I am planning a P2P collaborative editing software and I was planning on going with WOOT. The problem would have been that I would have had loads and loads of tombstones (atoms are characters...) so I searched more and found this PDF about the Logoot approach. Everything is clear to me apart from one thing: why does every site need a clock? I couldn't find anything in the document that mentions the purpose of this value.
Is there a situation which requires a clock to be solved without conflict?
I was wondering this too. Not an official source, but according to the docs for npm's logoot package:
Note that vector clock values are not compared. Vector clock values
are used to ensure unique atom identifiers, not for ordering.
Is there a situation which requires a clock to be solved without conflict?
There is, and it took me way more time to realize that than i'm willing to admit:
Say we have an array A = [P] (where P is logoot position) and two clients C1 and C2.
C1 does this: delete(P), insert(P); local A = [P]
C2 does this: delete(P); local A = []
after C2 applies C1 operations it gets A = [P]
after C1 applies C2 operations it gets A = []
Since logoot doesn't use tombstones a client could generate a position it itself deleted before, thus you need clock to avoid aforementioned situation.
the decimal type takes 128 bits, so it is not naturally an atomic write.
I tried:
Interlocked.Exchange(ref myField, some new value)
but then I saw that decimal is not part of the supported types with Interlocked.Exchange.
I was thinking that doing a lock may be a little bit heavy for this write. Are there any other options?
As you said, Interlocked.Exchange can only work with 32bit or 64bit values, so it does not support decimal. Aside from using locks, one suggestion from a related C# StackOverflow post is to wrap the value in an object and then use Interlocked.Exchange to swap the object references. In F#, this would look like this:
type Boxed<'T when 'T : struct>(v:'T) =
member x.Value = v
let mutable d1 = Boxed(1M)
let d2 = Boxed(2M)
Interlocked.Exchange(&d1, d2)
The question is whether the overhead of an additional instance is greater than the overhead of using lock - I think this will depend on your specific case. If you have just a few decimals that you're working with, the extra objects may not be such a big deal, but you'll probably need to run some tests to find out.
First I have Hands = Set[Tuple[str,str]] to represents the suits and ranks of the card respectively( Hands = {("Diamonds", "4"),("Clubs","J"),...}). then I have to check if Hands contain straight flush combination(All 5 cards have the same suit in sequence.) I tried using for loop to check if all the cards have same suits but the problem is that I can't slice the element inside set. After that I am stumped. Is there a way to return a boolean that indicate whether variable Hands is straight flush?
Here is my code I have been working on
Hands = Set[Tuple[str,str]]
h = {("Diamonds", "Q"),("Diamonds","J"),("Diamonds","K"),("Diamonds","A"),("Diamonds","2")}
def is_sflush(h:Hands) -> bool:
for i in h:
if h[i][0] == h[i+1][0]: #This is where I am wrong and need help here
This sounds like a H/W problem, so not to give away the farm...
you have 2 checks to figure out: same suit and sequential. Do them separately.
For the "same suit", I recommend making a set of the suits from the cards (not the ranks), which you can do from a set comprehension. What will the size of that set tell you?
The sequential part is a bit more work. :) You might need an extra data structure that has the correct sequencing or position of the cards as something to compare against. Several strategies could work.
I would like to represent the timestamp coming from an HTMLMediaElement. Its defining characteristics are:
Its value is represented as a Double
It can be queried at any time using getCurrentTime :: IO Double (as partially applied on a given HTMLMediaElement)
It is potentially continuously changing (whenever the media player is playing)
My initial plan was to represent it as a Behavior t Double that re-runs the IO Double every time it is observed, but that hasn't worked out too well.
Things I've tried:
Using a Behavior that is prodded under the hood at a fixed frequency, as described in the workaround section of this question
Passing an Event t () representing the desired sampling frequency, and returning an Event t Double that holds the coinciding timestamps
I don't really like either -- the first one either couples the behaviour (sorry) too much to my specific use case (if I use the eventual sampling frequency I'll use in my app) or seems wasteful (if I use something like 1 kHz sampling when creating the Behavior just to then sample it at 60 Hz on the application end), and the second is quite inflexible if you want to do more than one thing with the timestamp at different sampling rates.
