Change Tracking in an Azure SQL DB for Azure Search for non-dbo Schema - azure

I am associating an Azure SQL DB Table to my Azure Search using an Indexer. I am setting this all up using Azure's website:
When I try and create the Indexer in Azure Search, I get the warning about "Consider enabling integrated change tracking on your database." However, I have enabled integrated change tracking on my database and table.
I have successfully setup several tables this way, in the same database, and they're working just fine with Azure Search. However, this table has a schema other than [dbo], and the others with change tracking were [dbo]. The same SQL user is being used for all the tables, and it has been granted the change tracking permission to this table, too.
Is there a problem with the Azure website where I cannot do this via the UI? Can this be done otherwise? Is there a permission issue with my DB's schema? Something else?
Because of this warning, I have not actually created this Azure Search Index.
Any help is appreciated!

It's a limitation of Azure Search portal - it doesn't support enabling integrated change tracking for non-default schemas. The workaround is to create the indexer programmatically, using REST API or .NET SDK. For a walkthrough, see


How to choose only specific table as follower instead of entire DB in Azure data explorer using azure data share

I am working on something, where I need to replicate only few tables instead of entire database from the leader cluster. How should I do it in the Azure Portal using Azure data share? I can see from azure documentation, that they are using C# or some other language for it, can we do it directly via Azure Portal?
As of this writing, table-level sharing isn't yet available through Azure Data Share, but should become available in the next few weeks (follow this doc for updates:
As you mentioned correctly, it is already available programmatically using the management API (documented here:

Azure Data Discovery and Classification

With the recent preview release of 'Data discovery & classification' for Azure SQL databases, has anybody found where this data is stored and if it can be queried directly from the Azure database? I know for on-premise databases if you right click on a database and choose 'Tasks - Classify Data...' anything you enter into that interface is stored as extended properties on the 'table/column'. However, after entering the same data via the interface in the Azure portal, there are no extended property values that I can find in my Azure SQL database. I would really like to be able to query this classification data directly so I can incorporate other metadata about the column such as data type, sample value, collation etc.
For Azure SQL DB, this metadata is stored in new attributes that have been introduced into the SQL Engine to support tagging column sensitivity, which are currently not exposed. We plan to expose them via REST/Powershell/T-SQL as the feature continues rolling out.
Please follow our announcements and the online feature documentation for updates.
Gilad (MSFT)

Notify email when Azure Storage table gets new entry

Is there an inbuilt way to notify an email when a new entry is added to the Table?
I am asking for anything programatically just within their own UI
Not currently but you could put it on an Azure Storage Queue and process it to Table Storage and send an Email with Azure Functions.
Check out this page what is possible -
Okay, so the easiest way to see the data is to use their desktop app
The lastest Azure product updates covering event-driven applications suggest to adopt these application patterns to react to events published by Azure Storage. These docs/resources might help to explore the application pattern and current platform/framework support.
Azure Storage
Reacting to Blob storage events (preview)
Did not found anything similar for Azure Tables - what about suggesting this on UserVoice?
Working with the change feed support in Azure Cosmos DB

Azure Mobile Services, DB options

I am trying to get to grips with Azure Mobile Services and am a little lost about which Azure services I should be using for what. When you set up a new Azure Mobile Service you only get the option to create it with Microsoft SQL Server as the database. Can you configure it to use the documentDB service instead?
Also a lot of what I read about Azure Mobile Services seem to be setup around storing data for a particular user. Is this the correct place to store data and query it for all the systems users rather than an individual or should that be handled elsewhere?
using the .NET backend, you have a choice of using Azure SQL Database,MongoDB or Table Storage. There's no out of the box support yet for DocumentDB, but you can make it work as shown here
what you store in the storage listed above is up to you, there is no specific reason/restriction/limitation that's its only for user specific data. the samples just happen to show that.
You may use any backend database service. It's true you have to set up SQL when you create a new mobile service space. And the SDK has a Table provider that maps to SQL (or MongoDB). However, you can ignore all that if you want. As long as you can access the appropriate driver for your database-of-choice, you can make calls to the database from the API backend methods. This is especially true when building custom API methods.

Determine SQL Azure Region without using Admin Console

I am working on a solution that uses SQL Azure. Part of the project deals with backups and using the DAC Web Services for backups.
The issue is that there is a different endpoint depending on which region the Azure SQL database is in. As I am working with multiple groups, and cannot ensure which region the database will be in, I am looking for a way to programmatically determine the region.
The region is also important, as I want to copy the backups to a different region just to be on the safe side.
I know that I can look in the Admin console, but I would like to use code to solve this problem.
Additional information:
The application is running on Azure using Worker Roles for functionality.
I do not have access to all of the account-id's to use the full REST API.
I do have access to the master database on the Azure Sql Server.
Working on this in C# (I failed to put the language)
You can use Get Servers request (GET<subscription-id>/servers) of Azure REST API to enumerate SQL servers which gives the Location or Region more info at msdn ->
