Why is a global `name` variable declared in typescript and can I avoid using it? - node.js

A friend refactored some code and moved the definition of a variable called name from the function's top-level scope into a then's body. This variable was used in a subsequent then which caused a ReferenceError since name was not in scope.
We couldn't understand how the code passed compilation until we saw that typescript/lib.d.ts has the following deceleration:
declare const name: never;
Long story short, I have two questions.
Why is name (as well as length and many other globals) added by default to typescript?
From the surrounding code this seems meant for projects intended to run in a browser, we're a node.js project. Can we opt out from having these declarations added for us?

This seems to be a very old browser behaviour. Referring to the MDN both name and length are properties of the window object.
In order to get rid of all the DOM-specific declarations, you can set the lib property in your tsconfig accordingly. You cann see all options on this page. Take a look at the --lib flag.
An option to tell TypeScript your code runs on Node.JS would be nice. But it seems not yet implemented: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/9466


No code suggestions for global defined variables in VSCode in a node.js server project

I have to deal with a node.js server project that uses global variables for common APIs. For instance in the entry point server.js there is a Firebase variable for the real-time database that is stored like this:
fireDB = admin.database();
I wasn't aware that this is possible and I would consider this a bad approach, but now I have to deal with it.
I'm not really interested to re-write any of the many calls to this variable in all those files, rather I would find a way to make fireDB show me suggestions only by changing this variable or installing an extension.
I tried to define it on top of the file as var fireDB, but then suggestions only work in the same file, not in others.
When I set a dot behind admin.database() the suggestions work, when I write fireDB. I get no suggestions, yet the call seems to be possible. Suggestions need to work in other files, too. How can I get this to work?
The above warning/disclaimer is mostly for anyone starting a new project that might happen across this answer.
With that out of the way, create a new .d.ts file and put it somewhere with a descriptive name. For example, globals.d.ts at the top level of the directory. Then just populate it with the following (I don't have any experience with firebase, so I had to make some assumptions about which module you're using, etc.):
import { database } from "firebase-admin";
declare global {
var fireDB: database.Database;
IntelliSense should then recognize fireDB as a global of the appropriate type in the rest of your JavaScript project.
Why does this work? IntelliSense uses TypeScript even if you're working with a JS project. Many popular JS packages includes a .d.ts file where typings are declared, which allows IntelliSense to suggest something useful when you type require('firebase-admin').database(), for example.
IntelliSense will also automatically create typings internally when you do something "obvious", e.g. with literals:
const MY_OBJ = { a: 1, b: "hello"};
MY_OBJ. // IntelliSense can already autocomplete properties "a" and "b" here
Global autocompletion isn't one of those "obvious" things, however, probably because of all the problems with global variables. I'd also guess it'd be difficult to efficiently know what order your files will run in (and hence when a global might be declared). Thus, you need to explicitly declare your global typings.
If you're interested in further augmenting the capabilities of IntelliSense within your JS project, you can also use comments to explicitly create typings:
* #param {String[]} arrayOfStrings
function asAnExample(arrayOfStrings) {
arrayOfStrings. // IntelliSense recognizes this as an array and will provide suggestions for it
See this TypeScript JSDoc reference for more on that.

Typescript error: This expression is not callable. Type 'typeof import("koa-session")' has no call signatures

Partially solved:
There is an old issue on github where this problem is described a bit. When you declare a module in a global scope, it rewrites the whole exported module's types. When you declare a module inside a module, it merges. Why? I have no idea
I want to extend third party module's type by interface merging. Everything works fine, but when I comment
export {}; in types.d.ts I encounter the following error:
This expression is not callable. Type 'typeof import("koa-session")'
has no call signatures
Could you explain why it happens?
You can check the working code here:
A similar problem has been addressed on TypeScript github. Unfortunately I am now aware of any other documentation page that would describe it.
Commenting out the export {} turns the types.d.ts file from a module into a script. From TypeScript handbook:
In TypeScript, just as in ECMAScript 2015, any file containing a top-level import or export is considered a module. Conversely, a file without any top-level import or export declarations is treated as a script whose contents are available in the global scope (and therefore to modules as well).
Since the file without export statement (and without import statement) is not a module but rather a script it has no information about any modules and will indeed disregard the fact that there is an existing definition for "koa-session".
You can try this in your sandbox - adding any top-level import or export in types.d.ts (it can be completely unused) will fix the This expression is not callable error.
You need to import the interface if you want to enhance it and do interface merging. What you're doing is rewriting it altogether.
import Session from "koa-session";
declare module "koa-session" {
interface Session {
user: {
id: number;
username: string;
Just do this and you will enhance the interface just as you want.

What are the scopes and/or persistence of JavaScript Code Modules?

