Two recipient with different scenario - docusignapi

Scenario: Single document should be sent to two recipients, the 1'st recipient can only edit the fields and the 2'nd recipient has all the access.
Can anyone let me know, is there any possibilities that 1'st recipient can have only edit field access ( should not have sign access ) and other recipient should be able to edit fields and add sign in a single document in DocuSign.

There are currently seven different types of recipients you can use in your DocuSign transactions. See more information here
The DocuSign platform supports many different tab types and features. You can add signature, initial and information tabs to help your signers know precisely what actions you want them to take, where in the document you want them to sign, initial or add information, and in what order. You can also do things like pre-populate tabs with data, use calculated or conditional fields, and much more.
See more information here


Can we position signers by recipient id through the DocuSign API?

We've set up our template to include signature blocks and we're able to send the recipient's name and email address with the envelope. These recipients appear in the recipient list and when you sign in to DocuSign you're able to select one of the recipients from the list and position it appropriately.
We're looking at removing this manual step so that we can say, for example, the first signature we send across in the envelope corresponds to signature block one in our template and the second to the second as so on.
When we create the signature blocks in our template we can assign roles and the DocuSign documentation suggests that if we send a role across with the envelope we should be able to achieve the automatic positioning that we're after.
What we're wondering is whether we can also do this with the recipient id rather than the role?
There are multiple ways to position tabs (signature blocks) for recipients.
One approach is to specific x/y coordinates where the tab should be located inside the document (also specify page #)
Another approach is to use AnchorTags which is specific text that the tab (or tag) would be located in. This can be used with white-on-white text in the document, that could be invisible to the signer but allows the tag to be placed there. This can also be a real part of the document (like 'Date:') and you can specify an offset to improve your positioning.
Read more how to use AnchorTags in the API here -

Docusign API - Read Only Tabs vs Edittable Tabs

Simple Question,
I have a document with about 100 read only text tabs, but only about 5 sign here / edittable text tabs...
In order to populate all the text tabs with the data on entry, I have had to send them with the signer(s) individually... is there a way to specify the read only text tabs as a "Document" Level... and then only use the edittable tabs in each particular signers section?
Tabs are always set with regards to particular recipient, for document level data there are Envelope Fields but those are used for custom meta data for the envelope and not during the signing experience.
One option I'm not sure will help you or not is Custom Fields (not to be confused with Envelope Fields) which are recipient level tabs you can create one-time then re-use in your requests/templates. You can test them easily by editing a template and going into the Custom Tab section in tagging palette on the left.
As you can see you can set the Initial Value and also make it Read Only then save the Custom Tab. Then in your code you can reference this tab where needed for your recipients to save some legwork.
DocuSign tabs need to be assigned to the recipients only, you cannot have DS Tabs on the envelope without assigning it to a recipient. If I understood your query, then you have multiple recipients on the envelope at the same routing order and each recipient should see the pre-populated data for each read only DS Tab on the document before signing. If yes, then there is one setting at an account level which will burnt the DS tab value on the document before any signer will start the signing ceremony. If you go to Admin --> Sending and Signing Section --> Sending Settings --> then select When an envelope is sent, write the initial value of the field for all recipients. With this setting enabled all recipients at the same routing order will be able to see the values of these read only tabs pre-populated from your application.

How to use DocuSign labels?

When sending a document to be signed, with DocuSign, I can choose a Document Label for the document with a dropdown list which I can manage administrative access. I don't, however, see the purpose of the Document Labels since I don't see any obvious way of using them to e.g. filter documents and create statistical reports. More information on the subject can be found here.
Can somebody describe to me the actual purpose of having these labels?
Here is screenshot of the Document Labels section:
Hmm, I agree the documentation you linked is missing some detailed information on what they are for. In Classic (and soon again to be in the New UI) they were called Envelope Custom Fields, from the old documentation they are classified as "fields that can be used to record information about the envelope, help search for envelopes and track information. The custom fields are shown in the Message window when a user is creating an envelope. The custom fields are not seen by the envelope recipients."
Think of it as an invisible label that you can than use to report on later. In the Reporting section of DocuSign it's actually called "Custom Field" and can be added to reports:
Envelope custom fields (Document Labels) are labels used to classify, record, and track information about envelopes sent by a user. These labels are shown to a sender when an envelope is being created; they are not seen by recipients.
The values for an envelope custom field can be free-text entries, or selected from a list of possible values. Envelope custom fields can be required or optional.
It is a metadata over envelopes. For instance, if you want to associate a case number or Invoice Number present in your system with an envelope but you do not want recipient to see it then you use Envelope custom fields (Document Labels) for this purpose. Then you can search envelope based on this label value in the Manage tab in your DocuSign Account. So Document Label helps in mapping data in your system with the envelopeId plus it helps you send extra data on an envelope which you do not want recipient to see.

Change the "Free Form Signing" Menu options in DocuSign

If you do not add any tabs to an envelope then it becomes what's known as a Free-Form signing experience. During free-form signing the recipients decide where to place tabs on the documents as well as the location of those tabs, instead of the sender controlling those aspects.
In this case a menu list occurs on the screen listing multiple options (FirstName, LastName, Date, Signature, etc).
Now the question-
I am looking for one of the following behaviors-
1) Is there any way we can disable/ hide all options (FirstName, LastName, etc) in the above list except for the Signature field. In short I want to see just 'Signature field' in the menu. Is this possible?
2) Considering 'Free form signing' is the default behavior, is there any way to customize this default behavior?
I am actually signing the document using 'Anchor string' and if the anchor string is not present in the document I need to add a default 'Signature tab' at some default position. Is this possible?
Don't think of Free Form Signing as the default. Think of it as the fallback that your senders should not use.
Your senders should always add fields to their documents. To help ease the burden, you can use templates, your API program can place the fields on the document, etc.
At a high level, your senders want to get their documents signed by the signers. Making the signers figure out the Free Form Signing experience is a big mistake. Your senders are putting an unnecessary burden on your signers. The only thing that can accomplish is to delay or stop your signers from signing. And that's not in your senders' best interest.
1) There is no way to disable those various tabs during free form signing (FFS), or only display the 'signature tab'
2) If you enable 'document visibility', then FFS is not allowed and the envelope will not be allowed to be created in this case, if you want to consider this approach as a way to prevent FFS.

Add more signers to a signed document

I need to do this use case:
create a Docusign envelope with one signer
let the signer sign the document through embedded signing
add another signer to the document, and let the other signer sign it too
Reason: it might take some time for the 2nd company to sign the document, and the exact person to sign it might not be known at the beginning yet.
There's at least two ways to solve for this but possibly others too.
The first method is using one of the pre-built Recipient Types such as Agent or Editors or Intermediaries. These recipient types have varying capabilities (i.e. some can add tabs, docs, etc. to the envelopes) but the one thing they all have in common is that they can edit recipient information such as Name and Email address for recipients that come later in the routing order.
Another method for handling this which is a slight hack but still doable is to add two recipients with routing orders 1 and 2 to the envelope at the start, the first one is the recipient whose information you already know but for the second recipient you add a fake name and a fake email address. Once the first recipient signs the request technically gets sent to the "dummy" recipient but since it's a fake email it never gets sent to anyone. THEN, once you finally know who the second recipient is you can do an Envelope Correction and replace the dummy recipient with the real name and email.
