Topshelf and NLog - Using Custom Variables - nlog

How can I use custom variables and layout in a Topshelf application that uses the UseNLog() implementation? I would want to send something like an ID number so that it can be put into the logs using the ${mdc:item=MyValue} syntax.

You can use the MappedDiagnosticsLogicalContext of NLog like so:
NLog.MappedDiagnosticsLogicalContext.Set("PropertyName", PropertyValue);
The first argument of the Set is a string indicating the property name. The second argument takes an object as its value.


How to get around spock Data provider is null error

I have a SpringBootTest that reads in properties from The setup code uses the #Value annotation to set the values accordingly. One of these properties is an array of names.
I am trying to write a data driven test using Spock. The where statement is using these names that are initialized in the setup:
retrievedName == value
value << getNames()
This always fails with org.spockframework.runtime.SpockExecutionException: Data provider is null.
It appears that the getNames() call is invoked before the properties are initialized in the setup code. If I do not use the where statement (data driven testing), all works fine. Is there a workaround for this?
You cannot use data initialized in the setup section as a source for data driven tests. As per the docs:
Although it is declared last, the where block is evaluated before the feature method containing it runs.
You can try and use setupSpec() methods and #Shared fields as a workaround.
See here for an example.

Any reason Origen::Parameter set contexts are hidden from the user?

Is there any reason the Origen::Parameters sets do not have a public method for retrieving all of the possible set ids? I do see a public method that works, though it isn't named like it is meant to be used publicly. Why is this not more visible?
[6] pry(#<PPEKit::Product>)> $dut.func._parameter_sets.ids
=> [:default,
#Ginty, I tried your suggestion but it doesn't return the keys I am looking for. In the first sentence in the Parameter docs, the keys I am looking for are referred to 'parameter contexts'. The reason these would be useful would be to do something like this:
my_param_key = :my_param_key
if Origen.top_level.func.has_context? my_param_key
Specifically, I am creating parameter contexts from the information in my flow file and would like to verify that they exist before trying to access them. Essentially it is a handshake between my test flow and the test method parameters I am storing using unique (hopefully) parameter IDs/contexts.
In your example, dut.func.params should return a hash-like object which contains all the parameter sets, so to get the IDs is just: dut.func.params.keys
I see now that you want a collection containing the available contexts, but it doesn't seem like that is currently provided via an API.
I don't think there is any particular reason for that, probably hasn't been needed until now.
params.context returns the currently active context, I would recommend we add params.contexts and/or params.available_contexts to return an array of the available context names.
Origen now supports knowing the available parameter contexts.

SOAP UI test suites - set property with value inside tag

I can easily set property in Property step for following line:
just by modifying line as:
where Properties is a step in testSuite with names and values.
But how I can do this for such row: <(city cityNumber="111")>
and for such: <(Request requestType="TEXT" versionNumber="VERSION")>?
I just want to write those properties in my Properties table.
First: I do not understand the round brackets - what is that suppose to be?
You would do it the same way:
<city cityNumber="${Properties#PropertyName}">
<Request requestType="${Properties#PropertyText}" versionNumber="${Properties#PropertyVersion}">
SoapUI, when it internally goes the through the property expansion phase, it treats everything as String. Only after the message gets transmitted to your server, does it get treated as XML.
Documented on property expansion.

How to auto-generate early bound properties for Entity specific (ie Local) Option Set text values?

