PromptDialog.Choice - Invalid Type Exception - bots

I am getting an invalid Type exception when trying to utilize PromptDialog.Choice.
Here is my code from on of my dialogs:
public async Task StartAsync(IDialogContext context) {
await context.PostAsync(ConversationHelper.CreateReschedulePromptMessage());
public virtual async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<IMessageActivity> result) {
var message = await result;
var Options = new[] { "Location", "Date and Time", "Both" };
if (message.Text.ToUpper().CompareTo("PICKUP") == 0) {
_rescheduleType = "pickup";
string prompt = string.Format("Is the {0} location incorrect, is the date and time incorrect, or both?", _rescheduleType);
PromptDialog.Choice(context, OnResumeFromRescheduleChoice, Options, prompt, promptStyle: PromptStyle.Auto, descriptions: Options);
else if (message.Text.ToUpper().CompareTo("DROP") == 0) {
_rescheduleType = "drop-off";
string prompt = string.Format("Is the {0} location incorrect, is the date and time incorrect, or both?", _rescheduleType);
PromptDialog.Choice(context, OnResumeFromRescheduleChoice, Options, prompt, promptStyle: PromptStyle.Auto, descriptions: Options);
else {
await context.PostAsync(ConversationHelper.CreateGenericRescheduleMessage(SUPPORTNUMBER));
private async Task OnResumeFromRescheduleChoice(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable<string> result) {
var choice = await result;
The OnResumeFromRescheduleChoice method is firing, but the result shows failed because the ResumeAfter delegate is expecting type string, but is receiving object. Is this incorrect usage of the PromptDialog? Also the user is not being prompted the choices. I am using Bot.Builder version 3.5.5.

Move the context.Done<object>(null); call inside the else clause. You cannot call to context.Done after firing a Prompt.


IPageRetriever not working with Ajax calls

I have the following API call to retrieve page data
List<VillageNewsItem> newsList = pageRetriever.RetrieveAsync<VillageNewsItem>(
query => query
.Path("/Home/Village-News", PathTypeEnum.Children)
.OrderByDescending(x => x.DocumentCreatedWhen)
It works fine and return 2 records if I run the query on page load. Inside Index action of the controller.
public VillageNewsListController(IPageDataContextRetriever dataRetriever, VillageNewsListRepository villageNewsListRepository,
IPageRetriever pagesRetriever, IPageDataContextRetriever pageDataContextRetriever, IPageUrlRetriever pageUrlRetriever)
this._dataRetriever = dataRetriever;
this._villageNewsListRepository = villageNewsListRepository;
this._pagesRetriever = pagesRetriever;
this.pageDataContextRetriever = pageDataContextRetriever;
this.pageUrlRetriever = pageUrlRetriever;
public async Task<ActionResult> Index(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
List<VillageNewsItem> newsList = pagesRetriever.RetrieveAsync<VillageNewsItem>(
query => query
.Path("/Home/Village-News", PathTypeEnum.Children)
.OrderByDescending(x => x.DocumentCreatedWhen)
newsItems.VillageNewsItems = newsList;
return View(newsItems);
catch (Exception ex)
ErrorHandler.EventLog.LogError(ex.Source, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
return RedirectToAction("ErrorPage", "Error");
However, if I try to make the same API call via a client side AJAX call, it doesn't work and return 0 records. Why it's not working with Ajax calls?
Ajax call
function loadMoreNews() {
url: '/VillageNewsList/VillageNewsItemList',
//data: { "term": request.term },
type: "POST",
success: function (data) {
function (item) {
error: function (response) {
failure: function (response) {
// alert(response.responseText);
Server side method.
public VillageNewsListViewModel VillageNewsItemList(string NodeAliasPath = "", int villageId = 0, string state = "", int page = 1, int pageSize = 4)
List<VillageNewsItem> newsList = pagesRetriever.RetrieveAsync<VillageNewsItem>(
query => query
.Path("/Home/Village-News", PathTypeEnum.Children)
.OrderByDescending(x => x.DocumentCreatedWhen)
var model = new VillageNewsListViewModel
VillageNewsItems = newsList, // returns 0 records
return model;
catch (Exception ex)
ErrorHandler.EventLog.LogError(ex.Source, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
//return RedirectToAction("ErrorPage", "Error");
return null;
Couple things I see.
You're calling IPageRetriever.RetrieveAsync, but you aren't putting an await before it. There may be some odd behavior due to this. Get rid of the ?.Result?.ToList() and instead just put await before it, it will return an IEnumerable of the specified type.
You don't need ".Published" nor "OnSite" with IPageRetriever, this API automatically uses the Current Site Context, the current culture, and either Published or not / Latest Version or not based on if it's in edit/preview mode or not.
See if those things fix the issue!
I also asume it is caused by async context here...
You can try to use a document query instead.
Would be something like this:
var items = new DocumentQuery<VillageNewsItem>(
.Path("/Home/Village-News", PathTypeEnum.Children)
.OrderByDescending(x => x.DocumentCreatedWhen))
If you have multiple cultures, add the culture to your query, too.

