How start program local with data from external server linux - linux

In my University we writing in server is located in University(we have acces via ssh).
I use Ubuntu on my laptop so I have the same program like on server.
At home I have low speed internet and when i want to send program by X server it take some time to run it. Is some way to start program for example emacs from my computer(it starts immediatly) and recive only data from server?

In general, you might use sshfs or similar to mount a remote filesystem so that your local applications can access the files. SSH port forwarding may be useful if you need access to more than just files.
For Emacs specifically (it's not clear whether this is the only use-case for your question) you can either:
a) ssh into the remote host, and run emacs -nw to run a remote instance of emacs in your terminal. This is vastly more network-efficient than running a remote GUI emacs with a local X display. This approach is also good if you already have a running Emacs server on that remote host, as you can connect to it efficiently with emacsclient -nw
b) Start a local emacs instance and use the standard tramp library to access the remote files.
e.g. C-xC-f /ssh:you#hostname:/path/to/file RET
Tramp is excellent, so you should spend some time reading about it.
See C-hig (tramp) Usage RET


How to transfer a live data stream from a linux headless system to a windows machine?

I've recently been working with the NAO. We're trying to connect the NavChip to it and do some experiments related to robot navigation. The NAO uses a modified 2.6 linux kernel on it's geode system. I've managed to make my NavChip work on it (needed to compile the linux cp210x kernel module etcetera). I can therefore run a C program that came with the NavChip and collect data from it. However, the data can only be logged on the local file system. I'd like to stream this data over the network to a windows machine, since all the processing is MATLAB based. Would anyone have any suggestions on how I can send this data from the NAO to a windows machine?
The NAO's system is pretty limited. It has ssh, and some common utilities like cat etc., but nothing advanced.
I'm not sure I understand the problem properly but I think you've answered your own question you mentioned ssh is installed so why not just scp the file? Using some ssh client on the windows box to remotely connect and download relevent log file.
If you really do need to push the file from the remote host to local machine (rather then connect to remote host and download to local) then netcat should work see here:
Other wise just write your own socket program in C and pipe the file accross (should be pretty trivial).

Syncing files (code) on a local machine with a remote server

Almost all the code I write is usually run on a high-performance server. Lately I've been just remotely coding via NoMachine NX (similar to VNC) remote desktop and the latency in scrolling through code and typing has become unbearable.
Is there any suggestions on how I can setup a folder locally which syncs with the high-performance server every time I save a file? Something similar to Dropbox but I can apply to any folder.
Needs to work with Mac OS X and Linux Ubuntu.
syncs with the high-performance server every time I save a file
You don't want this. What you should do instead is use a DVCS on both sides, and then push the changes to the server once they've been tested. A makefile can help with the actual push action (among others).
Mount the remote drive on your local machine.
If your working machine is osx and you don't feel confident with the terminal then might be a good solution.

How do you upload/edit files on your web development server?

For a long time now I have been using a local XAMPP installation on my OS X machine for all my web development. Because updating/maintaing XAMPP is such a pain, I set up an Ubuntu server for my web development.
I would like to know what you think is the best/easiest way to connect to your main development server to edit the files. What protocol do you use (smb, webdav, fdp, ldap, etc.)? Also, do you leave the files on your machine and let the server read the files form your hard drive (e.g. smb via a smb) or do you leave the files on the server?
I would go with SMB as your means of file transfer. How you do this is up to you. It depends on how often your files are accessed, how often they are updated, etc. If you plan on updating the files often (i.e. if you are in a rapid dev phase) then you can link them like you talked about. If the updating is infrequent and the amount of requests are high, upload them to the server. This will decrease the amount of stress on your LAN as the files are requested; in the other method the route would have been modem -- SMB server -- SMB share -- SMB server -- modem, wheras this way it is modem -- SMB server -- modem.
I use an Ubuntu Virtual Machine running the web server, git and vim. So I backup everything my Vim configuration and server config. For me is the fastest way to recover from a crash in example.
Also, you can use vim through ssh by
vim scp://
A simpler example is to view source with an editor syntax, indent
You can save ssh credentials too
I normally use Aptana (an Eclipse derivative) over ssh/sftp to edit the files directly on my server.
If you need to transfer files I suggest using something like FileZilla which will let you connect over ftp or ssh/sftp.
I used to map a SMB share of my LAMP server and edit the PHP files directly with Dreamweaver. Worked really well.
Lol, i'm the first one in the testimonial here. Oh memories.

