I'm totally new to functional programming and Haskell, so I am not sure I asked the question properly or if it makes sense, but I decided to try since I haven't found anything helpful. I'm basically trying to implement a function that can return an Int, a String, or a List. I know I can use Either to return one of two types, but I want to return one of three or more. I tried defining a new type, but I got stuck.
data Rets = Int | String | Bool
checkInt :: Rets -> Bool
check x = case x of
Int x -> True
checkInt should return True if given an Int, it is just for testing but I included it anyway.
I'm aware that my question is a mess, so I would be thankful for any kind of explanation. Thanks in advance!
You defined a type with three constructors that each take 0 arguments. So Int x wouldn't be a valid pattern for your type, it would just be Int -> true. Of course this also means that you can't store any values in your type, so it doesn't do what you want it to.
What you want is something like this:
data Rets = IntRet Int | StringRet String | BoolRet Bool
This defines three constructors named IntRet, StringRet and BoolRet, which take an Int, String and Bool respectively. This way you can construct values using IntRet 42, BoolRet True etc. and then pattern match them as IntRet x and so on.
I have a data type like this:
data Token = Foo | Bar | Number Int deriving (Show, Eq)
And a variable:
a = Number 20
How can i test if this variable is a Number? Its type is Token, but i would like to see if it can work as an int.
You use pattern matching. An an example, here's a simple predicate that will return True if it's a value created by Number, and False otherwise.
isNumber :: Token -> Bool
isNumber (Number _) = True
isNumber _ = False
#Chepner has already given how to test whether a Token value uses the Number constructor or not. But I feel a bit more can be said about how to extract the Int value from it, which seems to be what you want when you say you "would like to see if it can work as an int.". Because if you use chepner's isNumber function and it returns True, you can't get that Int out without pattern matching once again. So you might as well combine the two steps into one.
Here is a simple way to do that:
getNumber :: Value -> Maybe Int
getNumber (Number n) = Just n
getNumber _ = Nothing
Notice the type here - this function can't return an Int because you don't know that the value you're testing on contains one!* Notice also how similar it is in structure with the isNumber function - and this still allows you easily to do different things with the different cases, like this
case (getNumber someValue) of
Just n -> - - do something with n
Nothing -> - - handle the other cases
Note that this assumes you want to handle all non-numeric constructors the same way. If you want to do something different with each, then you don't need getNumber or isNumber but can just pattern match directly on someValue and do whatever you need in each case.
*you might want to provide a default in this case, like 0. But even then I would suggest using the same getNumber function above and combining it with the library function fromMaybe - ie getWithDefault = fromMaybe 0 . getNumber.
The data type itself already tells you what it is. So you use it as an Int like this:
foo :: (Int -> r) -> Token -> Maybe r
foo f (Number i) = Just (f i)
foo _ _ = Nothing
In case it was an Int, we use it; and otherwise, we don't.
Normally when using type declarations we do:
function_name :: Type -> Type
However in an exercise I am trying to solve there is the following structure:
function_name :: Type a -> Type a
or explicitly as in the exercise
alphabet :: DFA a -> Alphabet a
alphabet = undefined
What does a stand for?
Short answer: it's a type variable.
At the computation level, the way we define functions is to use variables to refer to their arguments. Like this:
f x = x + 3
Here x is a variable, and its value will be chosen when the function is called. Haskell has a similar (but not identical...) mechanism in its type sublanguage. For example, you can write things like:
type F x = (x, Int, x)
type Endo a = a -> a -> a
Here again x is a variable in the first one (and a in the second), and its value will be chosen at use sites. One can also use this mechanism when defining new types. (The previous two examples just give new names to existing types, but the following does more.) One of the most basic nontrivial examples of this is the Maybe family of types:
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
The things on the right of the = are computation-level, so you can mostly ignore them for now, but on the left we are declaring a new family of types Maybe which accepts other types as an argument. For example, Maybe Int, Maybe (Bool, String), Maybe (Endo Char), and even passing in expressions that have variables like Maybe (x, Int, x) are all possible.
Syntactically, type constructors (things which are defined as part of the program text and that we expect the compiler to look up the definition for) start with an upper case letter and type variables (things which will be instantiated later and so don't currently have a concrete definition) start with lower case letters.
