Genymotion starts 3 instances of adb when running [duplicate] - android-studio

This question already has an answer here:
Is ther any collision between Genymotion and hardware device on Android studio?
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
Genymotion starts 3 instances of adb when running. I want to use adb console for manage emulator and phone.
When I try type:
$ adb shell
console output this:
adb server is out of date. killing...
cannot bind 'tcp:5037'
ADB server didn't ACK
* failed to start daemon *
When I kill all adb processes, Genymotion creates them again.
I have been tried to reinstall adb and Genymotion and it didn't help.
Adb version is 1.0.32, Linux Mint, Android Studio 2.3.1.
Genymotion use Android SDK tools, not Geny's tools.

The adb version shipped with your version of Genymotion is probably older than the one in your version of Android Studio.
Stop all devices
Open the settings dialog
Go to the ADB tab
Tell Genymotion to use the tools from Android SDK.


No connected devices found; please connect a device, or see for getting started instructions

i am using the Android Studion 3.3 on Windows 10. i have created a emulator and it is running manually for the AVD manager but when i Click on Run Button the fallowing messageBox sappers
> No connected devices found; please connect a device, or see for getting started instructions.
I would try to restart your adb deamon first. Adb is the program that runs in the background to install your application to the simulator. You can do that by using the following command:
adb kill-server
Then you can run adb devices. If should start adb again and if it shows your emulator, it means that the simulator is sucessfully connected to adb, which means you are ready to try to install the application again from Android Studio.
If that still does not work, you can also restart Android Studio and the emulator, which often solves this kind of problems for me. (It's also useful if you run flutter doctor, it will tell you if any devices are connected).

Android device recognized by adb but not recognized by Chrome development tools

I have an Android device recognized by adb devices but not recognized by chrome development tools (with or without discover USB devices checked).
My machine development is a Mac and I have
installed Android Studio 3.1
Installed SDK platforms Android 8.0 and 8.1
Installed SDK Tools: Android SDK Build-Tools 28 rc-2, Android emulator, Android SDK platform-tools, Android SDK tools, Intel x86 emulator, Android support Repository and Google repository
If disconnect and reconnect the cable, or if I switch on/off the USB debugging on my device makes no difference.
ADB kill-server / start-server don't produce any reaction in Chrome.
Apparently adb is working properly
I've already changed android development environment, from android studio to brew cask version (android-sdk, android-ndk, android-platform-tools) and vice-versa with no success (similar results).
I have reinstalled Chrome
Currently I have android studio and in my ~/bash_profile I have set:
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/${USER}/Library/Android/sdk
#export ANDROID_SDK_HOME=/Users/${USER}/Library/Android/sdk
#export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/Users/${USER}/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator:$ANDROID_$
This problem started a coupled of days ago. Previously worked fine for months. Not sure what led to the problem, but I made some trials with ionic dev app (not sure on any cause-effect) and some time after my development environment started with problems.
My problem is I cannot have remote debug with Chrome. I can deploy my ionic application into my connected mobile and run it, but not debug the development
Debugging with emulator is not efficient in my case since I use physical components such as scanning and photos
Any help help is more than welcome. I've spent hours with this ...

Android Studio detects device only after running it the second time

I have Android Studio 2.3.2 installed on my Windows 10. These are the steps I have to undergo to get my code working.
Open Android Studio.
Android Monitor doesn't detect any device.
I type adb start-server in the Terminal.
Close Android Studio.
Reopen Android Studio
Now the Android Monitor initializes and detects my device.
Now, I don't want to go through the first 4 steps. What should I do?
P.S I have tried running the adb start-server from command prompt before doing the first step, but that changes nothing.

Genymotion works well, but start Android Studio Plugin show error: 'unable to start VirtualBox'

I've installed Genymotion and VirtualBox on ubuntu 16.04 LTS and everything goes fine. Genymotion works well.
Then I installed Genymotion Android Studio Plugin,but when I clicked 'start', it shows: unable to start VirtualBox
Run Genymotion directly it works well, but Android Studio Plugin goes error,It is not like this: Genymotion error at start 'Unable to load virtualbox',how to fix it?
Watch this,run genymotion directly works well, but run android studio plug it shows: 'unable to start virtualbox.'
Open Genymotion -> Settings -> ADB -> Use custom Android SDK tools -> locate your SDK.
You have to use the Genymotion SDK as that of Android studio.Try it hope it helps !!
If you don't have geni virtual box installed, install it.
Your error says that you don't have your virtual box installed in your PC .
If you have then you have not given the right path click on geni icon and set path of it where You installed
(by default its like /Applications/ can read here)
Installing it on your pc won't be enough .You need to apply the plugin in android studio as well.
Go to File>settings >(search for plugins in your left side)>select the option plugin > browse repositories > and install geni plugin and you are good to go!
Restart android studio.
Finally if i missed anything watch this video for full thing
Edit:If your are using a V.Box
Go to Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter settings and enable these:
Local Area Connection (if it's disabled)
VirtualBox Host-Only Network
I think that enabling the second will do the job, but I did the first anyways.
read More details --------> Unable to start Genymotion Virtual Device - Virtualbox Host Only Ethernet Adapter Failed to start
Hope it helps.
Try uninstalling your current version of virtualbox and install Virtualbox version 5.0.28 from here:
The way around the error is to:
1) Click on the Genymotion Device Manager in Android Studio. Once the Genymotion Device Manager window pops up, you will see your virtual device/devices, and its/their status should be "off".
Genymotion Device Manager
Virtual Device Status is off
2) Now, go run Genymotion outside of Android Studio.
3) In Genymotion, click on your virtual device to select it and click on the start button at the top left corner to start the virtual device.
4) Once your virtual device is up and running, go back to the Genymotion Device Manager window in Android Studio and click on refresh. You should see that the status of the virtual device is switched to "on". Now, you can run your code directly to Genymotion.

Getting Cordova/Phonegap to emulate on Genymotion virtual device

Using the Cordova CLI, I set up an app and build it:
cordova create hi com.example.hi Hi
cd hi
cordova platform add android
cordova build android
I run Genymotion and start a device named "api9". I run the Android Debug Bridge adb devices and it shows as
I try to launch the app with cordova emulate android but I get:
Error: An error occurred while emulating/deploying the android project. ...spawn ENOENT
However, launching the Android Virtual Device manager and starting an emulated device; the cordova emulate android works and adb devices lists;
What should I do to make Cordova emulate through Genymotion devices?
It seems that adb sees genymotion virtual device as a real device and not as an emulated one, try cordova run android instead of cordova emulate android.
When the device list is empty, which is not covered in this case, then you need to connect adb manually to the genymotion device.
Therefore you have it run in the same JAVA SDK environment so don't use the inbuilt one in Genymotion.
Then start up your device. On screen should appear some genymotion icon. Click it and you will see the IP.
Use then in the console the command "adb connect" (use your own IP of course).
After that your device list is updated.
Finally use "cordova run android" and it will install your app to the virtual device.
Same applies also for ionic framework: "ionic run android".
Caution: without any device found it will fallback to emulator...
