No title bar in qpdfview - linux

I have qpdfview installed on linuxmint 18.The app doesn't show titlebar and is always in fullscreen(f11) mode.there is no max/minnimize or close buttons nor the taskbar.I am not able to have a floating window.
The reason this happened was once I pressed and holded the f11 button for a few seconds and then from then the titlebar was gone.
I uninstalled the software cleaned the directories then reinsatlled a few times but still the same result.
Image of the qpdfview
Then I observed this unusual output for wmctrl -l command

If this issue is related to qpdfview, try to check the local configuration file:
qpdfview uses a configuration file usually located at
which allows configuration of the toolbars and thumbnails.
look for something that uses fullscreen or no borders
If this is not working or its system wide, check the compositing options of your desktop environment
2.8. You can improve graphical performance of your Linux Mint Mate like this:
Menu button - Preferences - Windows
Deselect: Enable software compositing window manager


Linux (POP OS) JetBrains applications has no top toolbar?

So I just installed Pop OS to my system, but notice, that neither of JetBrains apps has a top toolbar. Firstly, it's just a dark line, but after some time it just disappears.
Tried to install the software in a different ways, but got the same results. I cannot move the window, exit or minimize (since there is no options, of course), only resize it. Any ideas?
If anyone is wondering, the problem was, that "Show Window Titles" was disabled by default for me. You can turn it on on Extensions -> Pop Shell -> Show Window Titles.

macOS Sublime Text 3: How do I disable one window / tabbed windows?

Not to long ago (well, maybe months and months), Sublime 3 has started launching as a singular window with tabbed windows that have their own tabs. I despise this approach. See screen shot:
How do I disable this behavior?
Version 3.1.1 build 3176
The only Packages I have installed are:
A File Icon
Groovy Snippets
Material Theme
Package Control
Pretty JSON
This particular feature is something that's happening as a result of your using MacOS (i.e. it's not something that Sublime does natively; the OS is doing it on your behalf).
In the general case most MacOS applications should have native menu items to combine windows together like this at the user's request in combination with the Prefer tabs when opening documents setting in the Dock area of the system preferences.
Sublime doesn't support the native menu items for this (yet), so it relies solely on the setting; having it set to Always (and also In Full Screen Only, but this tends to cause problems with Sublime) makes MacOS automatically "tab" new windows. Setting that setting to Manually stops this from happening.
This is also somewhat controlled by the Theme that you're using in Sublime. For MacOS, a Sublime theme can theme the menu bar of the window to match the overall application theme. Behind the scenes, this makes Sublime declare to MacOS that it wants to be in charge of displaying it's own window, which stops the system from automatically combining windows together.
An example of a theme that does this is the Adaptive theme that ships with Sublime.

Same executable with different icons

I want to open a pdf-viewer (okular) with different icons from the gnome-console.
Basically I want to differentiate between pdfs I am reading. Some would have the default okular icon, but I would like to have a different/special icon for the pdf generated by the LaTeX document I am editing.
Thinking about how to do this, I realized that I am not sure how gnome knows what icon to use when I execute /usr/bin/okular from the console. How is that bin related with an icon, no .desktop file involved right?
Applications set their icon at launch, to a compiled-in value. Most do it using the API of their graphics toolkit (Gtk provides various forms of the gtk_window_set_icon API call), but it has its roots in an X Windows window-manager property that's as old as dirt — which is why, for example, okular still has an application icon in Gnome Shell even though it's a KDE application.
You can see a grayscale representation of the icon(s) an application is exporting if you type xprop in a terminal, then click the application's window. (You need to have the correct utilities package installed, it's called xorg-x11-utils in Fedora.)
The application icon doesn't depend on Gnome or on the .desktop file under any circumstances.
(In fact, you could create your own $HOME/.local/share/applications/okular.desktop file that represented the application with a different icon, and launch it by clicking that icon, but it would be ignored in favor of the one that's compiled in to the application once it started. I have some custom launchers in my Favorites panel for different VNC sessions, using a different icon for each, but they all show up as TigerVNC with the standard icon when launched.)
AFAIK the only way to do what you want would be to compile your own separate version of okular with the icon changed to something else. That's just not the way application icons were meant to be used, sorry.

