how to access hook object using .validate from feathers-hooks-common - node.js

I'm trying to create a simple validator in my feathersjs app and I need to have access to so I can retrieve the users service and check for uniqueness. Below is my code
checkUniqueEmail = (values, hook) => {
const userService ='users');
//below is my validation
The problem is that the hook variable is returning undefined instead of the hook object. The feathers-hooks-common github code it shows that this should be possible since hook is being pass as the 2nd parameter. (see below)
const results = validator(getItems(hook), hook); // line 18
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here.

I found a good documentation about feathers-hooks-common validate. It is better explained here.

all you need to do is at create hook
//pass context or hook
validate((values,context) =>validations.signupAsync(values,context))
//at validations.signupAsync
clientValidations.signupAsync = (values,context) => {
const userService='users')


Find a class instance inside a function (JS) or how to write good self-documented code

Probably everyone was facing the issue when Postman documentation will be barely up-to-date with the code currently running in dev or production.
Almost every time the source of that problem is "a little change" or adding a new column into the database.
So I would like the code to be self-documented, starting from the validator.
There is the wrap-implementation over the JOI validator
class Validator {
_schema = {};
static TYPES = Joi;
setRule(field, rule){
this._schema[field] = rule;
let schema = Joi.object(this._schema);
try {
Joi.assert(data, schema, {abortEarly: false});
const message = => detail.message);
throw new ValidationError(message);
The controller uses this wrap just like that
const validator = new Validator();
validator.setRule('sts', Validator.TYPES.string());
Every time the crucial code change happens, it usually affects the incoming body validation.
So the idea behind self-documentation is why not to use validator class as a source of the API documentation? We could get almost every piece of information about the endpoint using router + validator.
But how can you collect the data about that for every endpoint (especially, controller).
We should somehow get access to every instance of the Validator class inside each controller?
Or shall we just read the source file to get an information about the rules?
There are several implementations of Swagger-like docs, but they are all based on decorators code style, from which we are trying to get rid of.

Validation Error: Using global entity manager instance methods for context specific actions is disallowed

