looking for an opensource in memory database with indexes [closed] - cassandra

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Closed 5 years ago.
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we are looking for an opensource in memory database which can support indexes.
The use case is that we have lot of items that are going to grow in a big way.
Each item has a few fields on which we need to query.
Currently we store the data in application's memory. However with increasing data, we have to think about distributing/sharding the db.
We have looked at a few options
Redis cluster could be used, but it does not have the concept of
indexes or SQL like queries.
Apache Ignite is both in-memory, and distributed as well as provides
SQL queries. However, the problem is that ignite fires all
queries into all master nodes, so that the final result will be
slower than the slowest of those queries. It seems like a problem
because a non performing/slow node out of a number of nodes can
really slow down the application a lot. Further in ignite, reads are
done from the masters and slaves are not used, so that it is
difficult to scale the queries. Increasing the nodes will have
negative impact as the no of queries will increase and it will be
even slower.
Cassandra - The in-memory option in cassandra can be used, but it
seems that the max size of a table per node can be 1 GB. If
our table is more than 1 GB, we will have to resort to partitioning
which will inturn lead cassandra to make multiple queries(one per
node) and it is a problem(same as ignite). Not sure whether reads in
cassandra in-memory table can be scaled by increasing the number of
We are open to other solutions but wondering whether the multi-query will be a problem everywhere(like hazelcast).
The ideal solution for our use case would be an in-memory database with indexes which could be read scaled by increasing the number of slaves. Making it distributed/sharded will lead to multiple queries and we are reluctant because one erring node could slow the whole system down.

Hazelcast supports indexes (sorted & unsorted) and what is important there is no Multi-Query problem with Hazelcast.
Hazelcast supports a PartitionPredicate that restricts the execution of a query to a node that is a primaryReplica of the key passed to the constructor of the PartitionPredicate. So if you know where the data resides you can just query this node. So no need to fix or implement anything to support it, you can use it right away.
It's probably not reasonable to use it all the time. Depends on your use-case.
For complex queries that scan a lot of data but return small results it's better to use OBJECT inMemoryFormat. You should get excellent execution times and low latencies.

Disclaimer: I am GridGain employee and Apache Ignite committer.
Several comments on your concerns:
1) Slow nodes will lead to problems in virtually any clustered environment, so I would not consider this as disadvantage. This is reality you should embrace and accept. It is necessary understand why it is slow and fix/upgrade it.
2) Ignite are able to perform reads from slaves both for regular cache operations [1] and for SQL queries executed over REPLICATED caches. In fact, using REPLICATED cache for reference data is one of the most important features allowing Ignite to scale smoothly.
3) As you correctly mentioned, currently query is broadcasted to all data nodes. We are going to improve it. First, we will let users to specify partitions to execute the query against [2]. Second, we are going to improve our optimizer so that it will try to calculate target data nodes in advance to avoid broadcast [3], [4]. Both improvements will be released very soon.
4) Last, but not least - persistent layer will be released in several months [5], meaning that Ignite will become distributed database with both in-memory and persistence capabilities.
[1] https://ignite.apache.org/releases/mobile/org/apache/ignite/configuration/CacheConfiguration.html#isReadFromBackup()
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-4523
[3] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-4509
[4] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-4510
[5] http://apache-ignite-developers.2346864.n4.nabble.com/GridGain-Donates-Persistent-Distributed-Store-To-ASF-Apache-Ignite-tc16788.html

I can give opinions on cassandra. Max size of your table per node is configurable and tunable so it depends on the amount of the memory that you are willing to pay. Partitioning is built in into cassandra so basically cassandra manages it for you. It's relatively simple to do paritioning. Basically first part of the primary key syntax is partitioning key and it determines on which node in the cluster the data lives.
But I also guess you are aware of this since you are mentioning multiple query per node. I guess there is no nice way around it.
Just one slight remark there is no master slaves in cassandra. Every node is equal. Basically client asks any node in the cluster, this node then becomes coordinator nodes and since it gets partitioning key it knows which node to ask the data for and it gives it then to the client.
Other than that I guess you read upon cassandra enough (from what I can see in your question)
Basically it comes down to the access pattern, if you know how you are going to access your data then it's the way to go. But other databases are also pretty decent.
Indexing with cassandra usually hides some potential performance problems. Usually people avoid it because in cassandra index has to be build for every record there is on whole cluster and it's done per node. This doesn't really scale. Basically you always have to do query first no matter how ypu put it with cassandra.
Plus the in memory seems to be part of the DSE cassandra. Not the open source or community one. You have to take this into account also.


