Condition Inside string Concatenation VB.NET - string

In PHP you can have conditions (if/else) inside a string concatenation.
$string= 'X is' . ($x >0 1 ? ' > 10 ': ' < 10 ')';
Is this same thing possible in VB.NET?

You can use string inpterpolation and the If-operator:
Dim result = $"X is {If(x > 10, " > 10 ", " <= 10 ")}"
Which is syntactic sugar for String.Format:
Dim result = String.Format("X is {0}", If(x > 10, " > 10 ", " <= 10 "))

Yes, with string interpolation you can use expressions - Interpolated Strings
Dim text = $"IsPositive = {If(number > 0, "true", "false"}"
An interpolated string expression creates a string by replacing the
contained expressions with the ToString represenations of the
expressions’ results

The VB equivalent of the ternary operator is the If operator (as distinct from the If statement).
You can translate your code directly from php to VB:
Dim test = "X is" & If(x > 10, " > 10 ", " < 10 ")
(I made some corrections for apparent errors in the source, but I'm not familiar with php so I may have inadvertently introduced differences in behavior.)


How to search for a word in a string in FreeBASIC

I am trying to create an internal function in my FreeBASIC program where i want to check for the word "echo" in the string variable "line0" and if "echo" is part of the string, i want it to echo the input (except "echo")
BASIC's Instr function can search through a string and find out if it contains a certain substring. It can do so starting at the first position of the string or any other position if we mention the value in the parameter list. The result that Instr returns is the character position of the find or else zero to denote that the substring was not found.
It's the optional mentioning of the start position that makes all the difference in writing an algorithm that has to find all occurences of a certain substring.
Once Start = 1 Position = Instr(Start, MyString, MySubString) has found the first substring, we can move the start position to just past the find and start over again. We keep doing so until the Instr function returns zero which tells us there are no more occurences of the substring.
Echo asked: What is this echo that echoes in my ear?
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
1 | | | | | |
+4 5 | | | | |
26 | | | |
+4 30 | | |
36 | |
+4 40 |
0 "Not found"
A function that prints its result directly
This SkipText function expects from 1 to 3 parameters. The second and third parameters are optional because of the mention of a default value in the parameter list.
param1 is the string to search (in)
param2 is the string to search for
param3 can limit the number of removals
Declare Function SkipText (a As String, b As String = "", c As Integer = 1) As Integer
Dim As String s
s = "Echo asked: What is this echo that echoes in my ear?"
Print "The function outputs directly"
Print " Unmodified: ";
Print " Modified*1: ";
SkipText(s, "echo", 1)
Print " Modified*2: ";
SkipText(s, "echo", 2)
Print " Modified*3: ";
SkipText(s, "echo", 3)
GetKey ' So you can inspect the output
Function SkipText (a As String, b As String, c As Integer) As Integer
Dim As Integer h, i, j, k
h = IIf(c < 1, 1, c) ' Guard against bogus input
i = 1
j = 1 + Len(a) - Len(b)
Do While i <= j
k = InStr(i, a, b) ' Case-sensitive
If k = 0 Then Exit Do
Print Mid(a, i, k-i);
i = k + Len(b)
h -= 1
If h = 0 Then Exit Do
Print Mid(a, i)
Return 0
End Function
A function that returns a string that the caller can then print
Next SkipText function expects from 1 to 3 parameters. The second and third parameters are optional because of the mention of a default value in the parameter list.
param1 is the string to search (in)
param2 is the string to search for
param3 can limit the number of removals
If you tried the above code snippet, you will have seen that the first "Echo", the one that starts with a capital, was not removed. This happens because FreeBasic's Instr always works 'case-sensitive'. The simple solution to remove in a 'case-insensitive' way is to use the UCase function like in:
Position = Instr(Start, UCase(MyString), UCase(MySubString))
Declare Function SkipText (a As String, b As String = "", c As Integer = 1) As String
Dim As String s
s = "Echo asked: What is this echo that echoes in my ear?"
Print "The function returns a (reduced) string"
Print " Unmodified: "; SkipText(s)
Print " Modified*1: "; SkipText(s, "echo", 1)
Print " Modified*2: "; SkipText(s, "echo", 2)
Print " Modified*3: "; SkipText(s, "echo", 3)
GetKey ' So you can inspect the output
Function SkipText (a As String, b As String, c As Integer) As String
Dim As String t = ""
Dim As Integer h, i, j, k
h = IIf(c < 1, 1, c) ' Guard against bogus input
i = 1
j = 1 + Len(a) - Len(b)
Do While i <= j
k = InStr(i, UCase(a), UCase(b)) ' Case-insensitive
If k = 0 Then Exit Do
t = t + Mid(a, i, k-i)
i = k + Len(b)
h -= 1
If h = 0 Then Exit Do
Return t + Mid(a, i)
End Function
() Because these are tiny code snippets, I wasted no time choosing sensible identifiers. In longer programs you should always pick meaningful names for any identifiers.
() FreeBasic comes with a nice, comprehensive manual. If anything isn't clear, first consult the manual, then maybe ask a question on this forum.
did you do any kind of research? Sorry, but I assume you did not.
The answer is, there is already a function for this task builtin in Basic language.
The function you are searching for is "INSTR". Please read the available documentation for FreeBasic. If you then decide to try to write your own INSTR function (if you need a feature which is not provided by the builtin function), try to do your coding, and if you stuck, we´ll try to help.
Your described task will therefore include the following functions:
INSTR ' check if the string is here
LEN ' to know the length of your search string
MID ' to create the 'reduced' output (maybe you will to have it used twice)

