Avahi Daemon not resolving (dot)local addresses if queried from different computer - linux

I have two machines, one is Antergos (Arch/Linux) and the other one is Windows 10 connected to each other using LAN. The Antergos PC has a hostname of niffler and the Windows PC has a hostname of phoenix. The IP addresses to both the PCs are assigned by my router and they don't change too often. But still I want to use these PCs using their hostnames instead of their IPs. So I installed avahi and nss-mdns on niffler from the official Arch Wiki and also did everything they mentioned. To double check that I did everything correctly, I pinged niffler (ping niffler.local) using it's own terminal session and it resolved to it's correct IP. However when I use phoenix to ping to niffler, it doesn't work. When I run ping niffler.local from phoenix, it gives the error - Ping request could not find niffler.local. Please check the name and try again.


Get WSL2 DNS to use Hosts DNS from DHCP

I'm trying to use WSL2 but the DNS isn't working, nothing resolves. I've seen lots of articles about disabling resolv.conf generation and putting in a manual entry, however this won't work for me. My workplace block the port DNS uses so I can't use etc and I can't use the corporate DNS server IP as I want a solution that will work when I go home as well.
Is there a way for WSL2 to be able to use the DNS settings provided by the Hosts DHCP lease? I've tried to change the virtual switch (WSL) in the Virtual Switch Manager to be External but it's still picking up an IP from the DHCP server.
Am I missing some Windows configuration or do I need some Linux Fu to change the config. I was trying to get Podman-Desktop running and couldn't pull any images at work which is what started this off.

Can't properly connect to a specific WiFi network

I just tried to connect to internet using my home WiFi network and didn't manage. I use Ubuntu 18.04.
I am able to connect using hotspot or any other network, but not this one from home. Also it works fine with Windows. I tried with the Ethernet cable as well and didn't work.
I mention I have Atheros QCA9565 .
I tried:
ping and this was successful.
ping google.com and got this error message: name or service unknown.
Therefore I added:
nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf file and made this persistent after noticing it is reinitialised at reboot: https://www.tecmint.com/set-permanent-dns-nameservers-in-ubuntu-debian/
Sometimes I can do ping google.com but the time is badly increasing, so it's super slow.
And when I can't connect at all, ping google.com has the same error message.
I mention that I tried to turn off DNS automatic from IPv4 tab from WiFi network settings and the connection persisted for 10 seconds or so: https://www.configserverfirewall.com/ubuntu-linux/ubuntu-set-dns-server/
Might it be a hardware problem or what should I try next?
Although it may not be the issue, I recently had problems with the built-in Wifi on my computer's motherboard. I could access some sites at a good speed while others were unreachable. I tried several things I found online but nothing helped. I spent 30 USD on Amazon for a generic AC1200 PCIe Adapter and all the problems/issues have been resolved. Apparently, something was off with the card that was originally part of the computer.
I was told this should not have made some websites not load but the new card has none of the issues at all.

can't ping avahi alias from windows over LAN but can from other linux VMs

Context: i've set up a vm server for GIS testing and dokuwiki on the domain root. I'd like to serve the gis web apps on a subdomain so that dokuwiki url renaming will never conflict (and it just feels cleaner). I thought i had it solved with avahi-aliases, but then discovered...
Problem: I can't reach the subdomain from any windows pcs on the LAN. Linux VMs connect just fine. Am i trying the impossible or just doing it wrong? (i'm a DNS noob) Why would Linux find the subdomain but Windows not, even on the same LAN??
i can't change anything on the corporate routers/servers.
VMs are on different PCs on the same corporate LAN.
VM1 (virtualbox, hosted on windows PC1): Mint 13
VM2 (virtualbox headless server, hosted on windows PC2): ubuntu server 12.04, LAMP, samba, avahi, avahi-aliases.
primary domain: vm2.local
subdomain: gis.vm2.local (configured in apache and avahi-alias)
What works:
I can reach vm2.local AND gis.vm2.local from vm1 (via ping and browser).
I can reach vm2.local from any windows pc on LAN (via ping browser).
What doesn't work: I cannot reach gis.vm2.local from any windows pcs on the LAN.
Any ideas or advice is appreciated!
Sounds like either a firewall issue or Apache/IIS (whatever is hosting your web app) isn't listening to all traffic (If you are actually sharing networks). Try a traceroute/tracert from the machines to the destination and see what paths they take. It's a little hard to troubleshoot without actually seeing how your network looks.
You can also test if your hostname resolves by trying a ping on the PC's having issues.
If it says "Ping request could not find host . Please check the name and try again" - It's a DNS issue and you can address it quickly by providing the IP of the machine with its hostname in %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

How to access iis website from out side the network?

