Thinking to implement Reliable Multicast for a Desktop Application.
Gone through JRMS and found that there is no proper documentation for it.
Is JRMS still in use?? Or otherwise how JGroups can be effective for Reliable Multicast?
Is there any other reliable multicast libraries available, which is available for many languages like Java, C++, etc.,
I learned the hard way that modern Windows machines do not permit sending TCP data over raw sockets after trying to perform the TCP handshake myself in Python. And yet Scapy, a Python library, is able to do it seemingly just fine. Other libraries, like Npcap and WinPcap, also seem to be able to send raw TCP data just fine on Windows. How is this possible? What are these libraries doing under the hood that enables them to bypass this limitation?
WinPcap (the windows implementation of libpcap) authors say in their website:
WinPcap consists of a driver that extends the operating system to provide low-level network access and a library that is used to easily access low-level network layers.
So the answer to your question would be: in windows, the implementation of libpcap (which is what Scapy uses according to their site) uses a driver to get access to the low-level networking stuff
I need a way for my application to find someone with the same application on a local network.
But can't find the docs to use a protocol like SSPD. It says its UDP on port 1900 and the ip
It also says it can use NOTIFY and M-SEARCH.
But that is it. I've hit a wall. And I need some guidence.
Trying to make my apps automatically find each other and exchange ip/names on a local network so they can talk to each other p2p-style without a connection broker.
The UPnP Device Architecture reference contains the de-facto SSDP reference: it's very similar to the IETF spec and has dozens of well tested implementations already. Chapter 1 contains everything needed to implement SSDP, assuming you know how to send and receive multicast and unicast UDP messages.
My advice on implementing SSDP: Don't. It may look simple but there are a lot of gotchas on the way. Find a library or service that does SSDP for you. If you are on linux I suggest GSSDP (reference, code) (but I'm a bit biased having worked on it). I would assume other platforms have similar libraries.
I am building a message layer for processes running on an embedded Linux system. I am planing to use sockets. This system might be ported to different operating systems down the road so portability is a concern. Performance is below portability in priority order.
I have a few questions regarding my way forward.
I am thinking of using internet sockets over TCP/IP for this communication between local processes for the sake of portability. Is there any reason that I should not do that and use domain sockets?
Does it really improve the portability when using internet sockets instead of domain sockets?
If this is indeed the way forward, can you point me in the right direction (how to use ports for each process etc.) with some online resources?
I've been working with QNX lately and found their Persistent Publish/Subscribe (PPS) to be very useful. Does anyone know if there are any systems that are similar to QNX PPS that might work with the Raspberry Pi?
I'm not sure what your exact requirements are, but ZeroMQ might be what you're looking for.
I am planning to use SCTP for a embedded Linux project. Anybody has some comments on SCTP usage, mostly in one-to-many mode? Did it beat using a home-made UDP-based equivalent solution?
I control the network environement and all devices involved, so compatibility is not an issue.
I have made extensive use of lksctp and have found it to be robust and interoperable with many other implementations of sctp. The standard for the sockets API for SCTP is still evolving but is quite mature and I would expect any further changes to be backwards compatible.
I would use it with confidence.
The ACE library has a performance test for SCTP, so I would assume that it works.
Currently these programs provide the only example code on
how to use ACE's wrapper-facades for SCTP. In the future additional
code will be placed in the ACE_wrappers/examples/IPC_SAP/SOCK_SAP
Using a framework like ACE is a good idea anyway, as it alloes you to program on a higher level and shields you from the error prone low level details of socket programming. As an additional bonus your code will be portable to all platforms that ACE supports.
Best answer is the comment:
Also, SCTP support in Glibc is less than ideal (in other words, non-present) -- you must use the libraries from lksctp, and it's not entirely well-integrated into the normal sockets API. Just one more reason to use a nice library that encapsulates the low-level functionality :) – ephemient