problems using wireshark capture local files opened in browser - protocols

I have a xml doc saved locally, I want to generate a pcap file from the xml doc. I tried doing this by opening wireshark, tailor the capture for the Ethernet interface and then start capturing, I then open the document in my web browser. This doesn't seem to be working, what am I doing wrong?


Can't open a pdf file that I copeid from Android data folder

I have a study app that provides PDFs but these PDFs only open in the app itself even after downloading, like YouTube offline videos, I looked up for these saved files in the app data folder, but they have no extension. I tried different extensions so that I could open them, but they aren't opening.
Please help if you know how to open, I'm attaching a file via a Google Drive link.
In some systems file extensions may not be visible.
For a viewer to open a PDF, ideally it should have a file extension as .pdf.
Likewise if the file is badly defined or broken the PDF may not start with %PDF-1.7 or similar in the first line.
If a file is broken in transit parts may have become garbled and that seems to be what's happened to your personal copy of now broken pdf.
You need to repair the corruption by overwrite and save as repaired.pdf

How to download file to system on click in electron using react frontend

I am building a desktop app using electronjs and frontend using React, I have a table with each column having a download icon that uses the information of that row to build a URL when opened with directly download a file to your PC.
I have tried using <a href=${download_url} download><a> works perfectly on the browser but fails to work through the electron app, it opens a file selector dialog box asking me to save the file.
I have also tried doing a but that just opens an empty window, and does not download contents from the url.
How am I supposed to do download the file sent over from the URL ?
The behavior on download depends on the browser you are using.
Some browsers ask where to save the file to (e.g. Mozilla Firefox), others ask for permission to save the file (e.g. Windows Edge) or just download the file with the given filename (e.g. Google Chrome by default).
See for more information on the download attribute.
To solve your problem:
There is a electron-way to do it:
And a library to make this process easier:

Express NodeJS Selenium - Video Recording the remote browser activity

I am working on NodeJS Selenium tool and executing the test cases on a remote machine over HTTP. I am capturing screenshots of the web page at every specified point, so that the user an see what happened in each page.
But for improved user experience, I wanted to record the video of what is happening in remote machine (like opening the browser, entering text inputs, clicking on buttons etc.)
I am using screen-capture-recorder package to record the video. Which is working fine if I execute locally. When I execute the same thing on remote machine via HTTP, it is not able to record the video. I guess this is because the session is not interactive to record the video. Means it doesn't find GUI to record.
Are there any other solutions to achieve this?

How to detect in advance if a browser will download a file instead of viewing it?

Sometimes when you view a file on a page on its own, the browser has some default way of viewing it, like to place it in an image or video tag, or invoke some plugin. Other times, it just downloads the file.
Sometimes this is because of headers set by the server, but lets ignore that for now. For some file types, it doesn't matter what headers were set -- the browser will try to download them regardless.
Some of the types that the browser will view are listed in navigator.mimeTypes. However, this is not authoritative. The iPad can view Microsoft Office files but it does not report this.
Is there any simple way to figure out what the browser is going to do with a file before it does it?

Displaying a pdf file located on a http server from mobile phone

I have some pdf files located on a http server:
I need to display these files on a mobile application using java me.
I tried to display them by opening Google Docs Viewer with platformRequest. However it seems Google Docs Viewer uses ajax and many mobile browsers does not support it.
Is there an alternative for "Google Docs Viewer" for mobile devices ? Or is there a better solution for this problem ?
Unless you have something can interpret the PDF on the phone, you may need to convert the PDF to images on the server for display purposes.
