Can someone tell me how I can resize a column reference to the first row in a worksheet?
I get errors (for different reasons on both) which is understandable but still frustrating:
Attempt 1:
Dim Columns_To_Export as String
Columns_To_Export ="$B:$C,$E:$E"
Attempt 2:
Dim Columns_To_Export as String
Columns_To_Export ="$B:$C,$E:$E"
I'm afraid I wasn't very attentive with my above response. Here is what I believe is a better try.
Private Sub SelectCells()
On Error Resume Next
Debug.Print CellsForExport("$B:$C, $E:$E, G").Address
End Sub
Function CellsForExport(ByVal Desc As String) As Range
' 15 Apr 2017
Dim Fun As Range, Rng As Range
Dim Spi() As String, Spj() As String
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim Cstart As Long, Cend As Long
Desc = Replace(Desc, "$", "")
Spi = Split(Desc, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(Spi)
Spj = Split(Trim(Spi(i)), ":")
Cstart = Columns(Trim(Spj(0))).Column
Cend = Cstart
If UBound(Spj) Then Cend = Columns(Trim(Spj(1))).Column
With ActiveSheet.Rows(1)
Set Rng = .Range(.Cells(Cstart), .Cells(Cend))
End With
If Fun Is Nothing Then
Set Fun = Rng
Set Fun = Application.Union(Fun, Rng)
End If
Next i
Set CellsForExport = Fun
End Function
The function CellsForExport returns a range as specified by the calling procedure SelectCells. The calling procedure in this case doesn't select the range. Instead it prints its address. That is for testing purposes. CellsForExport("$B:$C, $E:$E, G").Select will select the cells. You could also paste this range somewhere or manipulate it in any other way you can manipulate a range.
Note that you can omit the $ signs when specifying the columns. You also don't have to specify E:E to define a single column, but if someone does all that the macro will sort it out. Blank spaces don't matter, commas are of the essence.
Basically, Column is a range, not a string. This code will do the job.
Dim Rng As Range
With ActiveSheet
Set Rng = Application.Union(.Columns("B"), .Columns("C"), .Columns("E"))
End With
As a learning exercise & possible use in future code I have created my first Excel VBA function to return the activecell row number in any Excel Table (as opposed to the sheet itself) . Essentially it simply finds the active row in the sheet, then finds the row number of the table header which is then subtracted from the cell row number to return the row number of the table which can then be used in subsequent code. However, while it works, it dosen't look the most efficient Can anyone improve it?
Sub TableRow()
Dim LORow As Integer
Dim TbleCell As Range
Set TbleCell = Activecell
Call FuncTableRow(TbleCell, LORow)
MsgBox LORow
End Sub
Public Function FuncTableRow(ByRef TbleCell As Range, LORow As Integer) As Range
Dim LOName As String
Dim LOHeaderRow, Row As Integer
LOName = Activecell.ListObject.Name
Row = Activecell.Row
LOHeaderRow = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(LOName).HeaderRowRange.Row
LORow = Row - LOHeaderRow
Debug.Print (LORow)
End Function
This question will probably get closed for not being specific enough but the most obvious item (to me) is your usage of a custom function. Your function is not actually returning anything, it's only running a debug print. To have your function actually return the row number, you would set it as a type Long (not integer) and include the function name = to the number.
I didn't actually test your function but assuming LORow is dubug printing the proper answer then it should work like this:
Public Function FuncTableRow(ByRef TbleCell As Range, LORow As Integer) As Long
Dim LOName As String
Dim LOHeaderRow, Row As Integer
LOName = Activecell.ListObject.Name
Row = Activecell.Row
LOHeaderRow = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(LOName).HeaderRowRange.Row
LORow = Row - LOHeaderRow
Debug.Print (LORow)
FuncTableRow = LORow
End Function
You also don't Call a function, you can just insert it as itself in a subroutine.
You are using LORow as an input variable but then changing it. That's typically a bad practice.
You should not be using ActiveSheet grab the worksheet from TbleCell.Worksheet
You would almost never use activecell as part of a Custom Formula.