Right now, using an Event to explicitly sample the time (your second option) value is your best bet. We haven't yet created a way to write Behaviors that lazily poll outside resources, although that is something that I hope we'll be able to get done soon.
Keep in mind that, with your second option, you don't necessarily need to use a specific sampling rate; instead, you can sample on-demand, and even have multiple locations doing that sampling. It's not perfect, but I hope that'll let you get the job done!
I have only been programming in Natural for a couple of weeks over the course of a couple of years. I only do enough of it to get myself by.
Question: What is the difference between the MOVE a TO b and the a = b?
A = B
C = D
If you are using a Licensed product, you should have access to documentation at your site.
Software AG are the vendor. I found this with a simple internet search: http://documentation.softwareag.com/natural/nat638vms/general/print.htm
That is a manual for Natural on OpenVMS. It makes references to the Mainframe version, and looks good enough to answer your question.
This seems to be, at the simplest level, they are the same. However, if you want to do a calculation, you need the COMPUTE =, that can't be done with MOVE. There are various formats of the MOVE statement.
I have never used Natural, and can't test it. You have access to the product, that along with documentation will allow you to provide a full answer for yourself.
I think from what I can remember of Natural that basically they are they same. But I also remember that there are some difference.
For the most part I used = just because if you are using C++ that is a more common way of looking at it.
MOVE Your-Value TO Another-Value
is for the most part equal to
Another-Value = Your-Value
But I think where it is different slightly is as to what computations that you can and cannot perform with the = rather than the MOVE. You can MOVE to multiple values like below but the = can only move to a single variable.
MOVE A TO C D BaseBallScore
This is very useful if you have to move a lot of values at one time to several different counters but you could move one at a time. Like below
MOVE A TO BaseBallScore
There are also some functions that you can use with the MOVE that make it a nice option. Such as rounding a number
MOVE ROUNDED Value To NewValue <-- ROUNDED can take different parameters
Here is another function SUBSTRING that will let you move a part of a string to another part of the string. Normally I use the = just because that is how the boss does it but the MOVE statement gives a programmer a bit more flexibility.
An online reference for the move is located here:
I am going through a Udacity course and in one of the lectures (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPQ-g8xkIAQ&feature=player_embedded), the professor gives the function high_common_bits which (taken verbatim from the lecture) looks like this in pseudocode:
function high_common_bits(a,b):
- high order bits that a+b in common
- highest differing bit set
- all remaining bits clear
As an example:
a = 10101
b = 10011
high_common_bits(a,b) => 10100
He then says that this function is used in highly-optimized implementations of tries. Does anyone happen to know which exact implementation he's referring to?
If you are looking for a highly optimized bitwise compressed trie (aka Radix Tree). The BSD routing table uses one in it's implementation. The code is not easy to read though.
He was talking about Succinct Tries, tries in which each node requires only two bits to store (the theoretical minimum).
Steve Hanov wrote a very approachable blog post on Succinct Tries here. You can also read the original paper by Guy Jacobson (written as recently as 1989) which introduced them here.
A compressed trie stores a prefix in one node, then branches from that node to each possible item that's been seen that starts with that prefix.
In this case he's apparently doing a bit-wise trie, so it's storing a prefix of bits -- i.e., the bits at the beginning that the items have in common go in one node, then there are two branches from that node, one to a node for the next bit being a 0, and the other for the next bit being a 1. Presumably those nodes will be compressed as well, so they won't just store the next single bit, but instead store a number of bits that all matched in the items inserted into the trie so far.
In fact, the next bit following a given node may not be stored in the following nodes at all. That bit can be implicit in the link that's followed, so the next nodes store only bits after that.