String sub not working correctly

I've got yet another question about lua. I've created a method to calculate the total amount of some prices. The prices are in this format: £500. So to convert them to numbers I'm using string:sub() and tonumber(), but I'm getting some weird results. Here is my code:`
function functions.calculateTotalAmount()
print("calculating total amount")
saveData.totalAmount = 0
print("There are " .. #saveData.amounts .. " in the amount file")
for i=1, #saveData.names do
print("SaveData.amounts[" .. i .. "] original = " .. saveData.amounts[i])
print("SaveData.amounts[" .. i .. "] after sub= " .. saveData.amounts[i]:sub(2))
print("totalAmount: " .. saveData.totalAmount)
if saveData.income[i] then
saveData.totalAmount = saveData.totalAmount + tonumber(saveData.amounts[i]:sub(2))
saveData.totalAmount = saveData.totalAmount - tonumber(saveData.amounts[i]:sub(2))
totalAmountStr.text = saveData.totalAmount .. " " .. currencyFull
loadsave.saveTable(saveData, "payMeBackTable.json")
I printed out some info in the for loop to determine the problem and this is what is being printed for the first 2 print statements in the for loop:
16:03:51.452 SaveData.amounts1 original = ¥201
16:03:51.452 SaveData.amounts1 after sub= 201
It looks fine here in stackoverflow but for the the ¥ is actually not gone in my log, instead it is replaced with a weird rectangle symbol. There will be a picture of the printed text attached to this post.
Does anyone see what is going on here?
Don't use sub in this case as the ¥ sign is likely a multi-byte sequence (depending on the encoding), so using sub(2) you are cutting it in the middle instead of removing it.
Use gsub("[^%d%.]+","") instead to remove all non-numeric parts.
string.sub() works on the bytes of a string, not on its chars. There is a difference when the string contains Unicode text.
If the number is at the end of the string, extract it with
amount = tonumber(saveData.amounts[i]:match("%d+$"))
Lua strings are strings of bytes, not strings of characters. ASCII characters are 1 byte long, but most other characters consume multiple bytes, so using string.sub() isn't going to work.
There are several standards for converting between bytes and characters (or code points), but by far the most common on the web is UTF-8. If you are using Lua 5.3 or greater, you can use new built-in functions for performing UTF-8 manipulation. For example, to take a substring of a UTF-8 string, you can do:
-- Simple version without bounds-checking.
function utf8_sub1(s, start_char_idx, end_char_idx)
start_byte_idx = utf8.offset(s, start_char_idx)
end_byte_idx = utf8.offset(s, end_char_idx + 1) - 1
return string.sub(s, start_byte_idx, end_byte_idx)
-- More robust version with bounds-checking.
function utf8_sub2(s, start_char_idx, end_char_idx)
start_byte_idx = utf8.offset(s, start_char_idx)
end_byte_idx = utf8.offset(s, end_char_idx + 1)
if start_byte_idx == nil then
start_byte_idx = 1
if end_byte_idx == nil then
end_byte_idx = -1
end_byte_idx = end_byte_idx - 1
return string.sub(s, start_byte_idx, end_byte_idx)
s = "¥201"
print(string.sub(s, 2, 4)) -- an invalid byte sequence
print(utf8_sub1(s, 2, 4)) -- "201"
print(utf8_sub2(s, 2, 4)) -- "201"
print(utf8_sub1(s, 2, 5)) -- throws an error
If you don't have Lua 5.3, you can use a UTF-8 library like this one instead to achieve the same functionality.

