Also, I don't see drain events evoking at all. Playing with highWaterMark doesn't help (actually doesn't seems to have effect on anything). Manually setting the writing to false (+ some other flags) indeed helped but this is surely wrong.
Am I am misunderstanding the concept of this?
From the node.js documentation I found that number of uncork() should match the number of cork() call, I am not seeing matching stream.uncork() call for stream.cork(), which is called before the for loop. That might be the issue.
Looking at a guide on, you aren't supposed to call stream.uncork() twice in the same event loop. Here is an excerpt:
// Using .uncork() twice here makes two calls on the C++ layer, rendering the
// cork/uncork technique useless.
ws.write('hello ');
ws.write('world ');
ws.write('from ');
// The correct way to write this is to utilize process.nextTick(), which fires
// on the next event loop.
ws.write('hello ');
ws.write('world ');
process.nextTick(doUncork, ws);
ws.write('from ');
process.nextTick(doUncork, ws);
// as a global function
function doUncork(stream) {
.cork() can be called as many times we want, we just need to be careful to call .uncork() the same amount of times to make it flow again.

How do I apply back-pressure to node streams?

While attempting to experiment with Node.JS streams I ran into an interesting conundrum. When the input (Readable) stream pushes more data then the destination (Writable) cares about I was unable to apply back-pressure correctly.
The two methods I attempted was to return false from the Writable.prototype._write and to retain a reference to the Readable so I can call Readable.pause() from the Writable. Neither solution helped much which I'll explain.
In my exercise (which you can view the full source as a Gist) I have three streams:
Readable - PasscodeGenerator
util.inherits(PasscodeGenerator, stream.Readable);
function PasscodeGenerator(prefix) {, {objectMode: true});
this.count = 0;
this.prefix = prefix || '';
PasscodeGenerator.prototype._read = function() {
var passcode = '' + this.prefix + this.count;
if (!this.push({passcode: passcode})) {
this.once('drain', this.resume.bind(this));
I thought that the return code from this.push() was enough to self pause and wait for the drain event to resume.
Transform - Hasher
util.inherits(Hasher, stream.Transform);
function Hasher(hashType) {, {objectMode: true});
this.hashType = hashType;
Hasher.prototype._transform = function(sample, encoding, next) {
var hash = crypto.createHash(this.hashType);
sample.hash =;
Simply add the hash of the passcode to the object.
Writable - SampleConsumer
util.inherits(SampleConsumer, stream.Writable);
function SampleConsumer(max) {, {objectMode: true});
this.max = (max != null) ? max : 10;
this.count = 0;
SampleConsumer.prototype._write = function(sample, encoding, next) {
console.log('Hash %d (%s): %s', this.count, sample.passcode, sample.hash);
if (this.count < this.max) {
} else {
return false;
Here I want to consume the data as fast as possible until I reach my max number of samples and then end the stream. I tried using this.end() instead of return false but that caused the dreaded write called after end problem. Returning false does stop everything if the sample size is small but when it is large I get an out of memory error:
FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - process out of memory
Aborted (core dumped)
According to this SO answer in theory the Write stream would return false causing the streams to buffer until the buffers were full (16 by default for objectMode) and eventually the Readable would call it's this.pause() method. But 16 + 16 + 16 = 48; that's 48 objects in buffer till things fill up and the system is clogged. Actually less because there is no cloning involved so the objects passed between them is the same reference. Would that not mean only 16 objects in memory till the high water mark halts everything?
Lastly I realize I could have the Writable reference the Readable to call it's pause method using closures. However, this solution means the Writable stream knows to much about another object. I'd have to pass in a reference:
var foo = new PasscodeGenerator('foobar');
.pipe(new Hasher('md5'))
.pipe(new SampleConsumer(samples, foo));
And this feels out of norm for how streams would work. I thought back-pressure was enough to cause a Writable to stop a Readable from pushing data and prevent out of memory errors.
An analogous example would be the Unix head command. Implementing that in Node I would assume that the destination could end and not just ignore causing the source to keep pushing data even if the destination has enough data to satisfy the beginning portion of the file.
How do I idiomatically construct custom streams such that when the destination is ready to end the source stream doesn't attempt to push more data?
This is a known issue with how _read() is called internally. Since your _read() is always pushing synchronously/immediately, the internal stream implementation can get into a loop in the right conditions. _read() implementations are generally expected to do some sort of async I/O (e.g. reading from disk or network).
The workaround for this (as noted in the link above) is to make your _read() asynchronous at least some of the time. You could also just make it async every time it's called with:
PasscodeGenerator.prototype._read = function(n) {
var passcode = '' + this.prefix + this.count;
var self = this;
// `setImmediate()` delays the push until the beginning
// of the next tick of the event loop
setImmediate(function() {
self.push({passcode: passcode});

