Make Salesperson ID a Required field on SOLine - acumatica

I need to make Salesperson ID on SOLine as a required field. But as Transfer orders do not have Salesperson, hence it should only validate when I create orders other than Transfer orders.
I tried with below code but it seems it is not working. Might be it is overrided with some existing code. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions.
public PXSetup<SOOrderTypeOperation,
Where<SOOrderTypeOperation.orderType, Equal<Optional<SOOrderType.orderType>>,
And<SOOrderTypeOperation.operation, Equal<Optional<SOOrderType.defaultOperation>>>>> sooperation;
protected bool IsTransferOrder
return (sooperation.Current.INDocType == INTranType.Transfer);
protected virtual void SOLine_RowPersisting(PXCache sender, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e)
var row = (SOLine)e.Row;
if (row == null) return;
PXDefaultAttribute.SetPersistingCheck<SOLine.salesPersonID>(sender, row, IsTransferOrder ? PXPersistingCheck.Nothing : PXPersistingCheck.Null);

I usually thrown an appropriate exception in Row Persisting when the condition exists.
Here is an example from SOShipmentEntry checking for transfer and checking the null value of a field:
protected virtual void SOShipment_RowPersisting(PXCache sender, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e)
SOShipment doc = (SOShipment)e.Row;
if (doc.ShipmentType == SOShipmentType.Transfer && doc.DestinationSiteID == null)
throw new PXRowPersistingException(typeof(SOOrder.destinationSiteID).Name, null, ErrorMessages.FieldIsEmpty, typeof(SOOrder.destinationSiteID).Name);
I have also called RaiseExceptionHandling similar to this example within RowPersisting
// sender = PXCache
if (row.OrderQty == Decimal.Zero)
sender.RaiseExceptionHandling<POLine.orderQty>(row, row.OrderQty, new PXSetPropertyException(Messages.POLineQuantityMustBeGreaterThanZero, PXErrorLevel.Error));
Both examples should stop the page from the save. calling the Raise Exception handling should point out the field with the Red X which is the better approach and easier for the user to find the field in question.
For your example:
protected virtual void SOLine_RowPersisting(PXCache sender, PXRowPersistingEventArgs e)
SOLine row = (SOLine)e.Row;
if (row == null)
if (!IsTransferOrder && row.SalesPersonID == null)
sender.RaiseExceptionHandling<SOLine.salesPersonID>(row, row.SalesPersonID, new PXSetPropertyException(ErrorMessages.FieldIsEmpty, PXErrorLevel.Error));


Enabling Fields on Sales Order Screen

I need to enable fields on the Sales Order screen when the Status of the Sales Order is Completed.
I found a few other posts with solutions on older versions of Acumatica where you need to also change things in the Automation steps but in Version 21.207 Automation steps has been replaced with Workflows and I can't seem to edit them for the Sales Order screen.
My Code:
protected void SOOrder_RowSelected(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e)
var row = (SOOrder)e.Row;
if (row == null) return;
if (Condition1 != null && Condition2 == true)
cache.AllowUpdate = true;
Base.Document.Cache.AllowUpdate = true;
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled<SOOrder.salesPersonID>(cache, e.Row, true);
The Old Posts:
Enable SOLine field after Order Completed
How to enable CustomerOrderNbr field in Sales Order screen?
Tried the answer from
Kyle Vanderstoep
But unfortunately the cache.AllowUpdate = true; stays False after stepping over it in debugging mode.
Update 2
The Solution from Kyle Vanderstoep did work in the end, after I remade the customization. Acumatica and my code was just acting up the first time round.
Two steps, override in workflow and in row selected. This one is for CustomerRefNbr
public override void Configure(PXScreenConfiguration configuration)
var context = configuration.GetScreenConfigurationContext<SOOrderEntry, SOOrder>();
c => c.WithFlows(flowContainer =>
.Update(SOBehavior.SO, df => df
.WithFlowStates(fls =>
fls.Update<SOOrderStatus.completed>(flsc => flsc
.WithFieldStates(fs => fs.AddField<SOOrder.customerRefNbr>()));
public virtual void SOOrder_RowSelected(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e, PXRowSelected baseN)
baseN(cache, e);
SOOrder doc = e.Row as SOOrder;
if (doc == null)
cache.AllowUpdate = true;
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled<SOOrder.customerRefNbr>(cache, null, true);

How to attach an event to the Residential Delivery checkbox on the Customers screen in 2020R2?