FoxPro functions which determine if a variable is a character string or a numeric string

I'm looking for a Visual FoxPro function which is similar to the PHP function is_numeric().
I have found this, but I could not use VARTYPE or TYPE because the variable is always a character string which contains digits only.
I found ISDIGIT() function, but the manual says that it only checks the first character.
Determines whether the leftmost character of the specified character
expression is a digit (0 through 9).
Specifies the character expression that ISDIGIT( ) tests. Any
characters after the first character in cExpression are ignored.
I would create my own function using the regular expression object VBScript.RegExp
FUNCTION isNumeric( tcValue )
oRE = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
oRE.Pattern = '^[0-9]+$'
RETURN oRE.test( tcValue )
? isNumeric( '123' )
But, is there any function provided by FoxPro for this purpose?
Am I just overlooking?
Also same for ISALHPA() which determines whether the leftmost character in a character expression is alphabetic. I want to check if the variable contain only alphabets.
You can create your own function like this.
LPARAMETERS tcSearched, tcOptionalSearch
* tcSearched = the string of characters to test.
* tcOptionalSearch = optional, additional characters to allow.
LOCAL lcSearch
m.lcSearch = "01234567989" + IIF(VARTYPE(m.tcOptionalSearch) = "C", m.tcOptionalSearch, "")
LOCAL lcRemaining
m.lcRemaining = CHRTRAN(m.tcSearched, m.lcSearch, "")
RETURN ( LEN(m.lcRemaining) = 0 )
LOCAL llNumeric, lnLen, lcChr, lnDecs, lnVal
llNumeric = VARTYPE(cVal) = "N" && Donkey has sent a numeric value
lnDecs = 0
CASE llNumeric
CASE VARTYPE(cVal)<>"C" && Not a character
cVal = ALLTRIM(cVal) && Trim spaces
lnLen = LEN(cVal) && How many characters
llNumeric = .T. && Assume
i = 0
DO WHILE llNumeric AND i<lnLen
i = i+1
lcChr = SUBSTR(cVal,i,1) && Get next char
lnVal = VAL(lcChr)
CASE lcChr = "0" && Allowed
CASE lnVal>0 && 1 - 9 OK
CASE INLIST(lcChr, "-", "+") && Allowed but ONLY at the start
llNumeric = i = 1
CASE lcChr = "." && Decimal point but ONLY one
lnDecs = lnDecs+1
llNumeric = lnDecs = 1
llNumeric = .F.
RETURN llNumeric
This could work for ISDIGIT() or ISALPHA().
Function IsAllDigits(myValue)
lReturn = .t.
FOR i = 1 TO LEN(myvalue)
IF !ISDIGIT( SUBSTR(myValue, i, 1) )
lReturn = .f.
RETURN lReturn
How about a one liner?
Function IsNumeric
Lparameters pString
Return m.pString == Chrtran(m.pString, Chrtran(m.pString, "0123456789", ""), "")
You can any other valid characters to "0123456789" like "." or ","
There is more simple to test if a string is numeric or not :
If String="123" => val('String')>0
If String="AB123" => val('String')=0
That's all...
Using only Visual Fox Pro, you can do something like this:
FUNCTION is_numeric(var_name)
error_trigger=.f. &&** first initialization
&&** evaluate("any_char") will generate an error so I'm using TRY-CATCH-ENDTRY
CATCH &&** evaluate() generates an error then the string is character
WAIT WINDOW "character"
error_trigger=.t. &&** there was an error returned by evaluate()
EXIT && stop and jump after ENDTRY
IF error_trigger=.f. &&** there was no error returned by evaluate() then the string was numeric
WAIT WINDOW "numeric"
Then call to the function:
is_numeric("333") will show: numeric
is_numeric("aaa") will show: character
is_numeric("333a333") will show: character
I hope it will help you

