Resend Webhook Notification on Docusign - webhooks

Is it possible to request from the API to resend a webhook?
From here i can see this is possible from the Admin Panel
When a webhook request fails, the Failures screen also enables you to
resend the notification. This can be very helpful when debugging your
listener software.
I want to do the same but from the API.

You can use the ConnectEvents Api's.
Specifically the following api's
Republishes Connect information for the specified envelope.
Republishes Connect information for the specified set of envelopes. The primary use is to republish Connect post failures by including envelope IDs for the envelopes that failed to post in the request. The list of envelope IDs that failed to post correctly can be retrieved by calling to [ML:GetConnectLog] retrieve the failure log.


What is the situation we have to use docusing brand destination url and docusing webhook?

My application wants to send an email to signer for signing DocuSign (remote signing using DocuSign rest api) and after completing signing, the website should get the update that the envelope is signed and update the database.
So can I set the brand destination URL, so that the website will get the envelope Id in the merge field and we can update the database?
In this scenario do we need to use a webbook or set a brand destination URL as I said earlier?
after completing signing, the website should get the update that the envelope is signed and update the database.
Best way to handle this is to use a DocuSign webhook. You have two options:
Use the Connect Webhook feature for an account-level webhook. This will send a notification to your server (your "listener") anytime any application in the account, for any user, sends an envelope. You can set which users will trigger a notification and which events (eg envelope_sent, envelope_completed) etc.
The webhook configuration is defined for the account using the eSign settings application or via the API.
Use the eventNotification attribute of the Envelopes:create API call. You get basically the same options as the account-level webhook, but for just one envelope. You define the webhook's settings when you make the API call to send the envelope.
Here's a live example via the API Request Builder. You can configure the example with a webhook listener URL from or from similar services.

Docusign SDK check envelope status

Currently, I am having a schedule job which get all uncompleted envelope status from my system and check each envelope status update from docusign via docusign sdk (Envelope env = envelopesApi.getEnvelope(accountId, envelopeId)). The reason to use that api is there are different use cases for each envelope status.
But I see that polling api (EnvelopesInformation envelopes = envelopesApi.ListStatusChanges(accountId, options)) has limitation that not allowed to poll DocuSign more than once every 15 minutes. I don't use this api now.
So is there any problems/limitation for envelopesApi.getEnvelope(accountId, envelopeId))?
The getEnvelope() and the listStatusChanges() requests both have the same polling limitation in place, if you start calling either too much your API key might get throttled or temporarily disabled by DocuSign.
However, since the listStatusChanges() request returns status on a whole set of envelopes instead of just one envelope at a time this is the preferred API request when polling the DocuSign platform.
Furthermore, the truly optimal option which doesn't count at all against the platform limits is using DocuSign webhooks to push status out to your app instead of your app constantly polling. You can configure webhooks either through the DocuSign Connect module or by using eventNofications through the envelope structure.
Learn more about DocuSign Webhooks.

How to get auto response for any envelop completed document sign?

I am using DocuSign api for my client website portal as customer documents digital process. Everything works great except one feature needed.
I am creating dynamic document (with php) and sending to customer via DocuSign api to sign (using DocuSign digital signature setup).
And i have added 'check status' button in my website to check that specific document/envelope (by forwarding envelope unique id to DocuSign api get envelope status) and updating in my database and also downloading that signed document from docUsign.
Now i need the above process to be done automatically which means when the customer signs, a callback should trigger to my website url (like some webhook i need setup) and then i will check that envelop status and update my database.
Can any one give some suggestions or code snippet where i can keep that webhook url option to get auto response from DocuSign (just like paypal IPN)
Thanks in Advance
You can use DocuSign Connect to do exactly what you've described. Using DocuSign Connect, you can configure DocuSign to automatically push Envelope status and documents to an endpoint you specify when the Envelope event(s) you specify occur (for example, Recipient completes/submits an Envelope, or Envelope reaches status = completed, etc.).
DocuSign has published several code samples that show how to use DocuSign Connect. For example:
PHP and Python webhook sample
C# webhook sample
Node webhook sample
Java webhook sample
These samples (and others) can be found in the DocuSign GitHub org.

How can we check docusign email status check and Notification?

Once any document is sent for signature, we can see that document status like in process, completed. Also email notification is coming to document sender mail. Are these features exposed by docusign rest API?
Yes, absolutely. The status updates are delivered to your program via a "webhook" -- you register a url with DocuSign and then DocuSign calls your app when a change occurs.
You can create a webhook subscription at the account level or for individual envelopes.
See the docs. Recipes are also available at the DocuSign Developer Center.
You can also determine the current status of your signing requests (your envelopes) by polling the DocuSign platform. However, this is actively discouraged, and in any case, you can't poll more than once per 15 minutes for a given envelope. The docs discuss this as well.

Envelope Signed Notification

I create a pdf on our system and then pass that to docusign for the user to sign. I want to automatically download and save the signed envelopes in our system. Is there a way for docusign to send a post request after the document is signed?
Right now, I randomly (every other hour) connect to docusign and check if the envelope is signed using the docusign api, but this is really not optimal. There are a lot of users who view the pdf in docusign and decide they don't want to sign the document.
The "DocuSign Connect" feature is designed to do exactly that -- send a POST to an endpoint you specify, in real-time, as specified Envelope events occur. Basically it works like this: you build a "listener" app (i.e., a web page that will receive POSTs from Connect), you configure Connect (within your DocuSign account (Preferences >> Connect) to specify the endpoint of your "listener" and select which Envelope events you want your listener to receive notifications for, etc., and once that Connect configuration is enabled, DocuSign will send a POST to your listener endpoint whenever the specified Envelope event(s) occur.
The DocuSign Connect Service Guide ( describes Connect and how to configure/use it -- I'd suggest that you start by reviewing the guide, and post any additional questions here on SO if you run into any issues implementing Connect.
