NodeJS Specific Language Syntax Checker - node.js

I recently found a npm package called syntax-checker (
And i would like to integrate this into my js script. I'm using a Discord chat bot which checks the message for a code block and the coding language. As the description of Syntax checker says, it supports Ruby, PHP, Perl, Lua, C/CPP, Bash, Javascript and Python. How would i integrate this into the bot? I currently use for js checking this script
if (message.content.includes("```js"))
let code = message.content.substring('```js '.length);
var codebegin = code.split("```js").pop();
var n = codebegin.indexOf('```');
var codeend = codebegin.substring(0, n != -1 ? n : codebegin.length);
var check = require('syntax-error');
var err = check(codeend);
if (err)
message.reply("Your code contains errors! ```" + err + "```");
message.reply("No Errors!");

Syntax-checker works by running the program on your computer used to compile code (with no output) and checking to see if there are any errors. It runs by analyzing every file in a directory passed in to it and then outputting to a file. You'll need to create a temporary file for each request then run the program using shell (look into child_process or exec for this).
All that module does ultimately is decide what language the code is from its file extension and run something like exec('php -l file/path/here.php', callbackFunctionHere). That's what it runs for PHP, the others are ruby -c, python -m py_compile, perl -c, luac -p, bash -n. gcc -fsyntax_only, and uglifyjs -o /dev/null.
With that knowledge, there's no sense in messing around with the file system whatsoever. Just use something like exec("echo '" + codeStr + "' | php -l', callbackFunctionHere);. Replace php -l with whichever linter you need. Make sure you escape any single quotes that might occur in the codeStr since you'll end up with odd errors otherwise.


How do I create a globally usable shell script using Nodejs rather than bash?

Basically, I want to be able to open a terminal and type
$ haylp
and have that return some helpful commands that I keep forgetting. I wanna do this without having to learn bash. or some other language because I know JavaScript. How can I do this without having to compile it or translate it into bash or anything? I just want to write a javascript file and have it run as if i wrote a shell script and put it in /usr/local/bin.
I figured it out and I just want people to know how to do it.
First, simple example- I wrote the text file I wanted to reference. Just a normal text or markdown file. I called it
commands i keep forgetting
Then I created a Node/JavaScript file called haylp.js to read the contents of it:
const fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('/usr/local/lib/haylp/', 'utf8', (err, data) =>{
if(err){ console.error(err); return; }
and this is where I got confused because I KNOW there's a way to just use a shebang that looks like "#!/bin/node" that would allow you to just type
$ haylp (or) ./haylp.js (or) sh ./haylp.js
So this answered my question about the shebang but I still couldnt get it to execute and also didn't know where to put it. So here's the full result.
Step 1 create the js file and add the 2 line shebang for compatibility.
':' //; exec "$(command -v nodejs || command -v node)" "$0" "$#"
const fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('/usr/local/lib/haylp/', 'utf8', (err, data) =>{
if(err){ console.error(err); return; }
Step 2 Create the text file
Place it in a folder in /usr/local/lib/haylp (I'm not positive if this is the right place to put it; someone correct me if i'm wrong)
Step 3 Make the js file executable:
$ chmod +x haylp.js
Step 4 Copy haylp.js to bin
$ sudo mv ./haylp.js /usr/local/bin/haylp
Is this overkill for my usecase? Probably. But it might not be for yours.
It's probably not perfect so if anyone has suggestions, I'm all ears.

How to get mongo shell output(three dot) for unterminated command

When type a unterminated command in a mongo shell, it will return three dots indicating need more input to complete this command like below:
> db.test.find(
... {
I am using nodejs child_process.spawn to create a mongo shell process and listen on its output. I can get the standard and error output from the mongo shell but I can't get the ... output. Below is my nodejs code:
const shell = spawn('mongo', params);
.on('data', (data) => {
winston.debug('get output ' + data);
.on('data', (data) => {
const output = data + '';
winston.error('get error output ', data);
I run below code to send command on the shell:
I wander why I can't get the ... output on above method. Is it a special output?
I tried to use node-pty and pty.js. They can get the ... output but they mix the input and output data together. It is not possible to separate them.
I also tried to use stdbuf and unbuffer to disable buffer but it still doesn't work.
It seems that nodejs child_process doesn't work well with interactive command.
Your code doesn't include anything that writes to the stdin of your child process so I would be surprised if you got the ellipsis that indicates incomplete command when in fact you don't send any command at all - incomplete or otherwise.
That having been said, many command line utilities behave differently when they discover a real terminal connected to their stdin/stdout. E.g. git log will page the results when you run it directly but not when you pipe the results to some other command like git log | cat so this may also be the case here.
This can also have to do with the buffering - if your stream is line-buffered then you won't see any line that is not ended with a newline right away.
The real question is: do you see the > prompt? Do you send any command to the mongo shell?
Scritping interactive CLI tools can be tricky. E.g. see what I had to do to test a very simple interactive program here:
I had to create two named pipes, make sure that stdin, stderr and stdout are not buffered, and then use some other tricks to make it work. It is a shell script but it's just to show you an example.

