Specific Heat units specification via Revit 2017 API - revit-api

Referring to a previous question I posted here, I also have a problem with the units required by Revit. In the RevitAPI.chm help, I read for the ThermalAsset.SpecificHeat Property that "Values are in feet per Kelvin, squared-second (ft/(K s²))...". These units can't be converted to J/(kg K), if I'm not mistaken.
So, I guess it is actually (ft²/(K s²)). Can someone confirm this?

I checked this for you with the development team.
They confirm what you suspected:
You are right.
The unit for specific heat in the thermal asset library is J/(g·°C).
The units available in Revit Project Units UI are J/(g·°C) and BTU/(lb·°F) = ft²/( s²·°F).
So, the help file should be corrected to read, "Values are in squared-feet per Kelvin, squared-second (ft²/(K s²))...".


How do I select walls along a particular axis, among all the other walls, in Revit using the Revit API?

I want to change the height of all walls but the length of walls only in a particular axis, for instance, along the x-axis.
Consecutively, could you also tell how I could alter the similar dimensions for a house? Where there are connected walls?
I see nothing in this code that means it does not work.
However, it seems to me that it does not make much sense.
One would seldom constrain all wall heights to be user defined to a certain value; instead, in most Revit models, walls are constrained to reach from a bottom level to a top level. Then, if the height of all walls needs to be modified, you would modify the elevation of the top level only.
The logic of the code guarantees that the wall location line will only be modified if the newWallLine equals XYZ.BasisX. This may never be the case, since the line is a Line object and the vector an XYZ.
I would recommend researching exactly what you wish you achieve and how to do so manually in the end user interface before addressing the task programmatically.
In general, if a feature is not available in the Revit product manually through the user interface, then the Revit API will not provide it either.
You should therefore research the optimal workflow and best practices to address your task at hand manually through the user interface first.
To do so, please discuss and analyse it with an experienced application engineer, product usage expert, or product support.
Once you have got that part sorted out, it is time to step up into the programming environment.
I hope this clarifies.

Costs for the Microsoft Azure Translation API 3.0

my question does not concern programming but the cost of the Microsoft Azure Translator API Version 3.0.
Sorry if this is the wrong place for this question, but maybe someone can help me. Unfortunately I could not find any exact information online.
I wonder if you pay per input or per output character count.
So does the translation from one input language into multiple output languages cost more (i.e. with "&to=de&to=en") than into a single output language? (I use the S1 instance tier.)
Thanks already for the help!
The pricing is here:
The link for the calculator is this one:
Select 'Translator Text' and a unit.
For the pricing, for most western languages the difference between paying for input vs output would be in the -30% to +30% range.
Here is a link to find what you need;
API Management: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/api-management/
API Text Translator: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/cognitive-services/translator-text-api/
There is also a link at the bottom "Calculator" that can assist you in calculating costs. That could help you.
Its calculated in units. Units in a simple explanation would mean packages. so each package as of the time I looked it (API Management) up is 2,500 and that means 2,500 requests per second.
I hope this clarifies it better.

What is the Predicted columns in spotfire and how it works?

As I am not sure about predicted columns which are used in Spotfire 6.0.Could you please help me on this.
Than k you in Advance.
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Search Server Express install on SP 2007 - Property Relevance

A vendor has installed SSE on SP 2007. I want to adjust the individual property rank weighting/rank parameters so that the weight setting for the property - body text of a document - is low (low relevance) and the properties title and description are high (high relevance).
The vendor has said that making these config changes are programing changes so I will need to pay more. I also asked for the relevance weights as they come "out of the box" and was told no one knows these as they are part of a secret algorithm - so i'm now in the situation where I have no idea how different properties are influencing search results or I can pay more to have relevance weights I want programmed in.
Are the property relevance weights of an "out-of-the-box" installation of SSE known to anyone?
Is it an unreasonable expectation to an "out of the box" configured as I want and is it that hard to do this?
I just want to have reasonable expectations so would appreciate any advice.

How can I select layer by location AND attributes in ArcMap?

I have a dataset (i.e. a shapefile) containing spatial location data (coordinates) and elevation data as well as other attribute fields.
I want to select points which have at least 200m vertical separation (i.e. are at least 200m apart on the z-axis) AND are within 3km of each other.
The aim is to create a new shapefile with all points that have this relationship with 1 or more other points.
Im sure there is a solution to this problem (maybe not using arcmap at all?) but i just cant find it. any help would be greatly appreciated.
You are going to have much better luck asking this question in gis.stackexchange.com. Many more ESRI users/programmers there. As a matter of fact I bet you find your solution there without having to ask the question.
You can run the ArcGIS Near tool on all the points.
Then select by attribute points with Z values of >200m and distance values of <3000m.
