Copy and show what is after last slash from a cell - excel

I have columns with words and / between them.
Like this: I/Want/This
Now i want to make a formula that finds the last / and copies or shows only what is behind the last /. In this case i want "I/Want/This" to only show "This" in a cell.
I know this is possible but could not make it work.
Can you guys help me.

Use following formula:
See image for reference


Extract information before several special characters in excel

I have a problem with an excel file.
I am trying to extract information from a column. This information appears randomly, before a ".", "-" or ":". So an example would be:
hi.this is:
maybe I- this works
maybe I
Who is: what. like-
Who is
I am using the formula:
Using this one, I get the information I need, but I am not able to add the other characters (".", ":",...) to the formula. Also I have the problem that in a same cell, I can have several of this characters, and I only want the information before the FIRST character (of all posible kinds) that appears in the cell.
I dont know if somebody can help me here.
Thank you very much in advance!
You can try:
Formula in B1:
If you don't yet have acces to TEXTBEFORE() then try:
I suppose this is an array-entered formula in versions prior to ms365.

Split between deliminator in excel formula

I am attempting to split a percentage using excel formulas. I am trying to get the first portion of the percent before the "-" and the second portion of the percent after the "-".
L16 = 1-7% will cause this to work perfect fine.
L16 = 19-100% will cause the formula to break. I cannot seem to figure out how to get the second portion to work.
I have created 2 formulas.
Grabs first half:
Grabs second half(the one not working):
You can use SUBSTITUTE() for a quick solution:
For the left part:
and the right:
Use this one formula for both:
=--TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE($L16,"%",""),"-",REPT(" ",999)),(COLUMN(A1)-1)*999+1,999))
Put that in the first cell and copy over one and down the data set
And if you want them as percentages then use this:
=--(TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE($L16,"%",""),"-",REPT(" ",999)),(COLUMN(A1)-1)*999+1,999)) & "%")
And format the cells as percentages.
When I copied your formula it worked for me, but then I realized that I put a space on either side of the hyphen. So there is something about the spaces that makes it work, in case that helps you troubleshoot how to fix your formula (I'd leave this as a comment if I had enough rep, sorry).

Excel Vlookup , too few arguments error

When I try to enter Vlookup formula manually in Excel, I get the following error;
excel manual vlookup error. This error appears while I'm defining the second element of the formula from another excel file and it doesn't let me to define the area.And it directs me to use formula wizard, however it's not useful and efficient for me. Has anyone experienced this problem before?
You may find the formula I try to use as below;
=vlookup(S2;'[Copy of Material Master_S112.xlsx]q_S112'!$G$2:$I$7
after this point it doesn'let me to make any change and directs me to formula wizard.
Thank you for your help in advance
VLOOKUP() takes 4 arguments:
Value to seek.
Target range.
Number of result column relative to the first column of target range. E.g. if your target range is $G:$I and you need results from column H this parameter should be 2, if you want results from column I - then 3.
Parameter specifying whether you need exact (TRUE) or approximate (FALSE) match. Set it to FALSE in most cases.
And of course you need closing parenthesis ) at the end.
So the correct formula should look something like this:
=VLOOKUP(S2;'[Copy of Material Master_S112.xlsx]q_S112'!$G$2:$I$7;3;FALSE)
If you use Ctrl-Shift-Down after you have started to enter the second parameter you will get the "you have entered too few arguments" message.
You can only use Ctrl-Shift-Down after selecting a cell but before you have entered anything for the second VLOOKUP parameter.
As I mentioned in my comment, arguments in Excel formulas are separated by commas, not semicolons.
For example,
=VLOOKUP(S2, '[Copy of Material Master_S112.xlsx]q_S112'!$G$2:$I$7, 2, FALSE)
Thank you for all your answers. It's kind of interesting but, I have to hit at first shift and then control not to get this error. It wasn't like that before but when I hit control first and then shift+down it gives the error. But at least it works like this.
if you use win 10 , you must change the regoin configoration .
in control panel > region >formats> additional setting> list separator
change content to ";"

Excel - How to add value after 3rd /

I have excel file with one value that need to be edited. It's link to a image.
My link template looks like this:
I need to add 'medium' after /product/
so my template would be
would be
Of course all products are different, so can i maybe say something like, add medium/ after 6th / ? I don't know how else, as its huge file with thousands of products, brands and product names.
Well, using the formula of #SkipIntro, you can use the CONCATENATE, LEFT and MID formulae to get your desired result.
This assumes your link template is in cell A1. If it's in any other cell, replace the A1 with the required cell address.
I overlooked a much simpler one ^^; :
You can incorporate Skip Intro's suggestion into a REPLACE function like this

Grabbing text between slashes in Excel

I have an excel sheet and was trying to figure out if there was a way to grab text b/w slashes.
For example:
[In cell B9]
I want to pull out: FINANCE-ASIA and place it into cell C9.
Anybody know what the formula for this would be?
This is by no means a 'clean' method of going about it; and would only apply to finding the first set of text.
=LEFT(RIGHT(B9, LEN(B9)-FIND("\",B9)),FIND("\",B9, FIND("\",B9)+1)-FIND("\",B9)-1)
Slightly cleaner form:
=MID(B9, FIND("\",B9)+1, FIND("\",B9, FIND("\",B9)+1)-FIND("\",B9)-1)
