Error chain in NodeJs with sychronize - node.js

I wrote a function to create a user profile.
I use the synchronise module to get rid of the callback hell.
When I do this, everything works fine:
var sql ={
type: 'insert',
table: 'tbl_user',
values: {firstname: data.firstname, lastname: data.lastname, email:, website:, password: data.hashedPassword},
try {
var query = sync.await(db.query(sql.query, sql.values, sync.defer()));
} catch (err) {
When sql finds a user with an already used mail address it sends an error. Perfect.
Then I thought it would be a good idea to separate the code where the user is written into the database, because maybe you want to create a user in the admin-backend and then I could reuse the smaller function.
The smaller function:
function createUserInDB(data) {
var sql ={
type: 'insert',
table: 'tbl_user',
values: {firstname: data.firstname, lastname: data.lastname, email:, website:, password: data.hashedPassword},
return db.query(sql.query, sql.values);
Which now gets called from the main function:
try {
var query = sync.await(userService.createUserInDB(data, sync.defer()));
} catch(err) {
This does not work.
How can I get the result of the smaller function (as error or query result) in my main function, so I am able to use try / catch?

I finally solved it.
function createUserInDB(data, resolve) {
sync.fiber(function() {
data.hashedPassword = bcrypt.hashSync(data.password, 10);
var sql ={
type: 'insert',
table: 'tbl_user',
values: {firstname: data.firstname, lastname: data.lastname, email:, website:, password: data.hashedPassword},
try {
var query = sync.await(db.query(sql.query, sql.values, sync.defer()));
//first argument would be error
resolve(null, query);
} catch(err) {
Basically, add the callback function to the function parameter and then just resolve it inside the fiber.


How to save array data in nodejs using mongoose?

