How to do client side routing in Markojs - marko

how to do client side routing in Markojs. Is there anything inbuild like react router as in react?

Try this npm package for client side routing with marko. marko-path-router

Try marko-router5. It's very similar react-router or vue-router.

I can try marko-cli too and create a new project. There are a full stack to create new routes, components and tests.


How to LInk Backend(Node.js) to front-End(React)

I am starting out on React.js after learning Node.js using Express. But I don't know How to Link my Backend App to front end React files? Can someone provide me a simple solution to the problem
You can begin with this steps, you got a thousands of topics about to make a complete and solid infrastructure:
Initialise your node.js server with port, cors (if you need)
Learn how express work with node.js and create your first route
Initialize your react project with or without npx create-react-app
Create your first frontend component and fetch data from your API
Link :

How to Run react app from express server?

How to run the react page index.html from express server 3000 port?I am new to really need help in this.
Please find the screenshot of my server.js page.
It's not quite clear from the screenshot what is in public/index.html. Do you have any troubles with seeing index.html from http://localhost:3000?
Anyway, you should configure your React application built in a way that it puts the output static files into the public folder and serve it from there with express.static as you're currently doing. If you're new to this, try generating your React application with create-react-app and get the build process configured for you.

Include nodejs js module on client side

E.g. Using SimpleMDE. I've installed it to node modules, what's the right way to include it? Making the nodemodules/simplemde public seems like the wrong move. I'm using express and ejs.

How to use CAS authentication with angular2 webpack starter typescript?

I am using the following:
I start the application with npm start that uses webpack dev server. My issue is I want to add CAS authentication, but have no idea where what goes. This is the library I am trying to use:
All the examples appear to use express, though I am not sure if I can use this with the webpack-dev-server as is with the starter I am using? If so, how do I use it? Or do I need a different CAS library that is compatible with the npm start?
Webpack is more of a build tool with minimal server capability. It can serve static content making it perfect for updating content on the fly and put together simple websites with basic routing and client side side logic.
If you want anything even a little more complex you will need a server side technology. So the connect-cas2 will require you to use node.js and express. The documentation shows you exactly how to set it up.
I don't know anything about connect-cas2 but I know passport for authentication, but they wouldn't be terribly different. I would follow the quick start and if you have any issues then edit your question with the code that you are having issues with or have trouble understanding.
I have been digging around and you might be able to proxy the authentication if you already have a CAS server setup somewhere. I would try the following:
// the proxy option is part of the devServer in your webpack.config.js
devServer: {
contentBase: 'public',
// setup a proxy
proxy: {
// just replace the /cas/validate endpoint to the endpoint in your
// website that will trigger the api call
'/cas/validate': ''

All requests via Proxy in Node-Webkit

Is there a way to force Node-webkit to use proxied settings for all requests ? I know there is an API solution using setProxyConfig() but this doesn't work with authenticated proxy, the prompt shows up to login but crash when submitted...
So I tried to use node request module, and it works fine :
var request=require('request');
var proxy = request.defaults({'proxy':'http://login:pwd#proxy:port'});
But now my problem is to tell node-webkit to use this for each request.
Any solutions ?
I'm quite new using node and node-webkit so maybe there is a better way to do that.
Thanks a lot !
You may try
process.env.http_proxy = 'http://login:pwd#proxy:port'
It will work with request lib, also should impact other requests from node-webkit (assets, ajax)
But may be other libraries don't use environment proxy settings. If that doesn't work you can try
Not sure if this is solved, but i came up with a simple solution:
i wrote a simple wrapper for the request library
all you have to do is ,
Head to $PROJECT_DIR/node_modules/request/
Rename index.js to core.js
Create a new file called index.js
Copy code content from the above gist link to index.js
Change proxyLoc value to you'r preferred proxy
If you decided to disable proxy , just change value of ON variable to false inside index.js
Cheers :D
