DDD: Choosing aggregate root - domain-driven-design

In my case I have two main concepts: User (main citizen of the system) and Group.
Group has two sub-collections: ranks and roles. Without a group, ranks and roles have no meaning.
When User is assigned to the Group, we also have to pick 1 Role and 1 Rank and assign them to this relationship between User and the Group.
How much aggregate roots do I have here? From the user side its obviously a user (main concept of the system), but what about its relationship with group? AFAIK its forbidden by rules of DDD to reference entities outside of aggregate root.

AFAIK its forbidden by rules of DDD to reference entities outside of aggregate root.
Well, I would't say it's "forbidden by rules of DDD"... Some times you have no choice. I have to consider the size of the "entities' collection" associated to the Root's Aggregate. Sometime you can maintain the association in the same aggregation and use some kind of "lazy load" to avoid resource consumption. The Vernon's iDDD book[1] has some advises and use cases around this specific case. Take a look on his blog post[2]
[1] https://www.amazon.com.br/Implementing-Domain-Driven-Design-Vaughn-Vernon/dp/0321834577
[2] https://vaughnvernon.co/?p=838

You have at least the following options, depending on your business requirements regarding consistency:
You have 5 aggregate roots: User, Group, Rank, Role and UserAssignment. The last one must protect the invariant "we also have to pick 1 Role and 1 Rank". For lifetime management you use eventual consistency between ARs. For example, when you delete a Group you must delete also the orphan Ranks, Roles and UserAssignments.
You have User (with UserAssignment as nested entity) and Group (with Role and Rank as nested entities). You have strong consistency inside ARs (when you delete a user all its asignments are also deleted) and eventual consistency between User and Group.
What should you use? Only you could decide. For example, if you choose the first option and delete a user then there could be a delay of seconds/minutes/hours before its assignments are also deleted.
Strong consystency should be used to protect only real business invariants because it is not cheap.
P.S. if you need to hold a reference to a nested entity from another AR then you should reconsider your aggregate roots boundaries because your design is most probable wrong.

I'm going to change some of the words and we'll see if it helps (hypothetical):
I have an Order and a Product. When I add a Product to an Order I have to choose a Store and a Colour.
How would you model this?
Colour may very well be a Value Object but Store is not. I would opt for an OrderItem Value Object which contains a Colour Value Object and a StoreId value to capture the relationship. An Order would contain a list of OrderItem entries.
Removing Colour entries is fine since we have denormalized that bit into the OrderItem. We could have another Value Object represent the Store but typically we would not delete the store or have some processing to handle a deletion or, even more typical, use referential integrity constraints to prevent deleting a used Store.
If you consider ever deleting the Order only the OrderItem association is also deleted.
In your case User and Group are probably Aggregate Roots and I'd add a UserGroup (or UserAssignment as Constantin used). The UserGroup contains the association and related bits. You would have to identify the real domain structure though.


