Get reason for a spell-checker decision in VIM - vim

Is there a way to see, from within VIM, how a word was determined to be correctly or incorrectly spelled, for example, by displaying the spell file where it is listed?

I don't think there's anything built-in. You will have to write a function that fiddles with the 'spelllang' and 'spellfile' option values, and invoke spellbadword() to check whether it's still recognized. From that, you can deduce which source contains the definition.


Is there a one-liner to tell vim/ctags autocompletion to search from the middle of a word?

In vim (in Insert mode, after running exuberant ctags), I am using ctrl-x followed by ctrl-] to bring up a dropdown of various possible words/tokens. It's a great feature.
The problem is that by default, this list starts with a bunch of numeric options and automatically inserts the first numeric option, and if I backspace to get rid of the numbers and start typing a part of a word fresh -- with the idea of searching from the middle of the word -- the autocompletion behavior exits entirely.
I know I could type the first letter of the word that I want, then go from there. But that assumes that I know the first letter of the word, which is not necessarily a given.
For example, if I'm working on a pair-programming project with a friend during a long weekend, I might not remember at any given moment whether he called his method promoteRecordStatus(), updateRecordStatus() or boostRecordStatus(). In this example, I would like to type RecordStatus and get the relevant result, which does not seem to be possible at a glance with the current behavior.
So with that scenario in mind: Is there a simple, vim-native way to tell the editor to start its autocompletion without any assumptions, then search all available tokens for my typed string in all parts of each token?
I will of course consider plugin suggestions helpful, but I would prefer a short, vim-native answer that doesn't require any plugins if possible. Ideally, the configuration could be set using just a line or two.
The built-in completions all require a match at the starting position. In some cases, you could drop separator characters from the 'iskeyword' option (e.g. in Vimscript, drop # to be able to complete individual components from foo#bar#BazFunction()), but this won't work for camelCaseWords at all.
Custom :help complete-functions can implement any completion search, though. To be based on the tags database, it would have to use taglist() as a source, and filter according to the completion base entered before triggering the completion. If you do not anchor this pattern match at the beginning, you have your desired completion.

In Vim how to know if function is defined

I am using Vim editor v7.4 .
I have a huge C Code library , and i make constant changes to it.
Is there a way ( before compilation) to know if a function i am adding to some file is defined for this file.
I'm not sure to correctly understand your need. In my definition, when I add a function to a file, I add its definition, so it's defined. But when I'm using a function in a file, I only need its declaration. Then there is also the problem of being sure that a function defined in a translation unit is declared somewhere (privately in the same TU as a static function, or in a header file).
For the latter, I have a solution (that checks functions definitions and declarations are balanced in lh-cpp). For the case of being sure a function is declared in the UT it's used, it won't be that simple: we need to do the preprocessor work (and recursively follow includes) and search whether a function is indeed declared. It's not impossible, but it's best to have vim know the paths where header files are in order to look for them.
Look at a tool like exuberant ctags. It parses C-style files to find any identifier and store them in a tag file, so that each of them can be accessed quickly, inside Vim for example.
Once installed, in the shell command line, you have to create a tag file with this kind of command:
$ ctags *.c *.h
This will create an new file called tags, where all the c files and header files in the current directory are parsed. Please note that there are many options for this tool (like recursively include all lib headers, which can lead to a huge file, though), you may look at the doc for more details.
Once done, in Vim, there are several commands to use transparently the infos in this file. First check your current directory is the same as the tag file; then, to check if an identifier (like a function name) is already present in the tag file, you can use:
:ts myFunctionName
I don't think tag is a good enough solution to check whether function is defined. The flexibility of C syntax make it worse, because most tag tool is syntax-based other than semantics-based.
For example, at present, the most powerful code-completion plug-in for vim is
YouCompleteMe, which is semantic-based by virtue of Clang.
So IMHO, the answer to your question is: compile it!
In order to do compiling more convenience, you can add the following configuration in your .vimrc.
map <F6> :make install<CR>
After this, when you press F6, compiler will be launched to check your code.

