Eslint expected indentation of 1 tab but found 4 spaces error - node.js

I am using VScode with latest version of Eslint. It is my first time using a linter.
I keep getting this linting error when using a tab as indentation:
severity: 'Error'
message: 'Expected indentation of 1 tab but found 4 spaces. (indent)'
at: '4,5'
source: 'eslint'
Here is my config file
"env": {
"browser": true,
"commonjs": true,
"es6": true,
"node": true
"extends": "eslint:recommended",
"rules": {
"indent": [
"linebreak-style": [
"quotes": [
"semi": [
I don't understand why this error is being thrown as I indicated tabs for indentation. It is obviously calculating my 1 tab as 4 spaced but I don't understand why it is doing that when I am pressing tab for indentation.
update: The reason is because in VScode using ctrl + shift + i to beautify code will actually use spaces and not tabs. That is the reason.

Try to disable indent inside .eslintrc.js file
rules: {
'indent': 'off'
this works fine for me

In VSCODE, go to menu:
File / Preferences / Settings then Text Editor (or just search for 'tab' in the search settings box)
Then remove the tick from the following settings:
Insert Spaces
Detect Indentation
Also to auto format the document with the default VSCode keyboard shortcut use:

If you use both eslint and prettier, don't disable indent by using {'indent': 'off'} in rules object. To ensure the consistency of your code style, you have to use this rule.
This issue is probably happened because of eslint & prettier conflict.
Try to play with different options of eslint in .eslintrc file.
If you hover the error lines in vsCode, at the end of error description you can click on that link to see eslint docs.
For example, in case of indent docs is in this link:
Eslint Indent Docs
For me, error resolved by adding this line (for ternary expressions):
rules: {
indent: [
SwitchCase: 1,
ignoredNodes: ['ConditionalExpression'], <-- I add this line
You can also try flatTernaryExpressions or offsetTernaryExpressions for ternary expressions.

You can automaticaly fix the problems with
npm run lint -- --fix

I used VScode to solve this problem. All you have to do is hold the mouse over the part where there is an error.

Wee, that exactly what it says. You have in your config "indent": [ "error", "tab" ], So it expects tab as indent. But found in your file 4 spaces. Remove spaces and put tab in you file

I had a similar problem and solved with this code:
rules: {
indent: [2, "tab"],
"no-tabs": 0,

change "editor.tabSize": 4
to "editor.tabSize": 2 in VS Code Settings

If you are using VSCODE follow the next steps.
Access the settings by clicking: code > preferences > settings, as shown in the following image.
In the settings, click: Text Editor after that, uncheck the Insert Space option and the Detect Indentation option as shown in the following image.
Restart VSCODE and your dev server.

There was a conflict between plugins in my example. I'm using eslint version 8.24.0. To fix, i just removed the rule plugin:prettier/recommended and added prettier at last position from extends as explained in eslint-config-prettier documentation. See:
"extends": [
"extends": [

I was having the same problem and I solved my problem with documentation. Instead of disabling eslint indent, you can add it as shown in the documentation.
rules: {
indent: ['error', 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 }],

In file
remove this line if have:
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
eslint conflict with prettier

It worked for me, if error is coming then just solve it line by line simply in your code,
like :
1.)Expected indentation of 2 spaces but found 8 -> then put only 2 spaces from the starting of the line
2.)Unexpected tab character -> don't use tabs, use spaces
3.)Trailing spaces not allowed -> don't give any spaces after lines end.
4.)Missing space before value for key 'name' -> put 1 space after ":" in object value
5.)A space is required after ',' -> put 1 space after "," in parameter of the function
6.)Opening curly brace does not appear on the same line as controlling statement -> just put the opening curly brace where function starts in the same line
7.)Closing curly brace should be on the same line as opening curly brace or on the line after the previous block -> put the closing curly brace just below where the function starts.

Please add the below comment at the first line of the JS file that you are customizing.
/* eslint-disable */


How to to globally disable E501 in VSCODE and pylama

I am using Visual Studio Code and pylama linter.
Currently I am added # noqa to every long line to avoid the following linter message:
line too long (100 > 79 characters) [pycodestyle]pylama(E501)
I've added "--disable=E501" to VSCODE's workspace settings.json file as shown below:
"editor.tabSize": 2,
"editor.detectIndentation": false,
"python.linting.enabled": true,
"python.linting.pylintEnabled": false,
"python.linting.flake8Enabled": false,
"python.linting.pycodestyleEnabled": false,
"python.linting.pylamaEnabled": true,
"[python]": {
"editor.tabSize": 4
"python.linting.pylama": [
but still I get E501.
How can I disable E501 in my VSCODE workspace for good?
For other linters, the .settings file seems to be looking for
so I recommend trying:
"python.linting.pylamaArgs": [
or potentially
python.linting.pylamaArgs": ["--disable=E501"]
See also:
that seems to suggest the same:
pylamaArgs [] Additional arguments for pylama, where each top-level element that's separated by a space is a separate item in the list.