Dim LOHeaderRow, Row As Integer should actually be Dim LOHeaderRow as Long, Row As Long. As you currently have it LOHeaderRow is undefined/Variant.
There's probably more. I would restart your process with a simpler task of returning the last used cell in a worksheet. There's a dozen ways to do this and lots of help examples.
Take a look at this TheSpreadsheetGuru.
Here are some variables that might help you.
Sub TableVariables()
Dim ol As ListObject: Set ol = ActiveSheet.ListObjects(1)
Dim olRng As Range: Set olRng = ol.Range ' table absolute address
Dim olRngStr As String: olRngStr = ol.Range.Address(False, False) ' table address without absolute reference '$'
Dim olRow As Integer: olRow = ol.Range.Row ' first row position
Dim olCol As Integer: olCol = ol.Range.Column ' first column position
Dim olRows As Long: olRows = ol.Range.Rows.Count ' table rows including header
Dim olCols As Long: olCols = ol.ListColumns.Count ' table columns
Dim olListRows As Long: olListRows = ol.ListRows.Count ' table rows without header
End Sub
I have a spreadsheet that contains over 100k rows in a single column (I know crazy) and I need to find an efficient way to highlight partial duplicates and remove them. All the records are all in the same format, but may have an additional letter attached at the end. I would like to keep the first instance of the partial duplicate, and remove all instances after.
So from this:
1234 W
1234 T
9456 S
1234 T
To This:
1234 W
9456 S
I was going to use the formula below to conditionally highlight the partial dupes, but i receive an error "You may not use reference operators (such as unions....) or array constants for Conditional Formatting criteria" and use VBA to remove those highlighted cells.
=if(A1<>"",Countif(A$1:A,left(A1,4)& "*") > 1)
Any thoughts? I know conditional formatting is memory intensive, so if there's any way to perform this using VBA I'm open to suggestion.
Here is one way to remove the duplicates quickly:
Text to Columns, using space delimiter.
Remove Duplicates referring to duplicates in the first column only.
Merge the content of each row with =Concatenate(A1, B1).
If the "unique identifier" of each value is just its first 4 characters, then maybe the code below will be okay for you.
I recommend making a copy of your file before running any code, as code tries to overwrite the contents of column A. (The procedure to run is PreprocessAndRemoveDuplicates.)
You may need to change the name of the sheet (in the code). I assumed "Sheet1".
Code assumes data is only in column A.
Option Explicit
Private Sub PreprocessAndRemoveDuplicates()
Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Set targetSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") ' Change to whatever yours is called. You could use code name instead too.
Dim lastCell As Range
Set lastCell = targetSheet.Cells(targetSheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)
Debug.Assert lastCell.Row > 1
Dim inputArray() As Variant
inputArray = targetSheet.Range("A1", lastCell) ' Assumes data starts from A1.
Dim uniqueValues As Scripting.Dictionary
Set uniqueValues = New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim rowIndex As Long
For rowIndex = LBound(inputArray, 1) To UBound(inputArray, 1)
Dim currentKey As String
currentKey = GetKeyFromValue(CStr(inputArray(rowIndex, 1)))
If Not uniqueValues.Exists(currentKey) Then ' Only first instance added.
uniqueValues.Add currentKey, inputArray(rowIndex, 1)
End If
Next rowIndex
WriteDictionaryItemsToSheet uniqueValues, targetSheet.Cells(1, lastCell.Column)
End Sub
Private Function GetKeyFromValue(ByVal someText As String, Optional charactersToExtract As Long = 4) As String
' If below logic is not correct/appropriate for your scenario, replace with whatever it should be.
' Presently this just gets the first N characters of the string, where N is 4 by default.