I am stuck to save data in mongoDb. Here data is in array and i need to insert data if mongodb does not have. Please look code:-
var contactPersonData = [{
Name: 'Mr. Bah',
Organization: 'Ashima Limited - Point 2'
}, {
Name: 'Mr. Sel',
Organization: 'Ashima Limited - Point 2'
}, {
Name: 'Mr.ATEL',
Organization: 'Ashima Limited - Point 2'
}, {
Name: 'ANISH',
Organization: 'Ashima Limited - Point 2'
}, {
Name: 'sunny ji',
Organization: 'Ashima Limited - Point 2'
}, {
Name: 'ashish',
Organization: 'Ashima Limited - Point 2'
console.log('filedata', contactPersonData);
var escapeData = [];
var tempArr = [];
function saveContact(personObj, mainCallback) {
var tempC = personObj['Organization'].trim();
var insertData = {};
Contact.findOne({ companyName: tempC })
.exec(function(err, contact) {
if (err)
return mainCallback(err);
console.log('find com', contact)
if (contact) {
//document exists
mainCallback(null, insertData);
} else {
var newContact = new Contact({ companyName: tempC, createdBy: '58ae5d18ba71d4056f30f7b1' });, contact) {
if (err)
return mainCallback(err);
console.log('new contact', contact)
insertData.contactId = contact._id; = personObj['Name']; = personObj['Email'];
insertData.contactNumber = { number: personObj['Phone'] };
insertData.designation = personObj['Designation'];
mainCallback(null, insertData);
}, saveContact, function(err, result) {
function(err) {
if (err)
return next(err);
res.status(200).json({ unsaved: escapeData })
As per above code it has to insert six document instead of one. I think that above iteration not wait to complete previous one. So, the if condition is always false and else is executed.
Your saveContact() function is fine. The reason you get 6 documents instead of 1 document is that runs you code in parallel. All the 6 requests are made in parallel, not one after the another.
From the function's documentation -
Note, that since this function applies the iteratee to each item in parallel, there is no guarantee that the iteratee functions will complete in order.
As a result before the document is created in your database all queries are already run and all the 6 queries are not able to find that document since its still in the process of creation. Therefore your saveContact() method creates all the 6 documents.
If you run your code again then no more documents will be formed because by that time your document would be formed.
You should try running your code using async.mapSeries() to process your request serially. Just replace map() with mapSeries() in your above code. This way it will wait for one request to complete and then execute another and as a result only one document will be created. More on async.mapSeries() here.
You seem to be using wrong.
First, only has 3 parameters (i.e. coll, iteratee, and callback) so why do you have 4? In your case, coll is your contactPersonData, iteratee is your saveContact function, and callback is an anonymous function.
Second, the whole point of using is to create a new array. You are not using it that way and, instead, are using it more like an async.each().
Third, you probably should loop through the elements sequentially and not in parallel. Therefore, you should use async.mapSeries() instead of
Here's how I would revise/shorten your code:
var contactPersonData = [{
Name: 'Mr. Bah',
Organization: 'Ashima Limited - Point 2'
}, {
Name: 'Mr. Sel',
Organization: 'Ashima Limited - Point 2'
}, {
Name: 'Mr.ATEL',
Organization: 'Ashima Limited - Point 2'
}, {
Name: 'ANISH',
Organization: 'Ashima Limited - Point 2'
}, {
Name: 'sunny ji',
Organization: 'Ashima Limited - Point 2'
}, {
Name: 'ashish',
Organization: 'Ashima Limited - Point 2'
function saveContact(personObj, mainCallback) {
var tempC = personObj.Organization.trim();
Contact.findOne({ companyName: tempC }, function (err, contact) {
if (err)
return mainCallback(err);
console.log('found contact', contact);
// document exists, so mark it as complete and pass the old item
if (contact)
return mainCallback(null, contact);
// document does not exist, so add it
contact = new Contact({ companyName: tempC, createdBy: '58ae5d18ba71d4056f30f7b1' }); (err, contact) {
if (err)
return mainCallback(err);
console.log('created new contact', contact)
// mark it as complete and pass a new/transformed item
mainCallback(null, {
contactId: contact._id,
name: personObj.Name,
email: personObj.Email, // ??
contactNumber: { number: personObj.Phone }, // ??
designation: personObj.Designation // ??
async.mapSeries(contactPersonData, saveContact, function (err, contacts) {
if (err)
return next(err);
// at this point, contacts will have an array of your old and new/transformed items
console.log('transformed contacts', contacts);
res.json({ unsaved: contacts });
In terms of ?? comments, it means you don't have these properties in your contactPersonData and would therefore be undefined.

how to fetch _id data in loopback

My Database is arangodb. What i want to do is : I have data like this:
email: '',
password: 'password',
subuser_ids:[ '811289', '1209611' ],
id: '1209597'
email: '',
password: 'password',
id: '811289'
actually i need to fetch data which is the ids in subuser_ids array, ie the subuser_ids contain 2 ids. I need to fetch the data that the subuser_id hold. suppose subuser_id is "811289" that is _id="811289" i need to fetch that data. am using arangodb and loopback. also i write an remote method to accesss that data. What i have is :
var server = require("../../server/server");
module.exports = function (Authmodel) {
Authmodel.on("attached", function () {
Authmodel.getApp(function (err, app) {
Authmodel.getSubUsers = function (params, cb) {
var result = [];
params.forEach(function (id) {
app.models.authModel.findOne({ "_id": id }, function (err, r) {
console.log("err", err);
console.log("r", r);
cb(null, result);
Authmodel.remoteMethod('getSubUsers', {
accepts: { arg: 'params', type: 'array' },
returns: { arg: 'result', type: 'array' }
i got the log in the result console but that data is not correct.
How can i solve this issue? i need to fetch all subuser_ids data. any help will really appreciable and helpfull.