Using MikroORM and getting this error:
ValidationError: Using global EntityManager instance methods for context specific actions is disallowed.
If you need to work with the global instance's identity map, use `allowGlobalContext` configuration option or `fork()` instead
The code that it corresponds to is below:
import { MikroORM } from "#mikro-orm/core";
import { __prod__ } from "./constants";
import { Post } from "./entities/Post";
import mikroConfig from "./mikro-orm.config";
const main = async () => {
const orm = await MikroORM.init(mikroConfig);
const post = orm.em.create(Post, {
title: "my first post",
await orm.em.persistAndFlush(post);
await orm.em.nativeInsert(Post, { title: "my first post 2" });
main().catch((error) => {
I am unsure where I need to use the .fork() method
Don't disable validations without understanding them!
I can't believe what I see in the replies here. For anybody coming here, please don't disable the validation (either via MIKRO_ORM_ALLOW_GLOBAL_CONTEXT env var or via allowGlobalContext configuration). Disabling the validation is fine only under very specific circumstances, mainly in unit tests.
In case you don't know me, I am the one behind MikroORM, as well as the one who added this validation - for a very good reason, so please don't just disable that, it means you have a problem to solve, not that you should add one line to your configuration to shut it up.
This validation was added to MikroORM v5 (so not typeorm, please dont confuse those two), and it means exactly what it says - you are trying to work with the global context, while you should be working with request specific one. Consult the docs for why you need request context here: In general using single (global) context will result in instable API response and basically a one huge memory leak.
So now we should understand why the validation is there and why we should not disable it. Next how to get around it properly.
As others mentined (and as the validation error message mentioned too), we can create fork and use that instead:
const fork = orm.em.fork();
const res = await fork.find(...);
But that would be quite tedious, in real world apps, we usually have middlewares we can use to do this for us automatically. That is where the RequestContext helper comes into play. It uses the AsyncLocalStorage under the hood and is natively supported in the ORM.
Following text is mostly an extraction of the MikroORM docs.
How does RequestContext helper work?
Internally all EntityManager methods that work with the Identity Map (e.g. em.find() or em.getReference()) first call em.getContext() to access the contextual fork. This method will first check if we are running inside RequestContext handler and prefer the EntityManager fork from it.
// we call em.find() on the global EM instance
const res = await orm.em.find(Book, {});
// but under the hood this resolves to
const res = await orm.em.getContext().find(Book, {});
// which then resolves to
const res = await RequestContext.getEntityManager().find(Book, {});
The RequestContext.getEntityManager() method then checks AsyncLocalStorage static instance we use for creating new EM forks in the RequestContext.create() method.
The AsyncLocalStorage class from Node.js core is the magician here. It allows us to track the context throughout the async calls. It allows us to decouple the EntityManager fork creation (usually in a middleware as shown in previous section) from its usage through the global EntityManager instance.
Using RequestContext helper via middleware
If we use dependency injection container like inversify or the one in nestjs framework, it can be hard to achieve this, because we usually want to access our repositories via DI container, but it will always provide we with the same instance, rather than new one for each request.
To solve this, we can use RequestContext helper, that will use node's AsyncLocalStorage in the background to isolate the request context. MikroORM will always use request specific (forked) entity manager if available, so all we need to do is to create new request context preferably as a middleware:
app.use((req, res, next) => {
RequestContext.create(orm.em, next);
We should register this middleware as the last one just before request handlers and before any of our custom middleware that is using the ORM. There might be issues when we register it before request processing middleware like queryParser or bodyParser, so definitely register the context after them.
Later on we can then access the request scoped EntityManager via RequestContext.getEntityManager(). This method is used under the hood automatically, so we should not need it.
RequestContext.getEntityManager() will return undefined if the context was not started yet.
Simple usage without the helper
Now your example code from the OP is very basic, for that forking seems like the easiest thing to do, as its very bare bones, you dont have any web server there, so no middlewares:
const orm = await MikroORM.init(mikroConfig);
const emFork = orm.em.fork(); // <-- create the fork
const post = emFork.create(Post, { // <-- use the fork instead of global `orm.em`
title: "my first post",
await emFork.persistAndFlush(post); // <-- use the fork instead of global
await orm.em.nativeInsert(Post, { title: "my first post 2" }); // <-- this line could work with the global EM too, why? because `nativeInsert` is not touching the identity map = the context
But we can use the RequestContext here too, to demonstrate how it works:
const orm = await MikroORM.init(mikroConfig);
// run things in the `RequestContext` handler
await RequestContext.createAsync(orm.em, async () => {
// inside this handler the `orm.em` will actually use the contextual fork, created via `RequestContext.createAsync()`
const post = orm.em.create(Post, {
title: "my first post",
await orm.em.persistAndFlush(post);
await orm.em.nativeInsert(Post, { title: "my first post 2" });
The #UseRequestContext() decorator
Middlewares are executed only for regular HTTP request handlers, what if we need
a request scoped method outside that? One example of that is queue handlers or
scheduled tasks (e.g. CRON jobs).
We can use the #UseRequestContext() decorator. It requires us to first inject the
MikroORM instance to current context, it will be then used to create the context
for us. Under the hood, the decorator will register new request context for our
method and execute it inside the context.
This decorator will wrap the underlying method in RequestContext.createAsync() call. Every call to such method will create new context (new EntityManager fork) which will be used inside.
#UseRequestContext() should be used only on the top level methods. It should not be nested - a method decorated with it should not call another method that is also decorated with it.
export class MyService {
constructor(private readonly orm: MikroORM) { }
async doSomething() {
// this will be executed in a separate context
Alternatively we can provide a callback that will return the MikroORM instance.
import { DI } from '..';
export class MyService {
#UseRequestContext(() => DI.orm)
async doSomething() {
// this will be executed in a separate context
Note that this is not a universal workaround, you should not blindly put the decorator everywhere - its actually the opposite, it should be used only for a very specific use case like CRON jobs, in other contexts where you can use middlewares this is not needed at all.
I faced a similar issue today when I upgraded the mikrorm setup from v4 to v5. After doing some RnD, I found the following changes helped me solve the mentioned error.
In the config object which is passed to the MikroORM.init call, pass the following property
allowGlobalContext: true
Don't directly use em to create database entry. Instead use the following code
const post = orm.em.fork({}).create(Post, {
title: "my first post",
The above changes should help you fix the error.
I am also very new to MikroORM. so, I am not sure why this error appears. But my uneducated guess is, they are restricting access to any changes to the global EntityManager em instance.
After doing some digging I found this solution:
yarn install dotenv
create a .env file in the root of the project
In your .env file paste the following:
Problem solved!