Service Fabric Actor notification fails to trigger event handler after first invocation due to possible blocking

I've got 2 Reliable actors called GameActor and PlayerActor. The ClientApp send a message to the PlayerActor when the player makes a move. Then the PlayerActor sends a message to the GameActor to indicate a movement was made. Upon being invoked, the method in the GameActor fires a notification. This notification gets handled by the ClientApp GameEventsHandler. The ClientApp then calls a method on the GameActor to retrieve the latest player positions.
ClientApp -> PlayerActor.MoveTo() -> GameActor.NotifyPlayerMoved() ->
Fire ScoreBoardUpdated event
GameEventsHandler triggered by that event ->
The problem I'm having is this. The very first time I run it, the GameEventsHandler gets triggered and it tries to call the GameActor as expected. The GameActor receives the message and returns the response expected. But the client doesn't seem to receive the message. It looks like it's blocked as it doesn't throw and error or any output. Any subsequent notifications don't get handled by the event handler at all.
public async Task<IList<PlayerInfo>> GetLatestPlayerInfoAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var allPlayers = await StateManager.GetStateAsync<List<string>>("players", cancellationToken);
var tasks = allPlayers.Select(actorName =>
var playerActor = ActorProxy.Create<IPlayerActor>(new ActorId(actorName), new Uri(PlayerActorUri));
return playerActor.GetLatestInfoAsync(cancellationToken);
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
return tasks
.Select(t => t.Result)
public async Task NotifyPlayerMovedAsync(PlayerInfo lastMovement, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var ev = GetEvent<IGameEvents>();
public async Task MoveToAsync(int x, int y, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var playerName = await StateManager.GetStateAsync<string>("playerName", cancellationToken);
var playerInfo = new PlayerInfo()
LastUpdate = DateTimeOffset.Now,
PlayerName = playerName,
XCoordinate = x,
YCoordinate = y
await StateManager.AddOrUpdateStateAsync("positions", new List<PlayerInfo>() { playerInfo }, (key, value) =>
return value;
}, cancellationToken);
var gameName = await StateManager.GetStateAsync<string>("gameName", cancellationToken);
var gameActor = ActorProxy.Create<IGameActor>(new ActorId(gameName), new Uri(GameActorUri));
await gameActor.NotifyPlayerMovedAsync(playerInfo, cancellationToken);
public async Task<PlayerInfo> GetLatestInfoAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var positions = await StateManager.GetStateAsync<List<PlayerInfo>>("positions", cancellationToken);
return positions.Last();
private static async Task RunDemo(string gameName)
var rand = new Random();
Console.WriteLine("Hit return when the service is up...");
Console.WriteLine("Enter your name:");
var playerName = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("This might take a few seconds...");
var gameActor = ActorProxy.Create<IGameActor>(new ActorId(gameName), new Uri(GameActorUri));
await gameActor.SubscribeAsync<IGameEvents>(new GameEventsHandler(gameActor));
var playerActorId = await gameActor.JoinGameAsync(playerName, CancellationToken.None);
var playerActor = ActorProxy.Create<IPlayerActor>(new ActorId(playerActorId), new Uri(PlayerActorUri));
while (true)
Console.WriteLine("Press return to move to new location...");
await playerActor.MoveToAsync(rand.Next(100), rand.Next(100), CancellationToken.None);
public void ScoreboardUpdated(PlayerInfo lastInfo)
Console.WriteLine($"Scoreboard updated. (Last move by: {lastInfo.PlayerName})");
var positions = _gameActor.GetLatestPlayerInfoAsync(CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
//this hangs
foreach (var playerInfo in positions) // this line never gits hit
$"Position of {playerInfo.PlayerName} is ({playerInfo.XCoordinate},{playerInfo.YCoordinate})." +
$"\nUpdated at {playerInfo.LastUpdate}\n");
But if I wrap the event handler logic inside a Task.Run() it seems to work.
Task.Run(async () =>
var positions = await _gameActor.GetLatestPlayerInfoAsync(CancellationToken.None);
foreach (var playerInfo in positions)
$"Position of {playerInfo.PlayerName} is ({playerInfo.XCoordinate},{playerInfo.YCoordinate})." +
$"\nUpdated at {playerInfo.LastUpdate}\n");
Full source code for the demo here
AFAIK notifications aren't blocking and are not reliable. So I don't understand why my initial implementation doesn't work. The reentrant pattern doesn't apply here as per my understanding either. Can someone explain to me what's going on here? Is it expected behaviour or a bug?

