Excel - formula to find how many cells to sum of N - excel

I want to know how many cells it take to sum N. Please see following example:
number | cells to sum of 100
100 | 1
50 | 2
20 | 3
25 | 4
15 | 4
90 | 2
10 | 2
See the last column, it find the min number of current cell + previous cells to sum of 100.
Is there a way to do so?

In B2, array formula**:
=IFERROR(1+ROWS(A$2:A2)-MATCH(100,MMULT(TRANSPOSE(A$2:A2),0+(ROW(A$2:A2)>=TRANSPOSE(ROW(A$2:A2)))),-1),"Not Possible")
Copy down as required.
Change the hard-coded threshold value (100 here) as required.
As way of an explanation as to the part:
using the data provided and taking the version of the above from B5, i.e.:
the first part of which, i.e.:
and the second part of which, i.e.:
resolves to:
which is:
which is:
An understanding of matrix multiplication will tell us that:
which is here:
i.e. an array whose four elements are equivalent to, respectively:
**Array formulas are not entered in the same way as 'standard' formulas. Instead of pressing just ENTER, you first hold down CTRL and SHIFT, and only then press ENTER. If you've done it correctly, you'll notice Excel puts curly brackets {} around the formula (though do not attempt to manually insert these yourself).

I did the first 3 with an excel formula:
C4 is where your numbers start, so C4=100, C5=50 etc.
Formula is on D4, D5, D6 etc
On D4:
On D5:
On D6:
You can keep doing this, just keep replacing "Error" with an longer/updated version of IF(C6+C5+C4>=D4;3.
I don't know if this is the best way, but this will achieve it.

One way to solve this is to create an NxN matrix of equations instead of just a column. An example picture is provided. Columns E through I are hidden. The last column on the right determines the number required
Theoretically, you can also hard code the equations if the number of rows needed to get to 100 is a known small number. For example, if the number of rows is always four or less, C8 would be =IFS(B8>=100,1,SUM(B7:B8)>=100,2,SUM(B6:B8)>=100,3,SUM(B5:B8)>=100,4). BTW, you'll run into sum boundary problems with this equation on the first, second, and third rows. Therefore, the first row will need to be =if(B8>=100,1,""), the second row would be =IFS(B9>=100,1,SUM(B8:B9)>100,2,TRUE,"") and so on.


Excel 2003: Averaging every Nth row

I am using Excel 2003 and am trying to average every two rows of data in one column,
starting from A1 and ending in A4, for example,
I try to do this average on the B1 column/row as follows (based on this info)
However, when doing the above, B1 returns a 0, even though I intended to get a 1.
What would be the best way to make this kind of averaging work?
The above formula is an array formula. To finalize it you need to press ctrl+shift+enter simultaneously; not just enter. This has also been abbreviated as CSE.
When you do this correctly, excel will wrap the formula in braces (e.g. { and }) like this:
You do not type these braces in yourself; they are added automatically when a formula is entered as an array formula.
The solution to the question was as follows:
where the {} appears after pressing ctrl+shift+enter due to it being an array formula (cannot type that in manually).
The -1 is the offset based on where the data starts, and depending on the modulus operation, since MOD(ROW(A1),2) was 1,
i.e.: if my data instead started on A27, and I instead wanted to average values in every 4 rows, then MOD(ROW(A27),4) would return a 3 and the formula would correspondingly be offset by -3.
You could avoid array formulas using the below:

Calculate current streak in Excel row

I have a list of 1s and 0s in excel row ranging from B2:K2, I want to calculate the current streak of 1's in cell M2,
example dataset where streak would be 4
1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0
Is there a simple way of doing this? I have tried research but not been able to find anything specific.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Here is a way of doing this with just one formula, no helper columns/rows needed:
The formula used translates to:
Note: It's an array formula and should be entered through CtrlShiftEnter
Assuming your data is layed out horizontally like the image below, the following two formulas should do it for you.
The first cell requires a different formula as the is no cell to the left to refer to. so a simple formula to check if the first cell is one or not is entered in B2.
The part in the bracket will either be true or false. A quirk of excel is that if you send a true or false value through a math operation it will be converted to 1 for true and 0 for false. That is why you see the double - in front. could have also done *1, /1, +0,-0 at the end.
In B2 place the following formula and copy right as needed:
Basically it adds 1 to the series, then check if the number in the sequence is 1 or 0. In the event its one, it keeps the value as it is TRUE sent through the math operator *. If it is false it set the sequence back to zero by multiplying False by the math operator *.
Alternate IF
Now the above while it works and may save a few characters is not necessarily intuitive for most. The go to option would be to use an IF function. The above formulas can be replaced with the following:
B3 ->Copied right
Longest streak
To get the longest streak, the highest value in your helper row is what you want. You can grab this with the following formula in an empty cell.
If you have no other numbers in your helper row, you can use the first formula which looks in the entire row. If there are other numbers due to calculations off to the left or right as an example, then you will want to restrict your range to you data as in the second formula.
I've put those values in cells B2 to B8.
In cell C3, I've put this formula:
Dragging this downto C8, and then take the maximum of the C column.