I installed IIS on a laptop (win 7 professional 64 bit).
Created a website. I been able to view the website within the network.
If i type (local host ip address)(laptop's ip).
Now i need to access this website from outside the network.
I bought a WiFi modem and connected to the lap (now lap is disconnected from LAN). The modem has a dynamic IP & lap is assigned Now i need to access the website which is in the laptop from outside the network .
How to do ?
If I am reading your post correctly, you are running IIS locally but you are having problems connecting when your local IP changes.
By Default, IIS binds to all IP addresses, so it really shouldn't matter if you use your LAN ip or Modem IP. Either way, for simplicity you should either be using localhost or or your machine name as your address. This won't change when your local IP does.
First see if http://localhost/vdv works. If it does then continue to use that, otherwise you may need to change the bindings in your local IIS installation or your application. Make sure it's not listening on a specific IP address.
Take a look at this article for more information: http://blogs.technet.com/b/chrad/archive/2010/01/24/understanding-iis-bindings-websites-virtual-directories-and-lastly-application-pools.aspx

andlinux slirp network failed

I have installed andlinux Beta 2 on my WinXP. Everything works fine until last night, I don't recall that I ever changed anything on network configuration or andlinux setup, the network stop working inside andlinux. With that said, I mean open a KDE console, I do "ping yahoo.com", I see DNS is resolved correctly, however, no response at all.
My andlinux is startup as a WinXP service. Open windows task manager I can see following services are up and running:colinux-daemon.exe colinux-net-daemon.exe colinux-slirp-net-daemon.exe
On andlinux side, there are two network interface eth0 and eth1. eth1 is configured to communicate with local WinXP. I configured it to use samba to access windows directories, no problem. From WinXP side, I can use ssh to login into andlinux box via eth1 IP address.
eth0 is configured as slirp, no port forwarding. eth0 has IP=, default gateway is, netmask=; These are configured in /etc/network/interfaces. DNS is, which as I just mentioned resolve yahoo.com correctly.
On the windows side, internet works fine. I disabled firewall on all network interface. I rebooted my laptop, no luck. I searched over inet, seem no one has this problem. People say network is done if they kill the colinux-slirp-net-daemon. What frustrated me is that this whole thing worked well, but for no reason it's broken all the sudden. Anyone has experience on this issue, please help, appreciate!
I thought I had the same problem, but then found my andLinux system's network connectivity was actually working fine, and that several things made it difficult to tell what was going on.
Test I did to validate connectivity: wget www.yahoo.com
Behavior I observed that made troubleshooting difficult:
Pings from andLinux - not all hosts will respond to pings from the andLinux OS (ie Ubuntu, not the Host Windows OS). According to my packet captures the pings appear as UDP pings instead of ICMP pings once they leave the host OS's adapter. The major IPs/hosts (like yahoo, google, etc.) on the internet I usually ping to test connectivity currently don't respond to these type of pings.
Traceroutes from andLinux - even when successful, these never show more than 2 hops when done from the andLinux OS. If successful, both hops show If unsuccessful, the second hop just times out. Not sure why, I'm sure there is an explanation.
Packet captures - at the host OS level, the capture (eg wireshark) must be done on the physical interface the traffic is going over. I was initially capturing on the TAP-Win32 Adapter but this only showed X Window traffic.
Installed apt sources URLs no longer valid - Ubuntu 9.04 is long out of support by now, so the URLs in the apt sources.list file didn't exist anymore. This is what got me thrown off in the first place, because I didn't troubleshoot this specifically and just tried to test my internet connectivity first, then got confused by the ping and traceroute behavior seen above. Changed http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ in sources.list and was good to go.
