How to send input to tar through pipe with a variable having list of files - linux

I have searched about this in internet, but all are saying to use -T option or find /DIR | tar -c.
But i am having list of files in a variable and i have to give input via pipe to tar.
grep -v "*" ${filelist} | tar -cf gk.tar
I dint want to create intermediate file and get output from that file.

grep -v "*" ${filelist} | xargs tar -cf gk.tar
Checkout the xargs manual. It may not work if the file list is too long.

I found the answer , as using '-T -' will get input from pipe.
grep -v "*" ${cpiolist} |tar -T - -cf gk.tar


How to pipe output from grep to cp?

I have a working grep command that selects files meeting a certain condition. How can I take the selected files from the grep command and pipe it into a cp command?
The following attempts have failed on the cp end:
grep -r "TWL" --exclude=*.csv* | cp ~/data/lidar/tmp-ajp2/
cp: missing destination file operand after
‘/home/ubuntu/data/lidar/tmp-ajp2/’ Try 'cp --help' for more
cp `grep -r "TWL" --exclude=*.csv*` ~/data/lidar/tmp-ajp2/
cp: invalid option -- '7'
grep -l -r "TWL" --exclude=*.csv* | xargs cp -t ~/data/lidar/tmp-ajp2/
grep -l option to output file names only
xargs to convert file list from the standard input to command line arguments
cp -t option to specify target directory (and avoid using placeholders)
you need xargs with the placeholder option:
grep -r "TWL" --exclude=*.csv* | xargs -I '{}' cp '{}' ~/data/lidar/tmp-ajp2/
normally if you use xargs, it will put the output after the command, with the placeholder ('{}' in this case), you can choose the location where it is inserted, even multiple times.
This worked for me when searching for files with a specific date:
ls | grep '2018-08-22' | xargs -I '{}' cp '{}' ~/data/lidar/tmp-ajp2/
To copy files to grep found directories, use -printf to output directories and -i to place the command argument from xarg (after pipe)
find ./ -name 'filename.*' -print '%h\n' | xargs -i cp copyFile.txt {}
this copies copyFile.txt to all directories (in ./) containing "filename"
grep -rl '/directory/' -e 'pattern' | xargs cp -t /directory

Use grep -lr output to add files to tar

I have some files I want to tar based on their contents.
$ grep -rl "123.45" .
returns a list of about 10 files in this kind of format:
I want to tar.gz all of them.
I tried:
$ grep -rl "123.45" . | tar -czf files.tar.gz
Doesn't work. That's why I'm here. Any ideas? Thanks.
Just tried this, and it worked in Ubuntu, but in CentOS I get "tar: 02: Cannot stat: No such file or directory".
$ tar -czf test.tar.gz `grep -rl "123.45" .`
If anyone else has a better way, let me know. That above one works great in Ubuntu, at least.
Like this:
... | tar -T - -czf files.tar.gz
"-T -" causes tar to read filenames from stdin. Second minus stands for stdin. –
grep -rl "123.45" . | xargs tar -czf files.tar.gz
Tar wants to be told what files to process, not given the names of the files via stdin.
It does however have a -T / --files-from option. So I'd suggest using that. Output your list of selected files to a temp file and then have tar read that, like this:
grep -rl "123.45" . > $T
tar cfz files.tar.gz -T $T
rm -f $T
If you want, you can also use shell expansion to do it like this:
tar cfz files.tar.gz -- $(grep -rl "123.45" .)
But that will fail if you have too many files or if any of the files have strange names (like spaces etc).

Find files and tar them (with spaces)

