What does it mean to deploy a web site/webapp - web

When it comes to web development, I've heard of the terms web hosting and web server being thrown around. What is the difference and when is each used ?

Web hosting in simple term can be explain like like business of housing ,serving or maintaining files for one or more websites.
When Internet users want to view your website, all they need to do is type your website address or domain into their browser. Their computer will then connect to your server and your webpages will be delivered to them through the browser.


IIS Method to display HTML depending on type of server

I've just set up IIS 8.5 on our new development server. Due to lack of resources we have our staging and testing environments on this machine in two separate IIS sites.
It would be nice to have some sort of site-wide HTML that would remind the developers which site they're connected to. A small banner along the top of all hosted web apps with "Staging environment" or "Testing environment" would be useful, but I'm not sure how you'd enforce this over all sites and their web apps.
Is this even possible? I'm asking about methods that wouldn't require a change to the code base of the web apps themselves.

What is the difference between dedicated server,vpn server and webserver?

I am confussed about 3 server so you guys can help me?A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web is it right?
A webhosting allows you to store the files of your website online.
A domain allows users to request those files and view them on there browsers.
Getting a complete website pakkage should include both of them.
A vpn is a virtual private server. Also used for websites but in this case you need to configure your webhosting and domain al by your self (not recommanded)
A dedicated server is used to host gamerooms etc.

Firefox OS: what will be preferred, creating a separate packaged Firefox OS app or converting the mobile website to a Hosted app?

I am developing an App for Firefox OS. The App is just my own website with some added functionality. What will be preferred to add new functionality to mobile website and make it Hosted Firefox OS App or creating a new packaged App?
Definitely go with the Hosted App in this case with emphasis on offline first. You already have a website so the domain name for your website can already be used to represent the mobile web app version of your site. There are tons of advantages for going the hosted web app route. I'll try to list some of them on that are on top of my head. By using a hosted web app you gain:
Faster and easier review process when submitting to any marketplace
Improve discovery (think SEO)
Ease of updating your App and delivering new content
Owning the domain representing the identity behind your content
You can share the very same code on many platforms
Much more that I can not think of right now ...
As a rule of thumb, if you can get away by doing a hosted app, I would always recommend it over the alternatives. Packaged and Privileged apps are essentially stop gaps until mobile web matures enough to supports all the APIs you would need. Hosted apps already support many APIs and if that is enough for your use case then you are set. Another way to look at it is that hosted apps are essentially the purest form of mobile web apps -- they are the closest thing to web applications that are accessible from mobile devices.
Make sure to do some research about responsive design and offline first.
Good luck with your Firefox and mobile web adventure!

Hosting a web app on one server and rendering on another

Scenario: The login page for a host of web applications lives on an internally hosted server. When this server gets rebooted we need this login page to remain accessible, even if it just displays a friendly message.
The thought I am having is rendering this login page on a different app hosted in the cloud. When our server then gets rebooted the cloud hosted app will instead render a different message.
Is this even a viable option?
What are the pitfalls of this approach?
Are there any cleaner and better alternatives? (And "host the login page in the cloud" has already been considered but I'm looking for alternatives to that as well)
this is totally possible, what your describing is a reverse proxy or load balancer have a look at configuring apache as a reverse proxy server

Windows Azure + SQL - Hobbyist website

I was wondering whether or not Windows Azure is a viable option, now that they offer 10 free websites, for hosting a simple website with a database and domain name etc.. or is more traditional web hosting still the better option?
The database won't be that big, so the $5 for the 100MB database option will be plenty. I guess a few dollar's would be needed for traffic too?
Custom domain names can only be used in Shared or Reserved modes which are not free.
The free websites would be under [yourSubdomain].azurewebsites.net
So, it depends whether having your own domain matters to you and, if so, whether you are willing to pay for the website.
Notwithstanding this, Azure websites is a perfectly good cloud solution offering quick deployment of numerous CMS systems including WordPress, Joomla, etc.
I think it is a viable option. However, to get your own domain name you must change the website from free to shared or reserved mode. Heres description and link how to do this!
"When you create a web site, Windows Azure provides a friendly
subdomain on the azurewebsites.net domain so your users can access
your web site using a URL like http://.azurewebsites.net.
However, if you configure your web sites for shared or reserved mode,
you can map your web site to your own domain name."