I need to change the default value of the Residential Delivery checkbox on the Customers AR.30.30.00 screen (Shipping tab) to checked by default. See screenshot:
In 2017R2, this event handler worked without error:
public class CustomerMaint_Extension : PXGraphExtension<CustomerMaint>
protected virtual void LocationExtAddress_CResedential_FieldDefaulting(PXCache sender, PXFieldDefaultingEventArgs e)
var row = (LocationExtAddress)e.Row;
if (row != null)
e.NewValue = true; // checked by default
I'm updating this customization for 2020R2. It appears that LocationExtAddress has been replaced with DefLocationExt in newer versions. (Resedential is mis-spelled intentionally in the code... that's how Acumatica defined it.) I've tried changing the event handler to:
protected virtual void DefLocationExt_CResedential_FieldDefaulting(PXCache sender, PXFieldDefaultingEventArgs e)
var row = (DefLocationExt)e.Row;
if (row != null)
e.NewValue = true; // checked by default
But this results in a run-time error:
Failed to subscribe the event PX.Objects.AR.CustomerMaint_Extension::DefLocationExt_CResedential_FieldDefaulting in the graph PX.Objects.AR.CustomerMaint. The method signature looks like an event handler, but the cache DefLocationExt has not been found in the list of auto-initialized caches. Remove unused event handlers from the code.
How can I attach an event to this field in 2020R2?
Try a generic event handler and see if you get the same result.
It might look something like this.
protected virtual void _(Events.FieldDefaulting<PX.Objects.CR.Standalone.Location.cResedential> e)
var row = (PX.Objects.CR.Standalone.Location)e.Row;
if (row != null)
e.NewValue = true; // checked by default

Could someone help me on How to edit & Save a tracking number field on shipment screen even after shipment status is confirmed,completed or invoiced

Below is the code that i tried in ShipmentEntry graph extension but save button is not not enabled to save the new entry of tracking number also due to this code the entire row fields got enabled.
protected virtual void SOShipment_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e, PXRowSelected BaseEvent)
if (BaseEvent != null)
BaseEvent(sender, e);
SOShipment row = e.Row as SOShipment;
if (row == null)
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled<SOPackageDetailEx.trackNumber>(sender, row, true);
Base.Document.Cache.AllowUpdate = true;
Base.Packages.Cache.AllowUpdate = true;
protected virtual void SOPackageDetailEx_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e, PXRowSelected BaseEvent)
if (BaseEvent != null)
BaseEvent(sender, e);
SOPackageDetail row = e.Row as SOPackageDetail;
if (row == null) return;
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetEnabled<SOPackageDetailEx.trackNumber>(sender, row, true);
Thanks in advance for your help.
The code below edits and saves the tracking number field's value to the database even when the shipment is invoiced:
sOPackageDetailEx.TrackNumber = "Some Value";
This code must be written in the SOShipmentEntry extension class, where sOPackageDetailEx is an instance of the 'SOPackageDetailEx' class.