Alright, so simple problem here. I'm working on a simple back up code. It works fine except if the files have spaces in them. This is how I'm finding files and adding them to a tar archive:
find . -type f | xargs tar -czvf backup.tar.gz
The problem is when the file has a space in the name because tar thinks that it's a folder. Basically is there a way I can add quotes around the results from find? Or a different way to fix this?
Use this:
find . -type f -print0 | tar -czvf backup.tar.gz --null -T -
It will:
deal with files with spaces, newlines, leading dashes, and other funniness
handle an unlimited number of files
won't repeatedly overwrite your backup.tar.gz like using tar -c with xargs will do when you have a large number of files
Also see:
GNU tar manual
How can I build a tar from stdin?, search for null
There could be another way to achieve what you want. Basically,
Use the find command to output path to whatever files you're looking for. Redirect stdout to a filename of your choosing.
Then tar with the -T option which allows it to take a list of file locations (the one you just created with find!)
find . -name "*.whatever" > yourListOfFiles
tar -cvf yourfile.tar -T yourListOfFiles
Try running:
find . -type f | xargs -d "\n" tar -czvf backup.tar.gz
Why not:
tar czvf backup.tar.gz *
Sure it's clever to use find and then xargs, but you're doing it the hard way.
Update: Porges has commented with a find-option that I think is a better answer than my answer, or the other one: find -print0 ... | xargs -0 ....
If you have multiple files or directories and you want to zip them into independent *.gz file you can do this. Optional -type f -atime
find -name "httpd-log*.txt" -type f -mtime +1 -exec tar -vzcf {}.gz {} \;
This will compress
Would add a comment to #Steve Kehlet post but need 50 rep (RIP).
For anyone that has found this post through numerous googling, I found a way to not only find specific files given a time range, but also NOT include the relative paths OR whitespaces that would cause tarring errors. (THANK YOU SO MUCH STEVE.)
find . -name "*.pdf" -type f -mtime 0 -printf "%f\0" | tar -czvf /dir/zip.tar.gz --null -T -
. relative directory
-name "*.pdf" look for pdfs (or any file type)
-type f type to look for is a file
-mtime 0 look for files created in last 24 hours
-printf "%f\0" Regular -print0 OR -printf "%f" did NOT work for me. From man pages:
This quoting is performed in the same way as for GNU ls. This is not the same quoting mechanism as the one used for -ls and -fls. If you are able to decide what format to use for the output of find then it is normally better to use '\0' as a terminator than to use newline, as file names can contain white space and newline characters.
-czvf create archive, filter the archive through gzip , verbosely list files processed, archive name
Edit 2019-08-14:
I would like to add, that I was also able to use essentially use the same command in my comment, just using tar itself:
tar -czvf /archiveDir/test.tar.gz --newer-mtime=0 --ignore-failed-read *.pdf
Needed --ignore-failed-read in-case there were no new PDFs for today.
Why not give something like this a try: tar cvf scala.tar `find src -name *.scala`
Another solution as seen here:
find var/log/ -iname "anaconda.*" -exec tar -cvzf file.tar.gz {} +
The best solution seem to be to create a file list and then archive files because you can use other sources and do something else with the list.
For example this allows using the list to calculate size of the files being archived:
backupFileName="backup-big-$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M")"
# Make a list of files/directories to archive
echo "" > $listOfFilesPath
echo "${backupRoot}/uploads" >> $listOfFilesPath
echo "${backupRoot}/extra/user/data" >> $listOfFilesPath
find "${backupRoot}/drupal_root/sites/" -name "files" -type d >> $listOfFilesPath
# Size calculation
cat $listOfFilesPath | while read nextFile;do
if [ ! -z "$nextFile" ]; then
du -sb "$nextFile"
done | awk '{size+=$1} END {print size}'
# Archive with progress
## simple with dump of all files currently archived
#tar -czvf $archivePath -T $listOfFilesPath
## progress bar
echo -e "\nRunning backup [source files are $sizeForShow MiB]\n"
tar -cPp -T $listOfFilesPath | pv -s $sizeForProgress | gzip > $archivePath
Big warning on several of the solutions (and your own test) :
When you do : anything | xargs something
xargs will try to fit "as many arguments as possible" after "something", but then you may end up with multiple invocations of "something".
So your attempt: find ... | xargs tar czvf file.tgz
may end up overwriting "file.tgz" at each invocation of "tar" by xargs, and you end up with only the last invocation! (the chosen solution uses a GNU -T special parameter to avoid the problem, but not everyone has that GNU tar available)
You could do instead:
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 tar -rvf backup.tar
gzip backup.tar
Proof of the problem on cygwin:
$ mkdir test
$ cd test
$ seq 1 10000 | sed -e "s/^/long_filename_/" | xargs touch
# create the files
$ seq 1 10000 | sed -e "s/^/long_filename_/" | xargs tar czvf archive.tgz
# will invoke tar several time as it can'f fit 10000 long filenames into 1
$ tar tzvf archive.tgz | wc -l
# in my own machine, I end up with only the 60 last filenames,
# as the last invocation of tar by xargs overwrote the previous one(s)
# proper way to invoke tar: with -r (which append to an existing tar file, whereas c would overwrite it)
# caveat: you can't have it compressed (you can't add to a compressed archive)
$ seq 1 10000 | sed -e "s/^/long_filename_/" | xargs tar rvf archive.tar #-r, and without z
$ gzip archive.tar
$ tar tzvf archive.tar.gz | wc -l
# we have all our files, despite xargs making several invocations of the tar command
Note: that behavior of xargs is a well know diccifulty, and it is also why, when someone wants to do :
find .... | xargs grep "regex"
they intead have to write it:
find ..... | xargs grep "regex" /dev/null
That way, even if the last invocation of grep by xargs appends only 1 filename, grep sees at least 2 filenames (as each time it has: /dev/null, where it won't find anything, and the filename(s) appended by xargs after it) and thus will always display the file names when something maches "regex". Otherwise you may end up with the last results showing matches without a filename in front.

