Updating time and date in wit-ai weather example - node.js

I am trying to extend the wit-ai weather example by adding wit/datetime to the mix.
For example a user might type "How cold will it be in Berlin in 1 hour?" and the weather bot will bring back the data for the weather in 1 hour in Berlin.
So far this works, but when I try to setup missingDate in order to ask the date if it's missing it behaves kind of funny.
A dialogue would be:
- How cold will it be in Berlin?
- In what time?
- In 1 hour.
Instead, after the 1 hour step, I get asked again for the location which is in the context, but instead is triggered again.
My action is named getForecast({context, entities}) and I have defined it as below:
getForecast({ context, entities }) {
console.log(`The current context is: ${JSON.stringify(context)}`);
console.log(`Wit extracted ${JSON.stringify(entities)}`);
// extract entity
var location = firstEntityValue(entities, "location");
var date = firstEntityValue(entities, "datetime");
// if the entity exists, do a remote weather call.
if (date) {
context.date = date;
delete context.missingDate;
} else {
context.missingDate = true;
delete context.date;
delete context.forecast;
if (location) {
context.forecast = '38 degrees';
context.location = location;
delete context.missingLocation;
} else {
context.missingLocation = true;
delete context.forecast;
// return the context object
return Promise.resolve(context);


How to compare previous value of variable with new variable value on each response node.js

I'm running cron that is checking price each 30 seconds and will return me a value of asset.
If the price will be different than previous price, i would like to log it.. I'm testing this because this will be very usable for me in the future ideas... price variable is holding the price. My goal is to do some action when the variable is different.
//Stuff above the code like cron and general discord client.on ↑
//this will log current price of asset
console.log(price, 'PRICE UPDATED!')
// tried to compare price however this is unsucessful, as it doesn't do anything...
var Previousprice = null;
function foo() {
var Currentprice = $(price.toFixed(2))
if (Previousprice == Currentprice) {
console.log('Price is same!')
Previousprice = Currentprice
console.log('Price has changed!')
//new discord action...
So far I also tried this, but i think this is completely useless and won't work that way...
console.log(price, 'PRICE UPDATED!')
let Previousprice = null;
let Currentprice = price
if (price) {
let Previousprice = price.toFixed(2)
console.log(price, 'Price defined')
} else if(Previousprice === Currentprice) {
console.log(price, 'Price is same')
} else if(Previousprice !== Currentprice) {
let Previousprice = price.toFixed(2)
console.log(price, 'Price changed!')
1.29739982471208 PRICE UPDATED!
1.29739982471208 Price defined
1.29739982471208 PRICE UPDATED!
1.29739982471208 Price defined
1.29660532105896 PRICE UPDATED!
1.29660532105896 Price defined
You are re-declaring and assigning previousPrice = null; every 30 seconds. Can't give you specifics without seeing the surrounding code but what you generally want is a global variable like currentPrice, initialised to 0 when the app first runs. something like this should work:
// initialise a global variable with inital value of 0
let currentPrice = 0;
// Stuff above the code like cron and general discord client.on
console.log(price, 'PRICE UPDATED!');
if (price !== currentPrice) {
console.log(`Price changed from ${currentPrice} to ${price}`);
currentPrice = price;
else {
console.log(`Price remains at ${currentPrice}`);
The first run will obviously change the price from 0 to the first initial price, but that's fine.
Alright, so have you tried previous_price = current_price after having previous_price set to some price currently, run it, and then after console.log if it is different or something, then it gets set to current price, and then it will change after every internal?
This should work.

How do I train on time when I already know the date?

I'm looking to filter by a time interval. For example, from 9am to noon. It is unclear how to create that functionality in the training and action concept. For example, I currently have this:
You should train it with DateTimeExpression and use the DateTimeInterval component to get the actual difference
action (TestDateTimeInterval) {
description (__DESCRIPTION__)
collect {
input (dateTimeExpression) {
type (time.DateTimeExpression)
min (Optional) max (One)
output (core.Integer)
Action Javascript
module.exports.function = function testDateTimeInterval (dateTimeExpression) {
var dates = require ('dates')
var whenStart;
var whenEnd;
if (dateTimeExpression.dateTimeInterval) {
whenStart = dates.ZonedDateTime.of(
whenEnd = dates.ZonedDateTime.of(
// If you intend to return the difference between the number of hours
return dateTimeExpression.dateTimeInterval.end.time.hour - dateTimeExpression.dateTimeInterval.start.time.hour
return -1;

