Groupon deals api work with limit parameter - groupon

I want to get top popular deals using group-on deals API. when we pass limit parameter with URL then how it works it gives top deals according to limit or randomly?

Limit parameter will restrict your result count, that will not effect the deals sorting.


REST API: Infinite scroll pagination in the GUI, but allow searching through all entries

I have Express running in a Node.js server, which serves as a backen for my React frontend application.
The frontend application fetches data from the backend (which is stored in Mongo) through a REST call, and display this data in a table.
The amount of data is growing by the day, so I though I should look into reducing the abount of data transferred to the frontend application, so avoid unnecessary strain on the backend.
I'm not sure if this is the right way to approach this, but I've been thinking I would look into having the backen fetch a limited amount of entries, so that only these data will be displayed in the frontend table.
The problem arises with searching - when the user wants to search the data in the table, I'll need to be able to search through all entries, not just the data loaded into the table.
I guess one option would be to have the search function actually query the REST API, instead of searching the table itself.
If I'm on the right track, I guess I could implement REST API pagination, somewhere along the example found in Other suggestions on how to implement pagination are welcome.
I'd very much like some input on the approach I described, and suggestions for smarter ways implement this.
EDIT: I changed the title somewhat to include "Infinite scroll pagination". This is what I'm looking to implement. At the moment I have a click on pages pagination setup, but would like to replace this for the infinite scroll pagination.
I've been thinking I would look into having the backen fetch a limited amount of entries, so that only these data will be displayed in the frontend table.
This is common practice in my experience. The term for it is "pagination." Have a look at this SO question regarding best practices for pagination in REST API's: API pagination best practices.
The problem arises with searching - when the user wants to search the data in the table, I'll need to be able to search through all entries, not just the data loaded into the table.
I guess one option would be to have the search function actually query the REST API, instead of searching the table itself.
Again, you got it. Doing small filters/searches on the client is fine for a limited number of entries, but if you need to only retrieve items matching search criteria in the first place, then adding that functionality to your REST API is the right choice.
Right, you should do
pagination: you might implement it by exposing 2 arguments in the rest endpoint for the listing
?p=<number>: page number, defaults to 1
?l=<number>: number of items per page / page length, defaults to a number maybe from 10 to 100
search: implement it by exposing 1 argument in the rest endpoint for the listing
/?q=<string>: you can define to be what you want, maybe a string that matches with one or multiple fields of the data
If you want to minimize the network traffic, you might also add one more parameter to explicitly select the fields you want to be returned, like this
/?f=<string>: string could be something like id,name,age, and so the api should return only those three fields per record.
All this parameters should be accepted by a list endpoint in your RESTful API

How to support pagination for external change log searching to OpenDJ LDAP?

I want to search change log under "cn=changelog". I can search the result normally if the result entries were not a lot. But if there are a lot of entries in the result, the memory will be not enough. So, I want to page the result. How can I define the size limit?
I also refered to While, I wonder how to define a filter to support "changeNumber". And in my result, there is not this attribut "changeNumber". Why?
Please help me how shoud I do?
BTW, I am using OpenDJ 3.0.
Size limit is an option of the client call. You can always specify the maximum amount of entries you want to be returned (the server has it's own limit and will enforce the smallest between the 2).
How to define the size limit depends on what you are using as client, and you did not mention it.
Can you provide details on what you are using to search (tool, library...) and what is the filter and options you are currently using ? It's difficult to provide help and suggestions to improvement when there is no detail.

