Cassandra deletion - how does it resolve conflicts after some servers go down - cassandra

Imagine a simplest Cassandra table on a Cassandra cluster of 2 nodes.
I issue a deletion command of a record. Imagine that node#2 is down at the time. Cassandra client receives a success response from node#1 and happily continues (consistency lvl = 1 for the command).
Then node#2 comes back up and it tries to sync data with node#1. Node#2 claims that it has a record that node#1 doesn't. How do they figure it out that it was a deletion action that deleted a record from node#1 and not insert action that added a record to node#2 (that didn't reach node#1 for any reason)? The reason I am talking about deletions is that I assume that after a deletion, Cassandra doesn't store a time-stamp of a deleted item.
Any useful links on the issue would be appreciated.
What I am talking in particular is either a Hinted-Handoff scenario or Read/Repairs.

Cassandra Repair takes care of these situations.
When you delete data in Cassandra the data, it is not removed immediately, instead Cassandra creates tombstones indicating the row/column is deleted. Tombstones are stored till the gc_grace_seconds.
If you run repair regularly:
So when you run repair, the node sync the data and the tombstones created. So after gc_grace_seconds the tombstones are deleted.
If you do not run repair regularly:
Consider your gc_grace_seconds = 10 days and you delete a data in node #1 while node #2 was down, Cassandra creates tombstone for the deleted data in node #1. After some time when you bring the node #2 and did not run repair and after gc_grace_seconds (10 days) the tombstones are deleted in node #1 but not deleted in node #2 and if you read the data now then data will re-appear instead of deletion.
Hence you must run a regular repair on the Cassandra cluster.
Refer Cassandra docs about the deletes:


Will Cassandra reach eventual consistency without manual repair if there is no read for that data during gc.grace.seconds?

Assume the following
Replication factor is 3
A delete was issued with consistency 2
One of the replica was busy (not down) so it drops the request
The other two replicas add the tombstone and send the response. So currently the record is marked for deletion in only two replicas.
There is no read repair happened as there was no read for that data gc.grace.seconds
Will this data be resurrected when a read happens for that record after gc.grace.seconds if there was no manual repair?
(I am not talking about replica being down for more than gc.grace.seconds)
One of the replica was busy (not down) so it drops the request
In this case, the coordinator node realizes that the replica could not be written and stores it as a hint. Once the overwhelmed node starts taking requests again, the hint is "replayed" to get the replica consistent.
However, hints are only kept (by default) for 3 hours. After that time, they are dropped. So, if the busy node does not recover within that 3 hour window, then it will not be made consistent. And yes, in that case a query at consistency-ONE could allow that data to "ghost" its way back.

Write consistency = ALL: do I still need weekly repairs to avoid zombie records?

As far as I understood, the problem of deleted data reappearing in Cassandra is as follows:
A delete is issued with consistency < ALL (e.g. QUORUM)
The delete succeeds, but some nodes in the replication set were not reachable during the delete
A tombstone is written to all the reached nodes, nothing in the others
10 days pass, tombstone are eligible to be expired
Compactions happen, tombstones are actually removed
A read is issued: the nodes which received the delete reply with "no data"; the nodes which were unavailable during the delete reply with the old data; a zombie is produced
Now my question is: if the original delete was issued with consistency = ALL, all the nodes would either have the tombstone (before expiry&compaction) or no data at all (after expiry&compaction). No zombies should then be produced, even if we did not issue a repair before tombstone expiry.
Is this correct?
Yes you still need to run repairs even with CL.ALL on the delete if you want to guarantee no resurrected data. You just decrease likelihood of it occurring without you noticing it.
If a node is unavailable for the delete, the delete will fail for the client (because cl.all) but the other nodes all still received the delete. Even if your app will retry the delete theres a chance of it failing (ie your app's server hit by a meteor). So then you have a delete that has been seen by 2 of your 3 replicas. If you lowered your gc_grace and don't run repairs the other anti-entropy measures (hints, read repairs) may not ensure the tombstone (they are best effort not guarantee) was seen by the 3rd node before the tombstone is compacted away. The next read touches 3rd node which has the original data, and no tombstone exists to say it was deleted so you resurrect the data as its read repaired to other replicas.
What you can do is log a statement somewhere to point when there is a cl.all timeout or failure. This is not a guarantee since your app can die before the log, and a failure does not actually mean that the write did not get to all replicas - just that it may of failed to write. That said I would strongly recommend just using quorum (or local_quorum). That way you can have some host failures without losing availability since you need the repairs for the guarantee anyway.
When issuing queries with Consistency=ALL, every node having the token range of that particular record has to acknowledge. So if one of the NODE was down during this process, the DELETE will fail as it can't achieve the required consistency=ALL.
So consistency=ALL, might end up being a scenario where every node in the cluster has to stay up otherwise queries will fail. That's why people recommend to use lesser stronger consistency like QUORUM. So you are sacrificing high availability for REPAIRs if you want to perform queries at CONSISTENCY=ALL