VS code VIM extension copy and paste

Is there a normal way to copy and paste in vs code using vim extension?
I've tried mapping VIM register commands to the shortcut commands I'm used to (ctrl + c for copying and ctrl + v for pasting), but the results are pretty weird and I'm not sure how to do this correctly.
While using vim the key bindings were quite simple,
vimrc file:
map <C-c> "+y
map <C-v> "+p
Now I try to migrate those to vs-code by editting json.settings file:
"vim.visualModeKeyBindings": [
"before": ["<C-c>"],
"after": ["\"", "+", "y"]
"before": ["<C-v>"],
"after": ["\"", "+", "p"]
], }
I want this to operate both in visual mode and in normal mode (for pasting), and be able to copy and paste from clipboard using these shortcuts.
How to do this correctly?
Is there another way to do this?
Vim - extension config flag
Tick the checkbox in settings by searching for "vim clip".
Paste the following inside your VS Code's settings.json file:
"vim.useSystemClipboard": true
Access VSCode settings.json file:
Press Ctrl + , (or go to File > Preferences > Settings)
Click the icon: "file with arrow" in the top right corner
Settings found in VSCodeVim/Vim repository quick-example
Rather than rebinding, you can simply stop the vscodevim extension from handling Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V entirely, which then allows VSCode to handle them natively. This can be done by placing the below code in the extension's settings.json file:
"vim.handleKeys": {
"<C-c>": false,
"<C-v>": false
This will work regardless of which mode you're in, and will perfectly accommodate the system clipboard. I'm not sure if the <C-c> is necessary, but the <C-v> definitely is, as <C-v> is the standard Vim chord to enter visual block mode.
As an aside, your rebind method is perfectly valid; it just requires a bit more code:
// For visual mode
"vim.visualModeKeyBindings": [
"before": ["<C-c>"],
"after": ["\"", "+", "y"]
"before": ["<C-v>"],
"after": ["\"", "+", "p"]
// For normal mode
"vim.normalModeKeyBindings": [
"before": ["<C-c>"],
"after": ["\"", "+", "y"]
"before": ["<C-v>"],
"after": ["\"", "+", "p"]
In the latest version of VS code (on Linux, flatpak version, 1.68.1) and vim addon (at the time of writing), this can be easily enabled by ticking the "Vim: Use System Clipboard".
Note: You can open settings by Ctrl+, then search for 'vim clipboard'
I have found that one can use CTRL+INSERT / SHIFT+INSERT successfully with VS Code VIM to copy to/from the system clipboard without stumbling over the VIM buffers.
For context, I'm running VS Code on WSL2 on Windows.
Use vs code default copy, paste, delete line.
"vim.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
"before": ["d","d"],
"when":"textInputFocus && !editorReadonly"
"when":"textInputFocus && !editorReadonly"
You can also access system clipboard with vim
In INSERT mode hit CTRL+R then * or +
If you use Linux (or a terminal itself) you must know that for copy and paste you add the shift key in the middle, that is:
ctrl + shift + c to copy
ctrl + shift + v to paste
Thus, for me is more simple to remember this, and add it to the configuration, because it helps me to see VS Code as a "terminal".
Preferences: Open Keyboard shortcuts (JSON)
Add this
"key": "ctrl+shift+c",
"command": "editor.action.clipboardCopyAction"
"key": "ctrl+shift+v",
"command": "editor.action.clipboardPasteAction"
For mac users,
add this into the settings.json
"<D-c>": false
Access VSCode settings.json file:
Press Cmd + , (or go to File > Preferences > Settings)
Click the icon: "file with arrow" in the top right corner