Accessing variable in parent scope

I have a custom logging function which is assigned to express requests req.log object using middleware.
The purpose of this is for the logging funtion to be able to read the request headers.traceid, before transmitting the log event to a seperate service.
This is working perfectly fine using middlware or with an extra parameter in the function, however to simplify the use of it.
What I'd really like to know if there's a way for the function to be able to read the req object from the scope it was called in, without referencing it either using middlware or as a function paramter?
// log.js
module.exports = () => {
const req = getVarFromParentScope("req") || undefined
const traceId = req?.headers.traceid || null
// POST { timestamp, traceId, args: { ...arguments } } to logging service
No, it isn't.
(And if it was, then the ability for a function to access a variable inside another function just because it was the calling function would make it very easy to write code that was very hard to debug.)

How to save the chat log locally and access in Bot framework NodeJS v4?

A logger is implemented as a middle-ware. Need to access the output of the logger through another dialog.
Look at the Botbuilder-Samples repo, the 17.multilingual-conversations sample. It demonstrates how you can interact with the dialog by receiving and sending activities based around the current context and inputs.
First, assign your middleware to the adapter in the index.js file:
const { LoggerMiddleware } = require('./logger-middleware');
adapter.use(new LoggerMiddleware (parameter_1, parameter_2));
Like the translator-middleware.js file, you will want to pass any necessary parameters thru the constructor of your middleware file:
constructor(parameter_1, parameter_2) {
this.parameter_1 = parameter_1;
this.parameter_2 = parameter_2;
After which, you create the onTurn method (and any associated methods), passing in the context and utilizing the class constructor parameters you need. Here you can create new dialogs that make use of the passed in logged data.
async onTurn(turnContext, next) {
let loggerText = this.parameter_1;
[ stuff with <loggerText> data...]
await next();
In many respects, the middleware looks and functions like your main bot.js file. It is simply called at a different point in the process.
Hope of help.

Make data pulled from a remote source available in NodeJS App

I'm just getting going with NodeJS and am trying to use jsforce (salesforce) to populate a dropdown on a form.
I've written a module the requires jsforce, sets login params, and connects.
const jsforce = require('jsforce')
const conn = new jsforce.Connection({
loginUrl: process.env.SF_LOGINURL
conn.login(process.env.SF_USER, process.env.SF_PASS)
exports.metaDropDown = async (field) =>
return arrayOfValues
I want to make the value returned available throughout my app, so in index.js I've got
const sftools= require('../modules/sftools')
const roles = sftools.metaDropDown(process.env.SF_ROLES)
and then I use some middleware to always set req.roles = roles.
I think the problem is that I'm requesting the roles before the connection is established, but I can't figure out the flow.
I tried logging in before the exports code, but I get an Invalid URL error, presumably because it isn't logged in yet.
I tried to put the login code directly into the metaDropdown export, which got rid of the error, but there is still no data returned.
Any suggestions?
I think the issue your having is that for the login function is expecting a callback as the third argument.
conn.login(process.env.SF_USER, process.env.SF_PASS, function() {
// do your role logic here.
Hope this helps.