uncompressing a large number of files on the fly

I have a script that I need to run on a large number of files with the extension **.tar.gz*.
Instead of uncompressing them and then running the script, I want to be able to uncompress them as I run the command and then work on the uncompressed folder, all with a single command.
I think a pipe is a good solution for this but i haven't used it before. How would I do this?
The -v orders tar to print filenames as it extracts each file:
tar -xzvf file.tar.gz | xargs -I {} -d\\n myscript "{}"
This way the script will contain commands to deal with a single file, passed as a parameter (thanks to xargs) to your script ($1 in the script context).
Edit: the -I {} -d\\n part will make it work with spaces in filenames.
The following three lines of bash...
for archive in *.tar.gz; do
tar zxvf "${archive}" 2>&1 | sed -e 's!x \([^/]*\)/.*!\1!' | sort -u | xargs
...will iterate over each gzipped tarball in the current directory, decompress it, grab the top-most directories of the decompressed contents and pass those as arguments to This probably uses more pipes than you were expecting but seems to do what you are asking for.
N.B: tar xf can only take one file per invocation.
You can use a for loop:
for file in *.tar.gz; do tar -xf "$file"; your commands here; done
Or expanded:
for file in *.tar.gz; do
tar -xf "$file"
# your commands here

How can I calculate an MD5 checksum of a directory?