Impact of not running Cassandra repair on a time series data

Data we store in Cassandra is pure time series with no manual deletes. Data gets deleted only by TTL.
For such use cases, is repair really needed? What is the impact of not running repair?
Tobstoned data really deleted after gc_grace_seconds + compaction. if table with tombstoned data is not compacted, you will stack with this data, and it will cause performance degradation.
If you don't run repair within gc_grace period, dead data can live again. Here's datastax article on this (and why you need to run repairs regulary):
TTLed data isn't tombstoned on the time of the expire, but only when there's a compaction proccess (at least in 3.9). You will not see expired data, even when there's no tombstones.
So, if there is a problem with the node, and TTLed data isn't got it's tombstone on compaction, it will get one on the next compaction, or will be simply deleted. According to this, and the fact that the data is NEVER deleted and only expired, and you don't have any owerwrites to same key, you don't have to run repairs for data consistency.
And, regarding to all above, i will recommend to run repairs once in a while (with much higher interval between them), in case that something accidentally was written not using you write pass.
If you set TTL, cassandra will mark the data with tombstone after the time exceeded. If you don't run repair regularly, huge tombstone will be generated and it will affect cassandra performance
After the number of seconds since the column's creation exceeds the TTL value, TTL data is considered expired and is included in results. Expired data is marked with a tombstone after on the next read on the read path, but it remains for a maximum of gc_grace_seconds. After this amount of time, the tombstoned data is automatically removed during the normal compaction and repair processes

Restoring cassandra from snapshot

So I did something of a test run/disaster recovery practice deleting a table and restoring in Cassandra via snapshot on a test cluster I have built.
This test cluster has four nodes, and I used the node restart method so after truncating the table in question, all nodes were shutdown, commitlog directories cleared, and the current snapshot data copied back into the table directory for each node. Afterwards, I brought each node back up. Then following the documentation I ran a repair on each node, followed by a refresh on each node.
My question is, why is it necessary for me to run a repair on each node afterwards assuming none of the nodes were down except when I shut them down to perform the restore procedure? (in this test instance it was a small amount of data and took very little time to repair, if this happened in our production environment the repairs would take about 12 hours to perform so this could be a HUGE issue for us in a disaster scenario).
And I assume running the repair would be completely unnecessary on a single node instance, correct?
Just trying to figure out what the purpose of running the repair and subsequent refresh is.
What is repair?
Repair is one of Cassandra's main anti-entropy mechanisms. Essentially it ensures that all your nodes have the latest version of all the data. The reason it takes 12 hours (this is normal by the way) is that it is an expensive operation -- io and CPU intensive -- to generate merkel trees for all your data, compare them with merkel trees from other nodes, and stream any missing / outdated data.
Why run a repair after a restoring from snapshots
Repair gives you a consistency baseline. For Example: If the snapshots weren't taken at the exact same time, you have a chance of reading stale data if you're using CL ONE and hit a replica restored from the older snapshot. Repair ensures all your replicas are up to date with the latest data available.
repairs would take about 12 hours to perform so this could be a HUGE
issue for us in a disaster scenario).
While your repair is running, you'll have some risk of reading stale data if your snapshots don't have the same exact data. If they are old snapshots, gc_grace may have already passed for some tombstones giving you a higher risk of zombie data if tombstones aren't well propagated across your cluster.
Related side rant - When to run a repair?
The coloquial definition of the term repair seems to imply that your system is broken. We think "I have to run a repair? I must have done something wrong to get to this un-repaired state!" This is simply not true. Repair is a normal maintenance operation with Cassandra. In fact, you should be running repair at least every gc_grace seconds to ensure data consistency and avoid zombie data (or use the opscenter repair service).
In my opinion, we should have called it AntiEntropyMaintenence or CassandraOilChange or something rather than Repair : )

Cassandra not removing deleted rows despite running nodetool compact

Very often I have ghost rows that stay on the server and won't disappear after deleting a row in Cassandra.
I have tried all possible administration options with nodetool (compact, flush, etc.) and also connected to the cluster with jconsole and forced a GC thru it but the rows remain on the cluster.
For testing purpose I updated some rows with a TTL of 0 before doing the DELETE and these rows disappeared completely.
Do I need to live with that or can I somehow trigger a final removal of these deleted rows?
My testcluster uses Cassandra 1.0.7 and has only one single node.
This phenomenon that you are observing is the result of how distributed deletes work in Cassandra. See the Cassandra FAQ and the DistributedDeletes wiki page.
Basically the row will be completely deleted after GCGraceSeconds has passed and a compaction has run.
