MS Excel Compare 2 Columns And Add Additional Column - excel

really need some professional ms excel guru, I'm working in small company HR and we have a list of names of our clients and employees (3000 names give or take) with their salary by the side,
now our management wants to add like say "bonuses" to the salary but don't want to add it directly to it's cell but a column next to the "salary's" column,
I've drawn a chart of basically what I'm talking about, I know it's doable or any way of comparing a list of our employee's name and adding additional columns to the employee's row?
Example Of Workflow

Create a named range by the name of "BonusList", anywhere in the same workbook as the list of salaries. That list should consist of 2 columns, the first of which has the names, the second the bonus.
Use this formula in the column where you want the bonus to appear (the new column).
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP($A3, BonusList,2,FALSE),"")
Make sure that the names are in column A of the salary list. You can change the column, if the names are in another column. Make sure that the row in which you paste the first formula is aligned with the row in the formula (here it is row 3). Copy down.
The formula will display a blank if the name from the salary list isn't found in the bonus list.


Excel formula/VBA that shows only a part of a column of another sheet

What I am trying to do is to show only a part of a column into another sheet through a formula.
Basically I have an Excel file in which I type in work shifts, as you can see on the example. The top of this table contains the date. The first column contains the name of the employee.
If possible I'd like to have the column of a specified date on another sheet (maintaining formatting), so that I can “sort” employees in their exact place without the need of swapping between Sheets.
The “blacked out” part is the one with employees names, the red-highlighted part is the one that should “appear” on the other sheet.

MS Excel - Match 3 columns between two sheets. When matches are found, copy a 4th column from each to a third sheet

When the all three columns "Last Name, First Name and DOB" match on any rows between the 2 sheets, I need to have the account numbers from the matching rows listed on a third sheet. There are thousands of rows in each sheet. There will likely be multiple matches for some accounts. I prefer to put the functions on the 3rd sheet so that I can change out the lists in the first 2 sheets without needing to update them.
Acct # Last Name First Name DOB
89158 Stevens John 1/23/2012
Acct # Last Name First Name DOB
124578 Stevens John 1/23/2012
Sheet1 Acct # Sheet2 Acct#
89158 124578
Thank you in advance!
This works with duplicate values
The formula will need to be entered as an array (once copy and pasted while still in the formula bar hit CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER) and the range adjusted to fit your total values.
=IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet1!$A$2:$D$50,MATCH(1,($C2=Sheet1!$B$2:$B$50)*($D2=Sheet1!$C$2:$C$50)*($E2=Sheet1!$D$2:$D$50),0),1),"No match found")
The exact same formula can be used again changing Sheet1! to Sheet2!.
This will search for the last name that is in Sheet3!C2, first name that is in Sheet3!D2 and the DOB that is in Sheet3!E2.
I have only locked off the column in case you are looking to use this for a large volume of data and wish to drag it down.
If you want to display the additional account numbers that meet the search criteria and are only using sheet 3 to search for one person, then you will need to look at using INDEX(), MATCH() and SMALL().
I had looked to include this alternative in my answer too but I am now leaving the office. It won't take me long to conjure if you struggle so drop me a comment and I will be happy to explain how it all works.
EDIT: To list all ID's found for the search criteria - Leave blanks where not found
Again, replace sheet 1 for sheet 2 and update the ranges to match what you are searching through, use CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER in the formula bar to make the formula an array then you can drag it down to cover all the potential matches, best to aim for what you believe would be the highest number of duplicate IDs.
Let me know how you get on, if this answers your question, please mark this as an answer using the tick to the left, thank you.
I ended up putting list A and List B into a sheet and then using this formula: =ISNA(MATCH(B2&C2&D2,I:I&J:J&K:K,0)) Then I created another sheet where I added list B and then list A and used the same formula. Once the calculation was complete for each sheet, I used filters to only list the matches for the first lists in each spreadsheet.
I then took the matches for each sheet and listed them side by side in the third sheet. I made sure the sort was matched between the two lists and then was able to scroll through a page at a time and identify a few users with multiple account numbers in each system.
It's not as automated as I would like, but it is done for now. Thank you Stack Overflow!

excel - advanced vlookup or other formula?

