Order By not working in Azure Web Document Explorer - azure

I am trying to query documentdb inside the Azure Web Document Explorer. The problem is Order By doesn't seem to work anymore.
For instance the following query:
WHERE c.type="myType" ORDER BY c.createdDate
When queried I get a red alert stating:
Failed to get documents. Please try again.
If I remove Order By it works fine.
Any idea why it doesn't work anymore to query with Order By?

Any idea why it doesn't work anymore to query with Order By?
Order By can be specified only against a property, either numeric or String when it is range indexed with the Maximum Precision (-1). More detail please refer to document
You also cannot perform the following:
Order By with internal string properties like id, _rid, and _self (coming soon).
Order By with properties derived from the result of an intra-document join (coming soon).
Order By multiple properties (coming soon).
Order By with queries on databases, collections, users, permissions or attachments (coming soon).
Order By with computed properties e.g. the result of an expression or a UDF/built-in function


Is it possible to save on database without a PXGraph or a Screen?

The entry for that screen is not needed. All the records are automatically generated. or probably by using DAC only.
The Graph/DAC logic is preferred as you get all of the framework freebies such as field defaulting and calculated formula fields.
You can however get around this using PXDatabase.Insert or PXDatabase.Update PXDatabase.Delete
I use these for upgrade processes or bulk delete of processing records. These calls do not require a graph to execute but ignore all DAC attributes which may or may not default values, calculate values, etc.
If you search on PXDatabase in the Acumatica code browser you can find examples. Here is one from EmployeeMaint.Location_RowPersisted:
new PXDataFieldAssign("VAPAccountLocationID", _KeyToAbort),
new PXDataFieldRestrict("LocationID", _KeyToAbort),
PXDataFieldAssign is setting column values.
PXDataFieldRestrict is your where condition.
It is best to find multiple examples of PXDatabase in Acumatica and confirm your query results using a tool such as SQL profiler to make sure its executing the correct statement you intend to run.
You can't use DAC without Graph. All BQL queries require PXGraph instance. The only way to save data without using BQL is using ODBC or any other ORM to connect strictly to database and do your changes. But it is not recommended way as in case of doing it in that way you will ignore all the Business Logic.

Cloudant - apply a view/mapReduce to a geospatial query

HI I'm new to cloudant (and couch and asking questions on stackoverflow so I hope I manage to be vaguely clear about what I'm asking ) and I'm trying to do probably the second most basic geo task but am hitting a dead end.
I've got a database of docs which are geojson objects, I've created an index so I can query for intersections etc but it seems the only options I have in the url is the format=legacy (gives me the ids) and the format=geojson and the include_docs parameter - what I'd like to do is give back a particular view of the result set - I'm not interested in the geometry of the object (which is a big lump of data and it's likely that a number of other properties may be in the document that I'd rather filter out)
is there a correct way to do this in a single api call or do I need to fetch the doc ids (legacy format) and then issue a second query to bring back my chosen 'view' for each document id given in the result of format=legacy response

How to do "Not Equals" in couchdb?

Folks, I was wondering what is the best way to model document and/or map functions that allows me "Not Equals" queries.
For example, my documents are:
1. { name : 'George' }
2. { name : 'Carlin' }
I want to trigger a query that returns every documents where name not equals 'John'.
Note: I don't have all possible names before hand. So the parameters in query can be any random text like 'John' in my example.
In short: there is no easy solution.
You have four options:
sending a multi range query
filter the view response with a server-side list function
using a CouchDB plugin
use the mango query language
sending a multi range query
You can request the view with two ranges defined by startkey and endkey. You have to choose the range so, that the key John is not requested.
Unfortunately you have to find the commit request that somewhere exists and compile your CouchDB with it. Its not included in the official source.
filter the view response with a server-side list function
Its not recommended but you can use a list function and ignore the row with the key John in your response. Its like you will do it with a JavaScript array.
using a CouchDB plugin
Create an additional index with e.g. couchdb-lucene. The lucene server has such query capabilities.
use the "mango" query language
Its included in the CouchDB 2.0 developer preview. Not ready for production but will be definitely included in the stable release.

Sitecore fast query does not return values

I have used Sitecore fast query in my C# code to get items and sub items which are matching with the criteria. But fast query does not returning any items though there are.
My fast query is like below;
fast:/sitecore/content/...//*[#__Workflow state='{item id}']
This will return no items, but removing fast: from the query will return the items by taking more time.
I tried escaping spaces in the query path as well like below, but it didn't work;
fast:/sitecore/content/...//*[##__Workflow state#='{item id}']
Are there any way to get sub items with a filtration using fast query?
I noticed you use theee dots in your query, which is not correct. You can use 2 dots to sleect the parent item, but in your query selecting the parent from /sitecore/content seems a bit odd.
It seems you can do with this query:
fast:/sitecore/content//*[#__Workflow state='{item id}']
See also this document for the syntax and examples and the limitations of using fast-query instead normal query
Sitecore Fast query does not account for the context language (results include items with versions that match the query in any language). I just did a quick test in the Developer Center in Sitecore and in my case it only resulted an item with the workflow state set in the english language, not my current context language. This might be something that you experience in your situation.

CouchDB views - Multiple join... Can it be done?

I have three document types MainCategory, Category, SubCategory... each have a parentid which relates to the id of their parent document.
So I want to set up a view so that I can get a list of SubCategories which sit under the MainCategory (preferably just using a map function)... I haven't found a way to arrange the view so this is possible.
I currently have set up a view which gets the following output -
Which QueryString parameters would I use to get say the rows which have a key that starts with ["22945".... When all I have (at query time) is the id "11810" (at query time I don't have knowledge of the id "22945").
If any of that makes sense.
The way you store your categories seems to be suboptimal for the query you try to perform on it.
MongoDB.org has a page on various strategies to implement tree-structures (they should apply to Couch and other doc dbs as well) - you should consider Array of Ancestors, where you always store the full path to your node. This makes updating/moving categories more difficult, but querying is easy and fast.