Replace all spaces in a string with +

I have a string and I want to replace every space in this string with a + I tired this by using:
tw.Text = strings.Replace(tw.Text, " ", "+", 1)
But that didn't worked for me...any solutions?
For example the string could look like:
The answer of the universe is 42
Use strings.ReplaceAll
tw.Text = strings.ReplaceAll(tw.Text, " ", "+")
If you're using an older version of go (< 1.12), use strings.Replace with -1 as limit (infinite)
tw.Text = strings.Replace(tw.Text, " ", "+", -1)
Documentation on strings.Replace():
According to the documentation, the fourth integer parameter is the number of replacements. Your example would only replace the first space with a "+". You need to use a number less than 0 for it to not impose a limit:
tw.Text = strings.Replace(tw.Text, " ", "+", -1)
If you are using this in a query, the QueryEscape method provided by net/url is the best solution:
import "net/url"
tw.Text = url.QueryEscape(tw.Text)

I need to find the number of 3, 4, 5 and 6 letter words in a string using VBScript

Here's the question I have to answer for my assignment:
Count the number of words in the string "tx_val" that have 3,4,5 or 6 chatacters. Show these four counts on a single line seperated by commas in the span block id="ans12".
Here's what I've come up with, the output is incorrect and I'm not sure why. I'll post below. Thought I'd give you all a update of where I was at with it.
threematch = 0
fourmatch = 0
fivematch = 0
sixmatch = 0
totalmatch = ""
cntArr = Array()
cntArr = Split(tx_val," ")
For i=0 To Ubound(cntArr) Step 1
If len(cstr(cntArr(i))) = 3 Then
threecount = threecount + 1
ElseIf len(cstr(cntArr(i))) = 4 Then
fourcount = fourcount + 1
ElseIf len(cstr(cntArr(i))) = 5 Then
fivecount = fivecount + 1
ElseIf len(cstr(cntArr(i))) = 6 Then
sixcount = sixcount + 1
End If
totalmatch = (threecount & ", " & fourcount & ", " & fivecount & ", " & sixcount & ".")
document.getElementById("ans12").innerHTML = totalmatch
First, and this is what is causing the wrong behaviour, you are explicitly incrementing your counter i, even though the For-Next loop already does that for you. The result is that for each pass through the loop, i actually gets incremented by 2.
Remove the i=i+1 line and your script will work as intended.
Second, your variable names are inconsistent, being initialised as e.g. threematch and later used as threecount. You should always declare your variables explicitly (Dim statements) and write Option Explicit at the top of your code to catch such obvious mistakes at compile time. By pure chance this mistake does not actually cause any errors in your particular case.
If you are comfortable using regular expressions in JavaScript, why not use them in VBScript? They both use the same ECMA-262 so patterns are identical between the two languages. VBScript's RegExp object can do the same thing as your example.
Set re = New RegExp
re.IgnoreCase = True ' equivalent to /i modifier
re.Global = True ' equivalent to /g modifier
re.Pattern = "\b\w{3}\b" ' regex pattern without delimiters or modifiers
Set colMatches = re.Execute(someStringOfWords)
intCount = colMatches.Count
To learn more about Regular Expressions in VBScript, stop by the MSDN and read Microsoft Beefs Up VBScript with Regular Expressions.
Break the problem up:
1) Extract all words (break on whitespace) into a list
2) Iterate over the list, checking which words have the specified number of characters, increment a counter each time a matching word length is seen.
3) Write out the total counts
