Switch ColdFusion 11 from built in web server to IIS - iis

I originally installed ColdFusion 11 in a local environment (windows 7) and selected "Use built in web server". Everything was working pretty good. Now months later, I realize I need to use a real web server for URL rewrites (Apache, IIS, etc) but there is no documentation I can find on how to do so.
I have attempted looking through the administrator's panel for any information, but couldn't even get a jumping off point. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

First, it sounds like you need to decide which web server you want/need to use and that could be determined by where you'll end up hosting your site. CF code is quite portable but if you're doing URL rewrites, file system access, etc... then you need to code those to match the production environment, otherwise you might find yourself having to rewrite and retest all that again.
As commented above, a lot of information about configuring CF for web servers is available by searching. You'll first need to install & configure your web server, so search around that first. Then you'll need to configure the web server to understand which requests to pass to ColdFusion's engine.
If it's IIS then you need to make sure IIS is installed and the following components are installed: ISAPI Extensions, ISAPI Filters, CGI, ASP .NET
Then configure an IIS site to point to your CF code and after that use the "Web Server Configuration Tool" application (installed with CF) that will associate the relevant file types with ColdFusion.
Most of the time it's as simple as that.


Connecting Lucee v5.3.8.201 and IIS10.0.19041

I'm trying to convert web sites from Adobe ColdFusion (ACF) to the open source Lucee instead.
My issue is to make sure all my previous ACF work runs without error in Lucee before I upload it to the web. I have been able to install Lucee (v5.3.8.201) with Tomcat9, BonCodeAJP13 and Mod_CFML which I've been assured is what I need to have it all working together so I can test my sites (11 of them at the moment).
However I have some problems that I can't seem to find an answer to. The docs don't cover using a PC as a dev machine if it has multiple web sites on it. And IIS is the old version that's still used in Windows Server not Windows 10.
How do I get to the Lucee administrator What's the address for that? I need that to set up datasources for my sites of they're going to fail on the very first page.
How do I actually make sites defined in IIS10 work through Lucee? I have run the connector and TomCat is running, but the browser doesn't recognise any Lucee pages except the initial "Welcome to Lucee" page.

IIS is serving but not executing classic asp script

I wrote a classic ASP script (.asp) for a customer a while back. it was running on IIS v6.1 Windows 2003. The customer contacted me and said they had a catastrophic server failure and restored from backup but my script isn't running now. I logged onto their server to check it out and IIS is serving the file (I am prompted to save when I browse to the script) but not executing the script.
Several people's hands were in the server before they called me, I think this is probably a simple config setting someone tried before they figured out how to enable the "ASP" web server roll feature. But for the life of me I can't figure out how they did it. this is obviously not the default behavior. If I was trying to get this behavior I would add the .asp extension to the MIME types, but I checked and it isn't there.
What could cause IIS to serve the source of the ASP script without executing it?
Based on your question I am assuming your restored server is also windows server 2003 ... in that case you will go to the file\folder and the permissions and select execute permission to enable a server side script processor to handle that request. Been almost a decade that I have touched a 2003 server so I can’t give you the exact steps ... but, you want to enable script permissions on that folder(I think, don’t remember if it’s granular enough to drill down to a file). Also, why on earth are they still running server 2003? Is that version even supported yet?
If it’s IIS 7, you want to make sure your app pool is in Classic ASP mode first off. Then go to site and then the handler mapping section, click edit and configure it that way.

