Azure Application Password - azure

I know that in order to login to phpMyAdmin through Azure VM with PuTTY you have to get the application password from the Boot Diagnostics. I did this perfectly fine last week, the password was on around line 928 and have # all around it so it stood out.
This week when trying to complete an assignment I went back to get my password form the Boot Diagns and it only goes to line 700ish and has no password in it. I've cleared my cache and restarted & redeployed the VM.
Does anyone know how else to get the password?


How do I get my ORDS sample service working?

I have a working APEX installation, running ORDS in standalone mode, with several applications in use.
I have enabled my schema for ORDS and installed the sample service.
However, when I try to test the https:///ords/rest/hr/employees/ service, I get a 404.
I've tried:
Another schema within the installation, and it doesn't work there either.
Resetting the sample service. Nada.
De-registering and re-registering the schema under a different alias and installing the sample service again. Zip
Why this isn't working?
After much research and trials, I've found the answer:
TLDR: the password for the ORDS_PUBLIC_USER has expired
I found this article that talks about this problem, from which I was able to figure things out.
Apparently, by default, passwords expire after 180 days (of non-logging in?) and the corresponding account is locked. This seems to have no effect on the general operation of ORDS or APEX, since our production environment has been running without a problem for over a year.
The article recommends resetting the passwords of the following system accounts.
However, upon running
select * from dba_users where username like 'APEX%'
I could see that only the ORDS_PUBLIC_USER account was locked, so I only dealt with that one.
The article said to use the original passwords from when ORDS was installed, but upon inquiring what that was, I thought it too unsafe, so I decided to change it. That meant two things:
Resetting the users database password with
alter user ORDS_PUBLIC_USER identified by password account unlock;
( change password to your desired password )
Change the password in the corresponding password file, which can be found at a path similar to /ords19/prod/ords/conf/apex_pu.xml and looks like this.
Replace the value of the db.username entry with an exclamation mark, followed by the plaintext password of your choice, and save the file. Thus, if you wanted to use the password foobar, you'd put !foobar. (Don't worry: When ORDS restarts and reads the file, it encrypts the password and writes the encrypted version back to the file so no one snooping around in your filesystem can get at it.)
After I did all this, I restarted ORDS, and voila! My REST sample service now returns data as intended! Thank you Internet.

Change password not forcing new password on domain PC

We enforce password reset policy for our Office 365 users every 90 days. I recently updated my password but my PC (joined to the domain) still is only using the old password. How do I make it use the new password, and why isn't it asking me for the new password?
(I'm connected to the internet, restarted machine, locked machine, Windows 10, etc.)
Run gpupdate /force.
Then logout and back on. If that did not update your password, use this PowerShell Script
$Expiration = (([datetime]::FromFileTime((Get-ADUser –Identity '**username**' -Properties "msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed")."msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed"))-(Get-Date)).Days
Write-Output $Expiration
See if this date is correct.
If it is correct from when you last reset it, then you may have a corrupted profile.

Displaying login information in ColdFusion application. STIG ID APP3660

I am the ISSE for a custom web application for the DoD and we need to display the following information to each user in their home screen:
Unsuccessful Logon:
IP Address
Successful Logon:
IP Address
My developer can't figure it out.
The app is written in CF8 we're using IIS 7.0 and the application is CAC enabled so login is accomplished w/ CAC (token) and PIN. IIS enforces the CAC login piece so I know there must be a logging function that can capture the Date/Time/IP and failed or successful piece but I don't know how that info could be relayed to the app and displayed to each user every time they login on their home screen. For those familiar we are tying to satisfy the APP3660 rule in the Application Security and Development STIG.
I really appreciate any help... Apologize if this is an "Are you smarter than a 5th grader" type of question.
You should be able to get at the information as CGI environment variables.

Java code running twice

I have 2 Notes servers running from a load balancer. The database uses directory services to authenticate to LDAP.
I have java code that checks LDAP to check if user's password is expired. If the password is expired the code redirects to a password change screen. This code runs in the before page load event. Since all pages are NOT public access a Notes generated login occurs before anything takes place.
The password change screen first ties to authenticate the user in LDAP then changes the password. But if I immediately change my password after the initial Note login then I get an authentication error.
If I change the password back to the same thing then I get no authentication error then everything works fine.
So I suspected that the java code was running twice. The notes log should only running once. But when our LDAP team turned on logging, they could see that the password attribute was being changed twice (when I changed to the same password). So what was happening with the failure is that, the password was changed successfully but when the second time the code ran, it was using the "old" password and it was this error that was returned to the browser.
Now here is where it really gets strange. If I do a Notes authentication, then wait one full minute before password change, the code only runs once.
Or if I go to one of the servers, the code only runs once.
Code runs twice only if I go through the load balancer or if I try changing my password, immediately after logging in.
Any idea what on earth could be going on here?
Update: The issue seems to be coming from our reverse proxy server. The way our site is configured is Browser->Reverve Proxy->Load Balancer->(Notes Server 1, Notes Server 2).
If I go to the Load Balancer then the code only runs once.
While I might not be seeing logging in notes.nsf, I can see it running twice when I look direct at teh console.
Update: Reverse Proxy is running on Apache. Not sure the version.
My previous password change page was refreshing the whole page when I pressed submit. For some reason this was causing the page to be submitted twice. I changed things to a partial refresh and now all works well. Don'tknow why the refresh would not like the full refresh. But it works now. :)

Changing eDirectory Password From Linux Machine

I have Configured LDAP Authentication for my Linux Machines. The LDAP Server is Novell eDirectory. The LDAP Users are able to login into the machine. But when i am issuing passwd command it is asking LDAP password then asking to give me new password. After that i am getting a message saying that all the authentication tokens are successfully updated.
But when i try to login with the new password into the machine it is not allowing but when i tried with the old password it is allowing me to loign. Even the eDirectory password also didn't got changed?
What's wrong i am doing?
Thanks and regards,
Do you have access to the eDirectory server you are pointing at? If so, go to iMonitor (https://serverIP:8030/nds/trace) and login, and then in Trace settings (box in the bar with tick marks, and lightning bolts) and clear all, and then enable LDAP tracing.
Refresh and go to Trace Live, then do the password change and look at the trace event from the LDAP server perspective. Likely something will be revealed there.