Why Cassandra doesn't have secondary index?

Cassandra is positioned as scalable and fast database.
Why , I mean from technical details, above goals cannot be accomplished with secondary indexes?
Cassandra does indeed have secondary indexes. But secondary index usage doesn't work well with distributed databases, and it's because each node only holds a subset of the overall dataset.
I previously wrote an answer which discussed the underlying details of secondary index queries:
How do secondary indexes work in Cassandra?
While it should help give you some understanding of what's going on, that answer is written from the context of first querying by a partition key. This is an important distinction, as secondary index usage within a partition should perform well.
The problem is when querying only by a secondary index, that Cassandra cannot guarantee all of your data will be able to be served by a single node. When this happens, Cassandra designates a node as a coordinator, which in turn queries all other nodes for the specified indexed values.
Essentially, instead of performing sequential reads from a single node, secondary index usage forces Cassandra to perform random reads from all nodes. Now you don't have just disk seek time, but also network time complicating things.
The recommendation for Cassandra modeling, is to duplicate your data into new tables to support the desired query. This adds in some other complications with keeping data in-sync. But (when done correctly) it ensures that your queries can indeed be served by a single node. That's a tradeoff you need to make when building your model. You can have convenience or performance, but not both.
So yes cassandra does have secondary indexes and aaron's explaination does a great job of explaining why.
You see many people trying to solve this issue by writing their data to multiple tables. This is done so they can be sure that the data they need to answer the query that would traditionally rely on a secondary index is on the same node.
Some of the recent iterations of cassandra have this 'built in' via materialized views. I've not really used them since 3.0.11 but they are promising. The problems i had at the time were primarily adding them to tables with existing data and they had a suprisingly large amount of overhead on write (increased latency).

Aerospike over in-memory Cassandra? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm a bit of a noob with noSQL & cannot decide for Aerospike over complete in-memory Cassandra.
Use Case:
To be used for multiple services in our University ( From social platform to internal financial analytics to network logging to real-time messaging). Our daily active users are also constant(~5000). So my primary requirement is not to get 1M+ TPS but to reduce latency and maintain consistency serving the user data as fast as possible. The DB would be running on 3 bare metal servers with 32-vcore 128GB-Ram 256GB-SSD each connected in 10Gbit. The data won't be exceeding Ram as most of the data will be archived(to another ElacticSearch Server) every 6 Months.
Also, I don't mind to take the challenge and do a bit over-engineering & it's fine if the Cluster is hard to set-up but it should require little or no maintenance for years.
So looking over in-memory DB's Aerospike seemed a great choice. Then I was very exited to go blazingly fast but then I looked at Aerospike total garbage? & We use Aerospike heavily. It works just fine. Now, this got me thinking it this the best fit for me?
Or should I go for complete in-memory Cassandra which is not optimised for complete in-memory table & still is less performant than Aerospike but has a better data model fit for me, does not have consistency issues and is tried & tested.( I am intrigued by ScyllaDB but it doesn't have in-memory tables)
I would like to have answers from people with production experience with Aerospike & Cassandra. Also please tell me if I am completely wrong.
My first point is that this isn't a valid Stackoverflow question. When you click on Ask Question the How to Ask block states Is your question about programming?
The Medium article is poorly written opinion from a faceless user, without data to back up the claims. Yes, Aerospike has bugs, as do all databases. GCE itself has bugs that can affect a distributed database such as Aerospike. I haven't seen any issue in the aerospike/aerospike-server repo on GitHub talking about this user's problems on GCE. Usually people who use a software product in production will report a bug that affects them severely. The lack of a bug report is a "bad smell" - is it FUD?
Aerospike is in fact used for high performance at high scale by many customers. I'm going to assume that even if said Medium blogger actually used Aerospike in production, it probably wasn't on the scale of 3Mtps reads and 1.5Mtps writes that AppNexus see for their Aerospike installation. Perhaps the proof of whether it's an appropriate Key-Value database for a production system is in its current use by real customers.
Let's address your specific question about whether to use Cassandra or Aerospike for a key-value use case. You probably want to start with high quality benchmarks comparing the two, but how do you determine if those are well done? Aerospike has published a manifesto about what high quality benchmarking of databases should look like.
When you run into a benchmark, read all the way down the post and check the object sizes, the number of objects, size of the data set, length of the test. If the vendor chose a tiny data set and ran their test for a few minutes it isn't a valid benchmark. There's nothing to be learned from it about how the database would perform at real, sustainable loads, over realistic data sizes, for extended periods of time.
In the spirit of the manifesto, Aerospike has published a detailed benchmark versus both Cassandra and ScyllaDB. Both show that Aerospike has consistently lower latencies with little variation, while the other databases have wild latency fluctuations. This is due to the architecture differences between the cache-first architecture of first generation NoSQL like Cassandra (also Couchebase, MongoDB, etc) and the hybrid-memory architecture design of Aerospike.
In a cache-first architecture, the database will first look to its in-memory caches for the keys and objects, and only go to disk when there's a cache-miss. The database then takes a big latency penalty for paging data from SSD into memory, and then operating on this memory. Such databases expect the majority of reads to come out of cache. Once the cache hit ratio drops into a realistic range (not their hoped for 80% - 95%) a cache-first database will display latency spikes as it goes to disk. As a consequence, a Cassandra cluster needs lots of RAM across many nodes.
In the case of Aerospike, the hybrid-memory architecture (HMA) holds the primary index (metadata about all the objects) in DRAM, and relies on optimizations around SSD performance to fetch the data directly from disk at low latency. There's a wide range of performance between different SSDs (see Aerospike on Intel Optane), so you would use data from the open-source ACT tool to understand what the sustainable read/write performance of the SSD is, while still achieving 95% of operations <= 1ms. HMA therefore requires very little memory per-node (64B per-object times the replication factor), resulting in smaller clusters. Data is served directly from SSD so you can expect consistently low latency for your operations, even at high scale.
If you're storing all your data fully in memory, take a look at What's New in Aerospike 3.12? and What's New in Aerospike 3.11?, as they include optimizations for such a use case. Specifically see sprigs and CPU pinning.