Using top with Azure Search Suggestions

I am building a search page with Azure Search. On my page, I have a search box. I want to provide suggestions to the users. In an attempt to do this, I'm using the Suggestions endpoint on my index. At this time, I have a request that includes the following query string:
My question is, how does top determine which three results to return? Is it the first three matches it encounters when going through the search index? Or is it something else? Based on the URL structure, I don't think it's using a scoring profile. So, I ruled out relevancy. But then I started reading about the minimumCoverage field and I got confused.
If the suggest endpoint just returns the first [top] matches it encounters, then why is the minimumCoverage field even needed?
In general, $top will give you the top N results based on whatever order the rest of the query specifies. For queries with no $orderby, the sort order is descending by relevance score. This applies to both Suggest and Search.
Note that just because you don't have a scoring profile (such as with Suggest), that doesn't mean Azure Search doesn't calculate relevance scores for each document. Scoring profiles can influence the score, but they do not completely define it.
For queries with an $orderby, the order of results is defined first by the fields in the $orderby, and then by score if there are any ties to be broken.
minimumCoverage has nothing to do with ordering or $top. It has to do with the way search queries are distributed. Every query is executed concurrently against different subsets of the index (this happens regardless of whether or not you have multiple search units). Sometimes one of these subsets fails to execute for whatever reason, usually when your search service is under heavy load. The minimumCoverage parameter provides a way to relax the rule that normally says "X% of the index must successfully execute the query in order to consider the overall query a success" (X is 100 by default for Search and 80 by default for Suggest). This is a way to tradeoff completeness of search results for higher availability in case of heavy load or partial outages.

azure search. What if I have a lot of facets

in a commercial application it is not uncommun to have hundreds facets. Of course not all products are flaged with all of them.
But when searching I need to add a facet querystring parameter that list all the facets that I want to get back. As I don't know by advance the list of relevant one, I have to pass all of them in the query.
This is not practical we more than a few facets.
Is there a way to solve this issue or is it a limitation of the product?
The Azure Search doc:
You are correct that this is a current limitation of Azure Search in that you need to pass all the facets in the query string. Please know that we are aware of this and in fact it can be an even bigger issue for customers where they have so many parameters or facets in their query string that it exceeds the max size of the url. For this reason, we are investigating what can be done about this to accommodate this.
I apologize that I do not yet have a date for when this is to be available other than to say it is on our short term roadmap.
It looks like Azure Search now supports both a GET and POST method, and recommends using POST when the length of the URL would exceed the max limit of 2048 characters (1024 for just the querystring).

How do I sort Lucene results by field value using a HitCollector?

I'm using the following code to execute a query in Lucene.Net
var collector = new GroupingHitCollector(searcher.GetIndexReader());
searcher.Search(myQuery, collector);
resultsCount = collector.Hits.Count;
How do I sort these search results based on a field?
Thanks for your answer. I had tried using TopFieldDocCollector but I got an error saying, "value is too small or too large" when i passed 5000 as numHits argument value. Please suggest a valid value to pass.
The method will accept a search.Sort parameter, which can be constructed as simply as:
new Sort("my_sort_field")
However, there are some limitations on which fields can be sorted on - they need to be indexed but not tokenized, and the values convertible to Strings, Floats or Integers.
Lucene in Action covers all of the details, as well as sorting by multiple fields and so on.
What you're looking for is probably TopFieldDocCollector. Use it instead of the GroupingHitCollector (what is that?), or inside it.
Comment on this if you need more info. I'll be happy to help.
In the original (Java) version of Lucene, there is no hard restriction on the size of the the TopFieldDocCollector results. Any number greater than zero is accepted. Although memory constraints and performance degradation create a practical limit that depends on your environment, 5000 hits is trivial and shouldn't pose a problem outside of a mobile device.
Perhaps in porting Lucene, TopFieldDocCollector was modified to use something other than Lucene's "heap" implementation (called PriorityQueue, extended by FieldSortedHitQueue)—something that imposes an unreasonably small limit on the results size. If so, you might want to look at the source code for TopFieldDocCollector, and implement your own similar hit collector using a better heap implementation.
I have to ask, however, why are you trying to collect 5000 results? No user in an interactive application is going to want to see that many. I figure that users willing to look at 200 results are rare, but double it to 400 just as factor of safety. Depending on the application, limiting the result size can hamper malicious screen scrapers and mitigate denial-of-service attacks too.
The constructor for Sort accepting only the string field name has been depreciated. Now you have to create a sort object and pass it in as the last paramater of searcher.Search()
/* sorting by a field of type long called "size" from greatest -> smallest
(signified by passing in true for the last isReversed paramater)*/
Sort sorter = new Sorter(new SortField("size", SortField.Type.LONG, true))
searcher.Search(myQuery, collector, sorter);