Experimenting with a bootstrapped extension, I'm trying to understand the scopes and/or persistence of jsm modules by setting a property, called baseUri, on a module object from bootstrap.js and reading it again from javascript in my options.xul (which is opened from the Add-ons Manager).
My current understanding is that JavaScript Code Modules are persisted, once loaded. However, when I try to access baseUri from options.xul, its value is undefined.
<!-- just the relevant XML (this works as expected, by the way): -->
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ 'Test' ];
Test = {
baseUri: undefined
// this is done in global scope,
// not inside install() or startup() for instance, if that matters
let test = Components.utils.import( 'file:///absolute/path/to/Test.jsm', {} ).Test;
test.baseUri = someBaseUriIExtracted;
/chrome/content/options.js (included in /chrome/content/options.xul):
let test = Components.utils.import( 'file:///absolute/path/to/Test.jsm', {} ).Test;
console.log( test.baseUri ); // undefined
So, I guess what I'm failing to fully understand is what the exact scopes are from which I should be able to access object properties from exported jsm symbols and/or how and when exactly these objects are persisted.
Does my problem have anything to do with sand-boxing, perhaps? Does Firefox consider options.xul, when opened from the Add-ons Manager, to be a different security scope than bootstrap.js, perhaps?
Can you shed a thorough light on the actual scopes of jsm modules and when and where I should be able to access persisted properties on jsm modules?
The documentation is pretty straightforward about what and how is shared
Each scope that imports a module receives a by-value copy of the
exported symbols in that module. Changes to the symbol's value will
not propagate to other scopes (though an object's properties will be
manipulated by reference).
I think the accompanying examples are clear.
Maybe you should use getters/setters.
From what I know:
Other jsm modules
Browser window
Content window
bootstrap addon scope

Why does accessing variables declared without `var` work without having to use `require` in other files?

Here's an example
$ cat main.js
App = {
version : 1.1
$ cat mymod.js
$ node main.js
Note how I declared App in main.js without var. This allowed me to access App from mymod.js without having to call require. If I declare App with a var, this won't work.
I want to understand why this happens? Is it the intended behaviour for node.js or a bug? Is this behavior consistent with ECMAScript or CommonJS standards?
This trick gives a powerful mechanism to circumvent the require module system of node.js. In every file define your objects and add them to the top level App namespace. Your code in other files will be automatically have access to those objects. Did I miss something?
If you assign a variable without using var, it is automatically a global variable. That's just the way JavaScript works. If you put 'use strict'; (quotes required) at the top of your js file, this becomes an error instead.
All has to do with local scope vs global scope.
You can even do this (which is much neater):
exports = {
version : 1.1
var App = require('./app.js');
Defining a variable without a preceding var will place it into the global namespace which is visible to all of your JavaScript code.
While this may seem a useful feature, it is generally considered bad practice to "pollute" the global namespace and can lead to subtle, hard-to-locate bugs when two non-related files both rely upon or define variables with the same name.
In nodeJS environment there is a global scope referenced by 'global' , just like the way we have 'window' in browser environments. In effect every javascript host enviroments always start with creating a global object.
When require('main.js') is executed, there is this following function that is created and executed against the global scope 'global'.
//content of main.js
App = {
version : 1.1
When the above function is executed and since there is no var declaration for App , a property with name 'App' is created on global object and assigned the value.This behavior is according to ECMA spec.
That is how the App gets into global scope and is accessible across all modules.
require has been introduced to standardize development of modules that can be ported and used.

Directly calling a function bound to the exports object

I'm reading the cluster.js file of the cluster package and this part confuses me:
fs.readdirSync(__dirname + '/plugins').forEach(function(plugin){
plugin = plugin.replace('.js', '');
exports.__defineGetter__(plugin, function(){
return require('./plugins/' + plugin);
I know that you can bind objects or functions to the exports object to expose them to different files, but it seems that it is calling a function already bound to the object. However, I always thought you needed to require the file and access functions that way. What is going on here?
This is realization of lazy loading for plugins. Plugin will be loaded only after first access to module property with his name. __defineGetter__ is the 'syntax sugar' not presented in ECMAScript standard. It binds an object's property to a function to be called when that property is looked up.
If a module sets exports to a single function rather than an arbitrary object, then the result of require will be a function reference which can be called directly (note that a function is actually a type of object and as such can have properties, which can also be functions).
That's not what's going on here, though. At the time the code you've shown is executed, a function called __defineGetter__ has already been defined and attached to exports. Here it's simply being called as a method of exports (presumably because the author didn't feel the need to create a redundant local name for it).
i.e. somewhere along the line there's something like
exports.__defineGetter__ = function(propname, getter) {
Since it doesn't have a local name, the only way to call it is through exports.
Obviously the purpose of the code here is to allow you to call cluster.nameOfPlugin.method(...) without having to manually require each plugin, while not requiring all the possible plugins to be preloaded; instead only the ones you actually use get loaded.