GetKeyFromValue = Left$(someText, charactersToExtract)
End Function
Private Sub WriteDictionaryItemsToSheet(ByVal someDictionary As Scripting.Dictionary, ByVal firstCell As Range)
Dim initialArray() As Variant
initialArray = someDictionary.Items()
Dim arrayToWriteToSheet() As Variant
arrayToWriteToSheet = StandardiseArray(initialArray)
With firstCell
.Resize(UBound(arrayToWriteToSheet, 1), UBound(arrayToWriteToSheet, 2)).Value = arrayToWriteToSheet
End With
End Sub
Private Function StandardiseArray(ByRef someArray() As Variant) As Variant()
' Application.Transpose might be limited to ~65k
Dim baseDifference As Long
baseDifference = 1 - LBound(someArray)
Dim rowCount As Long ' 1 based
rowCount = UBound(someArray) - LBound(someArray) + 1
Dim outputArray() As Variant
ReDim outputArray(1 To rowCount, 1 To 1)
Dim readIndex As Long
Dim writeIndex As Long
For readIndex = LBound(someArray) To UBound(someArray)
writeIndex = writeIndex + 1
outputArray(writeIndex, 1) = someArray(readIndex)
Next readIndex
StandardiseArray = outputArray
End Function
Processed 1 million values (A1:A1000000) in under 3 seconds on my machine, but performance on your machine may differ.
I tried here, here, and here.
I'm trying to highlight a row based on the string contents of a cell in the first column.
For example, if a cell in the first column contains the string "Total", then highlight the row a darker color.
Sub tryrow()
Dim Years
Dim rownum As String
Years = Array("2007", "2008", "2009") ' short example
For i = 0 To UBound(Years)
Set rownum = Range("A:A").Find(Years(i) & " Total", LookIn:=xlValues).Address
Range(rownum, Range(rownum).End(xlToRight)).Interior.ColorIndex = 1
Next i
End Sub
I get this error message:
Compile error: Object required
The editor highlights rownum = , as if this object hadn't been initialized with Dim rownum As String.
You've got a couple issues here, indicated below alongside the fix:
Sub tryrow()
Dim Years() As String 'Best practice is to dim all variables with types. This makes catching errors early much easier
Dim rownum As Range 'Find function returns a range, not a string
Years = Array("2007", "2008", "2009") ' short example
For i = 0 To UBound(Years)
Set rownum = Range("A:A").Find(Years(i) & " Total", LookIn:=xlValues) 'Return the actual range, not just the address of the range (which is a string)
If Not rownum Is Nothing Then 'Make sure an actual value was found
rownum.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 15 'Instead of trying to build row range, just use the built-in EntireRow function. Also, ColorIndex for gray is 15 (1 is black, which makes it unreadable)
End If
Next i
End Sub
You can avoid loop by using autofilter which will work much faster. The code assumes that table starts from A1 cell:
Sub HighlightRows()
Dim rng As Range, rngData As Range, rngVisible As Range
'//All table
Set rng = Range("A1").CurrentRegion
'//Table without header
With rng
Set rngData = .Offset(1).Resize(.Rows.Count - 1)
End With
rng.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="*Total*"
'// Need error handling 'cause if there are no values, error will occur
On Error Resume Next
Set rngVisible = rngData.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
If Err = 0 Then
rngVisible.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 1
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub einfarben()
Dim Startvalue As Variant
Dim Endvalue As Variant
Application.InputBox("startvalue") = Startvalue
Application.InputBox("endvalue") = Endvalue
Dim C As Range
Dim rng As Range
rng = Range("B2;J13")
For Each C In rng
On Error Resume Next
If Startvalue < C And C < Endvalue Then
C.Font.ColorIndex = 4
End If
Next C
End Sub
My Problem: I got Several Runtime Errors.
The Holdingmarker Pops up at the First Application.Inputbox
My Goal is to achieve that the Cells where the Value is between Start and End Changing to green..
You need to switch the right hand side and the left hand sides of the two statements involving InputBox. The first one should read
Startvalue = Val(InputBox("start value"))
Similarly for the next line. There doesn't seem to be much point in using Application.InputBox here so I dropped the Application. I added Val to convert the input strings to numbers.