Google Cloud Talent Solution fetch a job by requisitionId

I am wondering if it is possible to fetch a job by requisitionId in Google Cloud Talent Solution. requisitionId has to be unique across jobs so it seems like a natural candidate for looking a job up.
When a job is created the api returns a job name that can be used to look the job up:
You can retrieve the details of a previously inserted job by sending a GET request to the Cloud Talent Solution. The URI should include the previously inserted job name returned by the original create request, as a URL parameter.
I'd like to avoid storing these names if possible. In my view storing them adds unnecessary complexity since I already have a unique requisitionId. To be clear the API does not let you add jobs with a duplicate requisitionId:
Job projects/{my_app_id}/jobs/{google_assigned_id} already exists. Request ID for tracking: ... Related Job requisition ID: ...
So can I look up jobs by requisitionId?
I could parse the error message that's returned to get the job name..but that seems pretty brittle.
It turns out the list method takes requisitionId so for a full, read-create-update cycle we can do:
const listRequest = {
parent: `projects/${projectId}`,
'filter': `companyName="${companyName}" AND requisitionId="${requisitionId}"`
const listResult = await jobService.projects.jobs.list(listRequest)
const existingJobs = listResult.data.jobs || [];
let existingJob = null
if (existingJobs && existingJobs.length > 0) {
existingJob = existingJobs[0]
let googleJob
if (!existingJob) {
const createRequest = {
'parent': `projects/${projectId}`,
'resource': {
'job': {
applicationInfo: {
emails: ['email#example.com']
googleJob = await jobService.projects.jobs.create(createRequest)
.then(result => result)
.catch(resp => {
} else {
const patchRequest = {
'name': existingJob.name,
'resource': {
'job': {
applicationInfo: {
emails: ['email#example.com']
googleJob = await jobService.projects.jobs.patch(patchRequest)
.then(result => result)
.catch(resp => {
Docs: https://cloud.google.com/talent-solution/job-search/docs/reference/rest/v3/projects.jobs/list?authuser=0&hl=de
The double quotes in the filter parameter are important. It will not accept single quotes and will give a cryptic error message.
The patch request cannot take a parent parameter even though everything else requires a parent parameter...
one can add it as custom attribute:
Map<String, CustomAttribute> attributes = new HashMap<>();
.put("requisitionId", new CustomAttribute().setStringValue(requisitionId)
Job job = new Job()
Job jobCreated = createJob(job);
String jobName = jobCreated.getName();
and then search for requisitionId with a custom attribute filter:
JobQuery jobQuery = new JobQuery().setCustomAttributeFilter(filter);
this is a little redundant, but JobQuery has no method .setRequisitionId().
here's the documentation.

How to come around Firebase Realtime Database's server side timestamp volatility when one wants to compare timestamps on updates?