Vim Autocomplete Menu Format

When I'm using Autocompletion in Vim, it doesn't just show the words, it shows information to the right of it:
For me it's not important where the matches are coming from (in this case, it's the path to the dictionary file). As you can see, the paths form a block of text that really distracts from the matches...Is there a way to just show the matching words?
I'm using Vim's builtin complete features, no YCM/neocomplcache/...
I'm not aware of any way to turn that off, other than completely turning off the completion popup menu with :set completeopt-=menu; this will insert one candidate after the other on <C-N>, so you're losing the overview altogether.
When you're writing a custom completion (see :help complete-functions), you can influence / suppress the additional information; it's the menu attribute of the returned match objects. So you could in theory re-implement the dictionary completion in Vimscript, but I'd advise against that, because it will be cumbersome and probably also much slower.
So, unless you have a lot of energy to write and submit a patch (e.g. a new option to turn that off, or restrict to a certain length), it's best to accept this as a fact and learn to focus on the first column.

Lookup a specific kind of tag in Vim

So here's my problem. I've gotten exuberant ctags working with Vim, and it works great, most of the time. One thing that still irks me though is whenever I try to search for a function that is named the same as some variable name. I sometimes get the right tag on the first try, sometimes not. Then after I pull up the list of alternate tags with :tselect, it comes up with a list of tags for both function definitions or variable definitions/assignments. (I'm in PHP so definitions and assignments are syntactically indistinguishable).
However, I notice that there's a column labeled 'kind' that has a value of 'f' or 'v', for function and variable, respectively. I can't seem to find a whole lot of information about this field, it seems like it may not be exactly standardized or widely used. My question is: can you filter tag results in Vim by "kind"?
Ideally, the default would be to search the whole tags file, but by specifying some extra flag, you could search a specific ('f' or 'v') kind only.
This is such a small problem for me as it doesn't come up THAT often, but sometimes it's the small problems that really annoy you.
You can certainly generate ctag files with any combination of php-kinds that you want (see the ouput of the command ctags --list-kinds.)
If you feel it's worth the effort you can make a vim function tagkind and bind it to a command. The tagkind function can overwrite the current tags vim variable to point at only the tag file with the kinds that you are interested in and call :tag. Optionally, it can store the previous version of the tags variable and restore it after this one call.
Unfortunately, I don't know of anyway other than this. Perhaps someone else would know.
I generate python ctags with --python-kinds=-i to exclude tags for import statements (which are useless). Maybe you could generate with --php-kinds=-v and drop a class of tags completely.
You can read :help tag-priority. Apparently the "highest-priority" tag is chosen based on some hard-coded logic.
fzf with fzf.vim has a :Tags (for the whole project) and :BTags for the current file option that generates ctags on the fly.
An issue raised on the plugin 'Skip tag kinds in :BTags and :Tags' gives the following code that you can use to only generated tags for a particular kind. I've modified the below so that it should only search for the PHP f kind.
command! BTagsEnhanced
\ call fzf#vim#buffer_tags(<q-args>, [
\ printf('ctags -f - --sort=no --php-kinds=f --excmd=number --language-force=%s %s', &filetype, expand('%:S'))], {})
Note as per my comment on the question, there is a potential Vim tagfinder.vim plugin via a blog post on Vim and Ctags: Finding Tag Definitions. But I haven't tried it.

Changing text appearence in vim

Suppose I have a file, whose entire contents is:
and suppose 1234 is the code for \alpha
is there a way to, in vim, have the "\1234" show up as a single \alpha symbol (and be treated as an \alpha symbol) ?
[This problem arises since I want to to use unicode names in g++]
I really don't think this is possible, since vim is designed to present and edit the actual contents of a file (it is not a WYSIWIG editor). I wouldn't recommend it for the exact same reasons, even if you find a way to do it - it will lead to confusion in the future (once you forget the feature, or if it is triggered in a document you weren't expecting, or the script contains a bug, etc.)
There is a plugin for Vim to display certain characters in Haskell as the Unicode symbol:
It even decodes the symbols to their text-representation before writing (and vice versa after reading a Haskell file).
I guess you can do the same, just inspect the plugin's source.
One thing you could do is define custom highlighting so that you know that that character maps to something else. May not be exactly what you want but as soulmerge points out anything else may be dangerous/unclear.