Remotely Programming

I'm doing my development work on my Windows machine, but my compiling on a remote Linux machine. What I currently do is start an X server on Windows, ssh into the Linux machine, then do the development remotely.
What I'd like to do is edit my source on the Windows machine, and have it automatically copy files over to the Linux system when I save. I'd also like for my built-in compilation commands to perform a build on the remote system.
If it makes a difference, the source is all in C, using GCC. In descending order of preference, I have Emacs, Vi, and Netbeans on my desktop, and am willing to install another IDE for a last resort.
This is certainly doable in vim. You can use the scp:// protocol within vim to edit remote files, and set up a command that writes a local copy. You can also change what program vim uses for :make to do an ssh make instead on your server.
You'll need to set up your ssh-keys to keep this painless (otherwise you'll be entering your password all the time) but that's fairly easy.
Another alternative would be to push to a remote repos as part of your make command, instead of editing remotely.
First, using the scp:// protocol within vim. From :help netrw-start (or down the page from :help scp)
Netrw supports "transparent" editing of files on other machines using urls
(see |netrw-transparent|). As an example of this, let's assume you have an
account on some other machine; if you can use scp, try:
vim scp://hostname/path/to/file
Want to make ssh/scp easier to use? Check out |netrw-ssh-hack|!
You can also use scp:// paths in :edit commands, or really anywhere that you could use a normal path.
And, from the mentioned :help netrw-ssh-hack, instructions on how to set up your ssh keys:
IMPROVING BROWSING *netrw-listhack* *netrw-ssh-hack* {{{2
Especially with the remote directory browser, constantly entering the password
is tedious.
For Linux/Unix systems, the book "Linux Server Hacks - 100 industrial strength
tips & tools" by Rob Flickenger (O'Reilly, ISBN 0-596-00461-3) gives a tip
for setting up no-password ssh and scp and discusses associated security
issues. It used to be available at ,
but apparently that address is now being redirected to some "hackzine".
I'll attempt a summary based on that article and on a communication from
Ben Schmidt:
(1) Generate a public/private key pair on the local machine
(ssh client):
ssh-keygen -t rsa
(saving the file in ~/.ssh/id_rsa as prompted)
(2) Just hit the when asked for passphrase (twice) for no
passphrase. If you do use a passphrase, you will also need to use
ssh-agent so you only have to type the passphrase once per session.
If you don't use a passphrase, simply logging onto your local
computer or getting access to the keyfile in any way will suffice
to access any ssh servers which have that key authorized for login.
(3) This creates two files:
(4) On the target machine (ssh server):
mkdir -p .ssh
chmod 0700 .ssh
(5) On your local machine (ssh client): (one line)
ssh {serverhostname} cat '>>' '~/.ssh/authorized\_keys2' < ~/.ssh/
or, for OpenSSH, (one line)
ssh {serverhostname} cat '>>' '~/.ssh/authorized\_keys' < ~/.ssh/
You can test it out with
ssh {serverhostname}
and you should be log onto the server machine without further need to type
If you decided to use a passphrase, do:
ssh-agent $SHELL
ssh {serverhostname}
You will be prompted for your key passphrase when you use ssh-add, but not
subsequently when you use ssh. For use with vim, you can use
ssh-agent vim
and, when next within vim, use
Alternatively, you can apply ssh-agent to the terminal you're planning on
running vim in:
ssh-agent xterm &
and do ssh-add whenever you need.
For Windows, folks on the vim mailing list have mentioned that Pageant helps
with avoiding the constant need to enter the password.
Kingston Fung wrote about another way to avoid constantly needing to enter
In order to avoid the need to type in the password for scp each time, you
provide a hack in the docs to set up a non password ssh account. I found a
better way to do that: I can use a regular ssh account which uses a
password to access the material without the need to key-in the password
each time. It's good for security and convenience. I tried ssh public key
authorization + ssh-agent, implementing this, and it works! Here are two
links with instructions:
For making on remote systems, you need to set your makeprg variable to
do an ssh make. From :help makeprg
Program to use for the ":make" command. See |:make_makeprg|.
This option may contain '%' and '#' characters, which are expanded to
the current and alternate file name. |:_%| |:_#|
Environment variables are expanded |:set_env|. See |option-backslash|
about including spaces and backslashes.
Note that a '|' must be escaped twice: once for ":set" and once for
the interpretation of a command. When you use a filter called
"myfilter" do it like this:
:set makeprg=gmake\ \\\|\ myfilter
The placeholder "$*" can be given (even multiple times) to specify
where the arguments will be included, for example:
:set makeprg=latex\ \\\\nonstopmode\ \\\\input\\{$*}
This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
security reasons.
One option is to use the TRAMP remote-editing package (built into Emacs 22 and newer, and you can install it into older versions). Every time you save your file, Emacs sends its contents over ssh (by default; of course every detail is totally configurable) to the Linux machine. Commands like M-x compile and M-x grep are TRAMP-aware and execute on the remote host.
I would look into continuous integration for your environment. This way you can commit the changes to source control, and have the linux box act as a build server. You can have tests associated and other related interesting stuff you want to be run on the builds.
Update 1: Also this might work for you: (it is also worth a try doing some searches on similar tools)
Other have suggested SAMBA which may not be feasible on your Linux box. A good alternative is to use Dokan SSHFS on your Windows box to mount a remote directory over SSH.
You could try sharing a disk between your Linux and Windows machines using Samba or something like that. Then you could edit on your local machines and the files would be visible immediately on the remote machine since the drive would be visible to both.
Where I work we have all files on NFS that is accessible from all Linux machines and Windows machines. I don't know how hard it is to set that up since I work in a large corporation and IT is abstracted away from me, but simple disk sharing should be pretty straightforward.
Why do you start an X server on Windows? Personally, I would set up a Linux VM with VMware or whatever your favorite VM technology is (VMware is free and works well). Then choose any Linux distribution you want. You just need very basic functions, mostly the standard "toolchain." You could pick Centos, Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, whatever. I usually use Centos or Debian. Set it up, and just use PuTTY into your VM. From there, you can scp files to your remote server and so forth. This way you don't have to bother with cygwin or an X server or any of that.
Can you just use a samba share to save the files directly on the remote machine? I often do PHP this way.
Then just have a putty window open to run commands on the remote box.
Or am I missing something?
Set a source control system and use it. Then you can just make a commit after saving in your IDE, and on server you can have something happening on-commit.
This can trigger tests, build, mail any errors to you...
One solution might be to have some sort of polling app that checks the timestamp on the files to see if they have changed. If they have then get it to save and then compile. Kinda hackish this way but it would be workable.
I personally use XMing with PuTTY. I ssh using PuTTY while XMing is running. I can open up any editor (gvim, emacs, gedit, etc) and it will appear.
You will need to do some setup on PuTTY though:
Expand Connection
Expand SSH
Click on X11
Check the "Enable X11 Forwarding"
In the text field for display location, enter (without quotes): "localhost:0"
Save session and connect.

