I would like to ask why there is symlink needed
ln -s /usr/local/bin/snort /usr/sbin/snort
while installing snort from
instead of having two copies of the same files/directories you create a symlink to the folder on one location so both paths refer to the same batch of files and you only have to update one set.
This is not too useful for something accessing the batch of files in the dir, but more useful for snort when updating the files, so it only has to update one set of files.
in short, keeping track of one set of files in one location is easier than two sets of the same files in two different locations.
I want to have all my configuration files versioned using Git in a remote repository at Github. I'm using Debian 7 testing, and all my configuration files are under the /home/user_name/ directory.
I created the usual .gitignore with all the files that I want to ignore and the files and directories that I want to allow versioning. My problem begins when I go to Documents, for example, and I see in zsh that folder is under the same versioning as the home directory.
I understand that Git works that way, but I need to know if it's possible to avoid that.
One classic way to version configuration files is to create a subdirectory like ~/etc/ and let your ~/.something files be symbolic links to ~/etc/something. Then, you can version ~/etc/ normally.
You can manage to ignore everything but your configuration files, but you'll always have little glitches like: the day you run git clean -fdx in the wrong place, you delete all your data.
Write */ in your .gitignore to ignore directories. Make exceptions with !foodir. Consider prefixing with slashes (see documentation for details).
is it possible to set a 'rule' that tells TortoiseSVN to automatically resolve conflicts on a specific folder?
ie. we have a shared resources folder - "/shared" that we use to store our latest bin files in. when we do a local build, the local bin files in that folder gets overwritten.
next time we do an svn update on that folder the update should pull the latest bin files from SVN and overwrite the previously locally-built bin files but this will throw a conflict because the files are binary and cannot be merged (and, should not be merged anyway)
we would like to setup a rule that tells tortoise to always "resolve using theirs" on that /shared folder ("svn update -R --accept theirs-full")
There's a SVN misuse here. If the files should not be merged as you said, the directory should be set to ignore all .bin files (svn:ignore). It doesn't make sense keep in version control binary files that are changed frequently causing so much collisions.
In your place, I would delete all .bin files from this folder. If it's really necessary to keep the files versioned, I would create a directory and place these .bin files in there, avoiding frequent changing.
But if you really want to keep the files as they are, I recommend you to write client-side hooks for post-update events. See TortoiseSVN Docs for more information.
I am attempting to create a git repository to store all of my dotfiles and config files. My idea was to simply create hard links to all of the files I cared about and store those links in their own directory that I could turn into a repository.
I've hit a bit of a snag though with my ~/.gitconfig file. It seems that whenever I run the 'git config' command the link that I created no longer points to the right location e.g. the file in the repository no longer updates properly.
Here is an example using the shell and interactive ruby to determine the files linked state.
# Create the link
$ ln .gitconfig .conf_files/gitconfig # Create the link
# The files are in fact linked
[1] pry(main)> File.identical?('.gitconfig', '.conf_files/gitconfig')
=> true
# Update the gitconfig file by running a 'git config' command
$ git config --global alias.last 'log -1 HEAD'
# The files are no longer linked.
[2] pry(main)> File.identical?('.gitconfig', '.conf_files/gitconfig')
=> false
I assume this has something to do with the way that git is writing the .gitconfig file. Does anyone know why this would happen, or have any creative ideas for a workaround?
Try Eli Barzilay's solution in his comment at http://www.xxeo.com/archives/2010/02/16/dotfiles-in-git-finally-did-it.html:
So I’ve finally found a solution that takes the best of both: put the repo
in a subdirectory, and instead of symlinks, add a configuration option for
“core.worktree” to be your home directory. Now when you’re in your home
directory you’re not in a git repo (so the first problem is gone), and you
don’t need to deal with fragile symlinks as in the second case. You still
have the minor hassle of excluding paths that you don’t want versioned (eg,
the “*” in “.git/info/exclude” trick), but that’s not new.
This is completely normal, and is in fact the recommended way to overwrite config files. Git creates a temporary file, writes out the config, and then moves the new file over the old one. This way, you don't get an incomplete config file (data loss) if Git gets interrupted.
You can always write a script to copy or link your config files into your central repository.
Checkout this answer, perhaps it may be of help:
In the meantime, have you considered doing the links in reverse? Create your repository full of config files, etc, and then in the place that you actually use your files, create a hard link to the 'real' file, which sits in the repository.
Thanks to Dietrich Epp's answer and advice I have decided to approach this problem from a different angle by creating the repository at the root of my filesystem, and using .gitignore to track only the files I am interested in.
My .gitignore file now looks like this:
# etc files
# Home files
# Vim files
In addition to not having to copy the files separately and keep them in two separate locations this has the benefit that should I need I can easily revert the changes without having to manually copy the files as well.
Thanks for the help guys!
I want to deliver an rpm but the number of files to be delivered is very big.
Do I have to specify each file in the spec under %files section or can I just define the top level folder so that they can be inluded recursively?
If you include the top-level folder, all its files will be included as well. If you don't want the rpm to own the top-level folder, you can also use top-level-folder/*
I have copied a folder say "folder" which is maintained in CVS as folder_backup.
$cp -af folder folder_backup
Frequently I cvs update "folder" and I want folder_backup to be in sync with folder.
Is there a automatic way to sync both folder and folder_backup whenever folder is cvs updated.
Both are in the same machine.
Well if you mean that 2 directories are on the same machine but not on the same drive, you'll need hard copy.
If only need to do backup from local CVS workdir into the backup directory, you need a unidrectional syncing tool. Rsync is one of them and easy to use. AFAI remember something as simple as rsync dir_from dir_to will to the trick.
If you mean that you want to be able to modify either of that 2 workdirs and you want to merge those 2 directories once in a while, you'll need a bidirectional syncing tool: Unison is one of them. I think it is quite hard to configure for the merge option, but it is worth the cost . See wikipeda page to compare syncing tools
If the folders are on the same system the best option is to link folder.
ln -s path/to/folder_backup/ folder