DDD - How to form Aggregates where Entities have to reference non-root Entities

I have some Entities and I am trying to follow Domain Driven Design practices to identify Aggregates. I somehow cant do this because I either break the rule of Entities not being allowed to reference non-root Entities of other Aggregates, or I cant form Aggregates at all.
I have the following Entities: Organisation, JobOffer, Candidate, and JobApplication.
An Organisation creates JobOffers but may only have a limited amount of active JobOffers.
A Candidate creates JobApplications but may only have a limited amount of active JobApplications.
A JobApplication references a JobOffer that it is meant for.
Based on that I have to know how many JobOffers an Organisation has before I can create a new one (enforcing limits), I assume Organisation should be an Root-Entity that owns JobOffers. The same applies to Candidates and JobApplications. Now I have two Aggregates: Organisation with JobOffers and Candidate with JobApplications. But... I need to reference JobOffer from JobApplication... and that breaks the rule that I cant reference non-Root-Entities.
I have looked for and found similar questions on this forum but I somehow still cant figure it out, so sorry in advance - I appreciate any help.
I general, you should avoid holding object references to other aggregates but rather reference other aggregates by id. In some cases it can be valid to reference some entity within in another aggregate, but again this should be done via id as well.
If you go this way you should reference a composite id. Aggregates are meant to depict logical boundaries and also transactional boundaries. Child entity ids which are modelled as part of the aggregate only need to be unique inside the boundaries of that aggregate. This makes it a lot easier to focus on stuff just inside those boundaries when performing actions in your system. Even if you are using UUIDs (or GUIDs), if you really need to reference a child entity of another aggregate - let's say you have good reasons for that - you should model the id graph via the aggregate root which means always knowing the id of the other aggregate in combination with the id of the entity you are interested in. That means referencing a composite id.
But: whenever I think I need to reference a child entity of another aggregate root at first I investigate this more deeply. This would mean that this child entity might be important as a stand-alone entity as well.
Did I miss to discover another aggregate root?
In your case, looking at your domain model diagram, I suspect JobOffer should be an aggregate on its own. Of course I don't know your domain but I can at least guess that there might be some transactions performed in your system allowing to mutate job offers on its own without requiring to consider organization specific business invariants. If this is the case, you should rethink the domain model and consider making JobOffer an aggregate root on its own. In this case your initial problem get's resolved automatically. Also note that modelling job offers as aggregates can make actions performed on organizations simpler as well as you do not need to load all the job offers for that organization when loading the organization aggregate. This might of course not be relevant in your case and really depends on the maximum amount of job offers for an organization.
So I think, depending on your business requirements and domain logic invariants I would recommd one of the folllwing two options:
Reference the foreign child entity only through a composite id including the id of other the aggregate + the child entity id (e.g. by creating some value object that represents this reference as a strong type)
Make JobOffer an aggregate on its own if the mentioned considerations hold true in your case

Aggregate roots vs aggregates in a hierarchical system

I've been doing a lot of research on DDD and have been stumbling a bit on the concept of Aggregates vs Aggregate Roots.
Say I'm trying to model a space game that exists in a strict hierarchy, with a Sector Entity that wraps around everything contained within it. It can have a collection of PlanetarySystem, each of those can have a collection of Star, the stars can have a collection of Planet which themselves can have a collection of Moon
I want all of these objects to either be associated with that Sector, situated nicely in the hierarchy, but it can also be associated with no sector. Each item can have a 0 or 1 relationship with the object in the hierarchy above it... floating in the ether if need be. I want to be able to delete a Planet without deleting all the Moon entities it has, but it can be done optionally.
Am I wrong to think that these should each be their own Aggregate Root in this scenario, with references to the Aggregate Root instances that they contain? Or should the Sector be the actual Aggregate Root, orchestrating everything as the object at the top of the hierarchy?
An aggregate root should never contain a reference to another aggregate root. You should use either an id to reference an associated aggregate or a value object containing the id and some other pertinent data.
Anything that is floating in the ether would be an aggregate root since it has a lifecycle of its own.
I reckon the hierarchy should just work in a unidirectional manner as far as the domain is concerned. If you need to query lower level items based on higher level containment then you either need joins or need to denormalize the relevant higher level identifiers/data into the lower level items.
My advice would be to attempt to keep any aggregate a single level deep but if that isn't practical then try something deeper but it gets unwieldy rather quickly.
Remember something can be an Aggregate in one use case and an Aggregate Root in another. If your use case is AddPlanetarySystemToSector, then Sector is your Aggregate Root. If your use case is AddMoonToPlanet, then Planet is the AR.
The difference is that an AR should not be saved unless it and all Aggregates it owns satisfy all business rules. The higher level your AR, the more business rules you must test and satisfy. Therefore your use cases should be a specific as possible and target the proper AR.
If this poses problems, a work around is to have ARs own value objects instead of aggregates. So a Sector would own PlanetarySystemVOs. If the Sector needs to modify a PlanetarySystem, it can launch a PlanetarySystem use case that performs the proper action.