So, in the type signature you showed:
alphabet :: DFA a -> Alphabet a
I suspect there are actually two constructs new to you, not just one: first, the type variable a that you asked about, and second, the concept of type application, where we apply at the type level one "function-like" type to another. (Outside of this answer, people say "parameterized" instead of "function-like".)
...and, believe it or not, there is even a type system for types that makes sure you don't write things like these:
Int a -- Int is not parameterized, so shouldn't be applied to arguments
Int Char -- ditto
Maybe -> String -- Maybe is parameterized, so should be applied to
-- arguments, but isn't
I have function in haskell (lets call it 'dumb') which calls 3 different functions. These three different functions return different types, for example, a boolean or a list of booleans. How can I define function 'dumb' to either return a boolean or a list of booleans?
data Sumtype = givelist Integer | getprod Integer
prod :: Int -> Int
prod x = x*3
listnums :: Int -> [Int]
listnums x = [1...x]
dumb :: Sumtype -> (what comes here..?)
dumb (givelist x) -> listnums x
dum (getprod x) -> prod x
You make it return Either Boolean [Boolean]. But I'm suspicious about your motives. It sounds like an X/Y problem.
You're probably looking for the the Either type, although with it your function will return Either values. It's defined like this:
data Either a b = Left a | Right b
When you want to define a function that can return either a Bool or a list of Bools its type should look something like this:
dumb :: Either Bool [Bool]
In this case 'dumb' will be a function that doesn't take any arguments and return either a Bool or a list of Bools. In the function's body you can return a Bool like this:
Left bool
Or a list of bools like this:
Right [bool]
You can see a concrete example here: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Haskell/More_on_datatypes#More_than_one_type_parameter
All that said though, the reason Sebastian asked you for more details is that Either is rarely used outside of error handling (AFAIK I know anyway). It's possible that in your case you don't really need it at all, but we can't be sure unless you tell us more about the other functions you use in 'dumb' and about your goals.
Unrelated Probems
It appears you are a beginner - welcome to Haskell! I strongly suggest you read and work through one of the many tutorials as that is more efficient and complete than asking individual questions.
Let's start with correcting the syntax errors. Constructors, such as Givelist and Getprod must start with a capital letter. The function dumb was typo'ed once. Function definitions use = and not ->.
Now we have type errors to address. The Sumtype uses Integer and you then switch to using Int. Lets just stick with Integer for simplicity.
With these fixes we get:
data Sumtype = Givelist Integer | Getprod Integer
prod :: Integer -> Integer
prod x = x*3
listnums :: Integer -> [Integer]
listnums x = [1...x]
dumb :: Sumtype -> (what comes here..?)
dumb (Givelist x) = listnums x
dumb (Getprod x) = prod x
The Question
You want to know "what comes here" where 'here' is the result type. As written, the function is actually invalid. One definition yields a list of integers, [Integer], while the other yields a single integer Integer. One solution is to use a sum type such as Either Integer [Integer] - this is very much like your pre-existing Sumtype:
dumb :: Sumtype -> Either Integer [Integer]
So now we need to return a constructor of Either in our function definitions. You can lookup the documentation or use :info Either in GHCi to learn the constructors if you don't have them memorized.
dumb (Givelist x) = Right (listnums x)
dumb (Getprod x) = Left (prod x)
Notice we had to use Left for the second case which returns an Integer, because the first type we wrote after Either (the left type) is Integer.
Record syntax seems extremely convenient compared to having to write your own accessor functions. I've never seen anyone give any guidelines as to when it's best to use record syntax over normal data declaration syntax, so I'll just ask here.
You should use record syntax in two situations:
The type has many fields
The type declaration gives no clue about its intended layout
For instance a Point type can be simply declared as:
data Point = Point Int Int deriving (Show)
It is obvious that the first Int denotes the x coordinate and the second stands for y. But the case with the following type declaration is different (taken from Learn You a Haskell for Great Good):
data Person = Person String String Int Float String String deriving (Show)
The intended type layout is: first name, last name, age, height, phone number, and favorite ice-cream flavor. But this is not evident in the above declaration. Record syntax comes handy here:
data Person = Person { firstName :: String
, lastName :: String
, age :: Int
, height :: Float
, phoneNumber :: String
, flavor :: String
} deriving (Show)
The record syntax made the code more readable, and saved a great deal of typing by automatically defining all the accessor functions for us!
