Best tcp send buffer size - linux

What is the best tcp send buffer size? For example I want to send a big file (10-100MB) and I set buffer size to 4Kb, but what is the best buffer size for that?

I want to send a big file (10-100MB) and I set buffer size to 4Kb, but what is the best buffer size for that?
Certainly not 4Kb. At least 32-48Kb, or 64Kb or more if you can afford it. In general it should be at least equal to the bandwidth-delay product of the network path, so that you 'fill the pipe' and make maximum use of the available bandwidth.
If you're in control of the other end you should also set its socket receive buffer to a similar size.


NodeJS Request Pipe buffer size

How can I set up the maximum buffer size on a NodeJS Request Pipe? I'm trying to use AWS Lambda to download from a source and pipe upload to a destination like in the code below:
This code works fine, but if the file size is bigger than the AWS Lambda Memory Size (image below), it crashes. If I increase the memory, it works, so I know is not the timeout or link, but only the memory allocation. Initially I don't to increase the number, but even if I use the maximum, still 1.5GB, and I'm expecting to transfer files bigger than that.
Is there a global variable for NodeJS on AWS Lambda for this? Or any other suggestion?
Two things to consider:
Do not use request(source).pipe(request(destination)) with or within a promise (async/await). For some reason it memory leaks when done with promises.
"However, STREAMING THE RESPONSE (e.g. .pipe(...)) is DISCOURAGED because Request-Promise would grow the memory footprint for large requests unnecessarily high. Use the original Request library for that. You can use both libraries in the same project." Source:
To control how much memory the pipe uses: Set the highWaterMark for BOTH ends of the pipe. I REPEAT: BOTH ENDS OF THE PIPE. This will force the pipe to let only so much data into the pipe and out of the pipe, and thus limits its occupation in memory. (But does not limit how fast data moves through the pipe...see Bonus)
request.get(sourceUrl,{highWaterMark: 1024000, encoding:null}).pipe(request(destinationUrl,{highWaterMark: 1024000));
1025000 is in bytes and is approximately 10MB.
Source for highWaterMark background:
"Because Duplex and Transform streams are both Readable and Writable, each maintains two separate internal buffers used for reading and writing, allowing each side to operate independently of the other while maintaining an appropriate and efficient flow of data. For example, net.Socket instances are Duplex streams whose Readable side allows consumption of data received from the socket and whose Writable side allows writing data to the socket. Because data may be written to the socket at a faster or slower rate than data is received, it is important for each side to operate (and buffer) independently of the other." <- last sentence here is the important part.
Bonus: If you want to throttle how fast data passes through the pipe, check something like this out:
const throttle = require('stream-throttle');
let th = new throttle.Throttle({rate: 10240000}); //if you dont want to transfer data faster than 10mb/sec
request.get(sourceUrl,{highWaterMark: 1024000, encoding:null}).pipe(th).pipe(request(destinationUrl,{highWaterMark: 1024000));