Excel multiple variable lookups

have a table that i would like it to select the smallest size picture frame that could be used based on the size values,
basically return the smallest frame that would fit the image.
For example i have 4 standard sizes:
a b c
Size1 150 150
Size2 300 300
Size3 540 570
Size4 800 800
I want to have a size in another cell e.g. 290 x 300 and would like it to pick the smallest size possible to fit i.e. in this case size2.
I've followed a few guides and have the following that will print out the value if the values are exact but not if they are slightly under one of the options
=VLOOKUP($A$8,CHOOSE({1,2},$B$2:$B$5&", "&$A$2:$A$5,$C$2:$C$5),2,0)
Any helo / direction would be much appreactiated!
Assuming order does matter (e.g. there is a difference between 500x550 and 550x500), you can use this array formula:
= INDEX($A$2:$A$5,MATCH(2,MMULT((E2:F2<=$B$2:$C$5)+0,{1;1}),0))
Note this is an array formula, so you must press Ctrl+Shift+Enter after typing this formula rather than just pressing Enter.
See below for working example.
Assuming order does not matter (e.g. there is not a difference between 500x550 and 550x500), the formula gets considerably longer because of reversing the order of the E2:F2 array. There is possibly a better way to do this but this is the easiest way I can think of to do it. Unfortunately Excel has no way of handling 3D arrays, otherwise this would be not much different from the original formula above. Anyway, here is the formula (line breaks added for readability)
= INDEX($A$2:$A$5,MIN(MATCH(2,MMULT((E2:F2<=$B$2:$C$5)+0,{1;1}),0),
Note this is also an array formula.
See below, working example. Note how it yields the same result as above in every cell except cell G4, since again this is considering 550x500 and 500x550.
It is not clear what is in cell A8. Going by your question, I assume it must be dimensions in the format "W x H" (example: 290 x 300). If so, try:
In D2: 1
// Copy next down
In D3: D2+1
// Wherever you want it
=CONCATENATE("Size ",MIN(VLOOKUP(LEFT(A8,FIND(" ",A8)-1)+0,B2:D5,3,TRUE),VLOOKUP(RIGHT(A8,LEN(A8)-FIND("x ",A8)-1)+0,C2:D5,2,TRUE)))
Alternatively, if you split the width and height into 2 cells A8 and B8, this simpler version should do the trick:
In D2: 1
// Copy next down
In D3: D2+1
//Wherever you want it
These assume the sizes all use a "Size #" naming convention. If otherwise, you could add another column at the right to equal column A, then use vlookup to identify the match, like this (again assumes "W x H" in cell A8):
In D2: 1
// Copy next down
In D3: D2+1
// Copy next down
In E2: =A2
// Wherever you want it

Sum of non-blank cells with sign inversion

suppose I have a set of rows with numbers. Some columns in these rows are blank. Each row however contains an even number of non-blank cells as follows:
row_1: 3 4 # 7 # 3
row_2: 5 # 3 7 # 8
row_3: # # 5 # # 3
where # is an empty cell.
I would like to find a formula that will compute the following (using row_1 as an example):
= -3 + 4 + -7 + 3
In other words, the formula is to compute the sum of non-blank cells where the value of every odd non-blank cell has an inverted sign.
Question: Is it possible to do it without VBA just with some excel formula? Any help is appreciated.
Based on data in A1:F1, array formula**
Copy down to give similar results for data in A2:F2, A3:F3, etc.
As way of an explanation, using the data provided, this part:
produces an array of column indices for which the entry within row 1 of that column is non-blank, i.e.:
We then pass these to INDEX, such that:
which is:
which is then multiplied by the result of:
which is:
**Array formulas are not entered in the same way as 'standard' formulas. Instead of pressing just ENTER, you first hold down CTRL and SHIFT, and only then press ENTER. If you've done it correctly, you'll notice Excel puts curly brackets {} around the formula (though do not attempt to manually insert these yourself).
How does this work? You'll need to use helper columns. (There may be a way to skip that and combine the helper formula with Sum(), but I'm not there yet :P )
The formula to put in H1, and drag right/down is:
Then just sum up those numbers (column O above) to get your answer.
In column G, use the following formula:
Then in column H use this formula:
This is assuming you only have six columns, at least two of them are always filled in, and at least two will be blank. If you fall outside of that criteria, you will have to additionally modify it.

Excel: SUMIF depending on number in field

Hi All You Amazing People
You know what, I should let you know that I am actually trying to do this with numbers and not alphabets. For instance, I have a field with value like 225566 and I am trying to pick out fields which have 55 in them. It is only now I realize this might make a huge difference
ColumnA | ColumnB |
225566 | 2
125589 | 3
95543 | 2
(Below is what I had asked first and later realized I wasn't asking the right question.)
*Lets say I have a table as
ColumnA | ColumnB |
Now how could I get a SUMIF for those rows where Column A has a field with BB in it? Assume that there are hundreds of rows. I realize that I have to borrow something conceptually from the way text to column is done. But I wonder if anyone would know how I could do this. Thanks a lot.*
Since you're trying to do this on numbers, you'll need to use an array formula.
If your test values are in A3:A5 and your values to sum are in B3:B5, this will work:
=SUM( IF(ISERROR(FIND("55", TEXT(A3:A5,"#"))), 0, 1) * B3:B5 )
When entering an array formula, use Ctrl-Shift-Enter rather than just hitting Enter.
This sums the product of the sum value and a 0 or 1 from the IF() statement, which tests whether or not each test value, after being converted to text, contains a "55".
I think you will need an matrix/array formular to do this:
The weird brakets {} indicate it is an matrix formular you get them by pressing SHIFT+CTRL+RETURN instead of Return when editing the formula.
This formula will cycle through the range A2:A4, check if it finds "55" inside and if so add 1 to the sum.
Google array/matrix formulas as they are not self explanatory.
In Excel 2003 and 2007 (and possibly earlier versions, I cannot test), you can use * as a wildcard character in the match. For example, with your sample data set C1 to
and you should see the value 4.
Create a 3rd column (ColumnC) and put this formula in it:
Drag that column down to complete your column. This will format the value as text. Next, use SUMIF as DocMax explained, except with different columns:
The reason you do this is because you need to be reading a Text value, not a Number value when using the *BB* comparison of SUMIF. Great question.