How do I draw the line when applying the Domain Driven Design rule "only access aggregates via the aggregate root"

We have a SaaS application.
There are rows in the database for Companies, Users, and Entities (generic for stuff users deal with)
So Company A controls Users A-F
Users A-C have rights to view Entity A
Users D-F have rights to view Entity B
When I create my bounded context for Entity A and its aggregate entities, should Entity A only be accessed via Company A?
I am trying to figure out where to apply the rule "only access aggregates via the aggregate root".
Where do I draw the line?
What about when Company A and Company B can both access Entity A?
The idea about aggregates is that they represent consistency boundaries. This means that it should be possible to load two different aggregates at the same time, modify both, and save them back to the DB. As soon as you make the same entity part of multiple aggregates, this is not guaranteed anymore. Reasoning about consistency and concurrency in your domain becomes a lot more difficult if you do this.
This is why an entity must belong to only one aggregate.
The solution is usually simple: Make the entity it's own aggregate. This means that you can only reference it by ID from the aggregate where it was referenced by association before. Note that this also solves your "only access aggregates via aggregate root" problem.
"Only access aggregates via the aggregate root" isn't a useful rule for aggregate design. It's only a practical byproduct of the concept of aggregate to keep in mind when programming -- if you could access any entity directly without restrictions, Aggregates would basically be useless.
When modelling you should instead look for entities that tend to change together in the same business transaction and/or must stay consistent together, and draw aggregate boundaries around those.
Chances are that no data in Company needs to be consistent with its Entities at all times and that they don't change together, so by virtue of the "keep aggregates small" recommendation, you should probably make them 2 aggregates. But only you know the invariants in your domain and can tell.

Root aggregate problem in domain driven design

I have two Entities Publisher and SocialAccount , both are independent and having relationship of Many to Many. Both are root Aggregates , now i cannot get social account through Publisher and I want to convert M To M relationship to 1 To M. So I Introduced another entity Registration , will have {PubID, SocID, CreateDate}. Now there is 1 To M relationship between Publisher and Registration and 1 to 1 between Registration and SocialAccount. so publisher will have
List <Registrations> _Registrations {get;set;}
But when I create aggregate boundaries, Publisher is my root and according to aggregate principle, only root aggregate will hold reference to another root aggregate. But here Registration hold reference.
So do i am violating aggregate principle , because registration is connected Social Account entity.
Your use of aggregate concept appears to be incorrect. Objects within an aggregate can in fact hold references to other aggregates. The rule is an external object cannot hold a reference to something within an aggregate.
On the Registration object, you seem to have created it to avoid some aggregate to aggregate relationships. That is not why you create an object. If there is in fact a Registration in your domain, create it and model it. If it is not in your domain, don't add it just to traverse some path.
Having added Registration, you say it cannot hold a reference to Social Account because it is part of Publisher. That is not the rule, but more important how did Registration suddenly become part of the Publisher aggregate anyway? By virtue only of Publisher having a Registration collection?
An aggregate is a group of objects that are treated as one unit for maintaining state and invariants. Existence of a relationship by itself does not confer membership in an aggregate.
But look at the other side now. Registration is 1 to 1 with Social Account. And if we remove a Social Account does it ever make sense to still have a Registration with a Publisher? If not then Registration probably is in fact part of the SocialAccount aggregate instead. That is why we create aggregates - to ensure objects and their relationships are always valid after a state change. If the change of state of removing a SocialAccount includes removing all Registrations associated with that account, we would want to include it in the aggregate to enforce that rule.
Now you have indeed violated the "aggregate rule" - you have an external relationship from Publisher to an object, Registration, that is an internal part of the SocialAccount aggregate.
These concepts are more than just rules, they have reasons. You need to review what aggregate really means, understand what the rules actually say and what they really mean, why they exist in the first place. Then reevaluate your relationships and aggregate definitions accordingly.
First we need an abstraction for encapsulating references within the model.
An AGGREGATE is a cluster of associated objects that we treat as a unit for the purpose of data changes.
Each AGGREGATE has a root and a boundary. The boundary defines what is inside the AGGREGATE. The root is a single, specific ENTITY contained in the AGGREGATE. The root is the only member of the AGGREGATE that outside objects are allowed to hold references to, although objects within the boundary may hold references to each other. ENTITIES other than the root have local identity, but that identity needs to be distinguishable only within the AGGREGATE, because no outside object can ever see it out of the context of the root ENTITY.
what you think about it Ssyphus?