Azure Mobile Services on Local IIS rather than IIS Express

OK, I've created an Azure Mobile Services project in Visual Studio 2013.
I run it up as-is, then in the browser I test it by adding a todo item via the simple browser app that seems to get baked into these service projects. It gives me a '201 success' message - brilliant.
I then convert the project from IIS Express to Local IIS as the web host, recompile and try again, and although I get the same smiley face app telling me that everything is OK, when I try and add a todo item I get a 404 error. This is contrary to the Microsoft article that gives these instructions, which clearly says I am able to choose either IIS Express or Local IIS when setting up the project.
My guess is that web.config is missing something when this project runs on the local IIS server.
I'm hoping someone already has a solution before I spend hours trying to work out how to configure IIS for this type of project.
I've already wasted a load of time working through loads of bugs and gotchas with Azure Mobile, and I'm starting to run out of steam - so I'm hoping someone can help me before I go and grab an account at Parse.com
Many thanks in anticipation.
The easiest approach for your situation might be to just deploy to the cloud, and use that service for your testing. Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 makes it easy to deploy your app and connect to it for remote debugging. It is a little slower than using a local instance, but you are also assured that there will be no surprises when you eventually go live (since you are live the whole time).
That said, we will investigate the issue you are seeing with using IIS directly. Some things you might want to try on your own:
Verify that you can view the web side from your Mac's browser, to make sure that the firewall is letting the requests through.
Try using the "Getting Starting" link from the smiley-face page, to see if the REST endpoints are behaving correctly.

IIS Test Server From Existing IIS Server with Joomla

I am in a situation where the current web server is a production environment and there is no development environment. It is running Joomla on an IIS Web Server and is an Intranet site with all of the security, IP restrictions, Certificates, and whatever else required to run an enterprise level Intranet site.
I am wondering what I can do to set up a development environment to work within (preferably using some type of version control).
I have full reign over the IIS server, and I have had a co-worker set up a VM clone of the current system to work with, however the security is making it difficult to work with and set up.
I would like to not use Visual Studio as I don't believe I have a license for it; however I can get it if need be. I would like to stick with Notepad++ if at all possible.
Thank you.
If you're wanting to literally take the site content out and be able to edit and work without any of the security restrictions of the production environment, there's a couple of ways you could do it. However, it's going to depend on what DB the system is running with.
Joomla, regardless of what web platform it is running on, is coded in PHP, so you don't have to worry about getting visual studio. You can use Notepad++ as normal.
Option 1 - IIS Clone
If you can take a SQL backup of the database, you build a from-scratch box with IIS. You'd need to add the PHP drivers to IIS to do this. Go to Microsoft's site for more info:
Option 2 - Apache Port
You can make an Apache box using WAMP to run, if you're using a Windows machine. PHP is PHP, on any platform, so it should work without modification.
The tricky bit will be the database, depending on your situation. If the database is MySQL, you can import your database backup and be good to go, after changing the config files for the Joomla site.
If the site used MSSQL, it's a little trickier. You'll need to install an MSSQL PHP plugin to get this medthod to work. There's plenty of instructions online on how to do this, it's a case of finding the right one for your implementation.

How to run classic ASP scripts under IIS 5.1 (WinXP Pro) alongside .NET & CF?

I'm running into a problem setting up my development environment. I've been working on ColdFusion and .NET applications up until recently I haven't needed to touch IIS. Now, I have to set up a classic ASP application for some one-off work.
I added a virtual directory in IIS and pointed it at the actual codebase on my local machine. I then set the security to low (for ISAPI extensions, i.e. ASP) and allowed for script execution. For some reason though, if I hit any .asp page it says the page cannot be found. However, HTML and static files load up just fine.
EDIT: URLScan fix seems to have done it. Fired up the app in another browser (i.e. not IE6), and I'm getting better error reporting. Looks like we're missing some includes, but it is executing the scripts. Thanks!
You need to make sure that the "Active Server Pages" web service extension is set to an allowed status.
Check out: http://classicasp.aspfaq.com/general/why-does-iis-hang-and/or-stop-serving-asp-pages.html
Also, you should be aware that a virtual directory may affect the include file paths in the asp pages themselves. If the original asp application does not use a virtual directory, then your local copy shouldn't either.
Take a look at your URL scan settings and see if .asp is an allowed file extension
On my XP machine the relevant file is located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\urlscan\urlscan.ini