TCP Sockets send buffer size efficiency

When working with WinSock or POSIX TCP sockets (in C/C++, so no extra Java/Python/etc. wrapping), is there any efficiency pro/cons to building up a larger buffer (e.g. say upto 4KB) in user space then making as few calls to send as possible to send that buffer vs making multiple smaller calls directly with the bits of data (say 1-1000 bytes), other the the fact that for non-blocking/asynchronous sockets the single buffer is potentially easier for me to manage.
I know with recv small buffers are not recommended, but I couldn't find anything for sending.
e.g. does each send call on common platforms go to into kernel mode? Could a 1 byte send actually result in a 1 byte packet being transmitted under normal conditions?
As explained on TCP Illustrated Vol I, by Richard Stevens, TCP divides the send buffer in near to optimum segments to fit in the maximum packet size along the path to the other TCP peer. That means that it will never try to send segments that will be fragmented by ip along the route to destination (when a packet is fragmented at some ip router, it sends back an IP fragmentation ICMP packet and TCP will take it into account to reduce the MSS for this connection). That said, there is no need for larger buffer than the maximum packet size of the link level interfaces you'll have along the path. Having one, let's say, twice or thrice longer, makes you sure that TCP will not stop sending as soon as it receives some acknowledge of remote peer, because of not having its buffer filled with data.
Think that the normal interface type is ethernet and it has a maximum packet size of 1500 bytes, so normally TCP doesn't send a segment greater than this size. And it normally has an internall buffer of 8Kb per connection, so there's little sense in adding buffer size at kernel space for that (if this is the only reason to have a buffer in kernel space).
Of course, there are other factors that force you to use a buffer in user space (for example, you want to store the data to send to your peer process somewhere, as there's only 8Kb data in kernel space to buffer, and you will need more space to be able to do some other processes) An example: ircd (the Internet Relay Chat daemon) uses write buffers of up to 100Kb before dropping a connection because the other side is not receiving/acknowledging that data. If you only write(2) to the connection, you'll be put on wait once the kernel buffer is full, and perhaps that's not what you want.
The reason to have buffers in user space is because TCP makes also flow control, so when it's not able to send data, it has to be put somewhere to cope with it. You'll have to decide if you need your process to save that data up to a limit or you can block sending data until the receiver is able to receive again. The buffer size in kernel space is limited and normally out of control for the user/developer. Buffer size in user space is limited only by the resources allowable to it.
Receiving/sending small chunks of data in a TCP connection is not recommendable because of the increased overhead of TCP handshaking and headers impose. Suppose a telnet connection in which for each character sent, a header for TCP and other for IP is added (20 bytes min for TCP, 20 bytes min for IP, 14 bytes for ethernet frame and 4 for the ethernet CRC) makes up to 60 bytes+ to transmit only one character. And normally each tcp segment is acknowledged individually, so that makes a full roundtrip time to send a segment and get the acknowledge (just to be able to free the buffer resources and assume this character as transmitted)
So, finally, what's the limit? It depends on your application. If you can cope with the kernel resources available and don't need more buffers, you can pass without havin buffers in user space. If you need more, you'll need to implement buffers and be able to feed the kernel buffer with your buffer data when available.
Yes, a one byte send can - under very normal conditions - result in sending a TCP packet with only a single byte payload. Send coalescing in TCP is normally done by use of Nagle's algorithm. With Nagle's algorithm, sending data is delayed iff there is data that has already been sent but not yet acknowledged.
Conversely data will be sent immediately if there is no unacknowledged data. Which is usually true in the following situations:
The connection has just been opened
The connection has been idle for some time
The connection only received data but nothing was sent for some time
In that case the first send call that your application performs will cause a packet to be sent immediately, no matter how small. So starting communication with two or more small sends is usually a bad idea because it increases overhead and delay.
The infamous "send send recv" pattern can also cause really large delays (e.g. on Windows typically 200ms). This happens if the local TCP stack uses Nagle's algorithm (which will usually delay the second send) and the remote stack uses delayed acknowledgment (which can delay the acknowledgment of the first packet).
Since most TCP stack implementations use both, Nagle's algorithm and delayed acknowledgment, this pattern should best be avoided.

Optimal buffer size with Node.js?