Also, you need to use Set when you assign a range to a range variable:
Set rng = Range("B2:J13")
I am looping through a row of cells and trying to assign the values in these cells to an array, but this is resulting in a Type Mismatch error. The relevant bits of my code are below:
Dim queryaddress As Range
Dim notoffsetnum As Integer
Dim anotherarrayofnumbers() As Integer
Dim c As Range
For Each queryaddress In worksheetname.Range("B2:B21")
Set queryrow = queryaddress.EntireRow
notoffsetnum = 0
For Each c In queryrow
If c.Interior.Color <> 192 And Not IsEmpty(c.Value) Then
notoffsetnum = notoffsetnum + 1
ReDim Preserve anotherarrayofnumbers(notoffsetnum)
anotherarrayofnumbers(notoffsetnum) = c.Value
'The above line errors
End If
Next c
Next queryaddress
A for each loop loops through a collection. You have a range called query row. You have a range called c. What you've done is loop through every RANGE in queryrow...which means c will just be query row.
You want
for each c in queryrow.cells
Also, be aware that's about as inefficient as possible since it's going to loop through all 65000 or so columns, instead of just the comparatively few that actually have data.
EDIT: I'm not sure why that's still getting you an error. You have other logical errors though. This executes for me (also, for the love of goodness, indenting!), if I throw in some data from B2:H21, for example:
Sub test()
Dim worksheetname As Worksheet
Set worksheetname = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
Dim queryaddress As Range
Dim notoffsetnum As Integer
Dim anotherarrayofnumbers() As Integer
Dim c As Range
For Each queryaddress In worksheetname.Range("B2:B21")
Dim queryrow As Range
Set queryrow = queryaddress.EntireRow
notoffsetnum = 0
For Each c In queryrow.Cells
If c.Interior.Color <> 192 And Not IsEmpty(c.Value) Then
notoffsetnum = notoffsetnum + 1
ReDim Preserve anotherarrayofnumbers(notoffsetnum)
anotherarrayofnumbers(notoffsetnum - 1) = c.Value
End If
Next c
Next queryaddress
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To UBound(anotherarrayofnumbers) - 1
Debug.Print anotherarrayofnumbers(i)
Next i
End Sub
One other problem that was easy to fix is that be default, VBA arrays are 0-based. They start at 0, and you were erroneously starting at 1. VBA won't throw an error, it'll just have element 0 be 0.
Your real problem is that after every row, you knock out the old array because notoffsetnum goes back to 0, and then you redim the array back to a size of 1. That throws away everything and at the end you've just got the last row. I ASSUME that's an error. Since this is something that comes up a lot, here's something that I think is a bit cleaner, and a little less brittle. The only assumption I make is that you start in B2, and that you have data going both down and to the right. If that's ever going to be a problem you can alter it a bit. I just think you'll find the range.end(xl...) methods a lifesaver. It takes you the cell you'd get if you pressed ctrl+arrow key, so it's a fast way to tease out the edges of ranges.
Sub BetterSolution()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
Dim firstCell As Range
Set firstCell = ws.Range("B2")
Dim lastCol As Integer
lastCol = firstCell.End(xlToRight).Column
Dim lastRow As Integer
lastRow = firstCell.End(xlDown).Row
Dim lastCell As Range
Set lastCell = ws.Cells(lastRow, lastCol)
Dim arr() As Integer
Dim rng As Range
Dim index As Integer
index = 0
For Each rng In ws.Range(firstCell, lastCell).Cells
index = index + 1
ReDim Preserve arr(index + 1)
arr(index) = rng.Value
Next rng
End Sub
The problematic bit of my code was this:
Dim anotherarrayofnumbers() As Integer
This led to an error on:
anotherarrayofnumbers(notoffsetnum) = c.Value
This was because some of my c.Value values were not actually integers.
One way to solve this is changing the array to the Variant type:
Dim anotherarrayofnumbers() As Variant
But this did not work for me as I later had to perform integer operations (such as WorksheetFunction.Quartile) on the array. Instead I simply applied formatting to those c.Value values that were not integer values, so as to filter them out of my array. This resolved my issues.
So my conditional on the If block now looks like this:
If c.Interior.Color <> 192 And c.Interior.Color <> 177 And Not IsEmpty(c.Value) Then
Where the additional interior color is what I formatted the non-integer values as.