What Belongs to the Aggregate Root

This is a practical Domain Driven Design question:
Conceptually, I think I get Aggregate roots until I go to define one.
I have an Employee entity, which has surfaced as an Aggregate root. In the Business, some employees can have work-related Violations logged against them:
Since not all Employees are subject to this, I would think that Violations would not be a part of the Employee Aggregate, correct?
So when I want to work with Employees and their related violations, is this two separate Repository interactions by some Service?
Lastly, when I add a Violation, is that method on the Employee Entity?
Thanks for the help!
After doing even MORE research, I think I have the answer to my question.
Paul Stovell had this slightly edited response to a similar question on the DDD messageboard. Substitute "Customer" for "Employee", and "Order" for "Violation" and you get the idea.
Just because Customer references Order
doesn't necessarily mean Order falls
within the Customer aggregate root.
The customer's addresses might, but
the orders can be independent (for
example, you might have a service that
processes all new orders no matter who
the customer is. Having to go
Customer->Orders makes no sense in
this scenario).
From a domain point of view, you can
even question the validity of those
references (Customer has reference to
a list of Orders). How often will you
actually need all orders for a
customer? In some systems it makes
sense, but in others, one customer
might make many orders. Chances are
you want orders for a customer between
a date range, or orders for a customer
that aren't processed yet, or orders
which have not been paid, and so on.
The scenario in which you'll need all
of them might be relatively uncommon.
However, it's much more likely that
when dealing with an Order, you will
want the customer information. So in
code, Order.Customer.Name is useful,
but Customer.Orders[0].LineItem.SKU -
probably not so useful. Of course,
that totally depends on your business
In other words, Updating Customer has nothing to do with updating Orders. And orders, or violations in my case, could conceivable be dealt with independently of Customers/Employees.
If Violations had detail lines, then Violation and Violation line would then be a part of the same aggregate because changing a violation line would likely affect a Violation.
The wrinkle here in my Domain is that Violations have no behavior. They are basically records of an event that happened. Not sure yet about the implications that has.
Eric Evan states in his book, Domain-Driven Design: Tackling the Complexity in the Heart of Software,
An AGGREGATE is a cluster of associated objects that we treat as a unit for the purpose of data changes.
There are 2 important points here:
These objects should be treated as a "unit".
For the purpose of "data change".
I believe in your scenario, Employee and Violation are not necessarily a unit together, whereas in the example of Order and OrderItem, they are part of a single unit.
Another thing that is important when modeling the agggregate boundaries is whether you have any invariants in your aggregate. Invariants are business rules that should be valid within the "whole" aggregate. For example, as for the Order and OrderItem example, you might have an invariant that states the total cost of the order should be less than a predefined amount. In this case, anytime you want to add an OrderItem to the Order, this invariant should be enforced to make sure that your Order is valid. However, in your problem, I don't see any invariants between your entities: Employee and Violation.
So short answer:
I believe Employee and Violation each belong to 2 separate aggregates. Each of these entities are also their own aggregate roots. So you need 2 repositories: EmployeeRepository and ViolationRepository.
I also believe you should have an unidirectional association from Violation to Employee. This way, each Violation object knows who it belongs to. But if you want to get the list of all Violations for a particular Employee, then you can ask the ViolationRepository:
var list = repository.FindAllViolationsByEmployee(someEmployee);
You say that you have employee entity and violations and each violation does not have any behavior itself. From what I can read above, it seems to me that you may have two aggregate roots:
EmployeeViolations (call it EmployeeViolationCard or EmployeeViolationRecords)
EmployeeViolations is identified by the same employee ID and it holds a collection of violation objects. You get behavior for employee and violations separated this way and you don't get Violation entity without behavior.
Whether violation is entity or value object you should decide based on its properties.