I have a situation where I need to take a stream and chunk it up into Buffers. I plan to write an object transform stream which takes regular input data, and outputs Buffer objects (where the buffers are all the same size). That is, if my chunker transform is configured at 8KB, and 4KB is written to it, it will wait until an additional 4KB is written before outputting an 8KB Buffer instance.
I can choose the size of the buffer, as long as it is in the ballpark of 8KB to 32KB. Is there an optimal size to pick? The reason I'm curious is that the Node.js documentation speaks of using SlowBuffer to back a Buffer, and allocating a minimum of 8KB:
In order to avoid the overhead of allocating many C++ Buffer objects for small blocks of memory in the lifetime of a server, Node allocates memory in 8Kb (8192 byte) chunks. If a buffer is smaller than this size, then it will be backed by a parent SlowBuffer object. If it is larger than this, then Node will allocate a SlowBuffer slab for it directly.
Does this imply that 8KB is an efficient size, and that if I used 12KB, there would be two 8KB SlowBuffers allocated? Or does it just mean that the smallest efficient size is 8KB? What about simply using multiples of 8KB? Or, does it not matter at all?
Basically it's saying that if your Buffer is less than 8KB, it'll try to fit it in to a pre-allocated 8KB chunk of memory. It'll keep putting Buffers in that 8KB chunk until one doesn't fit, then it'll allocate a new 8KB chunk. If the Buffer is larger than 8KB, it'll get its own memory allocation.
You can actually see what's happening by looking at the node source for buffer here:
if (this.length <= (Buffer.poolSize >>> 1) && this.length > 0) {
if (this.length > poolSize - poolOffset)
this.parent = sliceOnto(allocPool,
poolOffset + this.length);
poolOffset += this.length;
} else {
alloc(this, this.length);
Looking at that, it actually looks like it'll only put the Buffer in to a pre-allocated chunk if it's less than or equal to 4KB (Buffer.poolSize >>> 1 which is 4096 when Buffer.poolSize = 8 * 1024).
As for an optimum size to pick in your situation, I think it depends on what you end up using it for. But, in general, if you want a chunk less than or equal to 8KB, I'd pick something less than or equal to 4KB that will evenly fit in to that 8KB pre-allocation (4KB, 2KB, 1KB, etc.). Otherwise, chunk sizes greater than 8KB shouldn't make too much of a difference.

Linux socket buffered data size

Is there any simple functions to check how much data is buffered but unread? FD_ISSET only indicates the presence of data in the buffer. Is possible not to create a second buffer in the program for greater control of buffer?
You could use recv() with the MSG_PEEK and MSG_DONTWAIT flags, but there's no firm guarantee that there aren't more bytes available than recv() returned in that case.
Using a buffer within your program is the normal and accepted way to solve the problem.

Serial port : not able to write big chunk of data

I am trying to send text data from one PC to other using Serial cable. One of the PC is running linux and I am sending data from it using write(2) system call. The log size is approx 65K bytes but the write(2) system call returns some 4K bytes (i.e. this much amount of data is getting transferred). I tried breaking the data in chunks of 4K but write(2) returns -1.
My question is that "Is there any buffer limit for writing data on serial port? or can I send data of any size?. Also do I need to continously read data from other PC as I write 4K chunk of data"
Do I need to do any special configuration in termios structure for sending (huge) data?
The transmit buffer is one page (took a look at Linux 2.6.18 sources) - which is 4K in most (if not all) cases.
The other end must read (don't know the size of the receive buffer), but more importantly you should not write faster than the serial port can transmit, if you are using 115200 bps 8-N-1 you can write the 4K chunk approximately 3 times a second. (115200 / 9 / 4096 = 3.125)
Yes, there is a buffer limit - but when you reach that limit, the write() should block.
When write() returns -1, what is errno set to?
Make sure that the receiver is reading.
You should update the current position it your buffer from the write(), and continue the next write from there. (Applies to all writes(), regardless if the fd is a serial port, tcp socket or a file.)
If you get an error back for subsequent writes. Judging by the manpage, its safe to retry the writes for the following errnos: EAGAIN, EINTR, and probably ENOSPC. Use perror() to see what you get. (..and post it, I am curious.)
EFBIG would seem to indicate that you are trying to write using a buffer (or rather count) that is too large, but that is probably much larger than 64k.
If the internal buffer is filled up, because you are writing to fast, try to (nano)sleep a little between the writes. There are several clever ways of doing this (like tcp does), but if the rate is known, just write at a fixed rate.
If you think the receiver is actually reading, but not much happens, have a look at the serial ports flow-control options and if the cable is wired for DTS/RTS.