After reading the docs on ServerValue.TIMESTAMP, I was under the impression that once the object hits the database, the timestamp placeholder evaluates once and remains the same, but this was not the case for me:
// Example on Node:
> const db = f.FIREBASE_APP.database();
> const timestamp = f.FIREBASE_APP.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP;
> const ref = db.ref('/test');
> ref.on(
... 'child_added',
... function(snapshot) {
..... console.log(`Timestamp from listener: ${snapshot.val().timestamp}`);
..... }
... )
> var child_key = "";
> ref.push({timestamp: timestamp}).then(
... function(thenable_ref) {
..... child_key = thenable_ref.key;
..... }
... );
Timestamp from listener: 1534373384299
> ref.child(child_key).once('value').then(
... function(snapshot) {
..... console.log(`Timestamp after querying: ${snapshot.val().timestamp}`);
..... }
... );
> Timestamp after querying: 1534373384381
> 1534373384299 < 1534373384381
The timestamp is different when queried from the on listener and it is different during a later query.
Is this like this by design and I just missed some parts of the documentation? If this is the case, when does the ServerValue.TIMESTAMP stabilize?
I am building a CQRS/ES library on the Realtime Database, and just wanted to avoid the expected_version (or sequence numbers) of events.
The proof for Frank's explanation below:
/* `db`, `ref` and `timestamp` are defined above,
and the test path ("/test") has been deleted
from DB beforehand to avoid noise.
> ref.on(
... 'child_added',
... function(snapshot) {
..... console.log(`Timestamp from listener: ${snapshot.val().timestamp}`);
..... }
... )
> ref.on(
... 'value',
... function(snapshot) {
..... console.log(snapshot.val());
..... }
... )
> ref.push({timestamp: timestamp}); null;
Timestamp from listener: 1534434409034
{ '-LK2Pjd8FS_L8hKqIpiE': { timestamp: 1534434409034 } }
{ '-LK2Pjd8FS_L8hKqIpiE': { timestamp: 1534434409114 } }
Bottom line is, if one needs to rely on immutable server side timestamps, keep this in mind, or work around it.
When you perform the ref.push({timestamp: timestamp}) the Firebase client immediately makes an estimate of the timestamp on the client and fires an event for that locally. It then send the command off to the server.
Once the Firebase client receives the response from the server, it checks if the actual timestamp is different from its estimate. If it is indeed different, the client fires reconciliatory events.
You can most easily see this by attaching your value listener before setting the value. You'll see it fire with both the initial estimates value, and the final value from the server.
Also see:
How to use the Firebase server timestamp to generate date created?
Trying to convert Firebase timestamp to NSDate in Swift
firebase.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP return an Object
CAVEAT: After wasting another day, the ultimate solution is not to use Firebase server timestamps at all, if you have to compare them in a use case that is similar to the one below. When the events come in fast enough, the second 'value' update may not trigger at all.
One solution, to the double-update condition Frank describes in his answer, is to get the final server timestamp value is (1) to embed an on('event', ...) listener inside an on('child_added', ...) and (2) remove the on('event', ...) listener as soon as the specific use case permits.
> const db = f.FIREBASE_APP.database();
> const ref = db.ref('/test');
> const timestamp = f.FIREBASE_APP.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP;
> ref.on(
function(child_snapshot) {
console.log(`Timestamp in 'child_added': ${child_snapshot.val().timestamp}`);
function(child_value_snapshot) {
// Do a timestamp comparison here and remove `on('value',...)`
// listener here, but keep in mind:
// + it will fire TWICE when new child is added
// + but only ONCE for previously added children!
console.log(`Timestamp in embedded 'event': ${child_value_snapshot.val().timestamp}`);
// One child was already in the bank, when above code was invoked:
Timestamp in 'child_added': 1534530688785
Timestamp in embedded 'event': 1534530688785
// Adding a new event:
> ref.push({timestamp: timestamp});null;
Timestamp in 'child_added': 1534530867511
Timestamp in embedded 'event': 1534530867511
Timestamp in embedded 'event': 1534530867606
In my CQRS/ES case, events get written into the "/event_store" path, and the 'child_added' listener updates the cumulated state whenever new events come in, where each event has a ServerValue.TIMESTAMP. The listener compares the new event's and the state's timestamp whether the new event should be applied or it already has been (this mostly matters when the server has been restarted to build the internal in-memory state). Link to the full implementation, but here's a shortened outline on how single/double firing has been handled:
function(event_snapshot) {
const event_ref = event_store.child(event_id)
const event_timestamp = event_value_snapshot.val().timestamp;
if ( event_timestamp <= state_timestamp ) {
// === 1 =======
// =============
} else {
var next_state = {};
if ( event_id === state.latest_event_id ) {
next_state["timestamp"] = event_timestamp;
Object.assign(state, next_state);
// === 2 =======
// =============
} else {
next_state = event_handler(event_snapshot, state);
next_state["latest_event_id"] = event_id;
Object.assign(state, next_state);
When the server is restarted, on('child_added', ...) goes through all events already in the "/event_store", attaching on('value',...) dynamically on all children and compares the events` timestamps to the current state's.
If the event is older than the age of the current state (event_timestamp < state_timestamp is true), the only action is detaching the 'value' listener . This callback will be fired once as the ServerValue.TIMESTAMP placeholder has already been resolved once in the past.
Otherwise the event is newer, which means that it hasn't been applied yet to the current state and ServerValue.TIMESTAMP also hasn't been evaluated yet, causing the callback to fire twice. To handle the double update, this block saves the actual child's key (i.e., event_id here) to the state (to latest_event_id) and compares it to the incoming event's key (i.e., event_id):

how to stop bot to not move forward unless entity is resolves

var intent = args.intent;
var number = builder.EntityRecognizer.findEntity(intent.entities, 'builtin.numer');
when i use findentity it move forward if the answer is correct or not how can i use entity resolve on that which are not builtin entites
var location1 = builder.EntityRecognizer.findEntity(intent.entities, 'Location');
var time = builder.EntityRecognizer.resolveTime(intent.entities);
when i use resolve time it ask againand again unless entity is resolve;
var alarm = session.dialogData.alarm = {
number: number ? number.entity : null,
timestamp: time ? time.getTime() : null,
location1: location1? location1.entity :null
/* if (!number & !location1 time)
{} */
// Prompt for number
if (!alarm.number) {
builder.Prompts.text(session, 'how many people you are');
} else {
function (session, results, next) {
var alarm = session.dialogData.alarm;
if (results.response) {
alarm.number = results.response;
I believe I've already answered this question on StackOverflow: "Botframework Prompt dialogs until user finishes".
You'll need to create a mini-dialog, that will have at least two waterfall steps. Your first step will take any args and check/set them as the potential value your chatbot is waiting for. It'll prompt the user to verify that these are the correct values. If no args were passed in, or the data was not valid, the user will be prompted to supply the value the chatbot is waiting for.
The second step will take the user's response to the first step and either set the value into a session data object (like session.userData or session.conversationData) or restart the dialog using session.replaceDialog() or session.beginDialog().
In your main dialog you'll modify the step where you employ your EntityRecognizers to include an if-statement that begins your mini-dialog. To trigger the if-statement, you could use the same design as shown in this GitHub example or in your code. This code might look like below:
var location1 = builder.EntityRecognizer.findEntity(intent.entities, 'Location');
session.userData.location1 = location1 ? location1.entity : null;
if(!session.userData.location1) {