Acumatica Unbound User Fields on SOOrder

I have a user field on an SOOrder DAC extension, which is a sum of some of the lines on the document (based on a field in the SOLine extension). When I add a new line, the total is updating properly. However, when I load the document for the first time, the screen is showing 0.00. I created an SOOrderEntry extension and I put code into the SOLine_RowSelecting event handler. When I load the document, it steps into the code and it looks like it is setting the fields properly, but they don't show on the screen. The same method is called from the SOLine_CuryLineAmt_FieldUpdated, and that works just fine. Here is the code I'm using:
public class SOOrderEntryExt : PXGraphExtension<SOOrderEntry>
//Used to prevent recursive calls in RowSelecting
bool _isCalculating = false;
protected virtual void SOLine_RowSelecting(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectingEventArgs e)
var row = e.Row as SOLine;
if (row == null) return;
using (new PXConnectionScope())
if (!_isCalculating)
protected virtual void SOLine_CuryLineAmt_FieldUpdated(PXCache cache, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e)
if (!_isCalculating)
public void CalcTotals()
SOOrder order = Base.CurrentDocument.Select();
if (order == null) return;
_isCalculating = true;
var orderExt = order.GetExtension<SOOrderExt>();
orderExt.UsrMyCustomField = 0m;
//Get totals
foreach (SOLine lineSum in Base.Transactions.Select())
var lineSumExt = lineSum.GetExtension<SOLineExt>();
if (lineSumExt.UsrMyCondition)
orderExt.UsrMyCustomField += lineSum.CuryLineAmt;
_isCalculating = false;
RowSelected is called on each callback to select the data. There's no need to re-calculate on FieldUpdated event too because RowSelected will be called when updating records. Therefore consider removing SOLine_CuryLineAmt_FieldUpdated
You have the RowSelected event declared for SOLine DAC. The event then selects all SOLine to compute the totals. This amount to when selecting one of the Detail compute the total of all Detail, that smells lack a recursive pattern. Therefore consider declaring RowSelected on the Master document which is SOOrder in this case and remove all the workarounds you have to break recursion.
There's no null check in computations. Acumatica DAC fields are nullable. With your code you can end up in situation where you add null to a number which would results in type violation at runtime. Therefore consider checking if CuryLineAmt is null before using it's value to compute the total.
You are accumulating the total in the UsrMyCustomField DAC field
using the += addition assignment operator. It works but I would
advise against that. The DAC fields aren't meant as register for
computations or temporary value place-holder. Therefore consider
accumulating the total in a local variable and assign only the final
computed value to the DAC field.
Code to compute a total with all these points considered:
public class SOOrderEntryExt : PXGraphExtension<SOOrderEntry>
public void SOOrder_RowSelected(PXCache cache, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e)
SOOrder order = e.Row as SOOrder;
if (order != null)
SOOrderExt orderExt = order.GetExtension<SOOrderExt>();
if (orderExt != null)
decimal total = 0M;
foreach (SOLine line in Base.Transactions.Select())
total += line.CuryLineAmt.HasValue ? line.CuryLineAmt.Value : 0M;
orderExt.UsrMyCustomField = total;

Copy User Fields from CRM Quote to Sales Order

I am trying to copy some user fields from the CRM Quote to the Sales Order. The CRM Quote uses a different object than the Sales Quote and there doesn't appear to be a way to relate it back. I tried overriding the Create Sales Order to add a handler, but this didn't seem to work Any help would be appreciated. Here is the code I tried:
public class OpportunityMaint_Extension : PXGraphExtension<OpportunityMaint>
public delegate IEnumerable CreateSalesOrderDelegate(PXAdapter adapter);
public virtual IEnumerable CreateSalesOrder(PXAdapter adapter, CreateSalesOrderDelegate baseMethod)
Base.RowInserting.AddHandler<SOLine>((sender, e) =>
SOLine orderLine = e.Row as SOLine;
if (orderLine == null) return;
SOLineExt orderLineExt = orderLine.GetExtension<SOLineExt>();
var product = Base.Products.Current;
CROpportunityProductsExt productExt = product.GetExtension<CROpportunityProductsExt>();
orderLineExt.UsrHasAnticipatedDiscount = productExt.UsrHasAnticipatedDiscount;
orderLineExt.UsrAnticipatedDiscountPct = productExt.UsrAnticipatedDiscountPct;
orderLineExt.UsrAnticipatedDiscountAmt = productExt.UsrAnticipatedDiscountAmt;
orderLineExt.UsrAnticipatedUnitPrice = productExt.UsrAnticipatedUnitPrice;
orderLineExt.UsrTotalAnticipatedDiscountAmt = productExt.UsrTotalAnticipatedDiscountAmt;
return baseMethod(adapter);
There are two posts with answers to this same question:
Populate custom field while creating sale order from opportunity
How to pass custom field vales from Opportunity to sales Order?
To sum it up, you can add a rowinserting event handler within the button action or my preference is within DoCreateSalesOrder (extending OpportunityMaint) like the example below...
public virtual void DoCreateSalesOrder(OpportunityMaint.CreateSalesOrderFilter param, Action<OpportunityMaint.CreateSalesOrderFilter> del)
PXGraph.InstanceCreated.AddHandler<SOOrderEntry>(graph =>
graph.RowInserting.AddHandler<SOLine>((cache, args) =>
var soLine = (SOLine)args.Row;
if (soLine == null)
CROpportunityProducts opProduct = PXResult<CROpportunityProducts>.Current;
if (opProduct == null)
var opProductExt = PXCache<CROpportunityProducts>.GetExtension<CROpportunityProductsExt>(opProduct);
var soLineExt = PXCache<SOLine>.GetExtension<SOLineExt>(soLine);
//Copy all extension fields here...