I generally agree with Mosh on this one. However, keep in mind the notion of transactions in the business point of view. So I actually take "for the purpose of data changes" to mean "for the purpose of transaction(s)".
Repositories are views of the domain model. In a domain environment, these "views" really support or represent a business function or capability - a transaction. Case in point, the Employee may have one or more violations, and if so, are aspects of a transaction(s) in a point in time. Consider your use cases.
Scenario: "An employee commits an act that is a violation of the workplace." This is a type of business event (i.e. transaction, or part of a larger, perhaps distributed transaction) that occurred. The root affected domain object actually can be seen from more than one perspective, which is why it is confusing. But the thing to remember is behavior as it pertains to a business transaction, since you want your business processes to model the real-world as accurate as possible. In terms of relationships, just like in a relational database, your conceptual domain model should actually indicate this already (i.e. the associativity), which often can be read in either direction:
Employee <----commits a -------committed by ----> Violation
So for this use case, it would be fair that to say that it is a transaction dealing with violations, and that the root - or "primary" entity - is a Violation. That, then would be your aggregate root you would reference for that particular business activity or business process. But that is not to say that, for a different activity or process, that you cannot have an Employee aggregate root, such as the "new employee process". If you take care, there should be no negative impact of cyclic references, or being able to traverse your domain model multiple ways. I will warn, however, that governing of this should be thought about and handled by your controller piece of your business domain, or whatever equivalent you have.
Aside: Thinking in terms of patterns (i.e. MVC), the repository is a view, the domain objects are the model, and thus one should also employ some form of controller pattern. Typically, the controller declares the concrete implementation of and access to the repositories (collections of aggregate roots).
In the data access world...
Using LINQ-To-SQL as an example, the DataContext would be the controller exposing a view of Customer and Order entities. The view is a non-declarative, framework-oriented Table type (rough equivalent to Repository). Note that the view keeps a reference to its parent controller, and often goes through the controller to control how/when the view gets materialized. Thus, the controller is your provider, taking care of mapping, translation, object hydration, etc. The model is then your data POCOs. Pretty much a typical MVC pattern.
Using N/Hibernate as an example, the ISession would be the controller exposing a view of Customer and Order entities by way of the session.Enumerable(string query) or session.Get(object id) or session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Customer)).List()
In the business logic world...
Customer { /*...*/ }
Employee { /*...*/ }
Repository<T> : IRepository<T>
, IEnumerable<T>
//, IQueryable<T>, IQueryProvider //optional
{ /**/ }
BusinessController {
Repository<Customer> Customers { get{ /*...*/ }} //aggregate root
Repository<Order> Orders { get{ /*...*/ }} // aggregate root
In a nutshell, let your business processes and transactions be the guide, and let your business infrastructure naturally evolve as processes/activities are implemented or refactored. Moreover, prefer composability over traditional black box design. When you get to service-oriented or cloud computing, you will be glad you did. :)
I was wondering what the conclusion would be?
'Violations' become a root entity. And 'violations' would be referenced by 'employee' root entity. ie violations repository <-> employee repository
But you are consfused about making violations a root entity becuase it has no behavior.
But is 'behaviour' a criteria to qualify as a root entity? I dont think so.
a slightly orthogonal question to test understanding here, going back to Order...OrderItem example, there might be an analytics module in the system that wants to look into OrderItems directly i.e get all orderItems for a particular product, or all order items greater than some given value etc, does having a lot of usecases like that and driving "aggregate root" to extreme could we argue that OrderItem is a different aggregate root in itself ??
It depends. Does any change/add/delete of a vioation change any part of employee - e.g. are you storing violation count, or violation count within past 3 years against employee?