“The application is in break mode" C# when using throw to bubble out the exception

When I am throwing exception my function to bubble it out and catch it in the task exception, rather then continuation it breaks the code- below is my code
public override void Run()
SendRenewalsEmail("", " Email Body from test More", "Test Email from Service another Test");
private async void SendRenewalsEmail(string userEmail, string emailBody, string emailSubject)
string replyFromEmailAddress = "";
string cc = "";
string bcc = "";
SMTPMailHelperAsync sMTPMailHelperAsync = new SMTPMailHelperAsync();
var x= await sMTPMailHelperAsync.SendEmailAsync(userEmail, cc, bcc, emailSubject, SMTPMailHelperAsync.ProcessTemplate(emailBody, "Renewals.html", emailSubject), replyFromEmailAddress);
if (x.MailSent)
throw new Exception("after mail Test more service");
and the Task where it is being captured
var task= Task<PluginInstance>.Run<PluginInstance>(() => {
thisPlugin.LastRunStart = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime();
thisPlugin.LastRunStatus = Enums.RunStatus.Success;
thisPlugin.LastRunMessage = "";
catch (Exception ex)
thisPlugin.LastRunStatus = Enums.RunStatus.Failed;
thisPlugin.LastRunMessage = ex.Message;
thisPlugin.LastRunEnd = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime();
return thisPlugin;
Now I am trying to capture the exception in the Task exception but is not. getting below exception
You must not use async void. This is a special case, reserved only for event handlers. Your async method must return a Task:
private async Task SendRenewalsEmail(…)
Then, your Plugin.Run method is broken. It should be async as well.
Once you start with async - await, you do it to the top.

Async function does not return control to the main thread (linq expression)