After spending a year working with the Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk namespace, I just discovered yesterday the Entity.FormattedValues property contains the text value for Entity specific (ie Local) Option Set texts.
The reason I didn't discover it before, is there is no early bound method of getting the value. i.e. entity.new_myOptionSet is of type OptionSetValue which only contains the int value. You have to call entity.FormattedValues["new_myoptionset"] to get the string text value of the OptionSetValue.
Therefore, I'd like to get the crmsrvcutil to auto-generate a text property for local option sets. i.e. Along with Entity.new_myOptionSet being generated as it currently does, Entity.new_myOptionSetText would be generated as well.
I've looked into the Microsoft.Crm.Services.Utility.ICodeGenerationService, but that looks like it is mostly for specifying what CodeGenerationType something should be...
Is there a way supported way using CrmServiceUtil to add these properties, or am I better off writing a custom app that I can run that can generate these properties as a partial class to the auto-generated ones?
Edit - Example of the code that I would like to be generated
Currently, whenever I need to access the text value of a OptionSetValue, I use this code:
var textValue = OptionSetCache.GetText(service, entity, e => e.New_MyOptionSet);
The option set cache will use the entity.LogicalName, and the property expression to determine the name of the option set that I'm asking for. It will then query the SDK using the RetrieveAttriubteRequest, to get a list of the option set int and text values, which it then caches so it doesn't have to hit CRM again. It then looks up the int value of the New_MyOptionSet of the entity and cross references it with the cached list, to get the text value of the OptionSet.
Instead of doing all of that, I can just do this (assuming that the entity has been retrieved from the server, and not just populated client side):
var textValue = entity.FormattedValues["new_myoptionset"];
but the "new_myoptionset" is no longer early bound. I would like the early bound entity classes that gets generated to also generate an extra "Text" property for OptionSetValue properties that calls the above line, so my entity would have this added to it:
public string New_MyOptionSetText {
return this.GetFormattedAttributeValue("new_myoptionset"); // this is a protected method on the Entity class itself...
Could you utilize the CrmServiceUtil extension that will generate enums for your OptionSets and then add your new_myOptionSetText property to a partial class that compares the int value to the enums and returns the enum string
Again, I think specifically for this case, getting CrmSvcUtil.exe to generate the code you want is a great idea, but more generally, you can access the property name via reflection using an approach similar to the accepted answer # workarounds for nameof() operator in C#: typesafe databinding.
var textValue = entity.FormattedValues["new_myoptionset"];
// becomes
var textValue = entity.FormattedValues
// renamed the class from Nameof to NameOf
NameOf(Xrm.MyEntity).Property(x => x.new_MyOptionSet).ToLower()
The latest version of the CRM Early Bound Generator includes a Fields struct that that contains the field names. This allows accessing the FormattedValues to be as simple as this:
var textValue = entity.FormattedValues[MyEntity.Fields.new_MyOptionSet];
You could create a new property via an interface for the CrmSvcUtil, but that's a lot of work for a fairly simple call, and I don't think it justifies creating additional properties.

How to create control at runtime using app.config?

I would like to create simple objects at runtime (textbox, label, etc) and add them to a Grid in my WPF application. My problem is that I need to define these in the app.config file. I am reading in the config data by using the “ConfigurationManager.GetSection” method. Shown below is an example of the XML that defines two textboxes. The Key values are always defined as Labels so the following defines two labels called “ID:” and “Name:” and two associated TextBoxes
<add key="ID:" value="System.Windows.Controls.TextBox"/>
<add key="Name:" value="System.Windows.Controls.TextBox"/>
At the moment I use the following code to create a TextBox object but need to modify it so that the control types are defined by the config data and not hardcoded. Can anyone help in how I would go about doing this based on me knowing the control type as defined by a string?
TextBox tb1 = new TextBox();
tb1.Width = 100;
tb1.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 1);
tb1.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, i);
I can also see a situation where I may want to define additional values such as the textbox width in the config file. Is there a better solution to store this in the app.config as it looks like the “GetSection” method only supports a key/value pair (I may be rog in that assumption as I haven’t read too much about this yet).
You can use Activator.CreateInstance
string typeName = "System.Windows.Controls.TextBox";
Type type = Type.GetType(typeName);
object control = Activator.CreateInstance(type); // control is your TextBox
You can use Reflection to create a type from a string name - e.g.
How can I pass an argument to a C# plug-in being loaded through Assembly.CreateInstance?