I have a question regarding excel and I am looking for a formula that can help me transport my data from one sheet to the other. I have some experience with excel, however I am not a pro at it, so I apologize if this is a very trivial question but would also be happy since that would mean it probably has a very trivial answer! Unfortunately I do not have enough reputation points yet to post images, but I will try to explain it as clearly as possible.
Basically I am creating an excel template and the goal is to have 2 sheets in excel.
In the first sheet I have a column with following input in rows A1 - A3: Sales Region,
Country, Account ID's.
Above is the example of column A; from column B --> x; I will put e.g.
Americas, US and as many account numbers as there are in that specific country.
However on the second sheet it gets a bit complicated. My goal is that all the account numbers from sheet 1 irrespective of their sales region and country (which also means irrespective of their column) will automatically be listed on the second sheet.
The second sheet will be organized in the following way:
From column A - C; sales region, country and account ID.; from column D - x financial information for each account.
As a first step I want all the different account ID's from the different columns on the first sheet to be listed under column C (account ID's) on the seconds sheet.
As a second step I want column A - B to be automatically filled out according to account number by accessing the information in which column and thus sales region and country the account is in on sheet one.
I don't think a simple vlookup would do the job, especially for step 1, since I want the account ID's from many different columns and rows in sheet 1 to be listed in just one column....
hope it is clear enough! Would appreciate any help! :) thanks in advance!
The first step take all of column A and copy it to the 2nd sheet on column C.
Select data ribbon and select remove duplicates.
For column A insert vlookup for column C for all the data in 1st sheet
For column B insert vlookup for column B for all the data in 1st sheet
Those value will work well only if an ID has one valid Region and country.
Now just use custom sort to sort it in the way you desire.

Excel adding data based on current data

I'm trying to write a macro that i can run which will allow me to simply sort a range of orders into what i like to call categories.
The basic idea is that we get orders through, and we generally have to print a different type of shipping label for the different items, based on weight, size and value. Unfortunately, there is no easy way of doing this other than going through all orders (sometimes thousands) and copying them into different worksheets to group them into the type of shipping method we need to use.
What i'd like to do (i already have a couple of macros already) - is to look in another sheet whereby we store the item titles, and have a second column within that sheet with a number (1, 2 or 3). For each item, based on it's weight, size or value, which we have already specified - they would be assigned a number. The Macro will look at the item name, if the sales sheet finds a match from column A in the item's sheet, it will then add the correct number specified in the item's sheet to the cell next to the item title in the sales sheet.
Column A-G has all customer details, Column H has the item title. The number i'm wanting to add to the row will be inserted into Column I.
The item's sheet has Column A which is the item title, and Column B is the number assigned to this item.
I have tried to muster a macro up myself, however it's confusing me no end.
This is exactly what vlookup is used for
=VLOOKUP(H1, items!A:B,2,FALSE)
Put this formula into I1 on the sales sheet and drag it down, if the items sheet is not in the same workbook , you will need to modify the reference to point to it,
you could obviously write a macro that will insert this formula and drop it down, but it will still be using vlookup or application.vlookup to get the result
Wildcard searches at the front would be
=VLOOKUP("*"&H1, items!A:B,2,FALSE)
or both ends would be
=VLOOKUP("*"&H1&"*", items!A:B,2,FALSE)
like "apple" and "red apple"
you should always use a product code to do lookups when available

Trying add up values but have multiple entries

I am trying to look up the value in one column and pull the number from another column.
Of course, I could use the simple V-lookup or Match.
However, the first column of data has multiple entries that are the same. If I Vlookup it is just going to pull the first number in the second column.
I need to pull each number from the second column and somehow add them together. Despite the fact I have multiple entries.
If there is a way to consolidate the multiple entries in 1st column while also summing up the numbers in the 2nd, that would be great.
I would recommend a Pivot Table. To create one, select a cell in your data range (which needs to have column names in the first row. Choose Insert / Pivot Table from the Ribbon and select the New Worksheet option for the location.
In the Pivot Table list on the new worksheet, drag the name of the first column to the Row Labels box and the name of the second column to the Values box. The name in the Values box should turn to Sum of <2nd column name>.
The Pivot Table will now show a sorted list of the column 1 values and the summed values of column 2. In the example, you'll see that
Does SUMIF do what you are looking for?
