How does out-proc azure redis session get feature work? - azure

We are using azure redis session provider. When page first loads, retrieves the data from external API and stores them in redish session.
The same session data is retrieved via different pages and components with in user session. The question is:
Does application gets the session data only once and stores locally http current context? Or everytime it goes to redis store?
What if we are encrypting the data on set and decrypt the data on Get operations?

Application gets the session-data from Redis everytime you ask for it... for the writing part, you'll have to wait until the dictionary key is unlocked. See assuming you are using for this
A page claims write access to the session state by setting the EnableSessionState attribute on the #Page directive to true. (This is the default setting.) A page, though, can also have read-only permissions on the session state, for example, when the EnableSessionState attribute is set to ReadOnly. In this case, the module will hold a reader lock on the session until the request for that page finishes. As a result, concurrent readings can occur.
If a page request sets a reader lock, other concurrently processed requests in the same session cannot update the session state but are at least allowed to read. This means that when a session read-only request is being served, awaiting read-only requests are given higher priority than requests needing a full access. If a page request sets a writer lock on the session state, all other pages are blocked, regardless of whether they have to read or write. For example, if two frames attempt to write to Session, one of them has to wait until the other finishes.
StackExchange.Redis is just a wrapper (or a abstraction) for the HttpSessionState Module


How can i create session variables in Node.JS without express?

I'm trying to build a CMS on Node.JS and this far i managed to build everything only by including MySQL module. I would like to continue building all the CMS core modules without the use of extern libraries like Express. I'm working now on the session for Login purposes. By now, i can create cookies with the header Set-Cookie where i store some information of the user to recognize its session when he/she loads all the pages in the site, but i still can't find some way to create session variables without the use of express or some other frameworks.
I'd be thankful if someone could give me some example.
First off, unless you're building things yourself just because you want to learn how to do it all yourself, there's really no reason to re-invent things that have already been well engineered in existing modules. Because this is server-side code, there's really no penalty for using an already tested module that does what you want. So, my first recommendation would be to use Express and express-session. It does all the session management for you and will give you lots more time to work on the aspects of your project that will really help it succeed or fail.
And, THE top benefit of using node.js in the first place is being able to use the huge library of existing code available through NPM and Github.
Conceptually, here's how a session works in the node.js/web browser client/server world.
Incoming request from client to web server.
Server creates some sort of guaranteed unique cookie value and sets that as a cookie on the response.
Server also creates a serve-side session object and puts that object into some data store with the session cookie value as an index into that data store.
Now every time a future request arrives from that same client, it will be accompanied with that session cookie.
On each incoming request, the server can grab the session cookie value, use it as the key to look up the corresponding session object and get it.
Any request handler can then read data from the session object or write data to the session object.
In this manner you can keep data associated with a particular client secure and safe on the server and usable from one request to another.
If you're going to implement your own session system, you have to be able to create these unique session cookies and create some sort of session storage (can be anything from a Map object in memory to a database), implement session expiration and session store cleanup and then provide appropriate middleware or utility functions that makes it easy to use on any individual http request.

Is there a way for me to "persist" data on an expressjs app?

I got an expressjs application, an app service. On one of my routers the user will be redirected to another server(e.g: monkeyserver), some data is sent to monkeyserver (a random value, a url to send the user back to my expressjs application and some other stuff). The monkeyserver will send me back that random value so I can check if we are still friends.
So the doubt here is that random value variable(e.g: me_var). What's the simplest way for me to save that me_var so when the user is sent back to my app I can check if me_var value is still the same.
It's hard to understand the exact circumstances you're describing. If you have a way to identify a given http request as belonging to a particular user (session cookie created at user login is the usual way to do this), then you can store information for a particular user in a session store that is tied to the session cookie. Then, sometime later when the user returns, you can still access that same data that corresponds to that user. A session store may be long term persistent (database) or it may be shorter term only (memory store), depending upon how you implement your own session storage.
So, for your random value that will come back to you later in an URL, you can just store the original in the session store. Then, when the user comes back, that route they come back to can check the value in the URL (presumably as a query parameter) and compare it to the value in the session store to see if they still match and you can then act accordingly.

Given an HTTP Cookie, how do I ensure that the value stored in it is the latest

I am currently running into an issue of concurrent requests, NodeJS, with access points to a cookie that holds information that I attain from a server. The thing is the requests being made are asynchronous, and need to remain that way, but I am in charge of asking for the new data sets when the cookie is about to become stale. How do i keep updating the cookie without bogging the server down with requests for a new cookie, if multiple concurrent requests all assume that they are the ones that should be in charge of refreshing the cookie's value.
I.e. Req1->Req30 are fired off. In the process of handling Req17 the cookies time to live is caught so it sends out the refresh command. The thing is Req18->Req30 all assume that they should be the ones to refresh the cookies value, because they also do the staleness checks and fail in that respect.
I have limited ability to actively change the server side code, and due to the sensitive nature of the data cannot readily decide to place it in a DB because at that point, I become charged with ensuring that the data is again secured.
Should I just store multiple key/values in the cookie, and iterate through them, this could become an expensive operation. Also could overwrite the cookie with invalid data on some request, since to update the cookie and append the new key value pairs requires creating a new one, due to immutability with the cookies themselves.
To handle concurrent access on the cookie :
Use of timestamp; only perform the change if the data is more recent
To handle cookie data renewal :
Instead of having workers to perform the check of new data concurrently. Ask one specific worker to handle data update, meanwhile others workers use the data in read only mode.

Access CherryPy session from child thread?

In CherryPy, each request runs in a thread, and that thread has access to a session object via cherrypy.session. If, from that request thread, you launch another thread, thereby allowing the request to return, you no longer have access to that session object. Is there any way around this?
I have a function that runs when the user loads a specific page. Under certain circumstances, this function could take some time (say 10 seconds or so) to run. The results of this function aren't used directly in page rendering, rather they are stored in the users session object for later (instant) retrieval when the user clicks a button. Rather than make the user wait for the data to be compiled, I would like to offload this function to a background thread and let the main thread return the page to the user, but when I do that I no longer have access to the users session object to store the result. How can I work around this? Thanks.
In my specific situation, I am using a custom class for my session (a PostgreSQL session class), but I would think the same procedure would apply regardless. When the initial request comes in, I pull the session_id from the cherrypy.request.cookie object, and pass it to the function that I run in the child thread.
Then, in that function, when I need to access the session object, I instantiate a new session object myself using the session_id, and after setting the desired value call save() on the instance. Works perfectly for me!

Session handling on web apps

I've been reading about sessions, both client and server side as well as few attacks possible on them. I'd like to know what are the practical solutions to the following problems related to sessions
Race condition between two request trying to change the session variables
When session ids are regenerated, what happens to the slow requests that reach the server with older session id
For your first question, see here for how ASP.NET handles this - "Synchronizing Access to the Session State":
What if other pages attempt to concurrently access the session state?
In that case, the current request might end up working on inconsistent
data, or data that isn't up to date. Just to avoid this, the session
state module implements a reader/writer locking mechanism and queues
the access to state values. A page that has session-state write access
will hold a writer lock on the session until the request terminates.
For your second question this would be down to your code regenerating the session identifier at a suitable point. For example, to avoid session fixation it is good to regenerate the session identifier upon login. At this point there should not be other, slow requests being made to the server, so therefore this is an optimal time to issue a new identifier.
In other situations it may be appropriate for your application to recognise expired session identifiers for a short time, and associate them to the new identifier until all connections have been closed.