I thought that I got threads in .NET, but when I have added LINQ expression it made me a little confused.
Like I wrote in the topic of this discussion I dont why the thread doesnt return control to the main action of my controller.
I have written what makes me silly in comments, so let me skip to the true example:
public class ValuesController : ApiController
public async Task<List<SomeProduct>> Get()
var collection = new List<Mother>() {
new Mother()
internalField = new List<Child>()
new Child()
theLastOne = "VAL"
new Child()
theLastOne = "VAL"
var oss =
from m in collection
from s in m.internalField
select Convert(m, s).Result;
//1-The above code doesnt enter into CONVERT function (I have a breakpoint there)
return oss.ToList();//2- this list enter into COnvertt
private async Task<SomeProduct> Convert(Mother ms, Child ss)
var ossNEW = new SomeProduct();
await update(ossNEW, ms);
return ossNEW;
private async Task update(SomeProduct oss, Mother ms)
{//3 - Naturally it comes here
await Task.Run(()=>
//This task is executed (It is example code, pls do not care, that threads do not have any sense
oss.copyOfTheLastOne = ms.internalField.First().theLastOne;
oss.valeFromAnUpdateFunction = "works";
}); //Flow comes here and THIS line does not return control to the main action, why? :)
public class SomeProduct
public string copyOfTheLastOne;
public string valeFromAnUpdateFunction;
public class Mother
public List<Child> internalField;
public class Child
public string theLastOne;
I have solved this example by adding an "executor", which takes list of the tasks and manage it.
public class ValuesController : ApiController
public async Task<List<SomeProduct>> Get()
var collection = new List<Mother>() {
new Mother()
internalField = new List<Child>()
new Child()
theLastOne = "VAL"
new Child()
theLastOne = "VAL"
var oss =
from m in collection
from s in m.internalField
select Convert(m, s);
List<Task<SomeProduct>> downloadTasks = oss.ToList();
List<SomeProduct> ossNew = new List<SomeProduct>();
while (downloadTasks.Count > 0)
var firstFinishedTask = await Task.WhenAny(downloadTasks);
ossNew.Add(await firstFinishedTask);
return ossNew;
private async Task<SomeProduct> Convert(Mother ms, Child ss)
var ossNEW = new SomeProduct();
await update(ossNEW, ms);
return ossNEW;
private async Task update(SomeProduct oss, Mother ms)
await Task.Run(()=>
oss.copyOfTheLastOne = ms.internalField.First().theLastOne;
oss.valeFromAnUpdateFunction = "works";
To fully understand the problem, I would like to know why the UPDATE function does not return control to the main action and why RESULT on CONVERT function does not force to run program synchronously?
I would like to know why the UPDATE function does not return control to the main action and why RESULT on CONVERT function does not force to run program synchronously?
You're running into a common deadlock problem that I explain in full on my blog, due to the use of Result. Use await instead of Result and your problem goes away (in your case, since you have a collection, you'll want to await Task.WhenAll):
public async Task<SomeProduct[]> Get()
var collection = new List<Mother>() {
new Mother()
internalField = new List<Child>()
new Child()
theLastOne = "VAL"
new Child()
theLastOne = "VAL"
var oss =
from m in collection
from s in m.internalField
select Convert(m, s);
return Task.WhenAll(oss);
On a side note, you shouldn't use Task.Run in your implementations, particularly on ASP.NET. On ASP.NET, Task.Run completely removes all the benefits of async and adds overhead.

MonoTouch return a string from a Task

I am using following code to call a web service in update UI using Task
//------- REFRESH BOOK LIST ------
public Task<string> GetBookList()
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
WebServiceController webServices = new WebServiceController ();
string bookList = webServices.GetBookList ();
if (bookList.Contains("BooksList")) {
ParseListData parseData = new ParseListData ();
parseData.ParseList (bookList);
return bookList;
I call this code using
GetBookList ().ContinueWith (task => {
if (task.IsFaulted) {
RemoveActivityIndicator (true);
throw new AggregateException (task.Exception.InnerException.Message);
InvokeOnMainThread (() => {
RemoveActivityIndicator (true);
string bookList = task.Result;
if (bookList.Contains("Error:") || !bookList.Contains("BooksList"))
If there is an error in the return string (bookList) then i want to check for bookList.Contains("Error:") as above and show error message. The problem in that is bookList string is assigned in the Task GetBookList() function. How do i get that value in GetBookList ().ContinueWith to show error.
How to write a Task in above situation to return a string.
Use Task<string>, then the Task's Result property can be used to store your String value.