Re-attatching an X server view of a lost process

I'm running Xorg and my (Qt) program daemonises itself. Now I log out and restart the X server. When I log in again my process is still running fine, but I can't see it.
Is there a way of attatching the new incarnation of the X server to the old process?
If I don't restart the whole server, but log out and in again, is there a way to look at the old process?
xpra should achieve your requirement. And it can also start tcp connection (without need of ssh). Start it on the you server:
xpra start :100 --start-child=xterm --bind-tcp=
Connect it on your client:
xpra attach tcp:SERVERHOST:10000
You can also use mac or windows xpra app to connect it. I tried in on win7 and osx10.10.2. The download link:
After the connection to the X server is lost, it is not possible to regain it.
There was an xserver proxy called xmove, but it is quite deprecated and doesn't work with several newer X extension, which are likely used by modern toolkits.
You could try to run your process in another virtual X server like xvnc or (better) NX. NX is a X proxy technology developed by NoMachine. There exist free implementations of NX servers as well.
If you run your program inside such a server, it is possible to attach and detach from it from arbitrary graphical environments.
Use something like Xpra: it allows you to run applications on an off-screen X11 server to which you can re-attach whenever needed, and from remote machines too. It supports "seamless" sessions too so the windows will appear just like local windows.
Practical example:
xpra start :10 --start-child=/bin/YOURAPP
Then whenever you want to re-attach (say after an X11 server restart):
xpra attach :10
Or from a remote machine:
xpra attach ssh://THESERVERHOSTNAMEORIP/10