I need to calculate a summary MD5 checksum for all files of a particular type (*.py for example) placed under a directory and all sub-directories.
What is the best way to do that?
The proposed solutions are very nice, but this is not exactly what I need. I'm looking for a solution to get a single summary checksum which will uniquely identify the directory as a whole - including content of all its subdirectories.
Create a tar archive file on the fly and pipe that to md5sum:
tar c dir | md5sum
This produces a single MD5 hash value that should be unique to your file and sub-directory setup. No files are created on disk.
find /path/to/dir/ -type f -name "*.py" -exec md5sum {} + | awk '{print $1}' | sort | md5sum
The find command lists all the files that end in .py.
The MD5 hash value is computed for each .py file. AWK is used to pick off the MD5 hash values (ignoring the filenames, which may not be unique).
The MD5 hash values are sorted. The MD5 hash value of this sorted list is then returned.
I've tested this by copying a test directory:
rsync -a ~/pybin/ ~/pybin2/
I renamed some of the files in ~/pybin2.
The find...md5sum command returns the same output for both directories.
2bcf49a4d19ef9abd284311108d626f1 -
To take into account the file layout (paths), so the checksum changes if a file is renamed or moved, the command can be simplified:
find /path/to/dir/ -type f -name "*.py" -exec md5sum {} + | md5sum
On macOS with md5:
find /path/to/dir/ -type f -name "*.py" -exec md5 {} + | md5
ire_and_curses's suggestion of using tar c <dir> has some issues:
tar processes directory entries in the order which they are stored in the filesystem, and there is no way to change this order. This effectively can yield completely different results if you have the "same" directory on different places, and I know no way to fix this (tar cannot "sort" its input files in a particular order).
I usually care about whether groupid and ownerid numbers are the same, not necessarily whether the string representation of group/owner are the same. This is in line with what for example rsync -a --delete does: it synchronizes virtually everything (minus xattrs and acls), but it will sync owner and group based on their ID, not on string representation. So if you synced to a different system that doesn't necessarily have the same users/groups, you should add the --numeric-owner flag to tar
tar will include the filename of the directory you're checking itself, just something to be aware of.
As long as there is no fix for the first problem (or unless you're sure it does not affect you), I would not use this approach.
The proposed find-based solutions are also no good because they only include files, not directories, which becomes an issue if you the checksumming should keep in mind empty directories.
Finally, most suggested solutions don't sort consistently, because the collation might be different across systems.
This is the solution I came up with:
dir=<mydir>; (find "$dir" -type f -exec md5sum {} +; find "$dir" -type d) | LC_ALL=C sort | md5sum
Notes about this solution:
The LC_ALL=C is to ensure reliable sorting order across systems
This doesn't differentiate between a directory "named\nwithanewline" and two directories "named" and "withanewline", but the chance of that occurring seems very unlikely. One usually fixes this with a -print0 flag for find, but since there's other stuff going on here, I can only see solutions that would make the command more complicated than it's worth.
PS: one of my systems uses a limited busybox find which does not support -exec nor -print0 flags, and also it appends '/' to denote directories, while findutils find doesn't seem to, so for this machine I need to run:
dir=<mydir>; (find "$dir" -type f | while read f; do md5sum "$f"; done; find "$dir" -type d | sed 's#/$##') | LC_ALL=C sort | md5sum
Luckily, I have no files/directories with newlines in their names, so this is not an issue on that system.
If you only care about files and not empty directories, this works nicely:
find /path -type f | sort -u | xargs cat | md5sum
A solution which worked best for me:
find "$path" -type f -print0 | sort -z | xargs -r0 md5sum | md5sum
Reason why it worked best for me:
handles file names containing spaces
Ignores filesystem meta-data
Detects if file has been renamed
Issues with other answers:
Filesystem meta-data is not ignored for:
tar c - "$path" | md5sum
Does not handle file names containing spaces nor detects if file has been renamed:
find /path -type f | sort -u | xargs cat | md5sum
For the sake of completeness, there's md5deep(1); it's not directly applicable due to *.py filter requirement but should do fine together with find(1).
If you want one MD5 hash value spanning the whole directory, I would do something like
cat *.py | md5sum
Checksum all files, including both content and their filenames
grep -ar -e . /your/dir | md5sum | cut -c-32
Same as above, but only including *.py files
grep -ar -e . --include="*.py" /your/dir | md5sum | cut -c-32
You can also follow symlinks if you want
grep -aR -e . /your/dir | md5sum | cut -c-32
Other options you could consider using with grep
-s, --no-messages suppress error messages
-D, --devices=ACTION how to handle devices, FIFOs and sockets;
-Z, --null print 0 byte after FILE name
-U, --binary do not strip CR characters at EOL (MSDOS/Windows)
GNU find
find /path -type f -name "*.py" -exec md5sum "{}" +;
Technically you only need to run ls -lR *.py | md5sum. Unless you are worried about someone modifying the files and touching them back to their original dates and never changing the files' sizes, the output from ls should tell you if the file has changed. My unix-foo is weak so you might need some more command line parameters to get the create time and modification time to print. ls will also tell you if permissions on the files have changed (and I'm sure there are switches to turn that off if you don't care about that).
Using md5deep:
md5deep -r FOLDER | awk '{print $1}' | sort | md5sum
I want to add that if you are trying to do this for files/directories in a Git repository to track if they have changed, then this is the best approach:
git log -1 --format=format:%H --full-diff <file_or_dir_name>
And if it's not a Git directory/repository, then the answer by ire_and_curses is probably the best bet:
tar c <dir_name> | md5sum
However, please note that tar command will change the output hash if you run it in a different OS and stuff. If you want to be immune to that, this is the best approach, even though it doesn't look very elegant on first sight:
find <dir_name> -type f -print0 | sort -z | xargs -0 md5sum | md5sum | awk '{ print $1 }'
md5sum worked fine for me, but I had issues with sort and sorting file names. So instead I sorted by md5sum result. I also needed to exclude some files in order to create comparable results.
find . -type f -print0 \
| xargs -r0 md5sum \
| grep -v ".env" \
| grep -v "vendor/autoload.php" \
| grep -v "vendor/composer/" \
| sort -d \
| md5sum
I had the same problem so I came up with this script that just lists the MD5 hash values of the files in the directory and if it finds a subdirectory it runs again from there, for this to happen the script has to be able to run through the current directory or from a subdirectory if said argument is passed in $1
if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
# loop in current dir
ls | while read line; do
if [ -f $ecriv ] ; then
md5sum "$ecriv"
elif [ -d $ecriv ] ; then
sh myScript "$line" # call this script again
else # if a directory is specified in argument $1
ls "$1" | while read line; do
if [ -f $ecriv ] ; then
md5sum "$ecriv"
elif [ -d $ecriv ] ; then
sh myScript "$line"
If you want really independence from the file system attributes and from the bit-level differences of some tar versions, you could use cpio:
cpio -i -e theDirname | md5sum
There are two more solutions:
du -csxb /path | md5sum > file
ls -alR -I dev -I run -I sys -I tmp -I proc /path | md5sum > /tmp/file
du -csxb /path | md5sum -c file
ls -alR -I dev -I run -I sys -I tmp -I proc /path | md5sum -c /tmp/file