How is the Windows 10 Game-Bar implemented?

Pressing +G in Windows 10 causes the Xbox Game Bar to open - it overlays the current application, regardless of if it's a game or not (though Windows maintains its own database of games as a hint to show the bar automatically on process startup or not)
I wondered how this is possible - I don't have any Windows 10 Xbox App-related processes running on my computer.
Process Explorer shows that when WinKey+G is pressed, the following happens:
An svchost.exe instance (which is hosting the BrokerInfrastructure, DcomLaunch, LSM, PlugPlay Power, and SystemEventsBroker services) invokes "%windir%\System32\bcastdvr.exe" -ServerName:Windows.Media.Capture.Internal.BroadcastDVRServer
bcastdvr.exe then invokes "C:\Windows\System32\GamePanel.exe {hexString} /eventType=8 (where {hexString} is a 16-hex digit (8 byte) string, presumably a window handle or equivalent).
GamePanel.exe then creates the window.
But the overlay window itself is special - it doesn't seem to be a normal hWnd - for example, I observe that my mouse cursor loses its drop-shadow and the "sonar pulse" effect (when I tap the Ctrl key to show my cursor location) stays in-place where my mouse cursor was when I opened the Game bar. I also noticed how smooth and fluid the game-bar's animations are - quite unlike a typical Win32 window. Is it using the XAML UI framework? If so, how is it doing it outside of the Windows UWP Sandbox?
Curiously, the game-bar is also able to target elevated windows too.
I tried - and failed - to inspect the windows using Spy++ because it disappears as soon as another window gets focus - but when I elected to start recording a window (so you get the recording overlay, which always remains on-screen), the overlay disappeared as soon as I used Spy++'s "Find Window" tool. How is the GameBar Recording Overlay doing this?
So it turns out that after some research, I found out that the gamebar is a .exe file located in C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay_5.120.4062.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe that is opened with the Win-G shortcut (which can be changed). From what I've seen, when opened, you will not be able to see the gamebar in the apps page of task manager, but rather the background processes page where it is grouped with the runtime broker which makes me believe that it is a program that is loaded by default on boot and built in to the ram of the OS of the device. You can find the properties of the gamebar when you expand the gamebar section in the background processes section then right click the "Xbox Game Bar" and then clicking properties. I think that the transition into the gamebar are smooth because of it potentially being an app built in the RAM and offloaded as a background process by default. The SYSTEM account also has full control of the file which furthers supports the possibility that the Xbox Game Bar is a feature that is pinned on windows ram.

Windows 8.1 - Possible to change tile colour?

Since upgrading to Windows 8.1 from Windows 8 I've noticed the colour of the tiles looks awful, is there a way to change these that is...
Doesn't involve hacking around with registry/XML files
As you can see below my GIT icons are barely visible :(
I don't have a non XML Solution, but the XML solution is quite easy to follow and could easily be converted into a tool.
For example to change the background of the GIT Bash tile:
the shorcut of the tile links to something like: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i (to find the shortcut: right click -> goto location)
Go to the folder of the executable (here C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin)
Create a sh.visualelementsmanifest.xml with the content:
<Application xmlns:xsi="">
(full spec at
Update the shorcut file time stamp (e.g. copy file, delete old file)
Enjoy new tile. For example:
In reference to Xyroid's answer which has - so far - received no points, maybe this is because the link has changed / gone.
OblyTile, for those who want a GUI to manage Tile design, works perfectly on my Windows 8.1
The link to this is:
In particular, the developer has provided much improved icons for some internal windows apps (e.g. Control Panel) where the standard tile doesn't really match the design of the other Modern App tiles.
(I would have just added a comment, but I still need more reputation)!
According to Desktop App Tiles on the Start Screen, the background color of desktop app's Start menu tile is derived from the user's chosen background color, so try changing Start menu's background color.
Also checkout
How to customize tiles (change/bigger icon, change color) for desktop applications in the Start Screen?
How to Create Custom Windows 8 Tile Icons for Any Desktop Program
