Using Vue Material UI Components with Bootstrap Layout - layout

I am starting my first Vue 2 project and would like to mix Vue Material Components with Bootstrap layout. I have enough experience with Angular Material components to know that mixing them with Bootstrap causes problems. I would like to use Vue Material and integrate it with a Bootstrap theme template. Is this going to be a problem? Thanks in advance.

No problem, you can install the material and the bootstrap without a problem, just be careful when calling the styles, because whoever is last


style isolation in docusaurus

docusaurus is a very useful tool, I love it, we are creating our own component library, the demo of the component library, and eventually rendering in docusaurus, but I found a problem, some of the global styles of docusaurus's own themes affect the React components in the demo. Is there any good advice or elegant way to solve this problem?

Do Theme App Extensions need to be built in liquid?

I finished this review app tutorial where we used new theme app extensions to create app blocks for the dawn theme. The code for the extensions was built in liquid.
This may stem from a fundamental misunderstanding of how app blocks work, but could react be used to build the front end instead of liquid? For example, could this file which displays the average review rating be built with React? Thanks for any clarification!
The short answer is yes, of course you can inject your React into the theme using an App extension.
The problem is, you won't be offering any control of that to the merchant. Your React code does not play in the sandbox like Liquid does. So where some aspects of the Block are exposed to the merchant, which is a good thing, none of a React component would be.
If you want to play with React, Themes and Shopify, go with Hydrogen. If you want to stay inside the usual Shopify themes, like online store 2.0, you want to leverage the functionality of Liquid.
Anywho, I could wrong... have at er and see what happens.

Tabulator and Polymer 3

has anyone tried using Tabulator in a Polymer 3 project?
Polymer is not supported by Tabulator but maybe someone has tried to integrate it.
Tabulator is a vanilla JS library, as such it will work in any JavaScript Frontend Framework without issue.
The supported frameworks list on the website simply demonstrates how to set it up with those frameworks. If you follow the standard Quickstart Guide you should be up and running in no time.
With most frameworks it is simply a matter of passing a reference to the div created by the framework into the first argument of the constructor instead of the CSS selector string.
You would normally need to instantiate Tabulator after the render phase of your particular framework.
If you do get something setup then please submit some simple demo code as an issue on the Tabulator Git Repo and i can add it to the website to help others
The Framework Documentation includes several examples of setting up Tabulator in a frontend framework that should give you some pointers on how to address the issue.

How to use SVGs and image fallbacks with ReactJs?

I am currently using ReactJs for one of my project. Since we all thing in terms of components when it comes to ReactJs, how do we approach having SVGs/fallbacks in React application?
Do we build component for each SVG? or is there a different way you React users build them? I just want to approaching it with the best practise!
I would be really happy if someone helps :)
Have a look at the material-ui library's approach to SVG support. They have a SvgIcon component which you should be able to reuse. Their approach is having the common implementation separated out in the SvgIcon component and then having individual component wrappers for each unique SVG icon.

Where is the source of Google design guidelines | Material Design

I have learned the Google design guidelines.
I have a good look at
In the github source of web-starter-kit.
But, Will there somewhere source of
Polymer is a great library for implementing Google Material Design into your app:
Also, if your are build in Angular.JS the guys at Google have created their own NPM module called Angular Material: It has a number of installation methods available.
There is also another library that has incorporated Google Material Design with Bootstrap: Just search for "Bootstrap Material Design" or go here. This wonderful library is made by FezVrasta.
Material Design is great thing brought by Google. Here are some of the frameworks that can be really useful to you.
Materialize: It's a great thing to start off with. Just CSS, no JavaScript.
Material UI: This is the library that I always use in my projects, but the problem that you may face is that this library is dependent on react.js.
Leaf BETA: Still in beta, it has extensive list of components such as buttons, cards, sliders, menu, tabs etc. It includes icons by Icomoon, instead of the original Material design icons.
Polymer Paper Elements: Polymer has so many things. Nearly all. It is brought by Google so you may not have any problems using that.
MUI CSS Framework: This is library that I use for man small projects just because it is the only library that I found having best documentation.
AngularJS Material Design: This is the framework that you might know. Still a lots of bugs around there.
Bootstrap Material Design: Last but not the least, this will be extremely helpful to you if you prefer bootstrap for web designing.
As the things are changing, there might be some other framework very soon to compete with these all.