Chrome says my content script isn't UTF-8

Receiving the error Could not load file 'worker.js' for content script. It isn't UTF-8 encoded.
> file -I chrome/worker.js
chrome/worker.js: text/plain; charset=utf-8
With to-utf8-unix
> to-utf8-unix chrome/worker.js
Detected charset:
Confidence of charset detection:
Conversion not needed.
I also tried converting the file with Sublime Text back and forth without any luck.
"content_scripts": [{
"matches": ["*"],
"js": ["worker.js"]
The file in question:
It is a compiled javascript file spit out from clojurescript with cljsbuild:
{:id "chrome-worker"
:source-paths ["src/chrome/worker"],
:compiler {:output-to "chrome/worker.js",
:optimizations :simple,
:pretty-print false}}
Other files (options page, background) are compiled the same way and don't generate this error. I tried getting rid of weird characters like Emojis but that didn't fix the problem.
In case you are using Webpack you can solve it by replacing the default minifier Uglify with Terser, which won´t produce those encoding issues.
in your webpack.conf.js add
const TerserPlugin = require('terser-webpack-plugin');
// add this into your config object
optimization: {
minimize: true,
minimizer: [
new TerserPlugin({
parallel: true,
terserOptions: {
ecma: 6,
output: {
ascii_only: true
It turns out this is a problem within the google closure compiler that clojurescript uses to generate javascript -
A workaround is to set compilation to "US-ASCII"
:closure-output-charset "US-ASCII"
Thanks a to to pesterhazy from the clojurians slack for helping with this!
Had this error get thrown after editing working source code in WordPad. When I saved the file in WordPad, the encoding was lost. To fix it, open the same file in NotePad, Save as, and specify "UTF-8" in the Encoding drop down menu next to the save button.
In case anyone has this issue with Parcel, just add a .terserrc file with this content.
"ecma": 6,
"output": {
"ascii_only": true
This is an adaptation of #marian-klühspies response

How to fix Jest "No Tests Found" on windows 10?

I am trying to use Jest on my windows 10 desktop computer, but it keeps telling me that there are no tests found. On my windows 10 laptop, it works just fine. Here is the output I am getting on my desktop:
C:\app> jest
No tests found
In C:\app
25163 files checked.
testMatch: **/__tests__/**/*.js?(x),**/?(*.)(spec|test).js?(x) - 743 matches
testPathIgnorePatterns: \\node_modules\\ - 25163 matches
Pattern: "" - 0 matches
In my package.json file, my jest config looks like this:
"jest": {
"collectCoverageFrom": [
"coverageThreshold": {
"global": {
"statements": 98,
"branches": 91,
"functions": 98,
"lines": 98
"moduleDirectories": [
"moduleNameMapper": {
".*\\.(css|less|styl|scss|sass)$": "<rootDir>/internals/mocks/cssModule.js",
".*\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|eot|otf|webp|svg|ttf|woff|woff2|mp4|webm|wav|mp3|m4a|aac|oga)$": "<rootDir>/internals/mocks/image.js"
"setupTestFrameworkScriptFile": "<rootDir>/internals/testing/test-bundler.js"
I am using node 8.1.4 and jest v20.0.4
Any ideas on how to get jest to locate my tests?
I am not 100% sure its the same issue. But what solved it for me was to get rid of watchman (I added it in on path for another project that used relay). Try to run with --no-watchman (or set watchman: false in jest config)
Seeing this issue with Jest 24.8.0. It seems if you add --runTestsByPath it will correctly handle forward/backspaces,
There is a discussion of the issue, with the following suggested VSCode debug configuration
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"name": "Jest Current File",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/.bin/jest",
"args": [
"--runTestsByPath", // This ensures the next line is treated as a path
"${relativeFile}", // This path may contain backslashes on windows
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"internalConsoleOptions": "neverOpen",
"disableOptimisticBPs": true,
"windows": {
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/jest/bin/jest",
For anyone attempting to find out how to fix this issue, this was a bug in Jest that was fixed in v22.
Changelog: (PR #5054)
If I run the console command
jest test/components/checkBox/treezCheckBox.test.js
the tests in that file are found and executed.
If I instead run the console command
jest test\components\checkBox\treezCheckBox.test.js
I get the error
No tests found, exiting with code 1
Run with `--passWithNoTests` to exit with code 0
In D:\treezjs
814 files checked.
testMatch: **/__tests__/**/*.[jt]s?(x), **/?(*.)+(spec|test).[tj]s?(x) - 44 matches
testPathIgnorePatterns: \\node_modules\\ - 814 matches
testRegex: - 0 matches
Pattern: test\components\checkBox\treezCheckBox.test.js - 0 matches
=> It seems to be important if forward or backward slashes are used.
Using doubled backward slashes works:
jest test\\components\\checkBox\\treezCheckBox.test.js
If you use a vscode launch configuration with a file path variable ${file}, the resulting system command unfortunately contains single "\" as separator.
Also see discussion and linked issues at
(Last statement is outdated; ${relativeFile} also uses "\".)
Work around: Use a debug extension (e.g. Daddy Jest) instead of a custom launch configuration.
I have removed -- --watch from package.json where I wrote "test" : "jest -- --watch"

How to disable "do not use ids in selectors" in sublime text

In sublime text 3 with the sublimelinter plugin (linter / css) how to disable these warnings IDs and padding specifically
CSSLint allows you to disable its rules using the .csslintrc in your project root.
"ids": false
The same thing can be achieved using Sublime Linter's own configuration file, which is basically making use of CSSLint's --ignore command-line parameter.
"linters": {
"csslint": {
"ignore": ["ids]