Pros and Cons of Cassandra User Defined Functions

I am using Apache Cassandra to store mostly time series data. And I am grouping the data and aggregating/counting it based on some conditions. At the moment I am doing this in a Java 8 application, but with the release of Cassandra 3.0 and the User Defined Functions, I have been asking myself if extracting the grouping and aggregation/counting logic to Cassandra is a good idea. To my understanding this functionallity is something like the stored procedures in SQL.
My concern is if this will impact the computation performance and the overall performance of the database. I am also not sure if there are other issues with it and if this new feature is something like the secondary indexes in Cassandra - you can do them, but it is not recommended at all.
Have you used user defined functions in Cassandra? Do you have any observations on the performance? What are the good and bad sides of this new functionality? Is it applicable in my use case?
You can compare it to using count() or avg() kind of aggregations. They can save you a lot of network traffic and object creation/GC by having the coordinator only send the result, but its easy to get carried away and make the coordinator do a lot of work. This extra work takes away from normal C* duties, and can just as likely increase GCs as reduce them.
If your aggregating 100 rows in a partition its probably fine and if your aggregating 10000 its probably not end of the world if its very rare. If your calling it once a second though its a problem. If your aggregating over 1000 I would be very careful.
If you absolutely need to do it and its a lot of data often, you may want to create dedicated proxy coordinators (-Djoin_ring=false) to bear the brunt of the load without impacting normal C* read/writes. At that point its just as easy to create dedicated workload DC for it or something (with RF=0 for your keyspace, and set application to be part of that DC with DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy). This also is the point where using Spark is probably the right thing to do.

Is it bad to use INDEX in Cassandra if performance is not important?