Stdout flush for NodeJS?

Is there any stdout flush for nodejs just like python or other languages?
sys.stdout.write('some data')
Right now I only saw process.stdout.write() for nodejs.
process.stdout is a WritableStream object, and the method WritableStream.write() automatically flushes the stream (unless it was explicitly corked). However, it will return true if the flush was successful, and false if the kernel buffer was full and it can't write yet. If you need to write several times in succession, you should handle the drain event.
See the documentation for write.
In newer NodeJS versions, you can pass a callback to .write(), which will be called once the data is flushed:
sys.stdout.write('some data', () => {
console.log('The data has been flushed');
This is exactly the same as checking .write() result and registering to the drain event:
let write = sys.stdout.write('some data');
if (!write) {
sys.stdout.once('drain', () => {
console.log('The data has been flushed');
write returns true if the data has been flushed. If it returns false, you can wait for the 'drain' event.
I think there is no flush, because that would be a blocking operation.
There is another function stdout which to clear last output to the terminal which is kind of work like flush
function flush() {
var total = 5000;
var current = 0;
var percent = 0;
var waitingTime = 500;
setInterval(function() {
current += waitingTime;
percent = Math.floor((current / total) * 100);
process.stdout.write(`downloading ... ${percent}%`);
if (current >= total) {
}, waitingTime);
cursorTo will move the cursor to position 0 which is the starting point
use the flush function before stdout.write because it will clear the screen, if you put after you will not see any output

Can I allow for "breaks" in a for loop with node.js?

I have a massive for loop and I want to allow I/O to continue while I'm processing. Maybe every 10,000 or so iterations. Any way for me to allow for additional I/O this way?
A massive for loop is just you blocking the entire server.
You have two options, either put the for loop in a new thread, or make it asynchronous.
var data = [];
var next = function(i) {
// do thing with data [i];
process.nextTick(next.bind(this, i + 1));
process.nextTick(next.bind(this, 0));
I don't recommend the latter. Your just implementing naive time splicing which the OS level process scheduler can do better then you.
var exec = require("child_process").exec
var s = exec("node " + filename, function (err, stdout, stderr) {
stdout.on("data", function() {
// handle data
Alternatively use something like to manage processes for you.
Actually you probably want to aggressively redesign your codebase if you have a blocking for loop.
Maybe something like this to break your loop into chunks...
Instead of:
for (var i=0; i<len; i++) {
Something like:
var i = 0, limit;
while (i < len) {
limit = (i+10000);
if (limit > len)
limit = len;
for (; i<limit; i++) {
The nextTick() call gives a chance for other events to get in there, but it still does most looping synchronously which (I'm guessing) will be a lot faster than creating a new event for every iteration. And obviously, you can experiment with the number (10,000) till you get the results you want.
In theory, you could also use setTimeout() rather than nextTick(), in case it turns out that giving other processes a somewhat bigger "time-slice" helps. That gives you one more variable (the timeout milliseconds) that you can use for tuning.