In addition to complex multi-fielded data, newtypes are often defined with record syntax. In either of these cases, there aren't really any downsides to using record syntax, but in the case of sum types, record accessors usually don't make sense. For example:
data Either a b = Left { getLeft :: a } | Right { getRight :: b }
is valid, but the accessor functions are partial – it is an error to write getLeft (Right "banana"). For that reason, such accessors are generally speaking discouraged; something like getLeft :: Either a b -> Maybe a would be more common, and that would have to be defined manually. However, note that accessors can share names:
data Item = Food { description :: String, tastiness :: Integer }
| Wand { description :: String, magic :: Integer }
Now description is total, although tastiness and magic both still aren't.
The comments on Steve Yegge's post about server-side Javascript started discussing the merits of type systems in languages and this comment describes:
... examples from H-M style systems where you can get things like:
expected signature Int*Int->Int but got Int*Int->Int
Can you give an example of a function definition (or two?) and a function call that would produce that error? That looks like it might be quite hard to debug in a large-ish program.
Also, might I have seen a similar error in Miranda? (I have not used it in 15 years and so my memory of it is vague)
I'd take Yegge's (and Ola Bini's) opinions on static typing with a grain of salt. If you appreciate what static typing gives you, you'll learn how the type system of the programming language you choose works.
IIRC, ML uses the '*' syntax for tuples. <type> * <type> is a tuple type with two elements. So, (1, 2) would have int * int type.
Both Haskell and ML use -> for functions. In ML, int * int -> int would be the type of a function that takes a tuple of int and int and maps it to an int.
One of the reasons you might see an error that looks vaguely like the one Ola quoted when coming to ML from a different language, is if you try and pass arguments using parentheses and commas, like one would in C or Pascal, to a function that takes two parameters.
The trouble is, functional languages generally model functions of more than one parameter as functions returning functions; all functions only take a single argument. If the function should take two arguments, it instead takes an argument and returns a function of a single argument, which returns the final result, and so on. To make all this legible, function application is done simply by conjunction (i.e. placing the expressions beside one another).
So, a simple function in ML (note: I'm using F# as my ML) might look a bit like:
let f x y = x + y;;
It has type:
val f : int -> int -> int
(A function taking an integer and returning a function which itself takes an integer and returns an integer.)
However, if you naively call it with a tuple:
f(1, 2)
... you'll get an error, because you passed an int*int to something expecting an int.
I expect that this is the "problem" Ola was trying to cast aspersions at. I don't think the problem is as bad as he thinks, though; certainly, it's far worse in C++ templates.
It's possible that this was in reference to a badly-written compiler which failed to insert parentheses to disambiguate error messages. Specifically, the function expected a tuple of int and returned an int, but you passed a tuple of int and a function from int to int. More concretely (in ML):
fun f g = g (1, 2);
f (42, fn x => x * 2)
This will produce a type error similar to the following:
Expected type int * int -> int, got type int * (int -> int)
If the parentheses are omitted, this error can be annoyingly ambiguous.
It's worth noting that this problem is far from being specific to Hindley-Milner. In fact, I can't think of any weird type errors which are specific to H-M. At least, none like the example given. I suspect that Ola was just blowing smoke.
Since many functional language allow you to rebind type names in the same way you can rebind variables, it's actually quite easy to end up with an error like this, especially if you use somewhat generic names for your types (e.g., t) in different modules. Here's a simple example in OCaml:
# let f x = x + 1;;
val f : int -> int = <fun>
# type int = Foo of string;;
type int = Foo of string
# f (Foo "hello");;
This expression has type int but is here used with type int
What I've done here is rebind the type identifier int to a new type that is incompatible with the built-in int type. With a little bit more effort, we can get more-or-less the same error as above:
# let f g x y = g(x,y) + x + y;;
val f : (int * int -> int) -> int -> int -> int = <fun>
# type int = Foo of int;;
type int = Foo of int
# let h (Foo a, Foo b) = (Foo a);;
val h : int * int -> int = <fun>
# f h;;
This expression has type int * int -> int but is here used with type
int * int -> int