We have recently started a "Big Data" project where we want to track what users are doing with our product - how often they are logging in, which features they are clicking on, etc - your basic user analytics stuff. We still don't know exactly what questions we will be asking, but most of it will be "how often did X occur over the last Y months?" type of thing, so we started storing the data sooner rather than later thinking we can always migrate, re-shape etc when we need to but if we don't store it it is gone forever.
We are now looking at what sorts of questions we can ask. In a typical RDBMS, this stage would consist of slicing and dicing the data in many different dimensions, exporting to Excel, producing graphs, looking for trends etc - it seems that for Cassandra, this is rather difficult to do.
Currently we are using Apache Spark, and submitting Spark SQL jobs to slice and dice the data. This actually works really well, and we are getting the data we need, but it is rather cumbersome as there doesn't seem to be any native API for Spark that we can connect to from our workstations, so we are stuck using the spark-submit script and a Spark app that wraps some SQL from the command line and outputs to a file which we then have to read.
The question
In a table (or Column Family) with ~30 columns running on 3 nodes with RF 2, how bad would it be to add an INDEX to every non-PK column, so that we could simply query it using CQL across any column? Would there be a horrendous impact on the performance of writes? Would there be a large increase in disk space usage?
The other option I have been investigating is using Triggers, so that for each row inserted, we populated another handful of tables (essentially, custom secondary index tables) - is this a more acceptable approach? Does anyone have any experience of the performance impact of Triggers?
Impact of adding more indexes:
This really depends on your data structure, distribution and how you access it; you were right before when you compared this process to RDMS. For Cassandra, it's best to define your queries first and then build the data model.
These guys have a nice write-up on the performance impacts of secondary indexes:
The main impact (from the post) is that secondary indexes are local to each node, so to satisfy a query by indexed value, each node has to query its own records to build the final result set (as opposed to a primary key query where it is known exactly which node needs to be quired). So there's not just an impact on writes, but on read performance as well.
In terms of working out the performance on your data model, I'd recommend using the cassandra-stress tool; you can combine it with a data modeler tool that Datastax have built, to quickly generate profile yamls:
For example, I ran the basic stress profile without and then with secondary indexes on the default table, and the "with indexes" batch of writes took a little over 40% longer to complete. There was also an increase in GC operations / duration etc.

Optimizing MongoDB for reads [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm using MongoDB as a read only document source, used for computing statistics. Each document has no subdocuments, but the database has approximately ~900k documents and will grow by ~ 1k documents each day, added at a time where the database will be idle.
So, I'd like to understand the following things:
I've read that MongoDB works best when the entire collection is stored in RAM. Assuming my database is ~400MB and our server can easily cram the whole thing into RAM, is there a way I can tell MongoDB to pre-load my entire collection into RAM?
I've also read that there are cases where creating replica sets will help with the read performance of the database. Is my scenario one of the cases where this will help?
I'm threading my statistical calculations, but notice that the amount of time to complete the queries I run against mongoDB when doing these calculations triples when I thread them as opposed to running them synchronously. Is there anything I can do to improve the performance of the DB when I'm making requests against the same collection simultaneously?
No, MongoDB DOES NOT WORK BEST when the collection is in RAM. I have no idea who told you that but it is a common mis-conception about how MongoDB works.
MongoDB works best when it can not only fit your working set into RAM ( What does it mean to fit "working set" into RAM for MongoDB? ) but also load it in RAM at significantly great speed. One thing that can help the speed of paging in your working set is the size of your documents.
This is one reason why MongoDB is limited to 16MB, it has been found that sizes greater start to have a seriously detremental performance impact. Basically you spend too much time loading your data from the disk, this is one reason for de-normalisation by logically splitting tables in SQL techs; to make them faster to load.
This means you may have to optimise both the size of the value and the size of the field name to match performance needs for your reads. You will of course also have to match hardware.
Replica sets are not actually designed to help with read performance, they are designed to give your data high availability by making automated failover. The topic you read suggests getting stale reads from secondaries. This, as has been proven (edit: since proven is a strong word and this is scenario based I'm going to say "found") recently, can actually be less performant than using PrimaryPreferred read preference.
As for improving performance we would need stats from you on page faults, IO bottlenecks and general mongostat and top.
About Point 1:
You can use the touch command to persuade the database to load a collection into memory. But keep in mind that this isn't permanent. When you don't access the cached documents soon, they will get uncached in favor of more frequently-used documents.
About Point 2 and 3:
Replica-sets are a good way to improve the performance of parallel read operations. Each server of a replica-set mirrors the whole data and can respond to any query on its own without having to contact the other servers. That means when you double the number of servers in your replica-set, you also double the performance of simultaneous queries.
Keep in mind that the read preferences you set on your connection might prevent it from using more than one server.
Alternatively you can build a sharded cluster, but this is technically a lot more complex than a replica-set and won't improve read-performance much when your queries don't match the shard-key of the collection or when you selected your shard-key in a way that the requests aren't evenly distributed between the shards.
