Android Studio IDE issue (font/encoding: abcd -> cdef) - android-studio

Installed Android Studio maybe week ago. All was great.
Then yesterday have tried to open it. Something strange happened: all english letters are shifted right in alphabet (abcd -> cdef).
Loaded IDE start
It reminds me of encoding problems (I use ukrainian windows, but another apps (Latin / Cyrillic) are working without problems).
Have checked Language and Regional settings, but everything is fine with it (as I think). Tried to change IDE encoding to UTF-8 too - nothing changed.
Encoding error detector site(online-decoder) gives me nothing... Searching on abcd to cdef and other encoding problems too... Have not found anything similar, but maybe i have tried to search in wrong direction. At least now i have "encrypted" IDE, and can spend some time to get familiar with this "language" :D
How to solve this?
- Win7 64 bit.
- Android Studio 2.3.1
I think that it can be because i have changed system font and maybe something gone wrong. Will try to change it back to original.
EDIT: After changing system font back to original All is OK. But anyway that is strange that most of the apps supports ISOCPEUR, and Android Studio doesn't.


visual studio 2015 c++ editor broken, solution?

After an install in VS2015 (intel mkl library with vs integration) the c/c++ editor fails to show anything except the tab on top. No window, no text, nothing.
I dug a bit deeper: a .txt file displays fine, .cs as well. When I set in options that filetype .txt needs editing in C/C++ editor, .txt stopped displaying too.
I have compared every option in tools->options, including the environment options, to a normal working rig, found nothing.
Resetting to default options did not help, nor did changing the color scheme.
Removed the Intel directory from common7/IDE/extensions, no improvement.
I do not know where more secrets are kept, tried a registry search, but found no clues. Everything appears to match, up to the dll for language specialization in vxpackages.
Anyone, before I try to repair the installation?
Thanks in advance,
Edit: I got the editor back on track by disabling Productivity Power Tools 2015. This took me half a day. Any connection to the Intel install is doubtful!

Why do these weird characters appear on IntelliJ Idea and Android Studio?

These weird characters appeared when I installed Android Studio from the official page (Android Studio shows this too). I ran my Eset Nod32 antivirus and it says everything is alright. Does somebody know how to fix this, please?
It can be due to the font set for menus being corrupt. Change the font in File > Settings > Appearance & Behavior > Appearance and see if it renders correctly, in which case you'll have to reinstall that font in your computer or just use another one.

Android Studio Showing squares instead of text

I have a HP Pro tower pre-installed with FreeLnx. Every application renders text correctly. However, each time I launch Android Studio it just shows a bunch of squares instead of text characters thus making it impossible to use the application. The debian version is squeeze and GNOME 2.30.2. Any help will be much appreciated.
I simply changed my system font to FreeSans after which I launched Android Studio poof everything started working all fine.

visual studio 2012 puts a small number in the top left corner of my screen

I am wondering if anyone else has had this issue with visual studio (or a VS extension because I have a few installed) and what is causing this? The number goes away when I close visual studio and I have not been able to figure our what is causing this. The number is overlayed on my desktop and not just visual studio. It covers all other windows I have open as well telling me it's set to be always on top.
Anyone else come across this issue or what is causing it?
I figured it out!
This has been bothering me for years. I finally just sat down and solved the problem. Basically, VS has this little known feature where you can navigate through code lens with just your keyboard. If you press Alt for a couple of seconds, you will see numbers just like the ones that appear at the top of your screen above your current method. To fix it, just long press Alt again and the number should go away. If you have many VS instances open you might have to go through them one by one.
I don't have significant reputation to comment, but I am experiencing this both with VS2013 and VS2015 too. The only extension I have installed is Resharper.
My research shows that it is caused by the hover text / overlays from various components. The only way I have found to get rid of them is to close the Visual Studio IDE window responsible.

qt creator editing missing some characters (blank) Linux

Im running a fedora 18 box and just installed Qt Creator 3.0,
as well as trying 2.8.1. Both versions, when I pull up my source
code, there are many characters missing in patterns. It looks like
15-25% of the code has sections "missing"
I think its a graphics problem maybe, but I can find no articles online
about this issue so far. Anyone know what this is or how to fix it?
EDIT: Here's the image. Also using vim they look fine. Im compiling and running
from an xterm window due to qcreator's issue (unfortunately). if I 'file' the source
files, they are: C source, ASCII text
