Shell Script to finding files in specific folder and based on "age" of files - linux

hello i got homework to make a shell script in linux to find a file in specific folder based on the "age" of those files. and after that i want to move that file to other specific folder.
thank you before

One way is to use the find command, and specify the "age" with -mtime (or -newer if age relative to other files). See man find for more details.
To move the files you can use mv (again, see man mv).
Directories can be passed as arguments or stored in variables and then used
as variables in the commands.
Without knowing anything else about your assignment I'd say use something like this:
find <directory> -mtime <n> | xargs mv -t <destination>
where xargs is used to pass the results from find to the mv command.


Copy specific files from one folder to another in Unix/Linux

I want to do a very similar thing than here. The difference is that I want to copy only the files containing specific string in their name (e.g. file_00).
Using the answer from this post, I tried this :
cp -a /home/folder_1/. find . -name "*file_00*" - print /home/folder_2
But the function cp doesn't recognize the function find. Then I tried
cp -a /home/yanncochet/folder_1/. -e'file_00' /home/yanncochet/folder_2
But same error message. Can anyone help ?
find is a separate program from cp. What I think you were trying to do was use find as input for cp. You can use command substitution for that:
cp $(find directory/ -name "*file_00*") destination/
$(...) basically runs the command inside and returns it's output.

How to list down the full paths to all files in multiple directories of a certain file format?

I am looking for a Bash solution to my dilemma here. I have directory project, and within that I have project/Batch1 project/Batch2 project/Batch3 and so on.
Within each Batch folder, I have a mix of files but what I am interested in are files in the .txt format, for example. I am able to recursively acquire the names of every file in my project directory using the ls -LR command. However, how should I get full paths including the file names, and also only for .txt files?
Use find command. Open man 1 find and check possible option you need for above task.
Here is the simple example. Open terminal and run
find pwd -type f -name "*.txt"
find pwd -name "*.txt"
Or you can do same using bash script also.

Retrieving the sub-directory, which had most recently been modified, in a Linux shell script?

How can I retrieve the sub-directory, which had most recently been modified, in a directory?
I am using a shell script on a Linux distribution (Ubuntu).
Sounds like you want the ls options
-t sort by modification time, newest first
And only show directories, use something like this answer suggests Listing only directories using ls in bash: An examination
ls -d */
And if you want each directory listed on one line (if your file/dirnames have no newlines or crazy characters) I'd add -1 So all together, this should list directories in the current directory, with the newest modified times at the top
ls -1td */
And only the single newest directory:
ls -1td */ | head -n 1
Or if you want to compare to a specific time you can use find and it's options like -cmin -cnewer -ctime -mmin -mtime and find can handle crazy names like newlines, spaces, etc with null terminated names options like -print0
How much the subdirectory is modified is irrelevant. Do you know the name of the subdirectory? Get its content like this:
files=$(ls subdir-name)
for file in ${files}; do
echo "I see there is a file named ${file}"

parsing ls -R output into a variable in Unix

I am executing a ls-R /files/
I got the following output
./: nvision
./nvision: layout
./nvision/layout: abcd.txt
I am looking to get path in the listing like
and I should be able to copy the required path to a variable
ps: I am not searching for nvision
I am trying to get the list of folders and files under files folder
can any one help me with that
Have you tried using find (see reference)
It would be as easy as find . to get the list of files and folders inside the current directory. Change the . to any path to obtain the list of files and directories inside that path:
To save it to a variable
var=`find .`
And to add the initial slash to every line (if required)
var=`find . -exec echo /{} \;`
Here var has no special meaning, it's just the variable name.
To later use the variable you can use $var or ${var}. For example, to print it or save it to file:
# Print the variable content
echo $var
# Save the content of var to a file
echo $var > /tmp/file.txt
You should really use find for these kind of things. Simply use find directory. If you require more specific output formatting you can make use of find's -printf option. Find is a really powerful tool that also allows all kinds of filtering. Make sure you check the documentation for more information: GNU FindUtils.
To store the results in a variable use one of the following statements:
result=`find ...`
result=$(find ...)
You can also use find to directly execute a command for each match using find's -exec option. Again, make sure to check out the documentation. It's really comprehensive.
Update (Mac / UNIX users – Linux users are not affected)
BSD find requires a path. Use
find .
instead of just
if you require a listing of all files in your working directory.
well the answer is all over this page you should be using find which lists all files found yo can define
where . is current folder otherwise replace . with path you are wishing to search
find .-type d -print
which lists directories only or find
find . -type f -print
which will list all files only
if you are looking for both then
find . -print
and if you only wish to define recursive level try
find . -maxdepth 1 -print
and here is a script
for names in $(find . -type f -print); do
echo $names

linux include all directories

how would I type a file path in ubuntu terminal to include all files in all sub-directories?
If I had a main directory called "books" but had a ton of subdirectories with all sorts of different names containing files, how would I type a path to include all files in all subdirectories?
From within the books top directory, you can use the command:
find . -type f
Then, if you wanted to, say run each file through cat, you could use the xargs command:
find . -type f | xargs cat
For more info, use commands:
man find
man xargs
It is unclear what you actually want ... Probably you will get a better solution to your problem, if you ask directly for it, not for one other problem you've come accross trying to circumvent the original problem.
do you mean something like the following?
file */*
where the first * expands for all subdirectories and the second * for all contained files ?
I have chosen the file command arbitrarily. You can choose whatever command you want to run on the files you get shell-expanded.
Also note that directories will also be included (if not excluded by name, e.g. *.png or *.txt).
The wildcard * is not exactly the file path to include all files in all subdirectories but it expands to all files (or directories) matching the wildcard expression as a list, e.g. file1 file2 file3 file4. See also this tutorial on shell expansion.
Note that there may be easy solutions to related problems. Like to copy all files in all subdirectories (cp -a for example, see man cp).
I also like find very much. It's quite easy to generate more flexible search patterns in combination with grep. To provide a random example:
du `find . | grep some_pattern_to_occur | grep -v some_pattern_to_not_occur`
For example, assuming i'm in the parent directory of 'books':
ls ./books/*
Actually, to list all the tree recursively you should use:
ls -R ./books/*
