how to send mask card number instead of complete card number to Sabre AirTicketLLSRQ api? - payment

We are handling payment at our side so we dont want sabre to do this for us. And so we just need to inform sabre about payment is done and it should reflect in to final ticket. But as per there api they want whole card number so is there any provision or any other method by which we can pass mask card number?

There are several things to comment:
The most important thing to highlight here is that if you put the credit card on the AirTicket call, it will be charged.
There is no way to send a masked credit card, you either send one to be charged or not send it.
If you don't want to send the credit card, which seems to be a sensible thing to do since you are handling the payment, then in the AirTicket call you should use CASH for payment.


When to send out booking confirmation with Stripe webhooks (payment_intent.succeeded taking too long)?

We are using Stripe.js + Elements + Webhooks, our payment methods are Cards, Sofort and SEPA.
Our question is on the usage of webhooks: Is it normal to always wait for the payment_intent.succeeded event before sending out a booking confirmation to the buyer? With some payment methods (SEPA, banking) this takes hours/days/too long.
What are best practices here? Only wait for payment_intent.processing?
We are selling courses, some of which may be booked shortly before the course starts, so we cannot wait a long time for the payment_intent.succeeded event. But then how do you deal with fake bookings?
Lets say we offer a course:
Somebody buys it using e.g. SEPA payment method.
He clicks "Order now!" on our page -> We get event payment_intent.processing
We send out confirmation -> He can access the course
He never pays, there is never a payment_intent.succeeded event, but he was still able to access it.
Alternatively, we wait until payment_intent.succeeded event -> But in this case participants cannot book a course on the same day using SEPA.
How is this case handled usually? Do I need to pay for Stripe Radar to identify fraud/fake transactions before I get the payment_intent.succeeded/payment_intent.failed event?
Any help is much appreciated!
Stripe Radar only works for card payments -
Yes, you should only send out booking confirmation to the buyer only upon receipt of payment_intent.succeeded webhook. Otherwise, like what you mentioned, if the payment fails, you would have provided access to the course for free.
If you want to receive payments immediately, then you should limit the available payment methods to card payments only.
As the Stripe documentation mentions - SEPA and SOFORT are both delayed notification payment method, which means that funds are not immediately available after payment.
Maybe you can consider offering SEPA / SOFORT as an option only if the customer is making payment X days before the course starts. You would want to check what is the maximum time for the payment to arrive in your Stripe account for either of these payment methods :

Stripe PaymentElement UI "accepts" card types that aren't accepted

I'm using the PaymentElement UI component to accept Stripe payments, which seems to be the way they're encouraging most people to go.
The docs say it "Automatically adjusts input fields to collect information based on the payment method and country... [and] Reduces friction for card payments with input validation, masking, styling and error handling."
The problem I'm having is that scrolling list of supported cards includes icons for cards which are not, in fact, supported in my region. And if someone enters one of those cards, it correctly identifies the icon, but doesn't throw a validation error — it waits until form submission and then fails to charge the card.
From a UX perspective, this seems less than ideal. OK, I get that 3056930009020004 correctly "validates" as a Diners Club card, but it seems that it should invalidate it in advance rather than waiting to actually try and complete the charge and responding with a "Your card is not supported" charge failure.
Is there a way I can (ideally) tell it to only include the cards that are actually supported automatically, or (alternatively) provide a list of cards it should display and validate?
If "no" to both of those, is this a bug? Can/should I report it as a bug or feature request to Stripe?

Adaptive Card Expire After Specific Time

We have integrated the NodeJs bot application with the bot framework for interacting with bot in the Microsoft teams.
Based on the user input we are sending the adaptive cards respectively. Currently user can get the adaptive card today and can update the card later that day or after few days.
Is there any way to make the card expire after specific amount of time which make the card disabled.
Thank You
I have an idea how you could do this, but just an fyi that I've not done exactly this before, so there's no guarantee it will work. Basically, you'd be combining the ability to Update a message like discussed here with sending (or in this case 'updating') a pro-active message - see more here on that.
Because this is an existing conversation with the user, you'll have access from any existing message the user sends to get the parameters you need to start your proactive conversation (you need serviceurl, conversationid, tenantid, etc.). Do note that you can send a proactive message from OUTSIDE your bot (the code can be hosted somewhere else, and doesn't need to actually live IN your bot, even though to the user it will appear as if a proactive message was sent from your bot). I mention this because you could have this "expire card" message live in a separate process to your bot.
In case if you are still looking for an answer, I recently tried this approach:
In the card's response data, I set the expiry date and so now when the user submits the card, you can validate the data in the response and then update the card accordingly.
I had to use this approach because we have a very high user base and updating the card for all users proactively took much longer.
Cons: The card will remain will remain active, unless and until the user takes some action on it.
First of all, no this is nothing that is already implemented anywhere and you completely have to build that yourself.
One way to do this is this:
You need to store the activity / message ID for all cards you send. If you have the ID, you can always at any time go back and update the message (ie update your card)
Now that said, what i would suggest is this:
Sent a card to the user and store the id
Store the ID together
with creation date and expiration date somewhere on your end
Have some scheduled process that scans for expired cards
If a card is expired, update the message with a new card saying "sorry this card is expired"
We did that for our MS Teams Bot and its working quite well this way.

How do you permanently delete a payment method from Stripe?

Is it possible to delete a payment method from Stripe? I can't seem to find that functionality described anywhere in the docs. You can create a payment method, attach it to a customer, and detach it from that customer, but how do you delete the payment method from Stripe's system entirely?
If you can't, then that means once you send your credit card info to Stripe, you can't ever take it back...
I think the good way to do so is to detach the paymentMethod from a customer:
const paymentMethod = await stripe.paymentMethods.detach(
Api reference
Like #Rasmus Christoffer Nielsen said in comments, "the payment method cannot be attached to any customer again thus serving the purpose of deletion"
you can scan the list:
get the customer lists by type cards:
cards = stripe.Customer.list_payment_methods(customer_id, type="card")
then loop and find the same fingerprint used on the client card to be removed. Remember fingerprint can be retrieved on payment_method;
for card in cards['data']:
card['fingerprint'] == removable_card:
stripe.Customer.delete_source(customer_id, card['id'])
that should be all

Stripe for one time payment. - Ruby on Rails

Can I use Stripe for receiving a one-time payment instead of recurring payments?
If so what settings do I have to make?
Yes, just use the Stripe::Charge.create method. As the payment method, you can either pass in a card directly or reference a Customer whose card should be charged.
You can receive one-time payments via the Stripe dashboard. Go to:
and click the button for a "+New" payment. That will let you manually enter the cc info. I do this with my Pairing as a Service clients all the time... they just read me their card info, and I enter it with the amount I'm charging them and a description. Your account password is then required to complete the charge.
It's fast and easy... I just wish there was a way to let them enter the info directly. Maybe I'll make something like that...
Yes, You can just create a Stripe account and use a simple example of Stripe payment for Ruby on Rails I've made recently. Check the code:
Run the server using your test keys like:
SECRET_KEY=sk_test_A3rwGLOMNxEKDkaJOTgi4frd rails s
