Auto add wiki pages to sidebar menu in tikiwiki - menu

I'm running a Tikiwiki (16.2) now and here are my problem:
Every time a wiki is created, I always has to add that page to the sidebar menu manually.
Is there anyway for the new wiki pages will be automatically added the the sidebar? Just like the sidebar of the MindTouch.
I tried Structure but look like It's not the way.

By looking deeper into the documentations, I can archived what I want:
Create a structure (let call it A)
Create a module that pull information from structure A
Assign the menu to the sidebar location (left).
Create a first page and assign it to structure A.
Child pages will be added to the structure automatically
You can also do the same with Catogories.


Kentico v9 javascript webpart and bottom load LinkedFile

In building on a previous question (Kentico v9 how can i detect when a user is in CMS desk with JavaScript), I have added a JavaScript webpart to load in my analytics.js file. Here's my code snippet:
<cms:JavaScript ID="js"
I can not figure out how to get this to load the JS file at the bottom of the page. What am i missing?
The Linked File Page Location is the key. There's one that renders it wherever the webpart is placed. You need to add a Web Part Zone at the bottom of the page and add them there, or if this is pure aspx then add this tag near the bottom, but the LInkedFilePageLocation should be Inline (i believe, see what the options are)
The proper value is "startup" to make it render wherever you place it.

Kentico breakcrumb webpart not using the page alias

I have two pages sitting in a folder named "Auxiliary Nav". The pages have aliases set so 'Auxuliary-Nav' doesn't show in their URLs. I thought all was good until I looked at my breadcrumbs. Ideally, the breadcrumb shouldn't show "Auxiliary Nav".
I'm using the Breadcrumbs web part on a master page, but can't see a setting for this. I had also thought about just using the CSS list menu, but not sure if this would help me here.
Turn off "Show in navigation" for "Auxiliary Nav".

How to Group Sub Pages in Orchard CMS

I'm wondering if there's a way in Orchard or a plugin/module that anybody knows of that will let you create subpages in Orchard such that when I go to content -> pages I'm not looking at a huge list of pages; I want to see a list of main pages with their sub pages grouped under them?
Is this possible?
On a related note...when you're working with a navigation widget (that uses a menu) I want to highlight the main item as a current nav item when I'm on a "subpage".
For example, my Company page has a separate leadership page that I would want to highlight the company nav bar item (since leadership is a subpage) when you're on it.
Any recommendations would be very helpful. Thanks!
There are many ways you could achieve this in Orchard:
You could use blogs and blog posts:
Blogs are parent pages
Blog Posts are child pages
Blog posts can have URL that consists of blog's URL which you can use to create your menu.
You could also use Orchard.Lists module which enables you to add Containable and Container parts to get the functionality similar to blogs, but for other content types. You can check the tutorial on how to do it here
You could use Orchard.Taxonomies module to create a hierarchy of pages and use taxonomies for your menu
Lastly, you can do this manually by using ordinary pages and giving them hierarchically named slugs (for example parent page could have URL /parent and child page could have slug /parent/child). You could then manually create a menu that is hierarchical and consists of pages you created and use slugs to highlight your parent pages in menus..

How can I specifiy an alternate layout for NotFound.cshml and ErrorPage.cshtml in Orchard CMS

I know you can use layout filters for normal pages with urls, but upon errors the view changes while keeping the url the same, so I can't utilize a new layout based on the path. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Off the top of my head:
If you look in Core > Shapes > Views, you will see two files - one called ErrorPage.cshtml and one called NotFound.cshtml. Simply copy these files and paste them into your theme's view folder.
I have not tested this method with these particular pages, but I did do something similar with the LogOn widget.
Something to bear in mind is that the contents of these files will be rendered in the Content zone of your current theme.

Any way of updating all links in spry menu bar in all pages?

I am currently designing an e-learning course for a college project. I am using a horizontal spry menu bar. I only have all updated links to other pages on the homepage. All of the rest are empty. I will finish up having more than 140 pages so is there anyway I can update the links from the homepage to work on all pages?
It would save me a huge amount of time.
There are two ways.
The first, and best, way is to call the menu code as some form of include on all pages of your site. You can put the ul structure of the menu system in a separate HTML file and use SSI or any server side language to call it as an include. If you don't have any access to SSI or a server side language, you can make the menu code a Dreamweaver Library Item and call it that way. The benefit here is the menu code exists in one place. Any update to the code will update throughout the site.
The second way is to use Dreamweaver's site-wide find and replace feature to make changes to the menu code on every page of your site.