Sequelize findOrCreate falling back to catch if data is found

FindOrCreate is suppose to eitherĀ find or create based on the arguments you give it.
So I'm wondering why it's falling back to the catch promise when data (a user) is found, when it should just return the data that was found to the .spread function instead of trying to insert the data that already exists?!.
As you can see below if there is a user found or created it's going to run the same function regardless. All that function is doing is creating an auth token for the particular user. But for some reason it's going straight into the catch promise!?
where: {
userId: details.userId,
defaults: {
attributes: ['userId', 'name', 'email', 'profilePic'],
}).spread(function (new_user, created) {
console.log("\n\nNew user was created T or F: ", created);
// Create the token and then pass it back to our callback along with the user details
user.createTokenForUser(new_user.userId, function(token) {
cb(token, new_user);
}).catch(function (err) {
// For some reason I'm running...?!??!?!?!?!
console.log("\n\n", err);
Did you try removing the trailing comma in the where statement? Its just hitting an error and that looks like a culprit :)
where: {
userId: details.userId,
where: {
userId: details.userId

Node + Mailchimp NPM: How to add a subscriber to a list and include their first and last name?

Mailchimp is almost a perfect company, except their Node API documentation is non-existent. How can I add a subscriber to my new list and include their first name and last name? The code below successfully adds the subscriber, but first and last names are not being added.
var MCapi = require('mailchimp-api');
MC = new MCapi.Mailchimp('***********************-us3');
addUserToMailchimp = function(user, callback) {
var merge_vars = [
{ EMAIL: },
{ LNAME:" ")+1) },
{ FNAME:' ')[0] }
MC.lists.subscribe({id: '1af87a08af', email:{email:}, merge_vars: merge_vars, double_optin: false }, function(data) {
}, function(error) {
}; // addUserToMailchimp
The supplied merge variables should be passed as a single object, not an array of objects. Please see my example below:
var mcReq = {
id: 'mail-chimp-list-id',
email: { email: 'subscriber-email-address' },
merge_vars: {
EMAIL: 'subscriber-email-address',
FNAME: 'subscriber-first-name',
LNAME: 'subscriber-last-name'
// submit subscription request to mail chimp
mc.lists.subscribe(mcReq, function(data) {
}, function(error) {
It looks like you supplied your actual mail chimp API key in your question. If so, you should remove it immediately.

Node.JS cradle and couchDB assistance

I am a noob with Node.JS.
I am using CouchDB and Cradle.
In couchDB I have a database named 'test' and inside it I have a document named 'exercise'.
The document has 2 fields: "FullName" and "Age".
The code in order to save the data is as follows:
var cradle = require('cradle');
var connection = new(cradle.Connection)('', 5984, {
auth: { username: 'toto_finish', password: 'password' }
var db = connection.database('test');'exercise', {
FullName: param_name, Age: param_age
}, function (err, res) {
if (err) {
// Handle error
response += ' SAVE ERROR: Could not save record!!\n';
} else {
// Handle success
response += ' SUCESSFUL SAVE: The record was saved in CouchDB!\n';
this code works well and it saves the data to the CouchDB.
My problem is when I want to read the data.
The code that I wrote is:
var cradle = require('cradle');
var connection = new(cradle.Connection)('', 5984, {
auth: { username: 'toto_finish', password: 'password' }
var db = connection.database('test');
db.view('exercise/all', {descending: true}, function(err, res)
res.forEach(function (row) {
response = 'FullName: ' + row.FullName + '\n Age: ' + row.Age + '\n';
when I am trying to print response, response is empty and I don't know what I am doing wrong. I know that it does not go inside the forEach loop but I don't understand why.
the console output is:
[ { id: 'exercise',
key: null,
{ _id: 'exercise',
_rev: '1-7042e6f49a3156d2099e8ccb3cc7d937',
FullName: 'Toto Finish',
Age: '30' } } ]
Thanks in advance for any response or answer.
Try moving the http_res.send() call inside the callback provided to db.view - the anonymous function( err, res ) { }.
I'm not sure however about the .forEach statement, you'll only get the last value from your query in the response variable, you should look into that as well.
spotirca is right
The db.view function is async so http_res.end(response) gets called before the view returns any data.
You can prove this by returning the date in both the console.log and http_res.end
console.log(res, new Date())
http_res.end(response, new Date());
The http response will have the earlier date/Time.