cannot create /dev/stdout: No such device or address

I'm want to run a shell command via node and capture the result of stdout. My script works fine on OSX, but not on Ubuntu.
I've simplified the problem and script to the following node script:
var execSync = require('child_process').execSync,
result = execSync('echo "hello world" >> /dev/stdout');
// Do something with result
Results in:
/bin/sh: 1: cannot create /dev/stdout: No such device or address
I have tried replacing /dev/stdout with /dev/fd/1
I have tried changing the shell to bash... execSync('echo ...', {shell : '/bin/bash'})
Like I said, the problem above is simplified. The real script accepts as a parameter the name of a file where results should be written, so I need to resolve this by providing access to the stdout stream as a file descriptor, i.e. /dev/stdout.
How can I execute a command via node, while giving the command access to its own stdout stream?
On /dev/stdout
I don't have access to an OSX box, but from this issue on phantomjs, it seems that while on both OSX/BSD and Linux /dev/stdout is a symlink, nonetheless it seems to work differently between them. One of the commenters said it's standard on OSX to use /dev/stdout but not for Linux. In another random place I read statements that imply /dev/stdout is pretty much an OSX thing. There might be a clue in this answer as to why it doesn't work on Linux (seems to implicitly close the file descriptor when used this way).
Further related questions:
bash redirect to /dev/stdout: Not a directory
The solution
I tried your code on Arch and it indeed gives me the same error, as do the variations mentioned - so this is not related to Ubuntu.
I found a blog post that describes how you can pass a file descriptor to execSync. Putting that together with what I got from here and here, I wrote this modified version of your code:
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var fdout = fs.openSync(path.join(process.cwd(), 'stdout.txt'), 'a');
var fderr = fs.openSync(path.join(process.cwd(), 'stderr.txt'), 'a');
var execSync = require('child_process').execSync,
result = execSync('echo "hello world"', {stdio: [0,fdout,fderr] });
Unless I misunderstood your question, you want to be able to change where the output of the command in execSync goes. With this you can, using a file descriptor. You can still pass 1 and 2 if you want the called program to output to stdout and stderr as inherited by its parent, which you've already mentioned in the comments.
For future reference, this worked on Arch with kernel version 4.10.9-1-ARCH, on bash 4.4.12 and node v7.7.3.

fetching 'rsync' output with nodejs child_process.exec callback

Currently I'm failing to fetch the rsync output when I'm calling nodejs child_process.exec with a callback-function like in this snippet:
var sys = require('sys'),
exec = require('child_process').exec;
cmd = 'rsync -rpz test/test-files/one.txt'
exec(cmd, function(error, stdio, stderr) {
sys.print('s: ' + stdio + '\n');
sys.print('e: ' + stderr + '\n');
I think this is caused by the specific behavior of rsync. rsync communicates with it's counterpart via terminal. So how can I fetch the messages from rsync, if even possible?
When I use cmd = 'ls -la' I get the expected output.
Often stdout is buffered when the program isn't running in a virtual terminal.
Many languages have a pty module which will trick the program into behaving as though it is running in a terminal.
This provides that functionality for NodeJs;
Keep in mind that rsync may be writing lots of special characters or using something like ncurses to provide the updating status messages, which may make it more difficult to work with the output.

Bash script execution with and without shebang in Linux and BSD

How and who determines what executes when a Bash-like script is executed as a binary without a shebang?
I guess that running a normal script with shebang is handled with binfmt_script Linux module, which checks a shebang, parses command line and runs designated script interpreter.
But what happens when someone runs a script without a shebang? I've tested the direct execv approach and found out that there's no kernel magic in there - i.e. a file like that:
$ cat target-script
echo Hello
echo "bash: $BASH_VERSION"
echo "zsh: $ZSH_VERSION"
Running compiled C program that does just an execv call yields:
$ cat test-runner.c
void main() {
if (execv("./target-script", 0) == -1)
$ ./test-runner
./target-script: Exec format error
However, if I do the same thing from another shell script, it runs the target script using the same shell interpreter as the original one:
$ cat test-runner.bash
$ ./test-runner.bash
bash: 4.1.0(1)-release
If I do the same trick with other shells (for example, Debian's default sh - /bin/dash), it also works:
$ cat test-runner.dash
$ ./test-runner.dash
Mysteriously, it doesn't quite work as expected with zsh and doesn't follow the general scheme. Looks like zsh executed /bin/sh on such files after all:
greycat#burrow-debian ~/z/test-runner $ cat test-runner.zsh
greycat#burrow-debian ~/z/test-runner $ ./test-runner.zsh
Note that ZSH_VERSION in parent script worked, while ZSH_VERSION in child didn't!
How does a shell (Bash, dash) determines what gets executed when there's no shebang? I've tried to dig up that place in Bash/dash sources, but, alas, looks like I'm kind of lost in there. Can anyone shed some light on the magic that determines whether the target file without shebang should be executed as script or as a binary in Bash/dash? Or may be there is some sort of interaction with kernel / libc and then I'd welcome explanations on how does it work in Linux and FreeBSD kernels / libcs?
Since this happens in dash and dash is simpler, I looked there first.
Seems like exec.c is the place to look, and the relevant functionis are tryexec, which is called from shellexec which is called whenever the shell things a command needs to be executed. And (a simplified version of) the tryexec function is as follows:
tryexec(char *cmd, char **argv, char **envp)
char *const path_bshell = _PATH_BSHELL;
execve(cmd, argv, envp);
if (cmd != path_bshell && errno == ENOEXEC) {
*argv-- = cmd;
*argv = cmd = path_bshell;
goto repeat;
So, it simply always replaces the command to execute with the path to itself (_PATH_BSHELL defaults to "/bin/sh") if ENOEXEC occurs. There's really no magic here.
I find that FreeBSD exhibits identical behavior in bash and in its own sh.
The way bash handles this is similar but much more complicated. If you want to look in to it further I recommend reading bash's execute_command.c and looking specifically at execute_shell_script and then shell_execve. The comments are quite descriptive.
(Looks like Sorpigal has covered it but I've already typed this up and it may be of interest.)
According to Section 3.16 of the Unix FAQ, the shell first looks at the magic number (first two bytes of the file). Some numbers indicate a binary executable; #! indicates that the rest of the line should be interpreted as a shebang. Otherwise, the shell tries to run it as a shell script.
Additionally, it seems that csh looks at the first byte, and if it's #, it'll try to run it as a csh script.
