How to make multiple API calls from multiple pages in single URL - python-3.x

So the title is a little confusing I guess..
I have a script that I've been writing that will display some random data and other non-essentials when I open my shell. I'm using grequests to make my API calls since I'm using more than one URL. For my weather data, I use WeatherUnderground's API since it will offer active alerts. The alerts and conditions data are on separate pages. What I can't figure out is how to insert the appropriate name in the grequests object when it is making requests. Here is the code that I have:
URLS = [''+api_id+'/conditions/q/autoip.json',
requests = (grequests.get(url) for url in URLS)
responses =
data = [response.json() for response in responses]
#json parsing from here
In the URL ''+api_id+'/conditions/q/autoip.json' I need to make an API request to conditions and alerts to retrieve the data I need. How do I do this without rewriting a fourth URLS string?
I've tried
pages = ['conditions', 'alerts']
URL = [''+api_id+([p for p in pages])/q/autoip.json']
but, as I'm sure some of you more seasoned programmers know, threw and exception. So how can I iterate through these pages, or will I have to write out both complete URLS?

Ok I was actually able to figure out how to call each individual page within the grequests object by using a simple for loop. Here is the the code that I used to produced the expected results:
import grequests
pages = ['conditions', 'alerts']
api_id = 'myapikeyhere'
for p in pages:
URLS = [''+api_id+'/'+p+'/q/autoip.json',
#create grequest object and retrieve results
requests = (grequests.get(url) for url in URLS)
responses =
data = [response.json() for response in responses]
#json parsing from here
I'm still not sure why I couldn't figure this out before.
Documentation for the grequests library here


How to read GTFS Real-time feed using Python

This is not a repeat question. I am desgning a routing algorithm that works in realtime. I know all about GTFS static feed but cant figure out my cities realtime. I want to understand how to parse and GTFS realtime feed using Python.
Link to Realtime set of my city is
I know a little about Protocol buffers and request library. Documentaion does not give the link to which API request should be placed.
What is the Url for this set which goes into requests.get?
There is a python library called gtfs_realtime_pb2, which can be used to parse the response of a request to the realtime feed and receive usefull output.
The main page for this library is here. There are also binding for other languages.
The main workflow is to initialize the
feed = gtfs_realtime_pb2.FeedMessage()
get the response from the feed with the package requests
response = requests.get(<url>, allow-redirects = True)
and parse it for example:

how to target specific input for posting with requests or requests_html

i need to fill a unique input here
when i do ctrl+U with firefox, the id is hidden by some js effect i think, in my opinion the id is 'source' but how can i see it and target it for posting ?
it tried this:
import requests, requests_html
import json
url_out = ""
url_target = "https://www.whatyouwanthere"
r =, data=json.dumps(url_target))
is it possible to avoid selenium for this task ?
You were pretty far from the actual solution, but there are definitely more ways to do this.
This works:
import requests, json
url_out = ""
url_target = ""
r = requests.get(url = url_out, params = {'source_url': url_target})
data = r.json()
I was able to find this by watching the network activity in devtools and taking a look at the app.js file in use on their site. The form on the main page just queries an API with the article URL and the API is what generates the short url on their service.
Honestly, I'm not sure if this breaks their ToS or not, you may want to check with them on that.

Sending data in GET request Python

I know that it is not an advisable solution to use GET however I am not in control of how this server works and have very little experience with requests.
I'm looking to add a dictionary via a GET request and was told that the server had been set up to accept this but I'm not sure how that works. I have tried using
import requests
r = request.get('', data = 'foo:bar')
but this leaves the webpage unaltered, any ideas?
To use request-body with a get request, you must override the post method. e.g.
'X-HTTP-Method-Override': 'GET'
response =, request_body, headers=request_header)
Use requests like this pass the the data in the data field of the requests
requests.get(url, headers=head, data=json.dumps({"user_id": 436186}))
It seems that you are using the wrong parameters for the get request. The doc for requests.get() is here.
You should use params instead of data as the parameter.
You are missing the http in the url.
The following should work:
import requests
r = request.get('', params = {'foo': 'bar'})
The actual request can be inspected via r.request.url, it should be like this:
If you're not sure about how the server works, you should send a POST request, like so:
import requests
data = {'name', 'value'}'', data=data)
If you absolutely need to send data with a GET request, make sure that data is in a dictionary and instead pass information with params keyword.
You may find helpful the requests documentation

Python Requests Refresh

I'm trying to use python's requests library to log in to a website. It's a pretty simple code, and you can really get the gist of requests just by going on its website. I, however, want to check if I'm successfully logged in via the url. The problem I've encountered is when I initiate the post requests and give it (the variable p) a url, whether the html has changed or not I'm still passed the same url when I type print(p.url). Is there any way for me to refresh the browser or update the url to whatever it's currently set at?
(I can add a line for checking the url against itself later, but for now I just want to get the correct url)
#!usr/bin/env python3
import requests
payload = {'login': 'USERNAME,
'password': 'PASSWORD'}
with requests.Session() as s:
p ='WEBSITE', data=payload)
#print p.text
The usuage of python-requests may not as complex as you think. It will automatically handle the redirect of your post ( or session.get()).
Here, method return a response object:
r ='website', data=payload)
which means r.url is current url you are looking for.
If you still want to refresh current page, just use:
To verify whether you has login successfully, one solution is to do the login in your browser.
Based on the title or content of the webpage returned (i.e, use the content in r.text), you can judge whether you have made it.
BTW, python-requests is a great library, enjoy it.

Python Requests: Use * as wildcard part of URL

Let's say I want to get a zip file (and then extract it) from a specific URL.
I want to be able to use a wildcard character in the URL like this:
instead of this:
Here's an example of the code I'm using (URL is contrived):
import requests, zipfile, io
r = requests.get(zip_file_url, stream=True)
z = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content))
Thanks in advance!
HTTP does not work that way. You must use the exact URL in order to request a page from the server.
I'm not sure if this helps you, but Flask has a feature that works similarly to what you require. Here's a working example:
def categoryDisplay(category_id):
''' Display a category's items
# Get category and it's items via queries on session
category =session.query(Category).filter_by(id=category_id).one()
items = session.query(Item).filter_by(
# Display items using Flask HTML Templates
return render_template('category.html', category=category, items=items,
editItem=editItem, deleteItem=deleteItem, logged_in = check_logged_in())
the route decorator tells the web server to call that method when a url like */categories/(1/2/3/4/232...) is accessed. I'm not sure but I think you could do the same with the name of your zip as a String. See here ( for more details.
